Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In The Mountains..

The Mined Land

And it is morning on the Drunkenwell. The huge, golden sun rose over the edge of the industrial world, and its rays fell on a lonely scorched ground, cracks grew deep in the barren, parched soil like a wizened old face, baked hard, no more hospitable to the delicate seeds than a scorched rock. Fettered with craters like swiss-cheese, it had holes and shafts along its surface, and great machines and tiring labours.

silhouettes against the smog fluid sky, black out-lines moving to and fro, blackened rivers of sweat, criss-crossed every inch of their torso, which rippled beneath their never to be white again, string vests. These were the workers, the toilers, the slave of the industry. This was Mella Industries bread and butter, the mining game.

The Hutts Gathering

While man and machine worked for their bread and butter, a round repulsive sight sat in luxury in a cool air conditioned room with food on platters and admirers to his side. It was a Hutt, Mongo to be exact and he was hosting an event for his sponsors and associates. "Bai mah pateessa, bai mah woceuea an bai twa jewz ku can." The Hutt said as his tongue played spear as he gorged himself on food, with a lip smacking belch.

"The Great mighty Mongo wishes to toast, to his friends and to his family and their future endeavours." The translator close at his masters side, giving half repeated greets and responses assuring the guests the Hutt bids them well, all the while the Hutt didn't talk or even look at the small business owners hailing from Drunkenwell.

Those whom received Invitation
Dillon Trask [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Nyx"] [member="Warren Century"] [member="Maanis Vizla"] [member="ZERR"] [member="Avery Akanbar"] [member="A.D.A.M."] [member="Zane Hara"] [member="Break"] [member="Orn'komad "][member="Paislee Armandé"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Haaza Kutter"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]
Sempra the hutt filled his portion of the table. With a slightly more straight and stern stance then [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] it was still a hutt, to some it was sickening, to others something to admire.

Between cheews he spread his hands in a generous gesture and joined Mongos toast with a deep resonating voice. To the non-hutts present his albino slave made sure Sempras word translated into basic.

"The wise Sempra agrees with your toast most generous Mongo. He is confident that with the aid of the Cartel the Jackals and their bussiness partners will thrive upon this solid rock for generations to come."

The hutt glanced across the room carefully taking note on who was present.
Thraxis would be in a corner, not fully aware as to why he was invited into this spectacle, drinking his small flask of swill. "Hmmm. If they keep eating like this their isn't going to be any food left for the rest of the world." he would mutter, making sure no one heard his sly remark. He would begin to look around, wandering on the outskirts of the feast, "Dang it, its not like I run anything on this place, why the hell was I invited." he would further contemplate, never taking a seat as he was terrified that if he stopped moving the hutts would think him food.
Cadan walked up to the table and raised a glass and then quickly downed it. "Where's the Twi'leks!?" Cadan said somewhat louder than needed. He looked around the table, before his eyes fell upon the leg of an animal, he picked it up and began chowing down.

He approached Thraxis. "Let's hope these Hutt's pay us well." It would seem that Cadan was now at least three drinks in.

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Thraxis"]
Thraxis would look to him, hoping [member="Cadan Tazi"] could have told him why they were here, though it seems his friend could not handle his liquor, "Yes! Good fortune I am sure just sits over the horizon." he would yell, trying to further show the Hutts he is not dead, nor is he their food, he would then whisper into Cadan's ear, "I'm nearly certain our horizon is just over their bloated bellies." he would say, chuckling at what he thought was a great joke.
The hutt clapped his hands twice and a group of entertainers, including a twi'lek dancer rose from the corner of the room.

"A gift to you my friend Mongo."

"Let no one say the hutts are not generous hosts!" Sempras near by albino slave translated.

"The cartel always tend to that your every need, mental or physical, however bent and dark is met." the hutt chuckled at this and grabbed a tree frog as he started to wag his tail at the rythm of the music.

[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
"Jee bouih thee, mee dan dah uba an mee pacmona, Jee dotmay jeejee." he spoke directly to [member="Sempra the Hutt"], the translator not making an effort to translate, this was meant for the Hutt alone. "I thank you cousin, your instinct and boundless euthanasias for our restoration is bearing fruit, soon the galaxy shall know our name once more." his roll's of fat moving in disjointed quibbles of movement in tune with the music, one might mistake this for the Hutt choking to one who isn't of the Hutt, these subtle movements were joy.

"The great Mongo, would like to show the investment and paitance of the Cartel and city of Kalandra, and what bear its fruits." the translator addressed the gathering, with that solid footsteps could be heard like that of a steel toed boot, heavy and having a certain rhythm to the steps, it was than that the bulky shape of B2 Battle Droid, and a Jawa by the name of [member="Ti'Kik"] entered the room. Its frame was with an almost organic shape, sharp edges and defect ranged across the armour and the wash of brown paint and the seal of the Hutt Cartel could be seen on it. "These will be the Cartels greatest weapons, an army of living metal!" the translator shouted in a display of showmanship.

[member="Sempra the Hutt"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
At the front of the hover bus sat a kid so tiny his bobbled hat only just peaked over the back of his seat. With every bounce of the suspension his head wobbled like it was only loosely attached to his neck. Then every once in a while he would disappear from view, only to bob right back up again. After ten minutes or so he wiped the condensation from the window with hand and pressed a button nose to the glass. The cyborg leader had been riding the bus to [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"], party. It was another one of his ideas to increase his public image and it annoyed him, he disliked children their constant needs and their crying it was maddening and this child was looking right at him, as he departed the hover bus the child looked in his direction, he didn't like it and that child had just now put him in a foul mood. Maybe it was his head wasn't screwed on right, or that his hearted bobbed up and down in a fish tank located in the centre most of his chest. "I hate children." he said moving into Mella Industries HQ.

He looked about addressing [member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] and [member="Sempra the Hutt"], with a curt nod of his head. He stared at the Jawa and his machine the steam rising in intricate spiral before disappearing into still unmoving air.

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"] [member="Sempra the Hutt"] [member="Alatar Istari"] [member="Pavor Clauditis"] [member="Bass Terrik"] [member="Quinn"] [member="Avery Akanbar"] [member="A.D.A.M."] [member="Zane Hara"] [member="Break"] [member="Orn'komad "][member="Paislee Armandé"] [member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Haaza Kutter"] [member="Thraxis"] [member="Cadan Tazi"]
Sempra agreed to the to party at hand and moved to grab another tree frog.

'"Kalandra is our second most valuable location generous Mongo. We must act carefully not to risk it. We must keep our ever growing machinery of war discreet so that it is not squashed before the time to act has come. But as long as we are on our own I would very much enjoy such a tour." Sempra smiled and downed a glass of wine.

[member="Mongo Booshi Mella"]
[member="Cadan Tazi"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
ADAM seemed to meld out of the wall, he had chosen his HRD for this occasion, the pale skin made the white on the suit seem to shine in the building. He moved to step beside his captain as his stealth-field generator powered down.

"Good of you to arrive, Sir." his voice was cold, curt. The all-too human face looking to his captain with a cold expression, a bandage covered half the face where said skin had been ripped off recently. "I trust the bus gave you no trouble?" Was he antagonizing his captain? His gave turned to Thraxis and Cedan for a moment, only catching a bit of whatever they were talking about.

"Public affairs really don't suit our outfit that much, do they captain.." The smug suit-dressed white-skinned HRD made a smirk as he continued along.
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

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