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Information is Power (Ak'lya)

Ord Mantell
Some Random Tapcaf:

Strider Garon sat outside a small ma and pa tapcaf that overlooked the southern sandy beaches of Morlport. The mandalorian field marshal wore simple garb on this mission. He sported his old lucky nerf hide duster, black trousers and a t shirt and aviator style sunglasses. He had his custom DE-10 blaster pistol holstered to his right hip and a hunting knife off his left. This was pretty much naked for the old mandalorian but he didn’t want to attract attention to himself let alone be quickly outed as a mando’ad.

The view was beautiful, the warm southern air flowed off the salt water ocean and the beautiful ladies of many species were out playing on the sandy beach giving the old man something to look at while he waited for the bothan representative of spynet to show up.
As @[member="Strider Garon"] watched the women on the beach, Strask walked slowly up to the counter. Ordering a small sandwich, the spymaster expressway towards the man he assumed wanted to meet with him. Carefully. The Bothan carried a needler holdout attached to his belt. If need be, a bolt of Spectre-1 fired into his leg should help. However, until then, he would be ready. Stealing directly behind the Field Marshal, he spoke. "I take it you called?"
Did not surprise Strider one bit that an operitive of Spynet would know who he was from sight alone. The information that these spymasters had was beyond impressive and that be the very reason the mandalorian field marshal had set up the face to face meeting. He wanted the Spynet contact for he himself valued information and now was in a position to afford it.

"Yes I did" There was no point in having to introduce himself to the spy, he already knew that he knew who he was. "What should i call you?"

@[member="Strask Ak'lya"]
The Bothan smiled, lightly stepping around the Field Marshal, and sitting across from him. "That depends. What am I to refer to you as? Will Mr. Garon do?" His smile faded, though, as he continued, his voice lowering until [member="Strider Garon"] would have to lean in to hear. "In my line of work, it's not uncommon to hear from powerful men. But powerful men have equally large reputations, and information is looser than one may expect." It wasn't a threat, just a statement. Strask and the Net had found nothing as far as ammunition on the man. But there was something interesting. He had picked up a kid, and taken him in. The boy had faded into obscurity, but something had caught the Spymaster's attention. The name. Ak'lya. Not often did one me of them come from the place where the kid had. And it left one thing. Pulling up the case file on his datapad, he slid it across the table. "Before I hear your pitch, can I ask you where you found him?"

The file lay open on the table. And if the mandalorian scrolled down, there would be a note, from Knol, asking a very simple question, which explained the bothan's interest quite well.


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