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Intelligence/Special Operations - Ideas

Ladies and gents, I've combed everything up and down, and I can't find an actual dedicated Intel team. So let's fix that. This will be separate to the military, mind.

I'm a fan of people creating their own content, so I'ma tag people who are looking for intel roles - and, of course, if you're interested in being a part of it, contribute too. Come up with something as a group, present me a cohesive package, and I'll sign off on it. Cool? Cool.

[member="Fixx Kearney"] [member="Felicity Vorana"] [member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]

Connor Harrison

[member="Zane Watts"] Sounds good!

I just feel there's lots of FU activity out there it's easy to get involved with, and little for NFUs to be just as active and important (because the Force enables people to do so much more, and I want to see if I can make my NFU just as important to a Faction as a FU).

I think maybe an operation to get intel from behind enemy lines, or an observation assignment on a suspected target.

I take lots of my ideas from Bond films and even 'Assassins Creed' games with that thread of stealth, espionage and danger always being present.

As Fixx is a lone operator, he could be forced to mix with others the more he gets involved in the Republic or come across people out in the field on the same mission he thought he was doing alone.

But ideas are to be thrown about, I'm up to try anything that works and can be done well. :)
[member="Fixx Kearney"] - Would you feel that a 'solo operative' thing a la Kyle Katarn-style spywork, or more like groups, like oldschool Rebel SpecForce would be better?

Connor Harrison

[member="Zane Watts"] I'll never dictate how people should want to RP, and I'll work with anyone in a situation true to character, but for me....I think solo Kyle Katarn-esque missions would be really good, at least for Fixx, but if others do group ops, they can easily be willingly or forced to join up or share intel at certain points.

Felicity Vorana

[member="Zane Watts"]

I am in too,

Felicity works alone too, she hates someone interrupting her while she's on a job and she doesn't want anyone to see her while working because she has some secrets.

But of course she can work with other people too, being a little mysterious and getting some respect for her work would help her stay as a good one.

As her story, she always gets some of the info to her memory card so that's why because she prefers working alone.

Not that she's a traitor or anything. :D

As [member="Fixx Kearney"] said, NFUs need to get some action too.
If you ever need the help of a Jedi for any of these operations, I'd like to volunteer my services. Ayden has experience in the Coruscant Security Force and I'd like to keep him on the intelligence/investigation path. He also doesn't have much Force or lightsaber combat skills, which should keep him in line with the NFU's.

Connor Harrison

[member="Kian Karr"] I'm on it....if no-one else minds of course?

I'd love a crack at establishing it.
[member="Fixx Kearney"] [member="Felicity Vorana"]

I'm with you both. Just silently consuming ice cream at all your badassery and lone-operative slang terms whilst looking down at my pedigree of oh... Farms.
[member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]

No worry. [member="Kiyron "]comes from a farming background as well, and now he's a Colonel in the Republic Army.

Also, I might be involved, as I'm working on some stuff to get Veino into independant, deep cover, long term work for some reason or other.
Awesome. Love the ideas so far.

So, single-agents, can make strike-teams as need be is what I'm picking up from this. I'm down for that. Agents will be assigned their own personal vessels for missions, or can register their own.

Anyone have a recommendation for a name for this branch?

Ranks, perhaps? Something short, sweet and simple without excess clutter would be excellent.

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