Ardeo Sophos
Padawan Learner

image Source:,,,
Intent: This device will be used to compensate for a force users current lack of ability to utilize force jump. It will allow for quick assent. It's other purpose will be short range ground transportation. It will be hands free, and can be utilized in combat. It will eventually become a piece of equipment issued to an advanced jedi class under creation.
Development Thread: If necessary
Manufacturer: Ardeo Sophos(personal)
Model: IWAS-7
Affiliation: The republic, and more specifically the jedi Order.
Modularity: No, but due to the fact that I am creating a small customization shop for jedi specialized jedi gear, I will provide customizations possibly latter down the road.
Production: Limited
Material: The belt is made out of light, but durable fabrics, layered for extra strength. From there the cords for the hooks, are made out of a metal alloy from combining Desh, and Terennthium, thus creating a lite, but strong woven metal cord. The hooks are forged out of Quadanium steel, not made to be lite, but to stand the test of time. The firing mechanism for the hooks, is made out of simple steel.
Description: The entire piece is similar to a climbing harness belt, with a belt around the waste, and two more around each leg, witch are all connected. on either side of the waste belt is a small firing gun that is attached to a a ball joint so it can rotated in all directions. From there a hook with retractable blades can be fired into a substance. The cords are kept on a spool inside a circular case under each gun, resting at the top of the wearers hip. Once the hook hits, the blades will expand locking in place. The cords will retract, but added propulsion for control in motion, comes from a clever device in the back of the belt. Using a small but powerful electromagnet inside a large hollow chamber with a narrow opening, one creates propulsion using the magnet's vibrations in the microseconds while it is reaching a steady magnetic field. These vibrations are directed in one direction, out. and a microchip turns the magnet on and off 400,000 times per second, thus seemingly creating a steady propulsion stream. There are even smaller electromagnets used to fire the hooks. All of this will be kept hands free by using a neuro-transmitter, which can either be embedded in the back of the neck, or worn in a mask, or something else worn on the head. With it one can control hook firing, propulsion, and the position of the hook gun when fired. This takes difficult training to master, and no one can just pick it up and use it. One must first become used to controlling it with his mind, and then must become used to using the belt itself for it's purpose.