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In Topic: Recovering the Armory Pt 2--PM for Info and to Join

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The world seemed warmer. It felt brighter. The air--it couldn't be the same one he had fallen asleep to. It was rich and warm with something he couldn't quite place. Life. That's it. Life. The air was vibrant, and he wasn't sucking air to survive, he was breathing to live. I want to live, he realized.

That was when he realized Dryzl. Behind him. Arms around him and leaning against the back board. Her chin was resting on his shoulder and was she--smiling?She looked vibrant too. Her soft, lovely skin was almost glowing. Her beautiful black hair fell around her face like a masterpeice. He took it in for a few moments, drinking in the view, the closeness, her peppermint-scented breath brushed on his skin softly, sending warmth and chills down his body in ways he never even dreamed were possible. He softly planted a kiss on her narrow cheek, her flawless and smooth skin felt so wonderful on his lips, he lingered there for a moment before reluctantly pulling back and whispering, "ch'eo vez viz nah en'can'sah ran vah," my life is meaningless without you.

He carefully, quietly rose, intentionally not disturbing the sleeping woman. He made his way to the kitchen and cooked up a decent breakfast: sushi rolls with a hint of mint. It was his specialty.

Roaq came up, "Good morning, master."

Akio gave the droid a genuine smile, "bun ch'ican, Roaq," good morning.

The droid studied the Chiss, feeling the closest emotion a droid could to puzzled, "Is something wrong with your face, Master Akio, it appears broken."

"Its called a smile, silly goose," he said playfully.

"I see, sir, I came to inform you that we have reached our co-ordinates, however there is something wrong with the planet."

Akio quirked an eyebrow, "Oh?"

He followed Roaq to the view port. He gasped and grabbed his chest--he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Gone were the mountains, gone were the fields, gone were the oceans and farms. Instead, the world where Akio had grown into maturation, where he had been raised by Umbarians to be a killing machine had been reduced to a slagged planet. The Chiss had to stead himself on the chair, "Fething hells...."

Akio awoke from his dream with a start. He squinted, trying to remember, trying to recall it before it slipped away, the memories. He knew they were, these were not just dreams, he knew it. His mind was both trying to tell him something and trying to not. The dichotomy was painful to the point of aggravating.

He took several calming breaths, willing the emotion to go down, back to what it was. An emotion. But this time he remembered something. A face. She was a Chiss, blue like him with red glowing eyes, very pretty, very kind, patient and benevolent. He knew he had seen her before. He couldn't figure out who she was. Or why she kept on showing up. Akio could feel the ship he had stowed away on beginning to rumble, shake and shutter. He braced himself, drawing on the Force for consolation as they began a rocky decent to Tython.

[member="Maya Whitelight"] (or whichever of the alts you prefer :) )
Finding a good place to set down after all she was on a mission will in her mind she had been along. Finding herself well on the way of wanting to set up on this planet that she chosen to touch down upon. Even then she couldn't help but wonder just how it would be where they was going. Finding herself on the way in hyperspace going along the way.

Now as she was deep in numbers and also in place that she would stop along the way to pick up different cargo that would be coming in and out of hyperspace in a few stops. Even as she stood among the cargo that was now smelling like a agricultural world just how she like it. A way for her to get away from the brewery. The grin that came across her face was more then anything be more like something else to be dreaming of. Standing by one of the cargo boxes as she made sure that all was good for the refutations on the air lock seal.

Now came the re-cheek then she went up to start the landing. After which it came time to go to the landing ramp.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio lowered his head, adjusting to the seemingly endless rattle on the ship. He could hear, more than see the being who had come into the hold. Their presence was familiar, making the Chiss almost curious enough to check and see who they were. Quietly, with feet that had trained countless hours on how to move noiselessly, he crept along the rows of crates, being careful to stay in the shadows, low to the ground, hidden from sight. The bad lighting aided him, and his blood-soaked garments were darker than normal. He watched as the red-headed female figure walked right past the shadow he was hidden in. He leaped up, grabbing an over-head strut so when she turned to walk back, he was out of sight.

The door closed behind her as the female returned to the occupied part of the ship, and he dropped down, landing quietly. Whoever it was, they didn't need to see him. Especially now, caked in Tusken Raider blood, sweaty, and looking quiet disreputable. He knew he had to fix that sooner than later, and that was of the essence. He stood still for several moments, trying to decide what to do, then, how to do it.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
As the ship made its coming out of hyperspace one couldn't help but see that there was the planet before her. Feeling almost joy to once again see a planet in front of her from her ships view port. Once she had got herself seated in and then had the auto plot off she started to take the ship in a downwards. As she did she saw a blinking red light.

Hitting it once or twice did the trick to the face that it stop blinking at her all together. Thinking to herself that it must just be a fuse some where noting that when she got landed she would cheek it out. As it seem that soon there was a rattle then a bang. Then came something all together that sounded like it wasn't to good to be hearing.

"Oh, for pete sake that didn't sound..." as if not even another word came out before she saw something go flying past her window was that part of the landing gears. Shaking her head as if that wasn't enough, shouldn't there be a red blinking light. Then it hit her like a Hutt falling onto her to flatten her out into a rug. That had been a warning light that was trying to tell her something important.

It seem that at that time things really got to shaking and rocking back and forth to much as she started to spin out of control trying to regain what she had lost. Only to find herself going nose down to pull hard back on the yolk in time that she could start to see tops of trees. Not able to do nothing but hope that she could stay alive after this and put out a beacon of help.

Not knowing who would answer it or if it would even work. Feeling that the ship was starting to hit the top of the trees then some rocks. Finally coming to the place where she closed her eyes after one of the larger brances when flying into the window straight for her that causing her to duck. As the last thing she remembers before she felt everything go end over end before the ship came to rest with her hanging from her seat. Her body being limp now with out any movement what so every.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The twisting and turning sent Akio sprawling through the cargo-hold. His cat-like reflexes allowed him to twist and land on his feet the first two times. Then the movements became too fast and erratic for him to control and the Chiss found himself only able to direct his body to fall and land softly. His body took blow after blow, battering and pounding his frame. At last the twisting stopped and he lay on the ground. An ordinary being would have been dazed or unconsious. Akio, however, had spent many years in training, learning to withstand blows that would have crippled other beings. His body was hardened to a finely-crafted weapon.

Rising, he checked himself in a moment of meditation. There were no wounds, no broken bones, his gear was in place, he was secure. He walked forward quietly, searching for the others within the flying metal house to aid them. There were none. He was surprised, normally more beings liked to ride in these houses that flew. He found his way to the control center ((cockpit)). There were several glowing jewels upon the alter ((lights on the console)) that seemed to be indicating the flying house had undergone damage. This sort of sorcery was beyond his skill.

Strapped to one of the chairs was the redheaded woman, she was unconscious. He looked at her for a moment, unsure if she had been allowing the house to siphon off her life energy to move through the stars or if she was unconscious from the fall. She was familiar, he knew her from being captured by those strange beings who had desired to eat them.

He delicately unstrapped her and began searching for injuries to treat on he person.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
As if still in a dream like state. Even so was it just a dream that she was in now as if she was being lifted away from her chair. Wondering if this was just that not wanting to flash forward any more then she did right now. Coming to came back to it her whole body did feel as if a hutt just sat on it. Even then she couldn't help that she knew that her body been hit badly. She had a cut long her right cheek bone long with it seem that little piece of glass shard had been embed in different part of her upper torso and arms. Then came the fact that she wasn't wanting to open her eyes. For fear of what she would find herself doing. It was only then that she could feel a present that she felt some times before. That was when her eyes slowly open up to some red glowing eyes.

There her eyes just stared blankly at him knowing he was doing the same thing to her. Even then she could feel him pulling the bit and piece out of her skin. Biting her bottom lip as she was one that wouldn't let out a scream of pain. Finally finding her voice once more, "I need a drink of whiskey where is my flask at. Finding herself trying to move her arm to her back pocket only to stop. "I should know you, Right?" as she still wasn't thinking clearing or even that her head was not still spinning itself.

"I really do need that whiskey, darn it to lizard monkey I want that drink." as if her body wouldn't be satisfied with out getting that drink.

Trying to do something about her own mouth being drier then a bone she wanted more then that she wanted to be out of this nightmare. "Blue Boy, mabye." as her memory started to come forward some what.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Chiss finished retrieving the glass from the redhaired woman's skin. His knowledge of medicine was limited, but his knowledge of biology was great. The bleeding was minor, thank the Force, he had no bandages on his person to aid her with.

Blue boy. Ah, that helped confirm it. He gave a slight nod, confirming that he was the one she had referred to. He was glad that through the blood that covered his person that she had recognized him and not recoiled in fear. Many would have. And he wouldn't have blamed them, he cut a striking figure with the grime on his person, his formerly orange robes now deeply stained with blood splatters. His Cortosis Katana was strapped to his back. The leather bracers on his wrists were each lined with dark throwing quills that seemed to glow a dark purple-blue with the power of the Force.

"I am Akio Diachi," he said at last, "The Blue Wanderer."

He stood back, pulling his long dark hair back in a top knot. Some of the blood-soaked strands escaped, framing his face in a slightly repulsive display, a constant reminder of what he had done on Tatoowine. He could not remember or witness slaughtering those Sand People but when he awoke, he had seen the carnage he wrecked and wished he wouldn't have blacked out.

He shook himself from the moment and gave her an apologetic smile, the amulet around his neck flickering from slight red, back to turquoise, "I apologize, I stowed away aboard your ship, I felt the Force guide me to do so and now I believe that in part we know why I was led to do so; my need was to assist in rescuing you. At least that is part of our path together, though I am sure this is just the beginning."

[member="Seanna Vel"]
Now that her eyes was coming to be use to the dim lighting as she really got a good look at him. This only wide her eyes a bit more then she cared to have him seen on her. Over drive started in as if to think that he had been hurt as badly if not worse then she had with all that blood covering him. Blinking not only once but a few times before her eyes widen in surprise as they did.

"Oh you do have a name that good, Akio" even then she couldn't help but do something even better then that one of which she couldn't do anything but get the next words out of her mouth.

"Heck be a monkey lizard bloody I thought I was bang up good, it looks as if you got it worse then me or is that dry blood." that when the puzzlement started. As if that wasn't good enough. As she sat up stright. "I know I have a medical kit some where it over there will it use to be there." as she let go of a slight.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
"It is not my own," Akio answered, concerning the dried blood on his body.

He knew the question of his condition would come up sooner or later. He might as well answer it now rather than later. She had not condemned him for stowing away, the Chiss was grateful for this. The Force's favors were boundless today. Perhaps she too was a servant of the Force; his intuition told him she was. He was quickly finding lately that the servants of the Force even had their own ways of seeing it, and their own ways of serving it--or demanding it did as they pleased.

He stood back, the Amulet on his neck glowing still turquoise through the mire upon it.

"I ran into an altercation with the natives," he said at last. "On Tatoowine. The local savages assaulted civilians who had rescued me and assisted me in my life-quest the Force has sent me on. The Force saw it fitting for the violence to escalate," he paused, "and I made them all one with the Force. That was before I stowed away."

How she reacted would be a large tell; if she would see him as a murderer or a servant of good or perhaps even just a misguided man.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
The way he said one with the force made her turn to face him again stop her looking for the medial kit giving him a very look down. "Really now , I don't care to in lighten me how you did that with the moves I seen with those flash eater." as she just shakes her head finding herself back to her hunt. As she did so couldn't help but given him another look back before turning herself to the task at hand.

As she once again search only to get on her hands and knees trying to avoid the wires that been exposed. "I think I found it, yess here it is." as she smile upon her lips. Finding herself pulling it out, looking at him.

"So you think its fate or something brought on on my ship just to think I thought this would be a easy run of my whisky supplies." after which time she couldn't help but look at him for one thing first.

"Well just dont' stand here gather up what you can as I have a feeling that this ship might not be here if it catches fire." as if that was the warning in her mind though the force.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Enlighten me.

Akio swallowed. He was unsure how to reply to that exactly. The Chiss reached back drawing his Katana from its sheath and displaying it, the cortosis razor-like edge shimmering in the light, "Vez vim ch'usci; life and death. Death is merely a passage of life, a chance to re-create one's self. The doctrine I adhere to deems it needed to be both constructive and destructive. When the time is right, one must destroy, when it is not, one must preserve. In all things, it must be at the guidance of the Force. All things happen for a reason, there are no accidents. It was on purpose that we met."

He stopped, he could smell burning, coming from up the other end of the flying house. If he were mechanically inclined he would have know that was the smell of the fuel cells and the cargo catching fire. But he was not, and his instincts were telling him that danger was coming.

The Chiss flicked his blade, shattering the transparisteel that made up the viewport. He did not know what this wet-ski was that she continued to refer to, but he was sure that it was not worth more than the red-headed woman's life. The fire was beginning to get louder, and he could feel the wave of heat that preceded it beginning to wash through the control room.

"I appolgize," he said, as a precursor what he was about to do.

His free arm wrapped around her waist, his legs bent a moment before launching him and her through the opening he had made. His body slid on the bulkhead of the flying home, a blossom of fire erupting behind them. Danger keep running. It will explode and you need to be out of the range of the shrapnel.

Akio's feet hit the planet's surface and he was soon sprinting away, still holding the female in his arm. His body, a living weapon, was soon several hundred yards away. The ship exploded at last. Akio set her down, catching his breath. He had remained calm and detached through the entire experience.

Initially he thought the advice had come from the Force, but--he wondered if it came from somewhere else, though he would have no idea where.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
"I appolgize," he said, as a precursor what he was about to do.

Only she knew that was she spoke those words of apologizing her own gazed look up in a deep puzzlement. Before she could spit out anything from her lips. Knowing now what it was that he was doing to her. As if [member="Akio Diachi "]had strengths and reflexes she could only dream of having.

"Put me down be beat you bloody like a monkey Lizard ugly" as she let herself kick and let her arms hit his back.

"Damn it did you hear me put me down let me go to my damn ship to get.." that moment as if on some kind of clue. There was that sound that death-en here ears. Then came the ground unto her feet. Her raw emotions now taking a hold of her for one she spit on the ground as her own eyes look at him with her temper that laid with in woken. Once that happen then all that happen after that wasn't really her fault right. After all she wasn't really thinking clearly.

Raising her own finger to his face before she let her tongue fly at him. "Looking here, mister blue boy, just because you think you did me a service getting me the hell out of that furial you didn't, damn .." okay so finger wasn't working, she going back to ways of old. As her fist clinched as she brought it up for a upper cut to his face.

Did she think that she was a fool if he didn't see it coming a mile a way like a hutt coming down the street of Naboo. Her eyes now glaring at him.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Chiss was unsure why this female was so angry at him. He had rescued her from a fiery death, and now she was roaring with furry. He watched with calm dispassion as she unloaded her verbal abuse--and crude gestures at him. Her fist came up in a wild, furry-filled strike; a strike that was clearly telegraphed ahead of time by her pulling back, shifting of weight, and adjusting of her footing.

He moved his head just barely, her fist whistled through the air where his chin had been. The wind from her fist whistled through his ear. The Blue Wanderer adjusted his footing into a defensive stance, one leg slightly behind the other at 35* angle. He could feel the anger pulsing off her, he realized what it was.

She was angry at loss, and needed someone to take the rage out on. He supposed that he was the closest being and the easiest to blame. He was merely a lightening rod that was a convenient outlet.

"You must come to control your emotions," he said in a passive, soothing voice, "you will rule them or they will rule you. The mind must overcome the body and the emotions. Anger at me will benefit you nothing, we are stuck here alone. We must work together or we will die."

[member="Seanna Vel"]
Just what was he some kind of peace keeper, damn right this one was more then tick off at this very moment in time. It wasn't about the booze okay mainly a lot of it. Then it struck at her like a hot iron up side the head about being stuck here. That when she used her finger at him once more. YOu think I don't know that it take a brain of a monkey lizard to figure that out. " I keep up with her on fury maybe he was right maybe he wasn't but right now it felt damn good to let it loose inside of her that what drove her on. Even then she couldn't help but be on able to think clearly for a bit longer as she started to blindly lash out with both of her fist at the air or at him or even the trees itself.

Letting her yelling screams be heard once more over and over again just how pissed she was to the point where she was on the ground after all this breathing heavyly and pounding the dirt itself. Maybe she was more mad at herself then anything else or was there more then that as she let her own eyes focus on her now dirty hands.

This is just fine mess I"m in this time.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio stoically watched her raging temper. A waste of time, a waste of her precious energy, in his eyes. This was what made the darkside the most dangerous, it wasted you. It wasted your energy, it wasted your time, and it wasted your youth, draining a being away into nothing more than a shell of a carcass. What was its entrance? This; rage.

The Chiss began walking away, allowing her the moment of furry that this female so desperately clung to. If she followed, that was good, if she did not, he was sure the Force would decide what was best to do with her. Akio reached a small pond of crystal clear water built among the stones and dense trees in the ground. It was cool, clear, and refreshing. Just what Akio needed after the past few days to help cleanse his body and his soul. Akio carefully removed his stained orange robes, draped them across a stone and waded into the water. His bare body was thin, covered in scars, and scar tissue. He let himself go under the surface, cleansing himself and his hair for several minutes, letting the happenings of the past few days go, and embracing the light.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
After getting her wits about her once again, finding herself alone. Where had [member="Akio Diachi "]went to after all this was where the reality set in. Ship was a goner, Looking around she couldn't help but see that there was no others people around. Giving a way to the only option she had to her. Finding herself no others. Finding it no trouble his imprint of his feet. Making it clear he wasn't trying to hind from her even after her ragging fit of hers.

As she wonder jsut what could be along this path finding or hearing the water before she saw it. After which time she could see that what look like that he was in the water.

Finding that there was a pool of red washing downwards from where he was. Only caused her more then curious eyes upon him now wondering about his scars. Feeling him looking at her. Only causing her to look away quickly. Bending down quickly as she washed her own hands as she could see that her knuckles was bruised. Wondering just how had fate brought to very different ones together there had to be a reason if not for some reason more then met the eyes as if somehting was calling her.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The dried blood, the dried sweat, the sand, the dirt, the mud that had caked his body was all washing away, outward into this pond as it gave a portion of its purity to cleanse him. His long hair lost its thick, matted look, his body's road-map like scars appeared even more prominent as he finally cleansed the thick of the dirt off. What also became increasingly apparent was his infinitely scrawny nature. Satsified at last, Akio wade out of the water and donned his robes. They were still dingy, but at least his body was clean. Akio donned his weaponry last, strapping his katana across his back and his gauntlets to his forearms. Droplets of water streamed down his face as he looked at his companion with his glowing red eyes. She seemed to have composed herself now, that was good. Now they could focus on what was really important; survival.

Leaping from boulder top to boulder top, Akio perched on the highest one and gained a survey of the world around them. After a few moments he summersaulted off, his body twisting easily so he landed on his feet without a sound. He brushed the strands of wet hair from his face, "There is a small settlement of sorts half a mile form here. I cannot tell how many are there, or who is there, however it appears the homes are made from the local stone. We should begin moving."

Without another word, he began striding toward the direction he had seen it in confidently. He allowed himself to slip into a semi-trance, the Force was intense here, it made the amulet around his neck glow purple with cyan and crimson streaks that came from the light and dark side of the Force within this planet.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
Having finished washing up and finding that she had put her flask in one of her pant pocket. Feeling that it was only half full as she took one slip. Finding it just want she needed at this moment while this monkey blue boy jump up and up. Shaking her head only then did she understand that there was more and more that this one more then it seem him. Question in her mind could be answer later.

Now on the move once again there was hope at less maybe a chance to get off the planet. Just happen to glance over at [member="Akio Diachi "].

"Hey whats with that that." as she pointed to his neck.

"Its going on freaky."

Even so she didn't want to push it to much as she had to keep up with him the more she went coming to see that under what one could see.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio looked at his glowing crystal and nodded, he supposed his witchcraft to her would seem strange, as hers was it him. How she could operate the flying house was beyond him.

"It is a Force crystal, an amulet," he explained. "It aids me in the connection to the Living Force and makes the things I am required to do much easier. One could also say that it is a litmus test for those around me, their alignment, their feelings, and their purpose in this world," he leaped over a fallen tree in the way and offered his help with Seanna getting across, "It is reacting strongly, this place is strong with the Force, the air buzzes with it. The Light and the Dark are both powerful here in equal strength."

The Chiss blinked his red eyes and looked at the Forest around them, "I wonder how you cannot feel this. It is--intense. Buzzing, strong and alive. Much stronger than anywhere else I have ever been."

He abruptly turned and began walking deeper into the forest. There was no set path, it made the going slow--but needed.

[member="Seanna Vel"]
Wondering herself as if she looked at him with different eyes, one that she wanted to ball up her first again. Quick to angry she was for sure as if she wasn't one to tell her should couldn't feel. Of course she could feel or at less she thought she could. Finding herself unable to do much of anything but to duck in a few places before she was slap in the face with branches. One would think that there would have to be some kind of road if he spotted some kind of life.

Having help over the large tree in their path. Finding it more and more that she was liking this much more then anything else she let herself follow him but at a little distance.

"I know of this living force I use it from time to time when I'm throwing my knifes at beings or using my sniping to take out what every prey that happens to be in my way at that given time." as she shot himself a look. As if she met business [member="Akio Diachi "] as not to piss her off or things usely ended up dead really dead.

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