Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Inconvenient Pain



Amani Serys Amani Serys

Ruisto hadn't been flourishing before the Sith had come, and certainly not after the arrival of the Bryn'adûl. Yet somehow, the small coastal colony Xeykard had arrived at had a sense of possibility, of new life. Vaciq was populated primarily by Mon Calamari and Quarren -- it was built on the ruins of a far older Mon Calamari colony -- but with a healthy population of Gand, humans, and Barabels, so Xeykard could blend right in. The half-crescent bay it sat in was perfect for the aquatic species, for growing food, and for protection from the elements.

The little town was not without its problems, though. The ruins of the Sith and Bryn'adûl still remained, ever haunting the Scar Worlds; the disorder of the region made easy space for corruption and crime. Vaciq was plagued by monsters of both the Sith and Drael. Xeykard was here to collect.

"You have your-"

"Amulet. Yep. I got it," Aryrene grumbled. "One time. One time."

"Good," Xeykard grunted, almost a note of approval. His own presence was flattened to near-nothing. He doubted there would be Jedi or other hunters about, but he was nothing if not careful.

The pair were searching for a talisman -- rumors of someone who refused to die were easily distorted in a galaxy so chaotic, but the power of such a ring was one Xeykard recognized. Insurance against death was something any Sith worth their salt would want. So, Ruisto, Vaciq.

"Expand your senses. Someone affected by the talisman will have a unique presence -- and they would be foolish merely to leave such power unused." The two Sith began to advance through the town. The young Zabrak's eyes seemed to glaze over; Xeykard stayed close to make sure they didn't fall.

After a minute, "I sense someone."
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Like every other scrap of civilization eking out an existence in the Scar Worlds, Vaciq had its share of recessive times. But where many others then floundered and were buried once more, this colony clung to certain resilience. Perhaps one day it would grow into something prospective.

But it was not today. Vaciq is far from self-sustaining, which is exactly why individuals like Amani Serys were here to lend aid. The young town had little in the way of medicinal provisions, or really any semblance of a consistent health care system. So Amani had offered to set up an interim clinic of sorts, where such troubles could at least be kept at bay until a more long term solution was established.

Toting a cache of supplies atop her head, the unofficial doctor was flanked by a cadre of unofficial nurses en route to the clinic; When in their passing was a strange pair: a young Zabrak, and a Barabel of particular physical imposition. They were not outwardly uncanny, if anything Amani stood out the most in Vaciq’s demographic, but they were unfamiliar.

The Mirialan froze in the middle of the sand-dusted street, before turning to the most immediate nurse, “I don’t mean to bother, but could you take this the rest of the way?” She shot the woman a look, which she was quick to register with a nod. Amani lifted the supplies off her head and set it down on top of that which the woman was already carrying in hand, “I’ll meet you all there.”

With that, they left Amani behind, and she approached the two strangers with a vapid smile, “You’re new here, right? Can I help you with anything, getting anywhere?”

Tucked away on her hip was the hilt of a lightsaber, hidden under billowing fabrics. But no one needed to know that.


He could smell it on her, like a pungent cologne, or some festering wound. Yet he felt little danger -- for now, at least. He opted for the path of least resistance.

"This one is Garhe, and this is Wevad," he lied as easily as breathing.
"We are collectors of rare items and artifacts."

Aryrene jumped in, seeming excited at the prospect of a bit of role-play. "Yeah! I love artifacts. We've, uh, found a lot of stuff, like-" they pulled their amulet out from under their shirt, "this, it's-"

Xeykard silenced them with a look.

"This one has heard rumours of someone in this town in possession of... an item, with unique properties. If you know where this person is, this one would be most... grateful, for your help."
"Amani," she returned, but otherwise kept them at arm's length. 'Collectors of rare items' could mean a lot of things, and the silent exchange between the two of them was noted with a curious glance.

There was a pregnant pause, interrupted when Amani cleared her throat, "I'm afraid I haven't heard of any… unique items coming through here. You wouldn't happen to know anything specific about what you're looking for? Appearance? Properties?"

In truth she had registered a certain aura in this place, some time after her arrival. It lingered faintly, at times unnoticeable, but the existence of something was certain. Subconsciously or otherwise, Amani had decided not to let it distract from her primary duties.

"Mm." That boded both well and ill -- things could be kept quiet, but it'd be more difficult to find the talisman's bearer. Worse, its bearer likely knew how to keep away from those who might take their power from them.

"A talisman -- a ring, or other small piece of adornment. It's meant to... keep the wearer safe from harm." He shrugged. "This one has not seen it before. Though, this one suspects it is recognizable enough."

His eyes wandered a moment, glancing at the passing nurses Amani had been walking with. "Are you a doctor?" He paused. "Your clinic. Show us."
"That's maybe a generous use of the term, but, yeah," Doctor school was expensive, and lengthy. But years of Jedi training, with a focus in that same field, made her effective enough to at least fulfill a matching niche.

"What are you planning to do, exactly? You say it belongs to someone else, right?" Amani waved for them to follow. It would be a short walk, and the clinic itself was rather barebones, but better than nothing, "Have anything to do with that?" She gestured back at the amulet carried by Aryrene, hoping to prompt them into giving away more information.


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