Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Inqusition Industries™

Chance Bonaventure

I have a custom order that needs completion. Are you able to do it? The following work order is currently open, but if you can, I will close it and you can claim the credits and bonus.

Custom Order:
  • Field Support Droid: I need a droid that is capable of storing items inside - ammunition, support items (grenades, stim packs, etc) - that can be controlled by my helmet interface to perform automated movement functions. The droid needs to be somewhat resistant to damage, and preferably has multiple methods of transporting itself - wheels, repulsors - with advanced droid systems to avoid obstacles and move to designated areas by command, in an adaptive manner. A Faraday cage setup to avoid ion or emp damage, would be ideal. The unit doesn't have to be big, ideally around the size of a horizontal R2 unit. Capacity for air circulation is required, just in case, as well as a locking mechanism to avoid unwanted entry.
Self-defense weaponry is acceptable, but otherwise it doesn't need to be armed. Basic shielding would be ideal, as well as the ability to evade rapidly should it come under fire or threat.

  • Portable Tactical Sensor Jammer: I need a hand-held, or carried, jamming device with a decent range of about 800m-1000m, enough to lock out communications or sensor and targeting equipment if required. Ideally, like this item, I'd like for the device to be encoded with my own systems and droid so as to avoid shorting them out at the same time. A jammer-frequency scrambling function that adjusts the devices frequency randomly (including its link to my equipment), to avoid overcoming it too easily, would be ideal.


For payment, I will provide asking price, as well as a bonus of 20% for rapid delivery.

Additionally, on completion of these items, the contractor will be given a 25% discount on a single approved bounty contract claim, out of my own pocket, as incentive for timely completion of this order.

Chance Bonaventure

[member="Sanya Val Swift"]

A few weeks? No need to get it done in a day or two, though a few weeks would be fine if you can make it work.

I have some hunts coming up that I need specifics for.

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