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Inmate 339



Moniker: Kyrie

AGE: Young Adult
HEIGHT: 1.86m
WEIGHT: 68kg
EYE COLOR: Light Blue


Intelligent: Kyrie, as he goes by, can only be described as extremely intelligent and perceptive. Though he is extremely young by the standards of most species Kyrie has an intelligence that is unrivaled by even many scientists of this age. Though this is partly due to his nature as a Yaka the doctors at the facility have noted that even as a standard human he would very likely have been far above standard intellect. He is clever, and unlike most of his kind perfectly capable of perceiving most emotions, though he does not often display it himself. Kyrie exhibits a tendency of narcissism due to his intellect, in short he is smarter then most and not afraid to display it, or show it off.

Cybernetics: As a young child before being abandoned Kyrie went through the same rites and rituals that every Yaka does. His brain, normally organic of course, was replaced with a cybernetic stand in. This cybernetic of course, like every Yaka, has formed the core of who Kyrie is. His mind stands far above that of ordinary humans, he is capable of doing calculations and solving complex problems within seconds. His cybernetic mind allows him to reach extreme heights that ordinary humans would balk at.

Cybernetics: Of course, since he is in fact a cyborg Kyrie suffers from the backdraws of this as well. His mind is essentially a machine, a well protected and well insulated machine, but a machine nonetheless. This of course means that anything that can effect a machine generally tends to effect Kyrie as well. Electric shocks, ion blasts, even EMP's tend to damage Kyrie more than they normally would an organic. This effect has been observed multiple times, with an EMP grenade slowing his motor functions and thoughts, guards often utilizing these weapons to maximum effect when Kyrie begins to act out.

Left Shoulder: Thought quite quick witted, intelligent, and perceptive Kyrie is not in any capacity a fighter. He is well aware of how to break bones and dislocate shoulders, but the young man is simply not what anyone imagines as a combatant. He is lanky, tall and skinny. These features mean he is not well suited for fighting, though his apathetic attitude and general narcissism tend to land him in more fights than would be of benefit. Due to this, Kyrie has more then once engaged in fights during his multiple stints in prison, this of course eventually ended with a permanent injury to his left shoulder, the joint popping out of place far more easily than one might expect.


As with all prisoners, Kyrie has undergone extensive psychological testing and evaluation throughout his time in prison.

These tests ranged from standardized to more exotic. Since Kyrie has been in and out of containment since young childhood his records are extensive and the data collected on how his mind works equally so. Throughout his time within prison many doctors have attempted to fully map exactly what drives and pushes Kyrie, with most eventually deciding that a combination of greed, apathy, and selfishness is what pushes the young lad to continually commit crime. Some attempt to 'cure' him of these symptoms, treating him with respect and even offering friendship. These efforts are of course eventually rebuffed, manipulated, and then turned to Kyrie's own personal gain.

Throughout all his time in prison it has become clear that Kyrie has no real interest in anything larger than himself. Multiple inmate organizations have attempted to recruit him, and he has openly stated that the Black Sun, Blazing Claws, and even several major galactic Governments have attempted to attain him. All of these efforts were of course either rebuffed or simply denied.

This further causes most therapists to classify Kyrie as an extreme narcissist, incapable of seeing beyond himself.

Indeed Kyrie himself has never denied this fact, often circling a conversation into his own needs and what he wants rather than allowing his opposite to express their thoughts.


Inmate #339 or Kyrie as he dubbed himself upon entering the prison system has been in and out of several detention facilities since the age of eight. His age was first determined through medical testing of his cybernetic brain. Upon his first entering of Detention Facility Delta on Nar Shaddaa it was impossible to ascertain any information about the child due to his rather uncooperative nature. As a result of this several extensive medicals tests were done on the boy. Eventually these tests, including several scans on his cybernetic augments were able to ascertain his date of birth, species, and small genetic markers that showed him as being susceptible to several galactic pathogens. Aside from these short notes however no other data could be found about Kyrie himself.

Due to the mysterious nature of this child, as well as his lack of Guardian and the crimes that he committed Kyrie was relegated to lavish in the Nar Shaddaa prison system.

The next decade of Kyrie's life is a spotty mess of documentation.

It is known that on five separate occasions Kyrie landed in differing detention centers on Nar Shaddaa, each time for committing a different crime. These infractions ranged from simple thievery to complex embezzling schemes. What became clearer each time Kyrie once again entered the system was his growing intelligence. Eventually more and more tests were performed on the boy until eventually, during his final stint of incarceration it was finally proven that Kyrie was maneuvering in and out of prison on purpose, in an attempt to find one specific detention center.

The Value of this Detention Center? It's storage facility contained a missing piece of Kyrie's mind.

At the beginning to his first incarceration, during the testing a scientists who was well aware of the Yaka's advanced cybernetics managed to remove a piece of Inmate 339's mind. This component, though not critical to survival or function, was important enough that it inhibited the young Yaka from reaching his full intellectual potential. Though vaguely aware of this, Kyrie did not fully understand the implications of it until after he attempted slicing into the Republics Military Manifest. During his attempt of gaining access to the information he was rebuffed by a Virtual Intelligence, one that he could not out think.

Having never encountered such a thing before the boy of course began to suspect that something was wrong, his won narcissism would not allow him to think it was his own fault or failing, and thus he self diagnosed a crisis. Of course, perhaps in an ironic twist it turned out the boy was correct, and after ransacking an abandoned hospital Kyrie managed to confirm his suspicions.

Thus, over the next three years Inmate 339 began to hunt the missing component of his mind, maneuvering himself in and out of different detention facilities until eventually he managed to find what he was looking for. This was eventually recorded within his Criminal Log by the doctor whom he forced to re-insert the missing component, a man by the name of Beraz. Dr. Beraz wrote that the boy remained awake during the surgery, directing him and maintaining conversation throughout, once the component was put in place and his skull was sealed, Kyrie calmly stood and thanked the doctor.

This encounter is the last known record of Kyrie interacting with anyone from the Nar Shaddaa detention center's, though a mysterious symbol that a young Kyrie had been fond of has begun to appear throughout the smugglers moon.

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