Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the medical Unit

Edard slowly opened his eyes and was immediately sorry he had. There was a slimy substance covering his body and it felt as if he was suspended in it. he grabbed his face and felt the respirator there, and realized he was in a bacta tank. Strange, i didnt think it would feel like this... it doesn't taste awful either. Wait! Where am I? Am i back on the ship...? Ed reached out and touched the side of the tank, which gave off a deep but bell-like thump. Transparisteel... not the ship. The ships tank is older model glassteel. Someones coming... Ed could feel the little eddies now present in his consciousness reverberate and he got the impression of a small tube surrounding him now. Reaching up he toggled a switch and waited patiently as the bacta drained into the floor of the tube. When the bacta had drained the tube slid down and he removed the respirator and stepped down from the platform. In the currents of his inner mind he could see a table to his left with a figure next to it, or rather a different current in the shape of a figure.
"Hello? Where am I?" he said to the figure.
She had found this one barely alive during the time, still clinging onto life in a way that spoke volumes to the relatively young sith master. She aided his struggle by allowing her dark influence to sustain him, many thought the dark side lacked ways to heal but in fact she'd dare to say that the dark side's way was much better. As soon as she could she had her servants bring the young boy to her secret chambers on Coruscant, had him medically examined before allowing him a bacta tank. She would have preferred Kolto but bacta was easier to come by nowadays, she took seat on the far side of the room currently centering herself within the raging yet cold storm that was the dark side. She could feel every improvement he had if she chose to focus on it but no her presence was worlds away. She had many plans that she had to begin to set in order, she had felt like this boy may be of use as the force clings to him so he'd be offered the same choice as everyone. He could either join her way or choose death and she was sure those were the only option. Her lightsabers laid before her on the table, her servants knew not to disturb her whenever she entered her trances. She was glad because it was getting irritating having to dispose of bodies and explain the rather rapid disappearances and such. The force had alerted her as soon as the boy finally woke up from his force & pain induced slumber, her eyes slowly opened though she did not move a muscle. Her lightsabers found their way to their places on her thanks to her telekinesis, and slowly she rose up her red hair bouncing as she moved. With elegant and slow steps she made her way before the boy, her force presence was sensible but extremely restrained so he would never truly be able to tell how powerful she truly was.
"My my sleepy head that's no way to greet the woman who saved your life is it." She laughed slightly before dialing in the sequence to began to drain of the bacta tank and subsequently releasing him from the bacta tank. The Sith holocrons seemed to be interested in the young boy as they took to life adding a great dread and fear inspiring influence to the air. They spoke to Kiara their corruptive voice whispering hollow promises in her ear. She was above such promises as she already knew the power the dark side brought but at the same time she conquered her dark side ambitions and became stronger for it.
Edard stood more erect at the voice. So it is a person, but who? she side stepped my question and laughed at me. "My appologies. My name is Edard, of the Sovellai people. From the planet Kel Sovel, which is an out of the way desert planet in what most consider to be the Wild Space region out past the outer rim." As Edard kept talking the waves of energy eddying off of the newcomer changed in quality. the waves started out with a ambivalent kind of warmth, but soon soured, producing a similar effect to steri-cain, the topical anesthetic used in dental procedures. after a moment it was gone as well as the warmth. it was as though there was no warmth anywhere. Touching his arm he felt his flesh was as warm as ever and the air had not changed in temperature..... "so I ask again, where am I, and who are you?" Edard was at that moment conscious of the fact that he was completely naked, standing in front of a possibly female person. It was just a product of his life and experience that he gave not one care as to that particular state. In a much less ambivalent tone he asked "and were are my weapons? I have some to kill."
(OoC: hey thanks for posting! i really appreciate you joining me here. also the waves i mentioned arent coming off of you, just that your presence is changing the spectrum of the available force, the numbness is Eds innate force capabilities immuizing him from the darkness of the force until he ater chooses it or denies it. )
"Oh so you fancy yourself a warrior?" As she spoke her servants gathered the man some clothes quite close to the ones he once had on but of course different in that they were clean and fixed. Kiara knew no modesty between them because she looked at him as she would any man, with a certain disinterest but she found herself rather amused by him. She noticed with her force sight that while the dark side swirled around him but had yet to claim him as it's own yet. But it would happen eventually, the dark side had a way of creeping it's way past even the strongest defenses. Many great jedi boasted that they'd never fall and oh how sweet the feeling was when they realized that they'd already fallen so far. When he mentioned that he had someone to kill, it brought a rare smile to her face not that her face could be seen as she always either wore a different face through sorcery or kept the shadows covering her face. As soon as his clothes were on she began pacing rather slowly before being struck with a rather interesting idea; without thinking of what could happen she smirked before tossing him one of her spare lightsabers before speaking. "You speak as if you have power to kill but do you know what power truly is I wonder." She left the sentence hanging as if she was really thinking about it before clapping her hand one time before adding. " You have a chance, kill me and you'll be free or fail and I'll claim your life." Knowing most he'd think of running first but she was standing between the only exit out of the particular room and unknown to him but their were several of her personal acolytes that were literally fiending for someone to kill so they could earn at least a little of her favor. She made no move to arm herself showing how little she was worried about his attack.
The supple Keiss Dragon leather tunic slid with easeover his shoulders, and the leggings of some generic cloth were belted to his waist with a belt of metal scales. His pockets even contained heir original contents: vibro knife, medistick, blaster cell, high voltage static discharge slime tube. As he was listening and 'watching', he felt the gentle puff again as the lightsaber arced in his direction. He caught the grip in his right hand and tried to puzzle as quickly as he could as to what it was. It was long, perhaps nine inches and he could wrap his finger around it well. If he didn't know better he would say it was the leather wrapped hilt of a vibroblade until he came upon a small plate of cool metal about an inch across long half an inch wide. As he was trying to decode why she would give him the hilt of a broken sword the button was depressed by is little finger. A Snap-WHUMPH-hiss was his only warning as a tube of heat slid past his elbow and in his inner eye he could sense little eddies in and around the hilt.
So its an energy sword of somekind. Great shes one of those puffed up jedi priests and this is the part where she gives me her spiel about the goodness she could feel in me- Ed was interrupted by the lady," You speak as if you have power to kill but do you know what power truly is I wonder....You have a chance, kill me and you'll be free or fail and I'll claim your life."
with relief Ed laughed,"your no jedi priest!" and leaped forward and swung the sword at her feet, cartwheeling to the side and launching a overhead kick aimed at the back of her neck.
(OoC: to be clear, hes standing on one hand, swinging the lightsaber and kicking at the same time.)

i posted this under the wrong profile. if an admin would delete it that would be nice.
The supple Keiss Dragon leather tunic slid with easeover his shoulders, and the leggings of some generic cloth were belted to his waist with a belt of metal scales. His pockets even contained heir original contents: vibro knife, medistick, blaster cell, high voltage static discharge slime tube. As he was listening and 'watching', he felt the gentle puff again as the lightsaber arced in his direction. He caught the grip in his right hand and tried to puzzle as quickly as he could as to what it was. It was long, perhaps nine inches and he could wrap his finger around it well. If he didn't know better he would say it was the leather wrapped hilt of a vibroblade until he came upon a small plate of cool metal about an inch across long half an inch wide. As he was trying to decode why she would give him the hilt of a broken sword the button was depressed by is little finger. A Snap-WHUMPH-hiss was his only warning as a tube of heat slid past his elbow and in his inner eye he could sense little eddies in and around the hilt.
So its an energy sword of somekind. Great shes one of those puffed up jedi priests and this is the part where she gives me her spiel about the goodness she could feel in me- Ed was interrupted by the lady," You speak as if you have power to kill but do you know what power truly is I wonder....You have a chance, kill me and you'll be free or fail and I'll claim your life."
with relief Ed laughed,"your no jedi priest!" and leaped forward and swung the sword at her feet, cartwheeling to the side and launching a overhead kick aimed at the back of her neck.
(OoC: to be clear, hes standing on one hand, swinging the lightsaber and kicking at the same time.)
(OoC: still getting used to having to select what account im postng under. sorry for the confusion.)
Kiara couldn''t help but laugh upon hearing his declaration, she watched as he took little time to think and went to work on attacking her. Or at least trying to as the saber arced it's way to her feet; she nudged it with the force as she didn't want to disarm him yet. Her force push merely pushed the lightsaber out of range of her, and as soon as he went into a martial attack she allowed her dormant strength to flourish for a moment and her ever present withering force shield coated her body. She made no movement to block or stop his attack as the shield would do more than enough, her shield wasn't called withering for no reason as it would eat away rapidly at whatever touched it. She wondered how would he react to his pants and possibly the surface layer of his skin being eaten away by the force. Though, it he planned to prolong his attack it would have more time to eat farther but she didn't intend to eat him. . . yet. He showed promise by taking little time to build up the resolve to attack her, but she decided she would grow bored if she didn't fight back at least partially. So after his attack would connect with her shield, she would drop low into a sweeping kick to his one sole arm keeping him up. It was tricky holding back her strength just in case so she wouldn't break the arm but merely send him tumbling to the ground. It wasn't her intent to brag or impress him with how much stronger she was but merely show him how strong he could be one day if he joined her.
Ed felt the top of his sword being pushed away and sensed a current like hot air coming from his opponent. Time seemed to crawl as ed deciphered the currents and decided on a backhand stab as his foot came into contact with a soft cushion protecting the soft fleshy nape of her neck. Almost immediatly he felt the same sense of phantom numbing on his leg. But before ed could correct his momentum his arm was swept from under him, aggresively hyperextending his elbow until it dislocated.
Gilritting his teeth he hit the ground and was on his feet and driving the pomel of his saber toward the fleshy part just behind her knee.
Seeing the fight within this one was quite interesting, he'd be a perfect test subject should he ever failed as an apprentice of course. Her mind marveled at what capabilities she would train him for, with his uncanny abilities to shrug off force influences he could be an able assassin or if he sought sheer martial skill a blademaster or berserker. She'd like the berserker option cause it would keep him easy to control as being a beserker caused you to surrender to the dark side and find a lust for death. Kiara was once on the road to be an assassin before she found out about her talent for Sith Magic so long ago. She watched with curiosity as he attempted to slash at the back of her knee. She flipped and while in the process of flipping would extend her left leg, to sent a force aided kick to his chin. As soon as she landed she sent a small condensed force wave directly for his stomach intending to knock the wind out of his chest, from there she sent her attention to ground. Crushing the floor between them with the force, she rapidly sent the debris flying at him.
The kick connect with Eds chin just enough to raise him off the floor a foot or so but the force push caught him right in the diaphram. Ed was hurled across the room and slammed into the wall with vision blurring intensity. edard was pinned to the wall for only a moment or two before sliding down to his knees. Who the hell is she? and how did she fling me through the air like a piece of old armor? shes too fast, im gonna die here... strange i thought it would be different. Oh well Come what may come. I feel... kinda ...fuzzy.... I hope... she makes it... quick. Eds head was swimming and he barely noticed the ground tremble as the sith master hit the floor, but when he sensed the debris coming at him, the puffs that normally guided were replaced by a single surge and deep within he felt a twisting sensation. The world around him burst into detail. Every scratch on the floorwas channeled through the force through him and he percieved the multitude of "currents" for what it was: the Forcewind. As the wall of dark forceenergy picked up and carried the debris with it ed felt himself risen off the floor and slapping aside debris faster than he had moved before, the forcewind showed him the paths that the debris would take, which ones were completely avoidable and which ones he would have to block. the larger debris passed him by and he took no meaningful damage from small debris while dodging mediu sized chunks. When the shrapnel had all passed him by he felt a wind building inside him and the turmoil built to outrageous levels. floating a foot and ha half off the ground object began hovering and spinning around him faster and faster. light began to shimmer around ed and small arcs of electricity were arcing toward the walls. just as the force was building to a massively powerful orb between eds hands, he through the ball at the girl and the debris when with it. arcing with electricity. the blood was pounding in Eds ears and the floor was slippery with the blood leaking from his punctured forearm. A long jagged piece of durasteel had driven itself into his left humerous, the bone of his upper arm. consciousness was fast slipping fro between Eds fingers. but he struggled to remain upright and see what happened.
Kiara was almost disappointed to see her plan unfolding so perfectly. Her kick had connected alongside with her force push, though the push was much harder than she had really meant it to be. Then to her disbelief she watched as the force suddenly surge through the boy, he rather stylishly avoided, dodged and blocked the numerous debris before the force took him even farther. She watched with interest as he began to somewhat levitate before gathering what had to be the dark side within him now to channel such excess force. And expelled everything plus more added debris and lightning back at the Lady Sith. Now the debris she could have avoided but the lightning no matter how untrained was very dangerous. She could possibly take some serious damage if it connected and Kiara was at a lost because she didn't want to reveal her true power yet. So instead she cast her shield out to form a bubble around her instead but the lightning would still ignore the shield as it was currently made to stop the physical and not the force. So she cast out her left hand, and called the lightning within her while calling on the dark side. She began laughing saying " You see what type of power you could have? Oh no, you haven't seen anything yet and what I'm about to show you is still not even scratching the surface of true power. She could have redirected her lightning back to him but she could feel that he was currently too weak to take it and live so instead without much thought she sent the volley of lightning into one of her male servants killing him on impact. "There a life for a life, and now as his life was mine; now your life is mine." She said with a smirk as the dark side still held her eye color bloodshot red.
All was red. Red and a sea of pain. What power! so strong, and... and i lost. "I see, have it your way, my Lady. but who are y-" having exhausted all his energy, bereft of the force that had earlier empowered him, Ed fell straight to the floor into currents of agony and tides of anger and loathing on a magma world of shame. shame for loosing, for defeat. and through it all, everything underscored by one thought before he submerged into darkness. Thalos Tyridion must die. Blackness.
Ed rolled out of the cot the moment he regained consciousness. His arm had been mended and elbow relocated. in the forcewind he could sense many beings nearby and all moving and pursuing their own ends. His head was foggy and he ached between his shoulder blades and his throat felt like the sand of tatooine had been poured down his throat. on the floor a long staff lay withing his reach, which he lifted and felt with his finger. It was a simple staff with no carving and only a single glyph carved in the head. " I was told to bring that to you, but you had not woken yet." said a voice from behind him. "don't thank me, your life is about to become hell, if your being trained by who I think you are. I wouldn't get cute with her either, if I were you."
Having said his piece he turned and walked away. Edard gripped the pole and began walking toward a bright point in the current and immediately barked his shins on a box in front of him. "Thats what the stick is for, cadet... use your head, or lose it. your choice." said a voice to his right, which happened to be a swirling vortex of anger, distrust and self pity in his inner eye.
a sudden searing pain between shoulder blades like a bolt of lightening punching him from behind. he staggard foreward, tripping and split the side of his head on a wooden footlocker. " Watch were your going cripple. upperclassmen have the right of way, and your not even an apprentice yet, cadet. remember that or you might just slip on the next staircase you climb."
Ed gasped for air, and stood with his shoulders squared. "for an upperclassman you sure are a coward, to strike a blind person from behind. which technically is a strategic move and if I though for a moment you had planned it that way i wouldn't have cared. Good strategy should be rewarded, but your just a case of bad manners. what is your name thug, they'll want something to put on your grave..." now that ed was focused he was fully aware that his attacker wasn't alone. he had the help of two flunkies who were currently coming up on either side, thinking to catch him unaware since he was blind. Ed let them get closer to within about five feet. with a flourish Ed jabbed the floor spike of his staff into the left knee of his left hand assailant. before the boy had time to scream he reversed his momentum and thrust his staff into the solar-plexus of his right-hand assailant who promptly collapsed into a blithering, spluttering, gasping mess on the floor. turning back to the upperclassman he was just about to say something when he caught a staggering right hook to his jaw, followed by body shots to his kidneys and an abusive kick to his sternum that sent him three or four feet over a bunk, and onto a cold well polished floor. with his ears ringing and bleeding from his nose he stood up and unconsciously reached out to his staff, witch slithered over the floor to him. no one in the room was moving now except the upperclassman and the flunky who had taken the blow to the knee.
How can he walk i pierced his leg? is it a fake leg? although he could sense the young man moving forward, he only sensed one leg. "well that makes sense." he said to himself. then to the others "Come get some!"
Kiara came out from her chambers, this time not in her Sith clothes but in the one's of Alayna. Her hair now red as Alayna wore hers, contacted to make her eyes hazel with a slight red hint in them.

She looked upon her new apprentice with the indifference that only a Sith Lady & Ceo could. Her accent now held deeply Coruscanti influence into it as she spoke saying "Is this how my new apprentice intends to go out today? This isn't going to worth, we have a lot of work to do before we get to the real training.

She motioned for him to follow her as they stepped out of the back area of her loft, the difference was noticable as the price of the objects around them steadily increased in price.

"You see nowadays until the true Sith can reveal themselves, we have to live under a different name. Or in my case; I live under so many names it's a headache to try to think about. But under these many names and faces, I work to setup everything as planning is everything. But anyways; we have to give you a whole new identity so from now on whatever your name was forget it. Whoever you were died last night, and who you are now is already much stronger than him. I will humor you and ask, what would you like to be called?"

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