Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In the Beginning

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Matsu looked at what they had been doing, her robes series and her robes themselves were a lot more impressive compared to some of the others. Even the upgrades to help customiza them for the different classes be they the jedi healers or the jedi princesses, jedi dancers, jedi pilots. Everything was being developed with new things in mind for it but they needed to do what the good ones did. Here on Shri-Tal in her labs they could work on getting to the padawans when they were young when they were organized and set up for competitions to better preserve their spirit. A training robe that would be made for each of the students and different clans across the board. Padawans, initiates and younglings who went into things before they had masters officially or chose what they wanted to do. TO Matsu these ones were some of the best and most impressionable minds within the order so giving them the protection needed as well as the force of the lightside within them. It was a very important thing after all to train all of them and make sure they were servants of the lightside of the force.


Image Source: Here

Intent: To Continue the Sasori jedi class robe series
Development Thread: In the Beginning
Manufacturer: Sasori Research
Model: Sasori Robe Series
Affiliation: Jedi
Modularity: Different Clans/Insignia's

Bantha Clan
Bear Clan
Bergruutfa Clan
Boma Clan
Clam Clan
Clawmouse Clan
Dragon Clan
Hawkbat Clan
Heliost Clan
Katarn Clan
Ronto Clan
Savrip Clan
Squall Clan
Thranta Clan
Tra'cor Clan
Veermok Clan
Wampa Clan
Wolf Clan
Woodoo Clan
Production: Limited (Only A Select Group Of NPCs/PCs)
Sasori SynthMesh
Sasori Synthweave
Tensai Components
Magno Clasp
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 4kg
Quality: 10
Special Features:

Restricted to Lightside users
Recoils Darksiders
Superior Lightsaber Protection
Superior Blaster Protection
Superior Melee Protection
Lightweight Design
Recoils Darksiders

Cannot Hide Lightside signature
Does not stop Kinetic damage
Does not stop sonic damage
Exposed Arms
Description: (Include some strengths and weaknesses here. Describe some of the history behind the submission. Give us some idea of how it might perform its function, what it excels against and what some limitations of it are. This is where you talk about your idea, flesh it out over at least a good-sized paragraph, and address some of the ways it might be used or abused. For especially powerful or ambitious submissions, a very thorough description is recommended.)
Primary Source:
Sasori SynthMesh
Sasori Synthweave
Tensai Components
Magno Clasp

Sasori Amulet
Sigil of Hope
Sasori Circlet
Murr Earrings
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
"Alright all of you line up." She was looking at the padawans while providing them with a smile to come and test out the new gear for themselves. The colors were all different depending on the clans, the sigils changed, their smaller sigils displaying if they had a master or not. In truth it looked like a professional training dojo as Matsu walked back and forth with some fo the other trainers when they went over more of it to present to each other. "So how are they looking so far?" She asked it to the older master that was working with her and had been giving a number of ideas for what they would be able to do with the padawans. Testing the robes required hard work and dedication to what they were wanting to develop. New equipment, new works and all of the things they were setting up to wor with them so they could have trained jedi able to go out and handle situation that would be proving a dangerous tact against sith. "They have been proving strong and with the training robes it is for the first stage. We are working to develop a new undersuit for the jedi that they would be able to develop to train with and a number of new equipment."
The Padawan had voluteered to test some new robes for her Master. He had changed robes earlier in the day, and had already participated in a training test.

A couple of blaster pistols were tested on the robes while he wore them. The blasters themselves had been set on the lowest setting. When he was shot by one of the Masters, the only thing he had felt were the blasters dissipating as they hit his frontal chest.

Apart from the robes, he didn't wear anything else. Even his sunglasses he liked to bring everywhere were put to rest.

The boy was going to take part in lightsaber testing, but Master [member="Matsu Ike"] had called, and so, with a big smile on his face, Undin was now in a line, on his left, a small brown-haired Padawan he didn't know, and on his right, Toi, being the same size as Undin, and light blue hair, he was one of his best friends at the Temple.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

Matsu was glad to see her padawan arrive, all fo the work that could go into this and there was a whole lot of it, a small look on her face when she was walking through the area.Seeing her padawan with a look on her face. it was good to have some help in all of the things here. She had worked to get him his own training robes in the form of the very nice and very fashionable gi styled outfits. Wanting to give all of the padawans here the equipment when they had their training blades ready. "Welcome and break off into your teams, we will begin working on more of the things, presentable to the end and we can work on more of it. your arms will be exposed in these so be careful but your vital areas will be protected."
[member="Matsu Ike"]

The Padawan was given a training saber by one of the overseers, and was supposed to form a team with three other people. He immediately went over to Toi, and as greeted him.

"Hello Toi, nice to see you here in Master Ike's "dojo"", he smiled while saying it.

"It's nice in here, but this Master Ike..", he came closer to him giving a look to Matsu before speaking in a lower tone "... she's a bit creepy isn't she?".

Undin laughed. To be honest, he had gotten that same vibe from her when she first met her. "Don't worry she's alright. After all, she is my Master.".

"Well...You aren't the propest of Padawans...".

He then, turned around to search for other students to join their group. They went near two taller Padawans, who seemed to be heading their way aswell with the same intention.
Now that they had a group, he looked towards Master Matsu, and with a bow asked her "Master. What do you have in course for us?"
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Undin Jaii Kryze"]

Matsu looked at her padawan and offered a small raising of her eyebrows when she was walking with some intentions but there was a small course around them with some haazrds. "Well you are groups are going to run the course, it is using safety rounds." She looked at all of them and then at the training robes with nod of her head. Making sure the jedi clan symbols were properly displayed before she had the course laid out. "It is fairly standard for the padawans and with the protection your outfits afford you will be able to do and handle a great deal of punishment since they will no bend or break compared to some of the other robes here." The wintirum synth mesh was the real secret and her padawan had helped her test it as well as some of the others. This was just another training outfit.

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