Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In The End

Six cracked ribs, two broken. That was his bill of health after he'd been dragged to the med-bay of Kwenn station. Considering he'd been facing off against two Iron Knights it was a better result than he had any right to expect. Fighting two lightsaber wielding droids by himself, what had he been thinking? Mostly that he wasn't about to let the stupid freaking things complete their plan to kill or turn a station full of people. Sitting in the bacta tank as it heals up his wounds he decides that next time he'll get the stupid kid to help him fight rather than sending him off with a pair of legs.

Thinking of the legs made him grimace. He'd not enjoyed doing that to the deaf girl, he'd known that she was under the effect of the ooze at the time but... He could believe she might be genuinely enthused to be able to hear after years without. Then what had he done? Dismembered her. Hey, you've lived your life with one disability the moment it's gone here is a new one. By The Force, he really hopes that her legs grew back. That or that the legs he sent along with Bradshaw could be reattached. He owed her an apology.

The bacta drains from the tank and he drops down. Toweling off he gets dressed once more moving gingerly. The bacta bath had been a brief one since his wounds had been fairly minor. Rubbing his chest he lets out a sigh. He was all in one piece though his chest still ached a bit. Stretching out he gets dressed and then goes looking for Lady Kay. There were some words he still had to say to her. Also, he'd liked to know what happened after he passed out, he hadn't heard much news in the med-bay. He still had the ring but he decides to just head to her office first rather than intruding on her mind.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was in her office this time. Although [member="Sol Damerin"] probably knew that. There was no doubt that he probably asked around. After the droids were removed, it took some time for the heat to be restored to all floors and for the consoles to be repaired. There were many deaths as the result of what happened there. And she couldn't prevent them.

Although she wished that she could.

Many supply runs were made from the Systems Alliance worlds to Kwenn Station, all in a bid to get it all functioning again, to get it back to normal. At times Kay was with them on those journeys. This was one of those times.

As Sol was checked over by the guards and allowed entry, Kay looked up from her paperwork. "Ah. Good to see you're feeling better. Would you like some tea?" Knowing how he had spoken to her in her mind before, she knew that this wasn't going to be a happy visit.
Stepping into the office Sol eyes the High Queen of Commenor. His initial assessment of her had been favourable but during the battle, she'd said and done somethings that he soured his view. He did not think she was a bad person or even necessarily a bad leader. Nothing she'd done couldn't be forgiven but it still needed to be addressed. The question was, was Sol truly the man who should do so? In the grand scheme of the universe, he was no one. Just a wandering mercenary with no rank or title. Did he have any right to tell her how to rule? No, no he didn't. But was anyone else likely to tell her what he felt needed to be said? He wasn't sure, he didn't know what kind of people she surrounded herself with.

Ultimately he decided he tell her what he thought because it was in his estimation the right thing. Maybe not the smart thing, but the right one. "Tea would be nice." He says as he settles down in the chair across from her desk. Perhaps he should have waited for permission but he was still sore so Kark it. Plucking the ring from his right hand he settles it on the table and slides it to her. It was her ring and she said she wanted it back so no need to comment on that. He waits for the tea to be poured before asking his first question. It probably isn't what she is expecting but he'd often found that there is a right way and a wrong way to make a point. "Who rules this station?" If she answered with a name that wasn't her own, his follow up would be to ask who that person answer to. His goal is to have her confirm that was ultimate ruler of Kwenn station.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay wasn't one to be stuck on formalities. There was a time and place for that and now just wasn't it. [member="Sol Damerin"] wasn't a government official or representative. He was just himself. There was no need for her flaunt authority over him either as he wasn't a citizen.

So here they were. Just two people about to engage in conversation. Kay had an idea of what it might be about, but wasn't exactly sure of what part. Either way, it probably wouldn't be good.

She poured him some Sapir tea and placed the cup in front of him before she topped up her own cup. Sol took off the ring then, so Kay bowed her head in thanks and placed it into her pocket. The ring was meant for [member="Bradshaw Ku"] . Her adopted son had a habit of wandering off and as the incident on Kwenn Station pointed out, he needed to be able to reach her when comms weren't available. This was the best way.

Kay sipped her tea as Sol asked his question, raising a brow as it wasn't quite what she had expected. "Who rules this station? This isn't a planet, but a place of business. Commenor owns a portion of it, the other part belonging to [member="Kendall Ginn"] . Though we haven't heard from him in quite some time. I don't know if others have either. Why do you ask?"
Accepting the cup Sol inhales the aroma of the tea. Sapir, it was a good tea though he generally prefered mint. Taking a sip he eyes her as she explains that Kwenn was a place of business rather than a place that was ruled. It was partially government-run and within the sphere of her governments influence because of that though, so that particular point seemed moot to him. "I ask because I intend to make a point. However, I think it is a point best made if we establish some things we can agree on." Taking another sip of the tea, it was quite hot, he settles it down.

"During recent events, I don't recall Kendall Ginn being present. You were. As the Queen of The Commenor System Alliance would you agree that you are a woman of authority?" He waits for her to assent to this simple question. "Furthermore would you agree that since Commenor owns a stake in this station and with the absence of Kendall Ginn you would be at present be the highest authority on this station?" Again another pause for her to provide either an agreement or denial to his statement. Whatever point he is trying to make he seems content to take his sweet time getting.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Her brows furrowed as [member="Sol Damerin"] informed her that he was there to make a point. His further questions on where her authority lay gave her the impression that she was on trial. If he was going to blame her for what had happened, he was going after the wrong person. She didn't cause the attacks.

"I am the authority figure over my people, yes. But as for being the highest authority on the station at the time? That remains to be seen. There were other people from other governments here at the time...Why are you leading the conversation in this way? Am I on trial?"

Her jaw clenched a little as she was starting to feel uncomfortable.
"Implying that other people from the government have authority over the High Queen?" Sol gives her a flat look that made it hard to tell just how this statement was meant to be taken. "I'll admit to being unfamiliar with Commenors system of government, however, that seems unorthodox." He relents slightly by waving his hand. "I have neither the authority nor any justification to put you on trial. My point, which you shied away from during the time of crisis and are shying away from right now, is that you are an authority figure. Not just an authority figure you are the authority figure."

Picking up his tea he takes another sip. "You are the one that sent out a message gathering people here. You are the one who galvanized us to action against Lord Onyx and his operations on this station. These are facts, not opinions. Whether you are willing to admit it or not during the crisis you were in charge or you should have been." While is words are accusatory his tone remains resolutely calm.

"If our situation was reversed and I was a king who called you to assist me, you wouldn't have expected me to be in command? To organize and lead whatever defence was being orchestrated? It seems to me that would be silly, those with authority should use it, shouldn't they? Otherwise, they aren't leaders are they?" Again his choice of word and tone is deliberate, he is not laying accusations at her feet he is, as ever, driving towards a single point. She was a Queen, she had authority, and this was her operation. So what kind of bantha poodoo had she been trying to shovel on him when she told him she wasn't in command.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Other people from other governments may have higher authority. I didn't take a census of who was on this station at the time..." Kay clenched her jaw, now cuppinger her tea in both of her hands as [member="Sol Damerin"] continued to question her and berate her.

Her brows furrowed as he made assumption after assumption in a somewhat cool manner. It both unnerved her and agrivated her in the way that he twisted statements like a lawyer would. She hated being in situations like this. It made her stiffen up and want to retreat inside of herself, much like she did during her captivity and torture. "Yes...I would've been the authority figure during that event. But it is not my place to order members of the Empire and others around. It was their choice to help." She lifted up her cup and sipped her tea, letting the warm liquid sooth her and remind her of what comfort was. Then she lowered her cup as a thought came into mind. "What do you want from me? Payment? Will 20,000 credits suffice?" More than likely that was what he was getting at. Whatever it was, she was enjoying this meeting less and less.
The briefest flicker of an emotion flicked across his face. Annoyance, it was a slight tightening of the lips, a narrowing of the eyes, and a wrinkling of the nose. It passes quickly like a shadow across the moon but it was there. "Then whose place was it?" He asks before shaking his head, settling down his teacup, and getting to his feet. "What did I want? I wanted to help you understand why I was angry with you when you didn't tell others about the potential danger that girl presented. I wanted you to understand just why you shoving off responsibility for organizing a group you called together, during a time of crisis, of war, because, it wasn't your place, is a damn stupid way to act for a queen."

Waving his hand he turns towards the door. "However, I am not one to waste my breath. If you'd rather shy away from the hard truths and responsibilities of your station rather than face them, who am I to tell you to do otherwise? After all, I am not a leader. I am just an old mercenary whose served under a few dozen different generals and captains during times of war and crisis. What could I possibly know about leadership."

Perhaps the harshest blow is that Sol doesn't sound angry as he delivers these damning words. There is no hint of disgust, or accusation in them, however, his tone had changed from his normal flat inflections. He sounds old, weary, tired, and... disappointed. The first time he'd met Lady Kay he'd seen a leader that might have been worth a damn. Someone who may have been worthy of her title. But as she'd retreated into herself, gotten defensive, and twisted his words into attacks his hope had been drained away. Without waiting to be dismissed he walks towards the exit done with this conversation.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Her jaw clenched even more so as [member="Sol Damerin"] spouted his insults at her. She felt guilt in some of what he had said, knowing it to be partially true. Yet he was under some false assumption that she knew everything, when in fact she was improvising as the situation kept changing.

As he turned to walk out, Kay got to her feet, the scraping of the chair clearly heard as she let her emotions get the better of her. She needed to release them."Well I'm sorry that I failed to live up to YOUR expectations! I'm sorry that I didn't know EVERYTHING that was needed to satisfy you! I showed everyone what I had in that video! I had never confronted the Infected Ones before, so how was I supposed to know what they were capable of, huh?!" She slammed down her cup and walked around her desk in quick steps, making a b-line straight towards him. "I don't have your experience in battle, my home is a peaceful one. War may be everywhere, but not on my doorstep! I am doing what I can to help this station and it's inhabitants recover with no cost to them. What else am I supposed to do, Sol?! I didn't cause this! Yet I'm not running away from it either! So what ELSE do you expect me to do?!" She was fuming, but it was still somewhat contained. It had been a long time since she had raised her voice.
Lady Kay decided to launch a triad against him which Sol thinks had to deal more with her own guilt rather than what he said. Turning around he speaks in a low-level tone. In the face of the Queen's anger demands and accusations, he was a rock in the storm. His answer is as simple as it is damning. "You are supposed to lead your majesty." He waves his hand in dismissal. "I don't blame you for what happened. I don't blame you for not knowing what to do. This wasn't about blame, this wasn't about whether you lived up to my expectations. I was hoping I could give you some advice, which may or may not be valuable, to better handle the next crisis at your door. However, your guilt is making you see accusations where there are none, missing the ones I am laying at your feet."

Closing his eyes he takes in a deep breath. Inhale, Exhale.

Opening his eyes he stares at her and considers if what he has to say is worth saying. If it will make an impact. "You are a Queen when a crisis comes along you should not be questioning if you have the authority to order other people around. You need to seize that authority and organize people. Difficult times call for strong leaders, you called a group of people together to fight against the darkness. It was your job to lead us yet you told me it wasn't your place. It was your place. It was your call to action that gathered us which meant you were the one most of us were looking to for leadership. That's what it means to be a leader."

He wasn't done just yet. "You also kept information from Bradshaw about Kirie. I told you she was taken and you didn't tell him, because of hope? Hope is all well and good your majesty but that is no excuse to keep information that could have gotten that young man killed, from him. What if she'd had a bomb strapped to her chest that might have gone off? Would you have not told him that because you hoped there wasn't? It's a leaders job to make sure their men know what they are getting into. What else do I expect from you? Nothing. I hope the next time you are faced with a crisis though you have the courage to just reframe from running away but to lead. You are a Queen it's what you are supposed to do."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay opened her mouth to interject as [member="Sol Damerin"] started to speak, but no sound came out. Instead she just listened. His tone was calm while hers had been far too loud than she was used to. But he was right. She did feel guilty. Guilty that lives were lost, that she had no answers when people asked their questions, and yet she was supposed to be the one barking orders?

She turned her gaze away as he mentioned [member="Bradshaw Ku"] . She was so close to losing him, yet it wasn't the fault of [member="Kirie Ito"] . He had fought another and that was what had made him fall in the exhaust shaft. If he hadn't of called out to her, if she hadn't of gone off to look with Freeosk, Brad might very well be dead right now.

Sol knew nothing of her past, so he was completely unaware of how little time she has had this role. He knew nothing about the things that she had gone through. But then again, she knew nothing about him.

Kay took in a deep breath and let it out slowly before she spoke, turning her gaze back to him again. "You're right...You're right. I just...You seem to assume that I made my mistakes on purpose, as though there was some malicious intent when there wasn't. I am naive when it comes to military strategy, I know that. The closest thing that I've ever done was raid some slaver camps with a couple of hired mercs." She'd like to blame her higher-than-normal emotional state on her pregnancy, but it was hard for her to tell if that was just an excuse. "If there's a next time...I'll do better."

Hopefully there wouldn't be a next time.
Lady Kay was right, Sol knew nothing of her past. He didn't know that she was new to the crown, new to leadership. Had he known he'd tell her to stop making excuses. She made some bad calls and hadn't acted exactly right. His goal wasn't to make her feel bad about it, it was to point out where she'd went wrong so she could learn and grow from this. Folding his arms across his chest, his tone remains level but there is a slight tone of something friendlier in it. "If I thought you did what you did out of malicious intent, we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"You assumed my questions were meant to question your motives. They were but not in the way you think. The reason I attempted to phrase my point the way I did was to have you come to what I laid out for you on your own." Taking a breath he wonders just how he'd wound up giving advice to a queen. "If you don't know how to do something get advisors, but never let them think they are in charge. They advise you lead. Do that and try and learn and do better." He thought about also demanding she stop assuming he was trying to make her feel bad. But, eh, if that's how his words made her feel not much he could do about that.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay chewed the inside of her cheek as [member="Sol Damerin"] folded his arms across his chest. It made her feel somewhat relaxed now that it seemed as though tensions were easing. She was stubborn and she knew it. Did it blind her on occasion? Oh yes. She knew that too.

Her brows furrowed as he explained a bit about his thought process. Why didn't he just come right out and say what he meant, instead of beating around the bush? It was difficult to figure out how someone thought, most especially a stranger.

To his last point she took in another deep breath and let it out as a sigh. "I do have advisors...Just not really in military affairs." Her own Minister of Defence was always busy with his troops. Having one nearby to advise her on strategy was difficult to do. No one ever kept the position due to the peaceful nature of her government. Either that or the position was jinxed.
While Sol's logic might seem weird to her, it had made sense to him. In his experience, a lesson learned was better remembered than one given. Just telling her what she did wrong was straightforward and efficient. However, he'd been trying to lead her to her errors without pointing them out. It was something that had been effective on him when he'd been a padawan. By being asked leading questions that forced him to look at the larger picture he'd come to see how small action could have big consequences. Perhaps it worked better when you didn't have to skate around certain things to be polite, or it may have to do with temperament, or maybe he was just bad at it.

Raising an eyebrow at her revelation he considers what he knows of Commenor, which wasn't much. "Seems like an oversight. I am guessing that it hasn't been an issue so far, otherwise you'd probably have rectified that. Still, I'd look into it if I were you. Even if Commenor is generally peaceful you never know when war might be thrust upon you." He shrugs his shoulders and then looks back towards the door. "Well, I've given my advice and I am sure you are busy. I should get going." He'd been worried about her but she'd managed to lay his concerns to rest, she was a better leader than he'd been giving her credit for. She just needed more experience and to find people who weren't afraid to criticize her.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded a little as [member="Sol Damerin"] suggested that she get a military advisor. Sure one was needed, but they never stay. They never stay. Military advisors always found it to be a conflict of interest when war never reached them. Perhaps they just get too bored. But she wasn't going to start a conflict just to appease them.

"The only issue is in keeping them. I swear that the position is jinxed. They all leave. I'm just lucky to have not been invaded in the meantime." Was her stubborness the problem? No, not at all. The problem was finding good people that could be trusted.

He was about to leave and it wasn't her position to stop him. "Thank you for your help, by the way. Safe journey home."
"Uh huh." Sol says trying to keep a straight face. For some reason, a Queen complaining to him that a position was "jinxed" was amusing to the mercenary. Had she voiced her views on her stubbornness versus there impatience for war, he might have been inclined to agree somewhat. In his opinion, it was better not to go looking for a fight. He would have suggested she find a military advisor with a like mind to her own. There were such people, more defensive minded generals out in the galaxy who wouldn't push her to become a warmonger. At least, he'd assume so, he didn't know every single general for hire in the galaxy.

"You are welcome. I am glad I could provide some advice but it's just a safe journey for me. Bit of a nomad." After a moment's thought, he shrugs and pulls out a small card and hands it to her. "If you ever need an old mercenary I'd be willing to work with you again. As long as you really have learned your lesson." It was a business card, just his name and his personal contact information. Then he turns and walks out the door. It had been a good overall.

[member="Lady Kay"]

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