Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In time.

"I can hear what your thinkin' all your doubt and fear. And if you look at my eyes in'll find the reason I'm here. In time...all things shall pass away", This is what the outlaw, Brutus O'Star said as he leveled one of his slugthrower revolvers, up to a man's head inside of a rather small landing pad on Tattoine. "N-NO! I'LL G-G-GIVE YOU FETHING ANYTHING!" The young man yelped as he lay on the ground, staring at Brutus. A wicked grin appeared on Brutus's face as he slowly pulled back the hammer of his revolver. "I don't want your credits!" Brutus growled, revolver still in hand. "W-w-w-what do you fething w-w-want then?" The man asked, absolute fear in his voice. "Well, I want your life...". The hammer flew forward as the undead outlaw pulled back the trigger. The man's head jerked back as he lay there lifelessly. "Rupert...were here".

[member="Rupert O'Star"]

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
"Haha brother your violence always amuses me!" Rupert said with a laugh as he walked toward Brutus.

He only knew his brother, not the past life. He bent down and reached into the dead man's pocket, then pulled out the credits.

"Your a blood thirsty man." The Outlaw said.

He stood back up, then patted Brutus on the back.

"We are back indeed brother." He said slowly while looking into the sky.

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
He removed the cigar from his mouth for a moment, grinning. "I'm good at what I do". He burst into laughter, examining the corpse. He placed the pistol up against the corpse's chest, rapidly pulling back the trigger. He emptied the cylinder into the corpse before standing up, quickly sliding the smoking gun into his right holster. He then gripped the revolver in his left holster, quickly readying it. "I'm fixing to....maybe gain some respect? We could always head up to a cantina and start blasting people away", He said, placing the cigar back into his mouth. "Well, we know that scientist ain't getting back up. He is deader than dirt", He said, referring to the scientist the brothers had shot.

[member="Rupert O'Star"]

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
He looked at his brother.

"Lets go then, time is credits." He said whie chuckling.

Then he remembered the sscientist's corpse that was on the ground in the lab. "Haha what a shmuk!" He said referring to the scientist.

He put the credits in his belt.

"We stayin quiet on this job or we goin loud?" He said to his brother, he was ready for either way. After qll his brother was a way better pilot and a better planner.
He grabbed his blaster pistol spun it around a few times round his fingers then shoved it back into its holster.

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
"We goin' loud, brother. Get ready for a bunch of insults", The undead outlaw said, resting the barrel of his pistol on his right shoulder. "Let's go" and with that, he slowly walked through Mos Eisley. "What a wonderful town! Lots of people, lots a blood!". He came to a halt at the front of a old cantina, slowly pulling the door open. He slowly headed inside with his brother, grinning. "Howdy, we're here to talk with the-" Brutus was interrupted as the bartender shouted "GET OUTTA 'ERE, FREAKS!". Brutus quickly lifted his revolver in a matter of seconds, squeezing the trigger. The slug flew out of the barrel, crashing into the bartender's skull. The corpse of the bartender fell backwards, crashing into the counter, knocking down bottles and glasses. "You get the credit register, I'll handle the guests", He whispered to his brother before heading over to the door, blocking the exit.

[member="Rupert O'Star"]

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
"You always were a loud one!" He said while they walked to a old cantina.

As soon as they opened the door the bbartender yelled at them to gt out.

Brutus quickly shot the man dead in the skull.

"Brother your the deadest shot on Tatooine." He said with a wide grin.

"You get the credit register, I'll handle the guests" Brutus said.

Rupert walked over to the register and pulled out all the credits

He whistled "this will get us by for 'while." Rupert said before grabbing all the credits.

A am civilian looked at Rupert, Rupert pulled his blaster out of its holster and shot the man in the eye.

"Thats for looking." He laughed.

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
Brutus chuckled as [member="Rupert O'Star"] fired a bolt into a man's eye. "HAHAH, THAT'S IT, BROTHER!" He shouted, quickly blasting down two drunks who attempted to push themselves through the door. "C'MON BROTHER, THEY MAY NOT HAVE POLICE 'ERE BUT THEY CERTAINLY GOT GUYS WITH BLASTERS!". He pulled back the hammer of his revolver, heading over to Rupert. "You hurry up, aight? We ain't got too much time!" He quickly sped up his words as a man had decided to sprint towards the door once Brutus turned his back. The gunslinger quickly spun around, weapon leveled at his hip. Right as the man reached the door, Brutus jerked back the trigger. He watched in satisfaction as a slug punctured the man's skull, sending him rolling down the steps that lead into the bar. "HURRY UP!".

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
"You hurry up, aight? We ain't got too much time!" Brutus said.

"OOk, ok hold your horses brother." He said before clearing out the cash register.

He then pulled out his second blaster and fired it at everyone in the bar, missing a few people in the process.

"Ok lets go brother, we dont got much time like you said." Rupert said while laughing.

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
He sprinted up the stairs, crashing through the door and down the street. He chuckled maniacally, heading up to the landing pad. He jumped up on the pad, sprinting over to his ship. He climbed up and opened up the protective glass, sliding into the pilot's seat. "GET IN 'ERE!" He hollered, quickly pulling back a lever, which started the engines. "C'MON, GET IN 'ERE!". He tapped on several controls, before the protective glass slowly started to move down. "GET IN 'ERE BEFORE IT FETHING CLOSES ON 'YA! 'CAUSE I AIN'T COMING BACK FOR 'YA!".

[member="Rupert O'Star"]

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
Rupert ran a bit farther behind Brutus.

They reached the landing pad and ran into Brutus's ship.

"LLike I said brother, hold yer horses. And you ain't leaving me, you need me to bail ya out!" He said laughing as he sat next to Brutus in the co-pilot seat.

"Hmm 'eres the credits Brutus. " he said before tossing the bag filled with credits to his brother.

He flipped the Llast few switches and thd ship slowly rose into the air.

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
"THE O'STARS ARE BACK IN BUSINESS!" Brutus screamed, chuckling loudly. He reached up, quickly pulling back a lever which jumped into hyperspace. After a few moments, they were hovering over Coruscant. "Say, shall we pay father a many years have we been buried? Is he still living?" He asked, slowly flying into the atmosphere of Coruscant. "Well, we could always visit the orphanage...maybe the hospital? Wait, wait, wait! Father was arrested, correct? Did they not freeze him what do you call it? Carbonite, that is it! Did that happen? I know he was arrested and the police were talking about doing it...shall we check?" He asked, slowly approaching another landing pad.

[member="Rupert O'Star"]

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
"Yes we are brother!" Coruscant was a beautiful planet for slum dogs.

When his brother brought up his farher, Rupert had no clue what he was talking about.

"What in the sam hell are you talking about?" Rupert said.

His memory was still clouded from all those yeas of being dead.

He looked at his brother with confusion.

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
"Perhaps you should've stayed dead...". He sighed, shaking his head. "He's the reason we're abominations! He abused us since day one, over and over again. So, we fething abandoned the house and he went to prison and we began our bank robbin' spree. You went out to fight off the police on a job and got shot down and I came out to help you". He finally landed on one of the many landing pads, climbing out. The dock guard looked terrified as he slowly reached for his weapon. Brutus sprinted forward, tackling the man. He jammed the barrel of his revolver into the guard's throat, squeezing the trigger.

Brutus chuckled, slowly standing up. "Next stop...Nova fething Prison". After several hours of searching, the duo finally discovered Nova prison. They headed inside, Brutus raising his weapon. Brutus jammed the revolver in the desk secretary's face, chuckling. "Bring us to the fething carbonite chamber, you squeal I blow your brains out", Brutus said. The secretary, who very well wanted to keep her life, brought the two through several corridors until they stopped at a door.

Brutus nodded, pointing the weapon at the woman's jaw and squeezing the trigger. He popped open the door, slowly heading inside. He searched the walls, quickly scanning each plaque of who was currently incased inside. He finally discovered the one he was looking for, "Benjamin O'Star". "Here is it, brother!" He said, joy filling his voice. In front of the people in cased in the carbonite, was a control panel with a single blue button. He brought his hand down onto the button, watching in satisfaction as the case slowly melted.

After several minutes of waiting, a man around the age of his early 40s, fell out onto the floor, obviously not aging due to the carbonite. The man slowly glanced up, discovering the brothers. "W-WHAT ARE YOU?" The man shouted. "That is the greeting we get from our father?", watching as a horrified expression appeared on his face. "Yeah, it is us, alright. Didn't expect to see us no more, eh?".

[member="Rupert O'Star"]

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
Rupert looked at his brother, and took in all he said.

"...whatever..." he said. When they landed the got out, Brutus killed the guard and they went on like nothing happened.

A few hours of walking brought them to nova prison, Brutus got a woman to bring them to the chamber and shortly after shot her.

They walked in, a few minutes later their father was unfrozen, he started to yell.

"This is our dad? He seems nothin more then a coward!" Rupert said coldly

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
" 'Cause that is all he is!" He said, chuckling. "This is the man who smashed his whiskey bottles off of your skull. This is the man, that would almost drowned you in the fething sink! He is the reason why your alive again!", Brutus explained. "N-NO PLEASE! I APOLIGIZE, I APOLIGIZE FOR EVERYTHING I DID TO YOU AS CHILDREN! JUST PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME!" The man begged, staring up at [member="Rupert O'Star"]. "You want to have some vengeance or shall I just end his pathetic life?".

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
The outlaw looked at his brother in disbelief,

"N-NO PLEASE! I APOLIGIZE, I APOLIGIZE FOR EVERYTHING I DID TO YOU AS CHILDREN! JUST PLEASE, DON'T KILL ME!" The man begged, staring up at Rupert O'Star. "You want to have some vengeance or shall I just end his pathetic life?". Brutus said

Rupert quickly pulled one of his blaster pistol out of his holster and shot the father square between the eyes, this silenced the man.

A few solider boys came in. Rupert stood there, he didn't know what to do.

[member="Brutus O'Star"]
"You..." He quickly raised both of his revolvers, firing them simultaneously, keeping the guards in cover. "GET TO THE BACK OF THE ROOM! DO IT, RUN!" He shouted to his brother, continuing to fire until the gun in his right hand bucked one last time, before running out of ammunition. He quickly holstered the weapon in his right hand, continuing to fire the one in his left as he slowly stepped back. He finally made it to the end of the room, firing one last shot before heading through the second door, which was conveniently placed at the end of this large room.

[member="Rupert O'Star"]

Rupert O'Star

The Smooth talking Skelton
Brutus started to shoot the guards.

r. "GET TO THE BACK OF THE ROOM! DO IT, RUN!" Brutus yelled

Rupert ran to the back of the room and fired all six rounds in his blaster pistol.

He pulled out his second blaster and held it up.

"Ok brother what are we going to do now?" He yelled to Brutus

[member="Brutus O'Star"]

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