Zane Watts
Wu Tang Forever
Ladies and gents, I've combed everything up and down, and I can't find an actual dedicated Intel team. So let's fix that. This will be separate to the military, mind.
I'm a fan of people creating their own content, so I'ma tag people who are looking for intel roles - and, of course, if you're interested in being a part of it, contribute too. Come up with something as a group, present me a cohesive package, and I'll sign off on it. Cool? Cool.
[member="Fixx Kearney"] [member="Felicity Vorana"] [member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]
I'm a fan of people creating their own content, so I'ma tag people who are looking for intel roles - and, of course, if you're interested in being a part of it, contribute too. Come up with something as a group, present me a cohesive package, and I'll sign off on it. Cool? Cool.
[member="Fixx Kearney"] [member="Felicity Vorana"] [member="Zun of Concord Dawn"]