Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Shadows of Vena (complete)

Faith was stepping out and looking back the sight she saw was not comforting she gave a half growl of displeasure but she knew she had to know that it was all show. She half smiled, clenching her teeth.

"something wrong Faith?" The Duke asked, even though he knew what it was, he looked back and smiled he reached over to take Faith's hand placing it on his arm, "Now my home is not the Aldera Palace nor does it have the history of House Organa but it is where generations of Aris have lived." He looked back as he tried to guide Faith up the stairs.

Ana and Rebekah stared they looked from Draco to Faith and wondered what in the galaxy had gone wrong.

Faith took slow steps giving Draco time to catch up, she was tired. Pregnancy did that. "Lunch is ready you say" Faith was tired already the trip traveling, and being pregnant drained her of much energy, she needed naps now. She smiled and looked back again.

"Princess" Ana came up beside her, "a message from the Republic" Faith nodded, "excuse me Duke"

Faith stepped over and looked down the message screen was blank, she looked up. Ana smiled and whispered, "you needed a break" Faith nodded. "Thank you Ana" even just a few minutes would give her time to refocus and balance. She wished for Draco's touch to give her the strength she needed. She took a deep breath and continued to act as if she were reading.

As Faith looked to Draco Gabriella leaned on him like some lovesick school girl. She had to bite her tongue not to say something. "ok, send the response and let me know the outcome"

Faith headed back up the stairs into the grand entrance, "Wow" high ceilings double staircase and the largest arrangement of flowers she had ever seen in a single room. "This way for lunch Faith" The Duke guided them all into the parlor where a table had been arranged for all of them.

"Sit, rest, drink, tell me about your trip" He was quite pleased at the moment.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco didn't pay the cooing countess much mind, focusing on Faith, watching her walk in front of him, letting his gaze drop down her back. He smiled absent-mindedly as his eyes followed her around, into the parlor where they would all dine on lunch. Gabriella was clutching to him like a child might hold a favorite teddy bear, but he wasn't paying her any attention. Faith was reminding him why he loved her as she held herself so composed in the Duke's presence. She was a beacon of calm and collection, perfectly handling her situation despite her feelings about it. That determination was just one of the things he loved about the beautiful woman walking in front of him.

The estate was lovely, large and spacious. The Mandalorian took it in with a glance, not paying much attention to any specific detail. The massive assortment of flowers was probably an attempt to flatter and impress Faith, and from the looks of it, she seemed to be rather intrigued by it all. He really couldn't bear the thought of the Duke getting his claws into his beloved, and Faith probably felt the same way as he did about Gabriella. Perhaps they should have just outright declined this invitation. Together.

Draco politely pulled out a seat for Gabriella and once she was settled and comfortable, he carried his own away from where it had been strategically place to be as far as possible from the Duke and from Faith to the otherside of the table, letting Faith sit between he and the Duke, who was positioned at the head of the table. The Mandalorian wanted to melt beneath her touch and feel her warmth radiate into him, reassure her that they would be okay. And he wanted to tell her what he had planned for later tonight after his interrogation with Gabriella. He smiled, grinning so that she could see his teeth, "Hello again, ner runi. I missed you while you were away."

"But I made sure he had good company and a good time. He was quite the pleasant escort." Gabriella smirked from across the table, her voice laden with implications and double meanings. She caught a quick glare from the Mandalorian, only for Draco to ignore it and return his attention to Faith. What was there possibly to gain for her from all this. Its not like Draco would have his family snatched from him, his twins, and just walk away without a fight. Surely she knew that.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith took another step before she turned to look at Gabriella and Draco. She stared into the green eyes of the redhead who looked so pathetic there dangling off the arm of a man who belonged to her.

"Gabriella, one does not pass up caviar to taste root vegetables." She smiled in other words why would he leave her for someone who wallowed on the ground. She turned toward Draco as he sat down she put her hand on his arm for all to see, "Thank you" She looked over to the Duke, and smiled, "Draco" she looked back at him, " I want you to know the Duke has said that he will not pressure me into a marriage knowing how we feel about one another. So tonight he and I will go over the trade agreements, shouldn't take but a little bit." Gabriella looked to the Duke well that was unexpected but she also saw it for what it was a ruse to gain Faith's trust.

She tucked her napkin to her lap, looking down at salad, a cold salad. Fresh start, the table contained assorted cut meats and cheese, and a good white wine. "this looks lovely"

Ana and Rebekah sat at another table putting together items for Faith to review, and to prepare the transmission to Aldera of their arrival.

Gabriella sat across from Faith looking at her, "Perhaps Princess he prefers root vegetables to the high priced caviar" An attempt to say that Draco enjoyed the simplier things in life, which was true but so did Faith. But how would Gabriella know this, she didn't know Faith and she certainly didn't know Draco.

Ana picked her head up, listening. It was unusual to hear Faith in a cat fight of sorts.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco watched the little back and forth between the two women. Gabriella was being quite catty given the situation. With the Duke agreeing to drop out of the race, it just didn't make sense to the Mandalorian. Was Gabriella just looking to make sure she was someone important's mistress?

No, it had to be part of the plan the Duke and her had hatched. "Oh, I can afford the caviar just fine. Plus I like the way it tastes." Draco smiled at Faith, feeling her touch and accepting her claim over him. He wasn't worried about whatever it was Gabriella was trying. His Faith was smarter than to fall for those kind of games. He quietly, and politely kissed Faith's hand and set it back on his arm gently.

"I'm glad to hear that Duke Aris didn't need to be convinced to let up the pressure." Draco smiled friendly like at the Duke, though part of him was disappointed that he wasn't going to get to put his hands on the slimy little man, who had tried so hard to slither his way into Draco and Faith's relationship and tear them apart. "I'm glad at that news." Makes his surprise for her so much better. He would give it to her tonight, after Faith was done with her work.

Draco glanced at the food, and picked at it. Despite his comments about caviar, he actually hated fancy foods. He had been raised on quick cheap meals, survived on rations for sometime, then on scraps. When he had ruled the Techno Union, Draco had tried to stomach the fancier dishes, but in truth, they never set right in his stomach. Faith always watched out for him, and got him what he liked, but this wasn't something she had supervised, and so he mostly just picked at the meal, sipped at the wine on the table. Poured Faith's drinks when she need refills, making sure to pick the sparkling water instead of the wine.

"It looks like you can afford it, but you like to get your fill on the simple things, dear Draco." Gabriella said teasingly watching Draco pick at his meal, her feet rubbing against his leg. He jerked his leg a little bit, but without drawing attention to the situation, there wasn't much he was going to be able to do.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith smiled giving Draco a wink she knew what he liked and root vegetables weren't on the menu. She continued her smile hearing the somewhat convincing tone of Dracos voice she knew from the different foods that there wasn't much he would eat with gusto. He shoved things around on his plate to make it look like he was eating something but in truth he had not eaten enough to satisfy Blu.

She put her hand on his arm and smiled at him, just him ignoring everyone around them for those few little moments. She'd have Rebekah find something in the kitchen's for Draco while she met with Ana about the Intel reports.

He was watching making sure she drank water and not too much wine, the babies didn't need wine. She knew from watching this care that he loved her, loved the children, so anything that the green eyed cat could say would mean little to her.

His fill on simple things yes but she wasn't on the menu, too much fluff not enough substance. Faith finished her meal and sat back she had enough, she was sated.

"That was quite lovely Duke Aris, I'd like to retire for a bit and have a meeting before dinner"

The Duke had been listening, and watching, "Yes Princess you should rest, the journey must have been tiring."

Faith nodded, "i'm not a fan of space travel, always so cold." She pushed her chair out, "Draco, will you accompany me"

Ana and Rebekah were already on their feet, little springs ready to be sprung.

The Duke stood up, "Yes, just before dinner works out well for me" Yes just enough time all he needed time alone with her.

Faith yawned, she was tired.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco stood up at Faith's invitation, helping her out of her chair and grateful to get away from the one sided game of footsie the Countess had forced him into. She bothered him more than he thought she would. Something about her gave him a feeling in his gut that she was used to always getting what she wanted, and the fact that he was holding out on her only drove her further, only peaked her curiosity enough to continue to chase what she could not have.

"Of course ner runi." He said, helping her out of the chair and pushing both of their seats back under the table.

Gabriella looked at him, "Oh, Draco. How about I show you around the gardens while the Princess and Duke Aris have their little meeting?"

Draco turned to Faith for a moment, then just smiled back at the Countess, "That sounds fine. I will walk the Princess to her meeting then, then you can show me around." The Countess flashed him a very devilish grin, one that he had given to Faith on numerous occasions. It made a shiver run down his spine, but he didn't have to worry about fending her off. Even without the Force, he was a very big man and she was just a pompous noble woman chasing him. But, it did provide him with the perfect opening to figure out what their scheme was, and the couple had already agreed he should take it.

Once the couple made it out of the parlor, Draco tucked his arm around Faith at the waist and kissed her cheek, holding her hand. "I missed you, dearest." He cooed in his deep voice, just above a whisper. Draco sighed, breathing her in and letting his hand slide down her back as they made their way through the estate to the rooms that had been made available to them. Something about being in a new place and having the Duke back off his beloved, easing the pressure made him happy and vibrant, wanting to celebrate the good news and not bother staying longer than they had to to finalize this agreement.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith leaned on Draco, "I missed you too, and I am already tired of this game they are playing" She walked slowly with him, Ana, Rebekah and Captain Lindsey bringing up the rear at a respectable distance.

"So you are going into the garden with her, be careful, and..just" She smiled he knew what she would say they had discussed it already. "It will be nice just to talk trade with the Duke and not have to fret over what scheme he is planning. that is if he is true to his word but in truth I didn't solicit anything from him he gave it willingly,"

She stopped, "Oh Rebekah, please go to the kitchens and get them to make him a real plate of food, I can't have him passing out or being weak around the root vegetables" She looked over at him, "I saw you playing with you food. Whatever am I going to do about your eating habits" She smiled and fell back into step with him leaning on him as they walked.

Rebekah nodded and headed back to the kitchen area, just outside the formal dining room. It was a massive thing, probably as big as Aldera Palace, or New Aldera Palace. She couldn't believe that she was here, she wasn't really sure she wanted to be.

She headed into the kitchen, "Hello, I'm Rebekah, I"m with Princess Organa, she was wondering if you had a plate of maybe some nerf and potatoes." The chef looked at Rebekah, "She did not enjoy the lunch?"

Rebekah paused oh, "she did she wants to have something for her guards they didn't eat much" Wasn't quite a lie but it wasn't quite the truth either.

Meanwhile Faith reached the rooms she would occupy, "Ana I'm going to lay down, Draco will you come keep me company?" She smiled

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco smiled, "I'll be careful around her. She's just trying to get you flustered is all. Maybe all they are after is trying to rip you off on these agreements and ensure the better deal by bothering you and cluttering your mind with this other nonsense." And now she was kind of indebted to the Duke of Vena. It made sense, perhaps it was all just a ploy to get better interest rates from a trade agreement, to slip it by her while she was fretting over other things.

Draco's grin widened once they made it to the rooms,she brought up his eating habits. In truth, he wasn't big on the finer foods. He could eat them, but unless he was starving, he rarely did. "So you saw me playing with my food? Maybe all that talk put me in the mood for a taste of my caviar? Hmmm, did you think of that?" His voice was teasing while he followed her into the room, sprawling out on the comfortable bed, tossing a few of the numerous pillows into the floor and out of the way. It was certainly a very comfortable bed, lots of pillows, several different types of blankets on it. Draco was surprisingly playful given where they were, but for him it was also proof that these catty nobles couldn't control him and couldn't tear them apart. That Faith and he were a stronger couple than they had thought and overcame whatever the dubious Duke and his Countess were able to muster up.

"Shouldn't a prince be allowed to eat like a pauper. All slaves ever talk about is getting a meal fit for a king, but when I finally got mine, I found I preferred to eat like the hunter or the farmer." His grin didn't leave his face when he sat up on the bed, up on his knees. It just became roguish and inviting, as he unbuttoned his shirt and opened it up. "But, all kidding aside you did put me in the mood for my caviar. So? How tired is my princess?"

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith looked at Draco as he unbuttoned his shirt, "hmm" she walked slowly over to where he was kneeling on the bed they would share, Ana and Captain Lindsey retreated quickly to another part of the suite to work on items for the Princess' attention. Ana smirked, "Taking bets, hour?"

Captain Lindsey backed up hands in the air, "No way I'm taking that bet. You're on your own" He wouldn't touch that with a 10 foot pole, on a clear day in hell. Whatever the Princess did was her business his was only to make sure she did it safely.

In the room the Princess was smiling as she reached over and laid her hand on the Dragon's chest as the doors closed, "Who am I to deny my Dragon anything" She leaned over, "let us start with a kiss" she leaned further and pressed her lips to his.


Rebekah was happy to finally have the plate for Draco the chef had been suspicious of her and rightfully so she supposed she was a stranger there. She was passing by one of the parlors when she heard voices.

"You just be sure to make it look like there's a whole lot more going on than questions Gabriella, or my brother will have a slave rather than a wife" Rebekah stopped and heard the Duke, he was talking with the Countess.

"Oh I'll make it look good you make sure this thing can perform as well." She could hear a gentle tapping like a finger on metal.

She put her ear closer to the door trying to hear more.

"Little girls shouldn't eavesdrop"

Rebekah turned quickly, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" She started to back up, "I'll just go"

A strong hand of one of the Duke's loyalists reached out grabbing her shoulder, as he opened the door to the parlor.

"Mi'lord I've captured a spy"

Rebekah was so frightened she could feel her heart thumping loudly as her fear seeped into every part of her being, "I won't say anything I promise" Then she saw something that frightened her even more, it looked like Commander Vereen, "Commander help me please"

But what turned to face her was not the Commander, it was something she didn't understand. "oh no" She knew it then it was all a trap they were going to hurt the Princes and the Commander.

The Duke was shaking his head, "Well this is unfortunate." He looked to the loyalist, "kill her and dump her body"

"NOOOO!" Instantly the man snapped Rebekah's neck it was a noise that sounded like no other of her small bones breaking. She fell lifeless to the floor, the plate she carried crashed and scattered.

Gabriella looked over shocked. This is what could happen to her if she didn't do her best. she looked over to the Duke, "Sh
e was so young, and you could have just sent her to a cell or something you didn't have to kill her"

The Duke turned his attention back to Gabriella, "What and have her tell Faith about that eventually" He pointed to the body Rebekah that was Commander Vereen, "I won't take that risk, you do your job you get your reward. You do it well enough and I'll get what I deserve"

No one seemed to care about the poor girl laying on the floor. Just a poor soul that got in the way of someone's ambitions, if it didn't affect them then they had no concerns.

Upstairs in the bedroom unaware

Faith was curled up against Draco. "I think a nap is in order my love, you wear me out" She kissed his cheek, "and I love it"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draz and Ner'gal sat quietly looking into the estate. The Defel wraith's red eyes peered out from the shadow it hid in watching the estate. "Alor and Princess are fine and secure." Its voice was a subtle whisper, lost on those who weren't paying attention as the being sat, almost completely invisible in the shadows.

Beside him the barabel warrior, Draz, lay sprawled out in the leaves, beneath a bush, "Of course they are Ner'gal. No one iz dumb enough to try an Alor without an assssault team." The tracker's own reptillian eyes were closed, half asleep. Boredom had set in on the pair as they just watched, out of sight, out of mind. "Ugghhh, when do we get to go inzide?" The being's nostrils flared and its eyes snapped open. "I senze something. Ssomeone that sshould be, izn't."


"No, one of the servantz. I can't senze her no more." The Barabel's nose flitted and flared a little. "Track her down?"

"No, tonight after dark if she hasn't come back, go find her." The shadow's eyes returned to the estate they had been watching. It was probably nothing to worry about. It wasn't as though the Barabel's Force Sense was perfect. The being had lost others, but never for long. What it couldn't sense, the hunter could track.

Draco lay beside Faith, his arms wrapped around her, holding her close to him. "A nap is good, I haven't slept well since we left Alderaan." He nuzzled the beautiful woman that lay beside him gently, clutching her to him. His breathing slowed as he closed his eyes, his focus had been on Faith at the time of Rebekah's death, and his weakened senses prevented him from noticing her life force being snuffed out. To the Mandalorian, everything was right with the world. His appetite was sated for the time being. "Well, you drive me crazy for you, so we're even." He spoke through a yawn, fatigue setting in on him. "Besides, you talk as if you don't wear me out."

"When you wake up, we will shower and then I will walk you to the Duke. Is the captain going with you?" He asked, his eyes resting half closed already. The big man was tired, and without the Force he needed sleep as well. He hoped she wasn't planning on going alone. Despite how accommodating the Duke had been so far, he suspected something was up. Mostly he thought that the scheme had been an elaborate plan to ensure she wasn't prepared to negotiate and to gain the high ground in their trade agreement. Something that wasn't as bad as they had thought, but was still shady.

[member="Faith Organa"]
"when I wake up, ok. maybe we will get to go home sooner than later. that would be great" Faith snuggled into the crook of Draco's arm. "Umhmm he will go as he always does. He needs a raise I think." She laughed as she closed her eyes, "don't fret Dragon of Mandalore, it will be ok" Slowly she fell asleep.


Faith woke up staring at a ceiling she didn't recognize. It was not something she would have in her home, it was...too, frightening a picture to wake up to. Something was going on she could hear Ana talking to Captain Lindsey. It was a hushed tone but she knew Ana's voice. She reached over and shook Draco, "time to get up, something going on" Faith slid from the bed and pulled her robe as she headed for the door. She stood there listening trying to eavesdrop before she opened it.

"We need to look for her she wouldn't just wonder off" Someone was missing?

A worried look filled her face who was missing who if she could hear Ana, the only other female with them was Rebekah. She had sent her for food almost two hours ago. Faith opened the door looking at the concerned faces that greeted her. "Rebekah is missing?" Faith asked.

"She hasn't returned I don't know that it is considered missing" A good attempt to alleviate concern from the Captain.

Faith looked at Ana, "Speak to the Duke, see if she's been seen. Go to the kitchen it's where I sent her, if you don't find her. We will ask for them to look for her"

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco rose from their nap, and washed his face while Faith eavesdropped on the conversation going on outside. Once he had freshened himself and got woken up fully, He followed her into the next room. "I'm sure she just bumped into a handsome cook or guard. There isn't reason to do a grid search yet." He said with a smile. He didn't know Rebekah as well as he knew Ana, but it wasn't characteristic of either of them to wander off without word or warning. Nonetheless, he wasn't worried. It had only been two hours, and while he did miss the food she was supposed to return with, he wasn't upset or worried about it. "Baby, why don't you go ahead and get ready for your meeting. I'll have one of my clansmen find her." Draz was on the planet somewhere and the Barabel was did specialize in tracking, with and without the Force.

Draco sat down at the small table in the antechamber and rattled off a message to the Barabel, short and simple. Draco wasn't worried about the woman, not yet anyway. Sure the first seventy two hours were crucial, but it wasn't like she had been kidnapped or anything.

::Rebekah wandered off, go find her, bring her back to our suite. -Alor Vereen::

Nothing too crazy, and it might take the hunter a few hours to find her, but Draco could imagine the look on some poor guards face when Draz bursts through the door, beskar plated humanoid lizard with six centimeter long teeth lining its jaws. Yeah, that was a picture he kinda wanted to see. "We both have somethings to attend to this afternoon, and my boy will sniff her out by nightfall. Granted, he's not well versed in ettiquite or manners, so whoever she is with is going to get dropped in on by a one hundred fifty kilo barabel hunter." Draco gave Faith a toothy grin, "Don't worry, he won't hurt them." and went back to finding clean clothes for him to wear before and to dinner.

The Barabel still laid out in the shade of the bushes he had crawled underneath, watching the sun starting to sink towards the horizon. Afternoon was just beginning to break into evening but there were still two or three hours left in the day before night claimed the estate. Bored, the Barabel was simply sensing the party, watching them move around a small space. Draz felt a slight buzz on his wrist and pulled his scaled arm closer to his face reading the message. "Ner'gal. Alor zends me to find the one I losst. Keep watch."

The almost invisible shadow didn't budge, only the red eyes of the Dark Jedi shifting to look at the Barabel. "Stay hidden if you can. The Alor hasn't told the hosts we are here." Which was responded to only with grumbling, as the reptilian warrior slithered from under the bushes and began making his way towards the gardens, sniffing the air and tasting it with his tongue. He had a vague memory of where the woman and disappeared but that was inside and unavailable to him.

Draco found a shirt and slacks to wear, nothing impressive and waited for Faith in the antechamber outside the bedroom, sipping on a cup of caf. She had the much more difficult job to do tonight before dinner with negotiating with the Duke. All he had to do was fend off the Countess's initial advances and then make it clear that for her, there was no winning. Only losing, and loss. He hadn't considered the possibility of losing Faith seriously. He still didn't. But he knew what would happen if he did, and it was time the Countess did as well. Then she would tell him the Duke's plan. "Captain, watch out for her please. And if the Duke touches her inappropriately. Wait for me to get there."

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith was concerned Bekha knew better than to wander around in a strange place, while she trusted Draco's confidence that she was likely just distracted she knew she would have to discuss with her again the protocols of a royal visit.

Faith nodded and went into the refresher, she needed longer time to prepare for dinner than Draco. Yes she would need to dress first and then be escorted to the meeting by Captain Lindsey. When she came out of her dressing room Faith was ready to go, she looked around to see if Rebekah had returned. "She's not here Faith." Ana offered as she came over to secure Faith's zipper on her dress for this evening.

"Ana did you question the Duke's staff?" The worry was hinted at in her voice, Ana shook her head, "No I will do so while you speak with the Duke" Faith took a deep breath.

"Draco" Faith headed to the antechamber, "Are you ready?"

She was ready, was she really ready for him to take on the Countess. Yes. No. Maybe.


The Duke prepared the room the agreements, as well as a little show for the Princess. His Loyalist had came back just a few moments ago to tell him that the body was currently in the garden shed, that they would move her later this evening for proper disposal.

The Duke was well pleased with himself right now he was working towards his goal, Gabriella walked in her dress it was very appropriate for dinner, and it was also one that would allow her movement. She smiled at the Duke, "What do you think?"

The Duke nodded as he got closer to her, "Very nice, you know what to do, and how to do it yes?" 15 minutes didn't seem long but it could be a lifetime. "yes I remember" She smiled again did a little curtsy and headed to the foyer waiting to see if Draco came down with Faith.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco smiled, standing up. Faith was worried about her aide, and it was possible she should be. But from his perspective, they were out on vacation in a romantic estate built for the luxury of those who were lucky enough to live there. Rebekah was likely off enjoying herself like Draco wanted to be instead of all the talk of politics and agreements. His hand patted his pocket, feeling the little piece of metal he had hidden away in it. Good, tonight after dinner would be a perfect time to ask her.

"Yes, cyar'ika. I am ready." He gave her another smile as the group prepared to leave for their meetings. Hers with the Duke under guard and watchful eyes, his with the Countess in private. His required a deal of her trust, and he appreciated that. The woman he was going to talk to had spent the entirety of their trip trying her best to tempt him, and being catty towards Faith in an attempt to compound her jealousy. Draco understood the tactic, but was confident that there could be no gain from the ordeal for the Countess.

"And don't worry about Rebekah. She will likely turn up at dinner or later tonight after her walk of shame." His grin returned, continuing to make jokes about Rebekah's circumstance. Truthfully, she'd been gone too long for his tastes, one of the reasons he had one of his clansmen out looking for her. Once she did turn up though, there would be talk of chastising her and punishing the woman, though the Mandalorian doubted it would be anything severe.

Draco looked Faith over from head to toe, then back up again as she walked through the room. "Well, you look absolutely breath taking my love." His voice was deep and melodic, giving Faith a quick kiss on the cheek and offering her his arm for the short walk out to the parlor she would be meeting the Duke in. "If you are trying to make the Duke want what he can't have, you will certainly succeed tonight."

[member="Faith Organa"]
She took Draco's arm as she had done many a night in the last few months, "I only need your attention, and perhaps I am trying to make him envious of you" She looked over towards him from under dark lashes, with a smirk caressing her lips.

"Are you working on reminding the Countess you belong to someone else?" She squeezed his arm gently as the moved through the halls both of them unaware of the plots turning and twisting around them.

"I hope you are right about Rebekah, it would relieve me greatly to have to talk to her about communication but it would also relieve the tension I have growing in the knot at the back of my neck. And now to deal with the Duke or the next however how long, is broadcasting a headache" She walked slowly down the stairs she could see Gabriella looking up, the girl is a vulture.

Captain Lindsey kept his head down it was sad to see a woman of the Countess position brought to this level it served a reminder that there are some in the galaxy who crave attention, and love. They'd do almost anything for it. He was prepared to escort the woman away.
Draco let out a hurt gasp, teasing her just a little. "If you had of told me you had a knot in your back I could have worked on it, massaged it out for you before all this." He took her hand in his and gently rubbed the back of her palm, reminding her of his skills with his hands, and his skills as a masseur. He didn't take those classes only to have them forgotten. Besides, if he didn't get to practice it enough, he would lose his competitive edge, get rusty with his skill set.

"And I am reminding her. This whole conversation is going to be about the consequences of her actions." He kissed Faith again on the cheek, showing her his affections in front of the Countess in the hopes of reassuring Faith's trust in him, and fending off any initial advances the Countess had planned for him. She was the weak link in the chain anyway, but this little conversation was probably already unimportant. The Duke likely had everything he wanted from the situation already. Faith was uneasy, stressed, and anxious going into a negotiation over trade and commerce. What more could the little selfish jerk want.

"Don't stress yourself too much ner runi. Remember, you have the easy job now that the Duke isn't after you. I am the one that has to fight off the harpy at the bottom of the stairs." His whisper was meant to be a joke, just a little something light-hearted to lighten her mood. Faith was already worried enough about Rebekah, she didn't need anymore.

Turning his head to Gabriella, Draco spoke clearly, "Well, I have no interest in listening to trade agreements being discussed, so I'm going to grab a snack out of the kitchen. Then you can show me around the place? Sound good to you, Countess?"

Gabriella smiled coyly, showing off quite a bit of leg. "That sounds wonderful, good Sir Knight. You certainly look dashing, its a wonder the Princess hasn't swooned over you, but then again, she may just be bored." The redhead batted her eyes at Draco, but avoided any eye contact with Faith. Having watched the young aide die earlier she wasn't ready to do that just yet.

[member="Faith Organa"]
Faith was ready to gag right there, "Gabriella you were once my friend someone I trusted, now you're just..." Faith left it open there was no word within polite society for a whore. The woman had bartered her body away for what? Something unknown unseen because she wished to taste it.

She could have sat on Alderaan and had as many men as she wanted, but no she made alliances with off worlders and depending upon what Draco found out the woman might not have a home to return to.

Faith looked at Draco, "We have a date after your walk and my meeting so be quick" She smiled and headed off with Captain Lindsey to see Duke Aris.

When she entered the room the lights were low, Faith hesitated. "not to worry Faith, I just need lower lights to show you a holo, if the good Captain wouldn't mind standing at the door."

Faith looked, "don't go too far"

Captain Lindsey dropped back to the door and watched as Faith walked over to the Duke, "Oh Faith you look lovely these colors suit you, now sit, I have wine for us and let me show you a little holo that I've had"

Faith smiled completely unsure of what he was up to with the lights low the images from the holo burned bright. She watched as what looked like Draco in a garden, she looked closer what garden was that? Draco with a woman in a green dress, his hands in places clearly indicated his intent upon her. The woman's face seen just beyond his shoulder, Gabriella. Faith was blind to what garden, blind to any markings that would indicate that was not HER Draco. All she heard was someone else whispering his name as his hands wrestled with fabric.

Faith stood up Pain ripped through her. Captain Lindsey was behind her as she watched the passionate embraces the subtle little moans by the red head as she buried her face into the long dark masses, "draco" the red head whispered.

Faith turned away, "I've seen enough, that's a lie. Draco wouldn't betray me"

The Duke raised the lights, "He's been to Vena before Faith, he visited here not long ago to meet with the Countess my spies just happen to catch this. I knew you wouldn't believe me without proof I'm sorry it's so painful" Proof that the man she entrusted with her secrets, her pain, her dreams. Proof. He said he needed proof like he knew before hand but that didn't make sense either, she needed to calm she needed to think.

Faith trembled from head to foot, "it's not possible its got to be someone else, he wouldn't...not with...he wouldn't ever" Faith tried to hold back the emotions that churned within her, anger, hurt, disbelief.

"He's meeting her now isn't he? He didn't need any encouragement?"

Faith turned to the Duke, "Yes he did, he said he wouldn't if it would hurt me"

"Oh Princess such an old tactic to say one thing just to get the desired response." The Duke was kneeling at her feet reaching for her hand trying to comfort her.

Faith was going to be sick.

Captain Lindsey reached out, "Princess what do you need?"

Faith looked up to the Captain, "I need to sit still right now"

The Duke offered her something stronger than wine, "I can't drink that" As much as she wanted to, as much as she needed that comfort she didn't need steel in her bones for this. Had he played her? Was all this some ruse?

"But why? It makes no sense."

The Duke trying to push his agenda continued, "Perhaps he just wants a title"

Faith shook her head, "No he has titles, power, credits, I offer nothing"

The Duke had to think "Rest Faith, don't trouble yourself right now"

If she faced this and if this was true, what was he doing in the Garden right now with Gabriella Alde?
Draco shot Faith a smile and left her arm, ducking into the kitchens, Gabriella sneering back at Faith before following him. The kitchens were busy people working on preparing dinner, chefs cooking, servants icing glasses and selecting wines. "Hey, toss me that apple, would ya." He said pointing at the fruit while getting the attention of one of the servants. The older man looked like he had never been so insulted, but he did hand the fruit to the Mandalorian warrior with only a roll of the eyes for resistance.

"Draco, we should get going if you want me to show you around the gardens." The Countess fell in beside him, clutching to him like she might an old flame, but Draco didn't pay her much mind. Even with as much leg as she was trying to show, the man wasn't interested. Besides, he had to think about what he was going to say to her.

"Alright, alright." He rolled his eyes at the insistence of Gabriella, ushering him out of the kitchens and into the Gardens. The gardens were lovely, quite romantic. "Alright, take me to the most romantic part of the garden, and keep the getting there simple, I need to remember how to get there when I bring Faith after dinner."

Gabriella glanced up at the warrior whose arm she clutched, watching him bite into the fruit he had pilfered from the kitchens. She had her doubts since the murder of that poor servant girl, how calmly the Duke had disposed of her and shrugged off any guilt about having ordered it, but at this point she was in to deep to back out. If she did, she could be the next easily disposed of body. The long legged Countess led Draco through the Gardens of Vena, around roses, tulips, daffodils, and other flowers until they came to a small porch overlooking part of the gardens, with a flowering tree to other side, framing the dusk sky. "The moon comes up right there in around two hours." She said, her voice soft and sultry, trying her best to get his attention. Eleven more minutes.

"Thanks," Draco peeled himself from her clutches and leaned against the porch, looking down at the red-haired woman, her emerald eyes. "So. What is it that you get, if the Duke gets Faith?" She was a bit taken aback by the abruptness of the question.

"I'm not sure what you mean?"

"Yes you are. If he gets Faith, its not like you would get to be Duchess, so you lose that. Its not like you are gonna get me, so you don't get to be an heiress or trophy wife. So, what is it he has promised you to break me and Faith up?" The warrior's grey eyes weren't the soft gentle she had remembered when he looked at Faith. If anything his attitude was very matter of fact now.

"I don't know about that, Draco. There is no conspiracy, I'm just attracted to you. I want to see what its like to have a powerful Mandalorian warrior like yourself, dashing, and handsome." She was trying her best to maneuver around the line of questioning. Admittance was acceptance of guilt, and besides. She needed to burn ten more minutes.

"Alright, so you gain nothing from all this. Do you really expect me to believe that you would cut ties with House Organa for a man you just met, that you knew your princess was in love with? I'm not buying it. So how about I put it this way. What is it Duke Aris actually wants?" Draco took a breath. He could see Gabriella was considering things, taking her time and thinking. That was good for him, that would likely get him what he wanted. "And just so you know. Coming clean now, might just save Alde's relationship with House Organa that you've been lighting a torch under."

Gabriella was still just buying time, though part of her worried about those things. She looked down at her hands, studying them. Eight minutes. "I'm just trying to get in the Duke's good graces." She thought about it. No, this man needed a Damsel in distress. That would be her best bet at manipulating this man. "He is a lot more influential than you might think. If I were to fall into his ire, I could end up with nothing, no prospects, no one willing to upset him by arranging something with their sons. And then you came along and got in his way. I just thought that perhaps I could wiggle out of his clutches and into someone softer, someone like you."

Draco, looked her over, seeing the slight shiver as she spoke. It was a believable tale, but not one he bought. "So, then what? I lose everything I love, and I'm supposed to just get over that and settle for you, someone I'd have to keep under lock and key to keep from jumping into other men's beds. You aren't that stupid."

"Honest, that is all there is for me, Ser Draco." She carefully used his knightly prefix, batting her emerald green eyes at him.

"Alright, if you are being honest with me, I will be honest with you. If Faith were manipulated and tricked into leaving me because of something you convinced her of or something you did, I won't be pleased." The Mandalorian's voice was low, almost a growl as he spoke. The simple admittance from him took her aback more than his line of questioning had originally. She didn't know what she expected of him if the Duke got his way, but being told worried her. She was now trapped between a rock and a hard place. Unable to fail Duke Aris for fear for her life, and unable to succeed for fear of the Mandalorian.

"Duke Aris wants to merge their houses, then you came along. That is all I know, I swear. He always gets his way, so I figured I could get you to warm up to me now and that way you might come around after he and the Princess were married." Draco laughed, even going so far as to toss his head back at the act. The woman gasped as she saw a reptilian figure hop the row of bushes behind him and the dark reptilian silhouette begin making its way to them.

"Come on. I don't buy it. But at least I know the Duke isn't done chasing Faith." It was good to know at least that. There was at least one more step, one more phase in the Duke's plan. Draco turned as Draz slithered up beside him.

"No zign of the girl, Alor." The reptilian hiss didn't acknowledge the woman just yet, who was covering her mouth and backing away from the large humanoid reptilian.

"Find her and bring her back to the suite. Search all night if you have to." Draco, shook the creatures clawed hand and the reptile nodded and slither back through the bushes, stopping to taste the air with his forked tongue for a moment. "Draz, one of my clansmen." Draco spoke like nothing had happened, putting his arm around the Countess and guiding her back towards the mansion. Four minutes, and it was a three minute walk to the estate, then another sixty seconds of wandering the halls. "So, how is the Duke going to break me and Faith up? Seeing as you aren't getting anywhere, what's his back up plan?"

She looked over her shoulder, losing sight of the fearsome reptilian, holding Draco more for security than lust now. She only needed to do one more thing before they got back inside to seal Draco's fate. She walked slowly, talking the longer way around the garden before entering. Sixteen minutes had passed since they wandered outside, so all she had to do was leave just a little lipstick under his collar. Gabriella faced him and buried her head in his chest, trying to prompt a response from him, a hug of some sorts, but he just stood there. "I'm sorry to have caused you all this trouble and worry Ser Draco. I hope that you can forgive me. I promise to behave better for the rest of your trip. I swear it." And he just stood there, gently pushing her away.

"I'm sure you will." Draco said, pushing her off him and making his way down the steps to the parlor he had left Faith at, Gabriella in her green dress following close behind. She was smiling, her duty complete, but part of her was worried. Draco had threatened her, and he had a reptilian beast roaming the gardens. It was too late now. At least she would get something out of all this. She would need to start manipulating the boy soon if she was going to secure her place in the Duke's house.

[member="Faith Organa"]
She just sat there wishing that the man in front of her would shrivel into little pieces and then be eaten by worms. None of this made any sense, surely she wasn't away that much that Draco would look to another woman for comfort, especially THAT woman of all women.

She needed air, she needed privacy. She got up even as her legs felt they would give out. The Duke could see he had accomplished his part he had planted the seeds of mistrust, the thought was there. After witnesses all of Gabriella's affections on Draco to have them materialize before her eyes had sent the Princess reeling.

She did not trust anything in this place nothing, and now she grew even more concerned about Rebekah.

She looked at Captain Lindsey, "I'm going outside send one of your guards with me, find Commander Vereen and tell him I need to speak with him" Faith looked at the holo again, "I'd like that record Duke Aris"

The Duke knew if he declined the request that the Princess would suspect, there was no tinkering with it had been recorded without interruption. "Of course" He rose up looking at it not once did he hesitate, he picked up the disc and returned to Faith. Lifting her hand he pressed the disc into her palm, "looking at it will only hurt you"

Faith nodded, "Yes I know, I need it for other purposes." She closed her fingers around it and walked towards the double doors leading outside.

Captain Lindsey went back out the doors of the parlor to look for the Commander as one of his men followed the Princess.

The Duke watched her go yes it was going very well indeed.

Faith found her way to the first steps, and fell. The guardsmen was quickly by her side, "Highness" He was concerned and uncertain what to do for the Princess, she looked up at him, eyes red rimmed, giant tears falling down her cheeks.

She didn't want to believe this, she sat on the step. "I'll wait for Commander Vereen here" Faith buried her face in her hands trying to rid herself of her emotions, doubting herself, doubting everything.

[member="Draco Vereen"]
Draco turned the corner and walked down the steps, his mind spinning trying to figure out the end game. She hadn't succeeded in her attempts to lure him away from Faith, but certainly a man as cunning as Duke Aris wouldn't bet all of his chances on the wiles of one redhead against the willpower of someone desperately in love with a princess. But, it just didn't make sense to him. She still had very little to gain, even if her words had been true.

The big Mandalorian continued down the stairs, spotting Faith sitting at the bottom. Had he been gone that long? Long enough that she was already waiting on him and had waited long enough to need to sit down. "I'm sorry I'm late cyar'ika. I didn't think you'd be done that quickly with all the talks of trade agreements and politics." He was smiling on the his way down. With Gabriella dealt with, at least for now. She had dodged a lot of his questions, kept him on the hook quite a bit, but she had given him some information, and the Mandalorian had a plan for how to figure out the rest.

The warrior couldn't see Faith's face buried in her hands, but he could tell by her body language something was wrong. At the top of the stair, Gabriella called out to him, giving him a playful wave as she disappeared down a different corridor. "See you later Draco." She called in her sultry voice. Had his attention not been on Faith he would have glared up at the countess. So much for her promise to behave.

"What is the matter cyar'ika? What's wrong?" His voice full of concern as he dropped down to sit by her side, to comfort her. He could feel his anger rising in his chest, readying to lash out at Duke Aris as he looked at his beloved crying, her face in her hands as she sobbed softly.


Draz could smell the woman. She was close, now. The reptilian eyes flicked back and forth, forked tongue tasted the air, nostrils flared. He could smell her, taste her air, but he could not sense her. There was a shed, and in front of it sat a gardener, or at least a man dressed as a gardener. The Barabel didn't know many gardeners to carry DeathHammer pistols and stun batons in their jackets.

The reptilian warrior slithered closer, and closer. She had to be locked in that shed, but his senses should have picked up her life force by now, unless there was none to detect. The Barabel warrior was a realist, and if it looked bleak, it probably was. The Barabel was also bestial in nature. One of his pack had been killed by these, and so this one would be killed by him. "Thiz one's hunt iz over." The lizard muttered, exploding from the bushes in a surge of muscle and sinew and scale, leaping onto the false gardener.

With a yelp, the man shrieked going for his weapons but it was too late. The man was a trained soldier, but against a barabel in power armor at close range. It was over quickly, six centimeter teeth tearing into soft skin under the man's chin in little more than a gurgle.

Draz looked up at the door of the garden shed and pulled the lock off with a jerk, dragging the body behind him, pulling it into the shed. There was no use hiding it more than that. Even this much would draw suspicions from onlookers but the Barabel needed a moment. There laying in the shed, unceremoniously dumped was Rebekah. The creature growled, glaring at the body of the man he'd just killed. A warrior was one thing, but a helpless young woman was another.

The creature took a moment, covering the man's wounds up a bit and sitting the man out in his chair yet again, appearing at a distance as though he was still on duty, still taking watch, while the barabel hefted the woman's body and carried it out. His hunt was over, but a new hunt was beginning. They knew he was out here, and they would know he had the body before long. All he needed to do was get it back to Alor Vereen before they found him and shot him.

[member="Faith Organa"]

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