Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Innocent Friends

Location: Coruscant
Gear: Amelia’s Lightsaber, Amelia’s Shotosaber, Jedi Robes
Tag: Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn

Under normal circumstances Amelia wouldn’t even come to the Deep Core region as it was not only outside of Silver Jedi jurisdiction, but it was also outside what her job was supposed to be. Being a Silver Warden meant that she was focused on traveling through the Wild Space taking on various Sithspawn and dark side spirits in order to keep the peace. However, one of the people that Amelia considered to be friends from Nar Shadaa spoke out of a particular crime lord that went by the name of Edgar Scarpa that apparently was based in Coruscant. Apparently, the crime lord had friends in high places and was granted a bit of leniency so long as there wasn’t concrete proof of his involvement in nefarious affairs. Well in this case, Amelia’s friend recently had a family member killed by an assassin droid, and within the droid’s memory banks contained an audio and visual of Edgar Scarpa making a deal with a Galactic Alliance officer. It was the kind of deal that involved getting profit by trading spices and other illicit goods that came through the network. In exchange the officer would look the other way when said goods came through the inspections.

Amelia knew that she wouldn’t be able to deal with the officer as it was a personnel of another faction against her own. There was only so much a jedi’s influence could accomplish, and even if it did succeed any word would have reached Edgar Scarpa which would allow him to escape before they could capture him. Besides, Edgar was definite proof of not only dealing with spices, but apparently even assassin droids as well. Amelia needs a personal audience with said crime lord and find out where he’s been getting these droids. Just so that she could hand the information over to the honorable authorities within the Silver Jedi to shut down whatever was producing these droids.

Her ship hummed with vigorous life as the sound reverberated from the incoming traffic within Coruscant. It wasn’t exactly her first time being on such a planet, but Amelia never liked the planet either. Too much of a metallic world that swallowed up the planet. Fortunately she had a destination already in place, and that happened to be a private dock which belonged to Edgar Scarpa. It was an outside platform that led up to a relatively small building. It certainly served as an office of sorts, but Amelia didn’t particularly care for it or the basic docking procedures. There was already a couple of ships on the dock as well, but enough space for her Mercury-class light freighter to land nonetheless.

In the midst of this however, Amelia felt something within the Force. Granted there was a lot of activity that buzzed with life, but there was one anomaly that stood out compared to the rest. Amelia couldn’t place her finger on it, but either way she hoped that the anomaly wasn’t going to defend Edgar. Even if there were assassin droids in place, fighting off another trained force sensitive would possibly be too much even for Amelia. Regardless, the jedi knight docked on the platform, and she barely got out when the large heavy doors slid open to reveal a tall man garbed in fine clothes. Short blonde hair akin to sand with a pair of green eyes. In his hand however, was a detonator. Angrily, he jabs his fist in the air towards Amelia.

”Did you really think that you could just waltz in here Jedi?!” Without even waiting for a response, Edgar pushed the button as a metal-rending explosion erupted underneath the platform. The mere shockwave of the explosion knocked Amelia down as she felt the stinging heat press against her face. The pathway that led to the building collapsed into the bottomless pit as the platform that held the ships was only held by the secondary attachment to the opposite side. Joining two of the buildings together in a sense, or at least that’s what it originally was.

Amelia winced as she felt like she was just hit by something large. Her body ached and her ears rang loudly. Edgar was spouting something else, but Amelia couldn’t even hear him before he retreated back to the safety of his office. With the pair of heavy durasteel doors closed behind him. Soot was smeared on the left side of her face as she stood up to her feet and her hearing gradually came back. Other than that she didn’t sustain any life threatening damage.

”I am definitely going to feel that in the morning…” Amelia grimaced as she started to gather her bearings. There was no connection to Edgar’s office anymore, and the gap was too large for even her to jump with the Force aiding her. Well, perhaps she could make that jump, but Amelia didn’t trust that would be enough to carry her over to the otherside. A howl of an aircar could be heard overhead that brought Amelia’s attention up to a bridge that apparently connected to the upper levels. There were even more than a couple of heads looking over the railing down to her with both curiosity and worry. However she saw that by making her way to that bridge there was a path from the connected buildings that could allow Amelia to drop at Edgar’s door.

With that in mind, Amelia got to work by leaping to the building opposite of Edgar’s office. There she swiftly climbed along the sides of the taller buildings as metallic rings and scrapes along concrete as her metal claws originally hidden on the palms of her hands. Then with a backflip leap, Amelia twirled her body to land on the bridge as some people were startled that she even got up nearly ten meters along a path they didn’t think was possible aside from a grappling hook.

”Sorry.” Amelia quickly apologized to the citizens as she took the claws off from her hands and stowed them under her robe. She made her way to the otherside of the bridge as she was mentally charting a course to get to that blasted office. When she suddenly felt the shift in the Force again, except it was much closer this time than the last.
The art of dancing in the light
Coruscant is a planet among planets, a veritable symbol of power and wealth, the seat of all Galactic Alliance power with a population of nearly a trillion.
But surprisingly, neither the planet in question nor its history had ever appealed to Neryn's mind. Although she had read much about the history of the planet, once in the hands of theEternal Empire of the Rakatan and.
this place was the cradle of humanity. And now, riddled with square kilometres of multi-leveled skyscrapers and buildings, the planet continued to win the hearts of those who wished to find a place in the galactic elite.

The girl quietly walked around the city with a feeling of certainty that she would stumble upon something unusual on this concrete, iron and glass-filled planet, as wherever she went she always had to
between two sides of life, which unfortunately, or fortunately, she had become accustomed to. Eventually, the many kilometres of walking led her to a rather premium and expensive area of the upper levels, where just at that moment one could hear the loud sound of a fallen piece of
of the docking bridge , to where Neryn began to speed up her step which turned into a run, as the desire to see a living being would be better than buying the most expensive and highest quality dresses : life or money, and when that choice is made, it is always money that wins.

At that moment the feeling of movement and jumping with the help of the force became clearer in the girl's senses, and she herself penetrated deep enough into the ruined part of the building to use it, which was a good sign for her as she came across a real Jedi knight, who was slightly damaged, but apparently was still
followed her plans or the mission she had been entrusted with. She wasn't thinking about faction membership, she just wanted to help as much as her skills allowed, and jumping in front of the girl, Neryn raised her arms so that the latter could see that she wasn't wearing a weapon and asked sweetly smiling

"Hi there, do you need any help? You look a little tired. And my name is Naivia Neryn."

Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra
Most people had an image of jedi, an image of heroes, heroes that remained invincible no matter the odds. No matter how grim it would be. However, the reality is something Amelia faced everyday. Sometimes that reality shakes the image, and Amelia's robes were singed and actually had a couple of tears. Of course, she wasn't going around shouting what she was, but it certainly didn't take much for people to assume that she was a Jedi at least.

The presence, the anomaly that Amelia felt earlier was strangely in front of Amelia with hands up and empty. Frankly she didn't have time to play 20 Questions.

"I am fine, but you might want to alert the authorities about the debris that dropped into the lower levels. Who knows what else got caught in that mess." Amelia quickly answered before she started to move past Naivia.

"Amelia Venthyra." The Jedi followed up before she was completely stepping past Naivia. Not exactly in a secretive manner, but rather Amelia was against the clock to catch this criminal before he formulates an escape plan. If he didn't have one already of course. Amelia would begin to make quick work from jumping off from the bridge to land on top of a building next to Edgar's office. A couple of careful jumps later and Amelia would land in front of the heavy doors. However, the doors now appeared to be locked. Yet another obstacle in her path from her target.

Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn
The art of dancing in the light
Thank goodness Neryn was an independent enough girl and it was in her power to warn the population of the lower levels of the possible danger that would come from the debris that would fall on the inhabitants' heads and it could end in death for most. Afterwards she heard the Jedi's name from which she concluded that once her mission was over they could still meet.
She replied sharply.

"Naivia Neryn, see you after your mission."

She easily jumped over the high structure with the help of force and finding an easy path to the lower floors of the skyscraper began to make her way there, where she took a comfortable position and used her strength to move all the debris towards the large trash bin, consisting of
mainly consisting of chalk and other unnecessary parts, which some future engineer will find useful. As soon as she did so, with her whole body she rushed to evacuate a possible 5 floors under this premium block, which luckily worked.
In the end all she had to do was to get to the surface of Coruscant and try to get as close as possible to the office, where perhaps there was already a confrontation between Amelia Venthyra and the one she probably needed for private or other reasons.
From the outside Neryn looked like an ordinary citizen and the only things that distinguished her were the strange drawings on her black robe and a look of knowledge and wisdom beyond her years.

Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra
It was a relief that the Force lady wasn't an enemy, or an obstacle even.. It certainly would’ve caused more problems and would have consumed more time than Amelia would’ve liked. The red head nodded her head in acknowledgement before she made her way over to the office in question. The main obstacle was the doors were locked, and the lock was magnetically sealed as well. Any attempt to splice or even break through would’ve taken a lot of time or even outright impossible to achieve. Amelia hid her growing frustration, not at the fact that things were definitely not going as planned, but rather the fact that her hand was forced to her lightsaber.

Amelia pulls out her lightsaber before igniting a purple blade, and with a precise thrust into the middle of the heavy doors Amelia buried her lightsaber nearly to the hilt. It began to slowly glow with gold as intense heat began to emit from the affected area. Pieces of hot metal began to fall from the door as Amelia continued to essentially melt her way through. Then the redhead Jedi pulled her saber from the partially melted door, and with one extended free hand. Amelia took control over the built up heat from the door and amplified it. Manipulated the metal through the heat to bend the door and forcing it to open outward. Similar resemblance to molten, golden wings stretching out towards Coruscant.

”You should’ve ran when you had the chance, Jedi.” A different voice came from the other side of the door as it revealed a lobby of polished marble with two lifts on the side. It was almost barren of life save for two people. Both appeared to be humanoid, and both were dressed from head to toe in grey tunics and headwraps. Only their eyes was the only skin that could be seen, but what really drew Amelia’s attention was the sudden presence of something cold and hungry. One of the pair activated a sanguine blade, and the other stretched their empty hands out in preparation to probably use telekinesis or so Amelia wagered.

”I didn’t realize that businessmen dipped their hands into acolytes as well. Edgar continues to surprise me with all that he’s been up to these days.” Amelia responded as she strode in the lobby with her own lightsaber in hand. Anger was etched in the lightsaber-wielding acolyte before he charged at Amelia with a war cry. A cry that reverberated from the walls. From one hand, Amelia telekinetically pulled the weaponless darksider’s tunic to suddenly go over his head. Blocking any visual sight, and in a fit of frustration was focused on forcing the tunic down. In that instance, as the other acolyte went for a powerful downward swing of his lightsaber. Amelia merely twisted her body with a spin of her own to avoid the lightsaber, and in one motion her lightsaber swung upward and sliced both of his hands off.

Amelia continued to stride along the lobby towards the only standing acolyte. What were originally cries of battle quickly turned into cries of pain as the one who held the lightsaber crumbled to the ground in disbelief. There was a bit of fear that was building up within them, and through that fear the acolyte willed the force to pull the lightsaber towards his outstretched hand. He failed to consider how Amelia would handle it as she snatched the lightsaber midway with her other hand. Most Jedi would feel obligated to never use a red lightsaber due to the fact that a red lightsaber was the result of a kyber crystal bleeding out so to speak. However, Amelia ignites the crimson blade as she continues to close the distance at a leisurely pace.

”No… wait… please don’t!” The man fell down with a failed attempt to tumble as he shielded himself with his arms. His eyes closed shut in anticipation of the blade meeting his flesh. However, the metallic footsteps from her boots not only got incredibly close, the acolyte felt the brush of cloth over his hand. When he opened his eyes, the darksider stared in disbelief as Amelia walked past him and headed towards one of the lifts. A purple lightsaber on one hand, and a sanguine lightsaber on the other.

Thankfully the lift worked as it took Amelia to the top floor that was exclusively for Edgar’s use only. Or at least that’s what the note said on the lift at any rate. The door opened to reveal an expansive room with fake plants lining up along the smooth, blue marble walls. At the center was a polished white desk shaped like the crescent of a moon and it had a terminal in the middle. Standing behind said desk was none other than Edgar himself. Only this time he held a pistol that was trained at Amelia, and he fired more than a few shots at the redhead. She gracefully deflected the blaster bolts away from her as she advanced ever closer to Edgar. Purple and red streaks the air as each blade traveled to meet from one blaster bolt to the other, and on the final bolt Amelia redirected to specifically knock the pistol out of his hand.

Edgar hissed as he tried to shake off the sudden sharp pain, but immediately stopped when Amelia held both lightsabers close to his neck.

”Now then, are you willing to talk finally or are we going to keep doing this dance?” Amelia questioned as his green eyes shifted from her own eyes to the two energy blades that were a bit too close for comfort. He swallowed a bit before he hesitantly began to speak.

”W-well, let’s not be so hasty here! I-I can tell you whatever it is that you want to know. If you let me live, of course.” There was a pause of silence before Amelia deactivated the lightsabers. Edgar exhaled with relief before he reached for a drawer in his desk. Within the drawer was a datapad.

”I want to know who has been supplying you with assassin droids.” He hesitated at the mention of assassin droids. It was a delicate topic for him, and for someone to cause all of this trouble for droids was beyond him. To Edgar, the droids were a means to an end with little to no risk of betraying their allegiance or objective. He licked his lips before he tried to fake a smile.

”Assassin droids you say? I’m afraid that I don’t…” Edgar tried to play it off, but the sincere look of doubt from Amelia told him that she wasn’t buying any of it. It was the kind of look of someone who knew full well what he did. Without saying anything further, he reluctantly tapped on his datapad before bringing up what appeared to be a factory with coordinates. Apparently the factory also produced HK units as well, but the coordinates indicate that it was located at Raxus Prime. It certainly was a bit far out, but at least there were some leads to go with. Edgar thought he was safe until Amelia suddenly grabbed his arm and dragged him over to the lift.

”Great, now you are coming with me.” Of course Edgar attempted to protest the whole way down to the lobby until he saw one acolyte had no hands and the other was cowering in a corner. Any fight he had left suddenly dropped in disbelief before he muttered more so to himself.

”Are you… even a Jedi?”

”One and the same.” Amelia nonchalantly answered before they step out into the light that peered through the open door. Where Amelia will gladly hand him over to the authorities and hand them a particular datacard which Amelia informed them was from an assassin droid that Edgar had purchased and tasked. The two acolytes were also turned over to the authorities, but the one without the hands was actually taken to the hospital with the severed hands kept in ice. By the end of it, Amelia breathed a little bit as her shoulders slightly relaxed. Of course she doesn’t have the other lightsaber either. Amelia instead cut open the lightsaber and plucked the kyber crystal from it before tucking it away within her robes. Essentially throwing the husk of a lightsaber away into the seemingly bottomless pit.

Naivia Neryn Naivia Neryn
The art of dancing in the light
After everyone had been evacuated Neryn was relieved: she was glad she could help and save someone from imminent death. Especially since the parts weighed dozens of tons and physically
absolutely no civilian building could withstand a fall from such a height and at a gradually accelerating speed. With a couple of powerful jumps the girl returned to the damaged platform where she hoped to find Amelia, but so far there was no one there and
squatting, the girl began to look around her for interesting material to synthesise and analyse. Being a born lover of all sorts of metal pieces the girl soon laid out a couple of parts in front of her and using her stunning intellect and oforce powers began to change the form and expand these or other parameters of this matter to get an interesting thing. As a result she had a small model of Amelia with different colours in front of her. The girl decided to give to Amelia on her return to give it to her, though she would probably not find any joy in it, especially from an almost stranger.

As a result, the girl sat down in favour of the lotus and began to sweep the entire planet, studying the inhabitants and waiting for the arrival of her new friend, who was so determined to carry out her mission, that she was already wondering what fate befell the local "supervillain", and who turned out to be a real "super hero" and what was the end of this tragedy.

Amelia Venthyra Amelia Venthyra

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