Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Search of Legends

Somewhere in the deep confines of old Hutt Space.
“Look I dunno, perhaps you switched the conductors around?” Kira was leant against the engine bay wall of the small shuttle they had been flying. Before her a droid was stood contemplating a series of wires that had been recently pulled out of the wall and somehow refused to go back in.
“Impossible Mistress Vaal, I have downloaded all the relevant manuals and the ships dedicated systems are not connected through this mainframe. Somehow the ships clearly been tampered with. Master Keth will not take kindly to this delay.” C-3PX sounded worried at the last part but didn’t make any moves as Kira let out a laugh.
“Master Keth won’t even notice we’ve stopped.” She said matter-of-factly. “He’s been all cooped up in his little corner ever since we passed Toydaria. We’ll have it fixed before he wakes up.” At least she hoped they would. Raien wasn’t exactly one for temper control, but he paid her well as so far he had been nothing but an honest employer.
“If you insist Mistress Vaal. I can go an run an analysation on all the systems if you would like?” C-3PX seemed to hover around and await for instructions more than he actually did anything, the sole survivor of their trip to korriban and not the best of the previous droid offerings, yet he helped around just the same and made for decent conversation for Kira during the longer haul flights.
“No, just wait around here. I should be able to have this fixed in no time.” Kira approached the connection on the wall and forced her entire arm into the cavity. Her fingers prying around inside in search of whatever it was that was causing the issue. “Hold on, I think I’ve…” She yanked out a wedge of metal no larger than her index finger and the entire ship seemed to jolt collectively as power surged back into all systems. “Got it.”
“Well done Mistress Vaal. Although I don’t understand why a capacitor reader was placed within the internal wiring in the first place.” The droid sounded confused, even bothered by the issue.
“Oh, this?” Kira looked at the piece of metal in her hand then threw it behind her where it clanked heavily against the floor. “It’s just a piece of junk, I had nowhere to put it when I was adjusting the speed ratios so I threw it in there…” She looked at the open cavity. “I suppose it was really a bad idea to be honest.”
“A bad idea…my goodness.” The droid lumbered off leaving Kira to close up the panel work before returning to the cockpit. Where ever it was that [member="Raien Keth"] was leading them Kira knew better than to not be at her station when he awoke.
If he ever did.
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
Artificial, dead to life, the metal hum in his meditation looked for the unending current of the surrounding black, drawing the darkside through his form, seeking out the irises of the dead, and their final moment before the spark of life extinguished, the moment they revealed all their life experience to waiting eyes.

Vraaashn and Grexoor, two of the larger Sithspawn Massassi stood at the door carrying their own brand of savage force pikes, far more imposing than that of the golden droid servants he used to have, perhaps in some ways the equal of his old sun guard, in some ways. The betrayed droids from his torture on Korriban, had revealed to him his reliance on the artificial alone was insufficient, a lesson he'd had once before with droid armies, painfully reminded to him in his current condition. In total now twelve surviving Massassi were aboard all told, four remaining on Byss to guard his growing interests there.

Power returned to the ship…. Raien’s eyes opened, the now reborn armor of Krayt rose to his feet, the black crab and durasteel encasing him, runic fire as always symbolic, lined with breakout reds and silvers reflecting his mood seeking expansion, the expansion of his domain, and the expansion of his power. Thus it was when he’d received a message from an influential hutt, he had not turned it aside or neglected the call.

“Bring us in for landing, here.” Moments later the heavy steps and then voice of the ship’s Master would command, metal thuds carrying him toward the bridge. The smallest of the red Sith spawn joining them by the controls, Threxaj, had not quite the same bestial nature of the others, but was far from a comforting sight. Black Sith Tattoos across his red skin, and golden runic armor guarding his shoulders and arms. All in all he wasn’t too bad to know, for a Sithspawn Massassi twisted by the darkside… but all the same, he could at least speak without wanting to kill you, sometimes.

On the navigation display, spiked armor of one Raien would relay the coordinates directly, deeper into hutt space, and one hutt name and event in particular that came up clear as day on the screen....

Leaving it open for you to tailor the details as you like. NPCs yours to use as always.

[member="Kira Vaal"]​
“Teemo?” Kira read the name on the screen before her as she took her seat and readjusted the controls back to her control. “Friend of yours?” It wasn’t like [member="Raien Keth"] to have friends, none at least that he openly talked about. Then again this was a Hutt, and they usually meant bad news.
Reading on further a link presented itself and without really asking Kira flipped the authorisation allowing a hologram of a middle-aged Zabrak who looked like he had been through the wars appear.
His horns were cracked, his skin marred with hideous scars and he seemed to have a heavy twist in his hip that distorted his stature. Yet when he spoke all illusions of weakness disappeared with the most confident of voices Kira had ever heard.
“Exalted one! The privilege and honour of the Granee Noopa awaits! Know that such an opportunity is presented only to those who have earned the respect and admiration of our most illustrious benefactor, Lord Teemo-”
Kira looked towards Raien with a raised eyebrow. “So he is less a friend, more of a fan? Ha, who would have thought.”
“-Do not squander such an opportunity, for it will not be extended again! Your arrival at Wheeta Palace on Nal Hutta is expected no later than a week from the receipt of this invitation. No further contact will be made until the Granee Noopa has concluded. May fortune favour you!”
“Hold on? One week? You already knew about this?!” Kira stared back at the form of Raien, having becoming much more comfortable around the Sith knowing that if he wanted her dead he would have already done it. “Nice to share that information you know.”
“I am wondering about this event and these Hutts.” The question came from Threxaj who had remained silent in the co-pilots chair. “Is it an event of honour and blood?”
“Look, I’ve only heard rumours. Geez, until just now I thought Granee Noopa’s were just legends told among travellers to scare of people from Hutt controlled territory.” Kira began again staring at the message on the display screen. “The Hutts never personally attend a Granee Noopa. Instead they send intermediaries, known as boddah, to observe and guide the attendees. I’d say broken horn there was our boddah. The actual thing consists of a number of separate events, although I have no idea what they could be, Granee Noopa means Great Feast, so eh?”
An indicator went off to allow Kira to know that Nal Hutta was approaching, “But I guess we’re gonna find out aren’t we.” She said with a smile.

The spaceport they had been directed too wasn’t the most fantastic place in the world, made of poured drystone and holding technology that would have been old several hundred years ago.
They departed the ship in single file, Raien leading the way with his newly found muscle followed by Kira and the C-3PX turned normal protocol droid.
“I think you should stay with the ship three-pee.” Kira suggested to the droid who was shuffling along behind her. “You know, just in-case…”
“In case of what Mistress Vaal?” C-3PX inquired almost too innocently.
“The ship gets stolen, or we die or the world blows up. You know the normal stuff.”
“Very good point Mistress Vaal. I shall see to it that the ship is well protected.” A proud declaration as the the protocol droid shuffled back-up the access ramp.
“So this is Nal Hutta.” Kira turned her attention back to Raien and has little Sithy posse. “Never thought I’d actually see it.”
She was well learned, there was no doubt about that having spent most of her younger life reading through various planetary resources and learning the histories of various places. Yet here she was actually exploring the galaxy and seeing things for herself.
It was great.
“It seems like nothing more than a plague on the master’s honour.” Deep disapproval flowed through Threxaj’s voice as he turned to Kira with a look of disdain. “We have more pressing matter’s than feasts and games.”
“True…” Kira shrugged, “But…rewards and boons. Who doesn’t like boons. Everybody loves boons.”
“Boons?” The sith looked confused. “This word I do not understand.”
Kira released a sigh. “Boons, it means treasure.” She gave the star port a long hard look. “Glorious, glorious treasure apparently.”

“Greetings upon you Exalted Ones.” From the entrance to the dock that Raien’s ship was docked came the same confidence voice that had spoken to them through the holo-recording aboard the ship. “I am Venik Rin, confident of His Lord Teemo and your assigned Boddah.” He gave them all a respectful nod of his head before raising his hand to indicate them to follow.
“Ah I was so right about the Boddah thing.” Kira said with a large grin, looking back at Threxaj. She did however notice Venik’s extremely pronounced limp that very much seemed to impact on his posture. “So…you’re like our guide yeah?”
“I am you Boddah, a proxy to his majesty and as such responsible for guiding my Master’s guests from event to event during the course of the Granee Noopa.” He lead them clear of the space port where a small open topped Skiff was waiting for the group. “I will explain the rules as we travel.”

The terrain of Nal Hutta carried passed the Skiff as it’s droid pilot steered them south of the main settlement they had started in, Venik took the time to explain the rules of the Granee Noopa to Raien as well as the others around him.
“It is imperative that you understand the traditionalism surrounding this event. Once you have entered the Granee Noopa you will not be allowed to leave. The last participants that were caught attempting to leave before the closing ceremony were hung from the gates of the Wheeta Palace in a pain statis which saw them slowly die over several months. It was quite the sight.” He paused and watched as a second Skiff shot through the swamp beneath them. “As I was saying the number of attendees depends, in large how many of our illustrious masters are taking part. This year we seem to have three teams selected, even if four invites were sent. The forth team are now…for lack of a better word. Dead. During the Granee Noopa weapons will be permitted, our master’s rather enjoy the idea, however killing of other attendees except in self-defence is absolutely not permitted. Although I’ll tell you now, this rule is very…loosely interpreted.”
The skiff paused and came to a complete halt outside of a large, domed structure centered in a swampy tract of land.
“Welcome to the Wheeta Palace.” The droid pilot said as Venik allowed the group to disembark and head through a pair of large blast doors that closed behind them with an ominous sound.
“That is the sound of acceptance my friends. You are in a locked in contract now.” A wicked smile played across the Zabrak’s face as he said this. “You shall wait here, this is the foyer of attendees. Mingle, meet others. For you are all equal here, open hostilities are always better among friends.”
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
Aboard ship

The friend comment was as Kira probably expected not registered, the meaning of the word had little value to a Sith so long encircled in betrayals and paranoia over them on all sides. The scarred form of the Zeltron regarded as little more than a dull motionless visage, no force signature meant no interest beyond their use as a tool. Even a force signature didn’t guarantee interest from Raien’s eyes, just the possibility.

Krayt’s helmet simply nodded slowly

Did he know? “It has been planned.” Raien stated to Kira and the others assembled. As all moves were ahead of time. Corrected or adjusted on the chessboard as and when was necessary.

A trial of blood, “it can be,” the betrayer answered the Sithspawn Threxaj. “It can be more or less, depending what is asked.” Cryptic as he often was, he was of course testing the Massassi too, and their worth to him here. Kira explained it in far more detail than Raien did, and it seemed Threxaj was paying attention to her, interested in what this might mean for his own rise in power.

The banter between the C-3PX and Kira behind would have definitely got a grin from most, but just received the usual uncompromising forward unfazed stare from Raien Keth was all that was shown, looking out on the path ahead and what was in his way. In this case it was the broken horn Boddah who was appraised with cold iron will and Raien's metal mask facing him.


Wait? A man asking Darth Surtr to wait was nearly always a death sentence, if what he needed hadn’t been here, coming to him in the form of his opponents, then the Boddah would already be dead. “Delays cost lives.” Raien stated with finality, leaving the Boddah to hurry off. Raien Keth mingling, a black laugh escaped him, the Thyrsus-reborn thought the idea interesting.

What it did do was give him a moment to observe what was around him, who he would be killing. Rules or not, there were no rules that held him anymore, not with the council dead and in mere memory, then the empire after it crumbling. It was just a matter of how they would die.

The two largest Massassi with him waited at the door, golden runic armor at patches across their body, their weapons carrying the same markings. Most of the large red Sithspawn except Threxaj stayed out of reach, and Raien stood as motionless as you might ever see him, eyes watching the dull forceless gathering ahead with little to no interest, only one or two were of any note. Kira was of far more potential use to him, and she was behind him.

Therah Yunin was the first to take slow careful steps towards Raien’s armored form, his helmet's gaze had not met hers, and she clearly wasn’t too keen on being ignored when she spoke. Her partner Shalo Sherin seemed to pick up that the Sithspawn Echani was completely and utterly blanking his woman, and in his usual personable demeanor cracked a joke to try and save face, which Raien being a former Echani not only didn’t understand but hadn’t even registered, this not only angered Shalo but his concubine as well. There were a few harsh words sent Raien's way, but he still hadn't even turned his head.

You’d have to understand Raien didn’t really see anyone in this room, so much as vaguely register moving shapes were there, having no force signatures to draw his eyes. People such as Torani Kulda the rodian hunter to the side and Camerlin Shalo’s bodyguard were very much noted above the others, but even then considered only briefly, and only when Camerlin walked forward did Raien's head turn slowly to his employer Shalo's direction.

[member="Kira Vaal"]​
“Fancy parties aren’t really my thing.” Kira gave the room a scout with her eyes, taking in the elaborate architecture as well as several nearby statues that seemed to hold a certain glint about them. “I think i’ll just hang out with you guys.” She shoulder bumped Threxaj who simply snarled in his annoyed way before he too judged what was within the room.

Kira had time to allow herself some joys of the trade however, Therah Yunin’s face when she was ignored by Raien gave her a smile like which she had not worn in months and Shalo’s attempt at wise humour only insisted on making it wider and more uneasy among the two mingling groups resulting in the edgy human sending several words Raien’s way.
“Come on now that’s not very nice.” Kira said under her breath to the Massassi next to her, his teeth bared as he watched Shalo retreat away from his master. “You gotta admit though, the joke was pretty funny, offensive to Jawa’s, but funny none-the-less.”
“These pitiful excuses all try to entertain the Master, why does he not just kill them.” Threxaj snarled. “We should not be here, we should be spreading our Master’s will through the galaxy.”
Kira laughed and leant against the large arms of the Massassi much to his dislike. “Come on, it’s just a little party, it’ll be fun. You can spend as much time as you want spreading his will all over the walls later on.”

“Can we have your attention please?” Venik had returned along with the other two Boddah’s, between them they each carried a tray of drinks, elaborate golden goblets that bore different markings and fruit garnish. “It is customary for all to partake within a toast before the initial celebrations begin.”
The tray was lowered onto a long table across one of the far walls and each was allowed to select one drink.
“To not toast is considered a great disgrace upon your team and will be considered as un-worthy as a failed task.” Venik walked towards Raien and Kira with a smile. “I suggest you select the two cups to the left, they are as far as I know un-laced.”
“Un-laced?” Kira questioned as she grabbed for the indicated goblet.
“Poison, my dear.” Venik said simply. “Not enough to kill, but impair and disadvantage. Anyway, bottoms up.”
“Yeah…woop de doo…”
The goblet raised to her lips…

[member="Raien Keth"]
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
“For your sake.” Raien stated to Venik, not even finishing the line. The hutt’s rules barely registered, it was a series of events to follow to victory, that was all, like anything on the path pre-planned. The Betrayer reached through the force for the indicated goblet, whether it was a lie, or a truth he drunk it in one full go, letting the taste integrate with his body. “What do you see?” Raien asked Kira. Directly snapping his weighty attention to her, and then when she had answered, “what do you feel?” The goblet replaced, feel about those around, the drink, her general sense of how things were. Raien’s senses tended to be very dull when it came to anything but his single-minded purpose, and he was aware of this by now, that his focus on the outside world was fading as the years passed. Little things like people or events, or event cities these days escaped him.

Threxaj was angry he wasn’t able to drink a goblet himself, angry about most things truth be told, but seemed to bide his time in expressing this in a restrained low, but ever present snarl. Unlike one or two of the Sithspawn Massassi behind, who instead had more open predatory stares at one or two of the lesser challengers here, but all in all they were holding back as instructed. For their part the challengers were not intimated, nobody here was green or a rookie, and they were all sizing each other up in their own ways.

Darth Surtr turned to Camerlin walking up to him, which of course made Camerlin raise up to meet him in front of his employer. Raien stood motionless unflinching, so did Camerlin to give Shalo’s bodyguard credit, a moment of awkward silence passed, and then Raien nodded without saying a word, returning to Kira. Camerlin had potential of some kind, that’s why he was looking at him, not strong but there, and unique, Raien couldn’t place it. Turning to the Massassi Raien spoke in the runic language he knew so well, unintelligible, sounding guttural. ~He is not to be harmed beyond necessity,~ the Massassi were instructed, as was Kira through the force. Necessity might mean a lost limb to a Massassi Sithspawn but at least Camerlin might live through the contest.

After taking his own moment, whatever Venik their Bodah was doing, Raien strode back up to him interrupting.

“What is the first challenge?”

This question of course had a few people looking in the direction, a few people being almost everyone, unless they already knew and had an advantage. If Raien had been less direct they might have gained an advantage in knowing, rather than sharing with the room, however Darth Surtr was often not subtle these days when his purpose was in front of him.

[member="Kira Vaal"]​
Goblets were lowered around them as each of those chosen drained their fill and returned their eyes to the Boddah’s that were stood together at the base of a set of stairs leading to the unknown.
Alongside Venik stood a Gran whose name had not been stated and a young female human who seemed to be less Boddah and more female slave to whomever it was she served.
Each wore a malicious smile upon their faces eyes turning upon each individual of the group as if awaiting some among them to speak, or for something to happen.

Without warning a gasping plead for air came from the rear of the room.
“SAVO!” Camerlin declared heading towards the now knelt form of Savo whose hands were tightening around her throat a pleading moan coming from within as her eyes widened large in fear. “Someone help her! Someone help me.”
Savo had hit the ground hard, her face turning blue as she went, temples bulging. She tried to release some form of word but was unable to speak. Her eyes pleaded to her best friend, to her Camerlin.
“No, Savo. Please, someone.” A pool of blood erupted from the mouth of Shalo’s female bodyguard, Camerlin crying out as her life disappeared. “She’s…no…THIS IS NOT FAIR!” The man turned on the three Boddah’s stood upon the stairs, his form rushing to them in anger. “THIS IS NOT FAIR!”
“It is fair. She partook in the drink of the Granee Noopa and she was found wanting.” Venik said clearly, the Gran continuing his explanation to the distraught man. “You knew of the dangers before you agreed to this grand position for honour.”
“But she…”
“Died in service for me as she always wanted to do.” Shalo had placed his hand on Camerlin’s shoulder and looked deep into his eyes. “She did what she was meant to do. Now snap out of it and help me win this.”
Camerlin’s eyes were full of tears as he gave his fallen sister another look. He remained silent but turned away from her body as the Boddah’s watched on.

“Now we know what sort of party this is going to be eh?” Kira muttered over Raien’s shoulder, glancing at Savo’s body on the floor. “I think you better watch our master extremely well.” She added to the Massassi behind them.

“Now we have drank to our success please, allow us to allow the entree to be served.” Venik said with open arms, a loud gong sounding in the distance. “Until you hear that sound again you may consider this room an arena, fight or you shall be killed.”

“What?” Kira spoke quickly. “Fight?”

“Yes, fight!” A blaster shot suddenly flicked passed Kira’s face as the droid from the Rodian’s party took advantage of the confusion to make the first strike.

[member="Raien Keth"]
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
Raien stood still in the middle of the melee, absorbing the influx of new motion, and settling his concentration within it all, something wasn’t right. Not the killing or the surprise, those were anticipated, something else. The Massassi could make painful work of the Rodian lackies they were moving on but perhaps Kira’s droid assailant had noticed something else too, or was in on the plan…

The Fourth Team.

Here came the real surprise. From the back of the gathering, the supposedly dead forth team, fully droid by their nature, surprised everyone. True they were dead, or not living, that particular detail had seen some bending of its definition by Venik, one more part of their game.

“East!” He roared to the Massassi with him, who charged, unfortunately for the droids, they were faced with number of red hulking muscled Sithspawn, adding definition to the word dead as circuits were ripped up and cleaved, with four ferocious Sith Spawn warriors barreling into their number, Threjax in his element, though unfortunately he had to leave his Rodian target, much to his bitter disappointment.

What this distraction meant was, the competition were about to start picking off whoever they wanted, starting with Raien’s Massassi, and Kira by the looks of it, to thin their number. Raien could see the positioning before it happened, barely a shot being fired before he acted.

A lunging jump threw Raien in front of the three rodian lackies, staring through them, no weapon drawn as always. The Massassi he could not replace easily, they were of use to him, much more use than the force wave which thundered forward, knocking two lackies off their feet breaking one’s leg, the third seemed happy he’d avoided it.

Till he fell over.

What he hadn’t avoided was Shalo putting a shot through the Rodian's back, taking his own initiative to even the odds.

Shots from some of the droid’s team echoed off the walls, ricochets scorching marks on multiple walls, In all the confusion one of the Bodah’s hadn’t fared much better, because Camerlin in his grief had decided to ensure a competitors Bodah found his way into one of the rebounding shots. Tactical yes, because he hadn’t fired himself, just dodged at the wrong time. Even Raien had not considered killing an opponent team's Bodah... cunning, he wondered what it would mean to the Rodian's team.

A magna guard was doing the shooting nearby, probably the one leading the battle droid team, taking cover behind a nearby pillar, nailing one of Raien's Sithspawn through the jaw with a deadeye shot, actually bounced off the wall. Even A0-2 had to pause firing to note that one, though not for long, as he concentrated his fire back on [member="Kira Vaal"].
There really wasn’t anywhere to hide.
Kira found herself a place behind one of the ornate pillars that held up the great domed roof above them and made sure that she was well and truly behind it.
Her blaster was withdrawn from it’s holster and tightly gripped in her hand as a series of shots pounded into the stonework.
“Well isn’t this fun!?” She yelled out towards Raien who had so far done nothing but seemingly freeze on the spot. “Defiently beats all the other times we’ve been shot at!”

She managed to hit the droid that had open fired on her in the arm, but it seemed to care little of it as it merely changed it’s firing arm and continued to lay blaster fire down upon Kira’s pillar. As long as she stayed here she was safe. Or at least that was the plan.

Until the fourth team decided to arrive.

More droids flowed into the room and began to go about their work of taking out the others.
“Hey no fair!” Kira shouted as she let off another three blind shots around the pillar. “They didn’t have to drink!”
“My dear they are droids, they can’t partake in refreshments.” Venik’s voice answered loudly.
“Doesn’t matter, still could have short-circuited them.” She muttered and let off several shots their way.

She didn’t see Shalo going for Raien’s back, her attention being too occupied with A0-2 who had not ceased in his attempts as removing Kira from the event.
“Seriously it’s like he’s never seen a girl before.” She was forced to readjust herself as a large chunk of the pillar fell away.

She was about to return fire when a strange hum began to fill the room, it wasn’t the gong noise from before, this was something else, something more dangerous.
In a single heartbeat the entire room flashed before them, a sharp electrical currant shooting up through the ground with enough power to knock out someone if concentrated.

Kira hit the ground on her knee as the pain subsided as suddenly as it had came.
“What was that?”
The humming began again…

[member="Raien Keth"]
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
Time slowed as it often did in the center of a firefight, chaos unbound to many, was a sequence of events to the betrayer’s eyes, he moved as he always did through the melee, saber in tight orbits, with some of the grace of old, even if his steps were solid and uncompromising. Cutting his own path through changing events, and using the force to alter or turn aside blaster shots.

One droid was cut clean through, turning and sweeping down through the rodian lacky who tried to stand on his broken leg next, a continuous rolling of the beam in his soresu technique. Darth Krayt's reborn armor Raien wore, was specifically built to allow fluidity unhindered around the joints.

The massassi Vraaashn lay dead at his feet, impaled by puncturing blaster fire, around the remaining two Raien’s soresu acted like a reflective shield, and all the blaster shots bouncing off all the wall in the world, wasn’t about to save the leader of the droid team now...

Stun Blast

Before Raien could seal the droid leader's fate, a large ion blast? No it was a stun blast, and something he could not predict or see ahead of time, the stun blast took his stance, something critical to Raien, his biggest strength and weakness. Surtr's braced heavy legs became twice as heavy and he slowed, long enough for Shalo to aim and fire true, Raien turned sensing it coming and his armor caught several shots, thankfully the vong crab durasteel mix armor was heavily blaster resistant, the living shell bouncing Shalo’s attempts to backstab him.

Shalo swept behind another pillar before the betrayer could end his life, while the stun blast effected everyone, droids slowed, one even lost its leg. Shalo’s conqubine Therah, being thoroughly amused with the scene, had slid atop some furniture to avoid the trap, and was casually tossing an ion grenade toward Raien, the massassi and the rest of the droids with a laugh. The leader of the forth team surged with blue energy, then his head exploded, the blast knocked the massassi off their feet, and Raien being already stunned, braced his heavy boots, falling to his knee. Giving Shalo a perfect opportunity to line up another shot....

Nobody was ignoring the concubine now!

So much for team four's big debut!

[member="Kira Vaal"]​

Count: 3 Rodian Lackies Dead | Team Four Mostly Dead (Two broken droids remaining) | 2 Massassi Dead, 2 Left | One of Shalos bodyguards dead | Rodian's Bodah dead. Unless I missed anyone!
One of the Rodians; Fondo or was it Tyss moved too far out of his cover and Kira responded by connecting a blaster shot into his shoulder, the blast melted through their heavy leather jacket and sent the thug to the floor where smoke trailed from his wound.
There was no real time to check if he was dead tough, as Torani slipped around the corner of the pillar Kira was hiding behind.
“Got you you little…” The Rodian assassin sliced towards her with a razor sharp knife, Kira just managing to slide under the attack and sprint away between another of the Rodians who was exchanging fir with Camerlin.

“How long does this thing go for anyway?” Yelling at Venik as she passed the remaining Boddahs Kira released several shots in the direction of Shalo who was starting to take advantage of Raien in the centre of the room. None of the rushed shots hit, but they caused the human to duck for cover essentially removing any threat he had over any of them. “Oh no you don’t.”

Kira’s eyes fell on Therah, the Twi’lek having mounted herself on a table away from the main conflict. Mid-sprint Kira vaulted onto the table and headed straight for her.

The ominous sound of the gong rang through the room.
“All hostilities must now stop.” Venik declared and everyone seemed to freeze and lower their weapons, eyes darting around the room taking in what damage they had taken.


Therah hit the floor as Kira’s fist connected with her face, a shout from Shalo alerting Venik to the attack.
“I said all hostilities must cease Miss Vaal!”
“Sorry, momentum. Couldn’t stop.” Of course she could have stopped, had she wanted too.

The toll had been seemingly light on the other combatants, the Rodian Kira had hit was dead and one of his companions had lost an arm to one of the Messassi, Shalo’s group, or what remained of them held only wounded pride. The fourth team was completely annihilated however.

“Contestants, please come with us!” The Boddah’s lead the groups out of the large room and into a murky courtyard, ancient statues marking a long and worn path.

Shalo approached Raien and Kira.

“I want to call a truce.” He said with a slick smile. “Your tough, I’m cunning. Let’s work together and take out this Rodian frakker?”
Kira gave him a look, but would let Raien decide on the offer. Hopefully he said no, she couldn’t wait to put a blaster against that worms head.

[member="Raien Keth"]
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
All hostilities must now cease.

The call came and the surging pain of the ion grenade left him, little more than scorch marks of the weapon cross the vong crab armor, more wounds perhaps beneath the crab and durasteel mix but he used them to stand and draw himself forward.

“Survive, and endure.” Raien said to [member="Kira Vaal"], seeing her potential grow with every step, even if she knew not herself who she was yet. “There will be more credits in it if you do.” A slightly more humorous man or woman might realise, if she didn’t she’d be dead, so that worked out nicely then!

Shalo was regarded with a cold metal stare, artificial light from his eyes taken by the ion blast, dimmed now to leave only black across the betrayer’s mask. Watching Shalo through the force at this point, unable to see detail physically, all he saw was the grey silhouette from non force users, as ever.

“Agreed.” He expected betrayal but a chance was better than none. Raien did not agree for Shalo’s sake, he was nothing, but he agreed for Camerlin, as the bodyguard would either be on his ship by the end of the event, or dead with the rest, but for now he had Raien’s interest, like Kira did for different reasons. Kira’s use to him was growing as her abilities manifested even without her knowledge.

No hand was extended, just a long slow nod, until Shalo said, “well okay then! It’s a deal,” and continued on his way. His conbuine was giving a very bitchy look again, this time at [member="Kira Vaal"], half glaring, half plotting a little trip for Kira along the way perhaps!

A0-2 was searching through the bodies of the droids, only two were still functional at all, but whether they’d be competing much more aside from being scrap metal was debatable, and so A0-2 had his pick of team four’s weaponry. Finding a few nice toys and surprises, a sonic wave pistol that would explode against lightsabers and rupture most armor, also an illegal acid thrower… illegal, not that anyone paid any attention here.

[member="Kira Vaal"]​
Raien agreed to the humans request for an alliance, which was a surprise.
Thrajax snarled and slipped into position next to Kira allowing her to give him a raise of an eyebrow in the direction of the quickly departing form of Shalo and his death staring concubine.
“That will come back to bite us.” Kira said to Raien’s back. “I’m calling it now, ten credits on biting us in the arse.”
“What use is currency to a bite wound?” Thrajax questioned.
Sighing Kira placed a hand on his shoulder. “Sometimes I wonder how you even manage to speak.”
“I speak with my mouth.” He announced with certain pride.
“Where did you find this guy?” Kira turned to Raien who was seemingly still trying to recover from the ionisation of his armour.

“Congratulations all, you have completed the dance and our master’s are pleased.” Venik, who seemed to have taken the roll of lead Boddah among the remaining. “However the dinner has not yet begun, soon there shall be a feast, a grand feast where many bellies shall be filled beyond capacity. Please follow us.” The chamber they had been within faded behind them as the groups were led out across a courtyard of fetid swamp, the smell that came with it was beyond explanation with even the Messassi covering their noses at one point or another.
“There are bodies.” Kira said through her hand as it covered her face. “Why are there so many bodies.”
Rotting corpses and dried up bones, in every puddle and pit they lay. Hundreds if not thousands of remains.
“This is the grave yard of the chosen, those unable to finish the Granee Noopa are put here to rest, for once one walks in they may never leave unless victorious.” Venik explained as they passed a particularly large pool that reeked of death. “We travel through it to remind us of the honour we have been given, of the cost we all must pay.”
“Honour?” Kira rolled her eyes before fixing them on the back of Therah who was still nursing her jaw. “There is more honour in the Imperial Court than here.”

The swamp gave way to another part of the palace, large doors admitting them to a great hall that stretched so far the ever present smog made it impossible to see the other side.
“Well this looks ominous.” Kira smiled while slowly clutching the stock of her blaster. From behind them the doors sealed and locked loudly. “Yep…I hate to say it, but I got a bad feeling about this.”

“Welcome to the dinner. Here bellies will be filled, hunger will be sated and all will relish in its glory.” The opposite Boddah stated with wide open arms and a certain level of excitment.
“There is no food here.” Thrajax stated as he looked around. “Only pitiful flesh.” His eyes sealed on the Rodians and scanned the group.
“Exactly.” Replied the Boddah.
He clapped and the walls began to release, slowly rising to reveal deep dark chambers beyond, the sounds of savage beasts coming from them almost immediately.
From these gaps came great beasts of all imaginings, a trio of Nexu, a half-starved Aklay, several pit hounds. They came with murder in their eyes and hunger on their lips.
“Oh I get it.” Kira spoke as she fell into a closer position along with the Messassi and Raien. “Bellies will be filled…How clever…”

[member="Raien Keth"]
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
As the banter, which most sentients would find hilarious, continued, Raien stared his now black artificial eyesockets ahead, watching the slightest degrees of motion or movement unravel. A feast, he had not met a challenge of carnal sin before, lamia’s charms aside, the Betrayer wondered on the next battleground seeing the dead. The nature of the next room betrayed to him ahead of time, that the food to be challenged was themselves. Open spacing, with little cover, it left most with nowhere to hide. A black laugh boiled up from within him, even as the Boddah continued on his description and the walls opened.

While others tensed, ducked or looked for any small rock they could hide behind, Raien advanced on the beasts…. Smashing the first hound aside in the force, to crack it against the wall. Why? You had to understand how a beast thought, the Sith Knight had picked on the biggest one, and by facing him the others were avoiding getting in the way of the larger predator. When he was standing atop its corpse, they would be avoiding him in much the same way. It roared and so did he, the roar of a Sithspawn, charging toward it, with a powerful force leap, weapon slashing ahead of him at the dominant Aklay…

Meanwhile the hulking 7ft tall Grexoor had done the same, not to be outdone by his Master, he was sizing up the second of the creatures, he’d been paired off with a Nexu, brandishing his force axe high roaring in the same way, golden shoulder armor seen to be charging.

Most of the others actually took some time to consider the situation, the hounds were the fastest moving, and they seemed to be working together more easily, they each formed into one of two packs which was disturbing to say the least, hunting their prey.

With another laugh, Therah looked to disappear, a stealth suit? Maybe but it didn’t look good for Kira whatever it was, full of surprises the concubine was. Torani and A0-2 were working together closely, they began opening up on the approaching hounds, AO-2’s new acid spray coming really handy when one got too close, while Torani had team four’s previous sonic wave weaponry, which also was making short work of the animals at close range, concussively rupturing the resultant air and matter when it made contact.

Camerlin had chosen to play it really cautiously, keeping his back to the wall, but as for Shalo, Raien couldn’t see him or his concubine now.

[member="Kira Vaal"]​
With Raien’s charge the group found themselves separated among the chaos.
Kira herself had managed to keep a fair distance away from any form of danger, rolling away from a charging Nexu that seemed more content with the larger meat source that was Thrajax, his weapon swinging with strength as the creature met him in a leap that bowled them both over towards the far wall.
She would have watched, she should have tried to at least help the Messassi, but she had no time. One of the hounds, a twisted and scarred old thing began to circle her with thick green drool dripping from it’s maw. Snarls and barks accompanied it’s terrifying display as it tried to shape her up and work out it’s method of attack.
“Nice puppy.”
It charged and Kira released several blaster shots in it’s direction, two simply deflected off it’s hide another impacted and caused a great burning hole in it’s shoulder, but it kept coming with speed. Her agile nature allowed her to dodge it’s charge, but she did so at great cost as the beast managed to grab hold of her arm in the process and rip open thick shreds of flesh from above her wrist.
She swapped her weapon through the pain, placing the blaster in her less effective left hand and squeezed the trigger quickly allowing the hound to take a foray of fire straight to its rump, the creature wailed and turned fast as the fire pelted down his side before finally one shot connected with it’s head and the Hound slumped to the floor unmoving.
Kira took a deep breath and looked upwards towards the remaining melee, somewhere in there Raien was carving his way through the challenge and where ever he was would be the safest place for her.


She hit the ground hard, pain erupting through the back of her head causing her to forget about her arm.
“You stupid little…” She turned on her back to see where before there had been nothing, Therah was now stood over her, weapon drawn and aimed straight at Kira’s own head. “You think your so smart, so tough. I’ll show you.”
She swung down and impacted the blaster against Kira’s cheek, a sickening crunch causing the young girl to scream out as her cheekbone shattered. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
She squeezed the trigger.

The shot careened off into the ceiling as the blaster still held by the Twi’lek’s arm fell to the ground in a bloody heap next to Kira.
A scream to rival fear rolled through the room as the concubine stepped backwards staring with terror at the carved remains of her arm which had been sliced in two from the elbow down.
The bloodied weapon of Thrajax sat between the Twi’lek and Kira, the Messassi breathing heavily through many of his own wounds.
Therah continued her screaming as she staggered backwards, great tears rolling from her eyes as the smell of fresh blood started to attract more company in the form of the two Nexu that had been near, they came in closer to her sniffing at the air before one moved for the kill.
Within seconds both of the beasts were on her, setting their teeth within her flesh and ripping her to pieces.


Shalo appeared behind Thrajax, his form shimmering into shape as the stealth generator he had shared with his concubine faded away. If he was upset about Therah’s death he did not show it only cold calculation as the blaster was rested against the neck of the Massassi.
In slow motion Kira saw it happening, Shalo’s finger closing on the trigger.


From Kira’s outstretched hand an invincible force shot forth connecting with Shalo and sending him through the air into the far-wall.
Thrajax looked back towards Kira with beady eyes wide and full of surprise.
“Raien…he needs you.” She pointed towards the main melee were Raien was located but Thrajax seemed reluctant to move. “GO!”
He nodded and moved off towards the Sith and his other bodyguards leaving Kira to get to her feet and limp towards a quieter area of the room away from the bloody feast that was Therah moments before.

[member="Raien Keth"]
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
The Aklay was no match for someone who had seen the death of several thousands with his own weapon, the first jump the large beast avoided, ferocious half-starved as it was, it reminded him of fighting Hssiss in a temple a lifetime ago, but a boy then and so full of promise. The memory angered him greatly, loathing seeping into the armor as he lost concentration and the armor consumed a small part of him, far more a dangerous opponent than what he faced was Krayt’s armor itself. The ultimate final battle for Darth Surtr was his own internal one!

Feinting then jumping atop the Aklay’s back, Raien plunged his weapon deep, even as the Aklay tried to bit him off, teeth gnashing by his ear. Raien’s boot swung around clutching his weapon for support, levelling a heavy kick at its jaw, its response was to try to chomp down on his leg. The spikes did as much damage to it, as it tried to do to Raien, making a shrieking noise as it pierced the crab armor in two places, more than doing the same to itself.

Disengaging the saber, he rolled down its back, going for its legs, soresu swipes fluid and unrelenting, tearing through its falling defences… but then he saw his error. This beast was no longer the biggest beast in the room, the pack of hounds now at his back was. Combined they were more than the match for the larger wounded predator and moved in on both of them… a dozen or more.

Thrajax in a display of courage and even some understanding of beasts, made a howl as strong as any hound could match, and they all froze as he swept in behind Raien, more than earning his place as Raien’s codex guardian. The Sithspawn and he were made from the same stuff, quite literally, the past, and the Sith code made real. Grexoor had achieved a measure of victory himself, though the claw marks across his armor and front were causing him to slow, he was pulling the teeth from a large Nexus, to wear around his neck. It looked like he'd take no further part beyond limping along, but favor had spared him, for now.

Camerlin of all people took this moment to pounce at Kira, or did he? Seemingly saving her from a hound going for her back, he smiled, waiting till her guard was down, there was just the slightest tell from his hands as he pulled it from his belt a Stun Net. Throwing it at her, “sorry,” his friends dying one by one, his taste for being here had evaporated, but he still had a job to do. Whether she ducked aside, or used her new found force gifts in time, Raien himself still couldn’t see Shalo or Kira through the desperate fighting. Until Shalo appeared pointing at the rodian pair, who seemed to be finishing off the rest of the beasts, and walking forward over their corpses towards the pack of dogs Raien was fighting.

Was it time for the threeway showdown or did the hutts have a surprise or two more planned?

[member="Kira Vaal"]​
Limping heavily Kira continued her movement away from the battle, knowing if she hung around for too long in the midst of it she was dead. Therah had done some work on her and the hit she had taken to the head was starting to cause some considerable pain.

A low set growl alerted her to the pursuing Hound, the creature picking up the smell of her trouble and assigned her to an easy piece of prey. It’s great paws padding on the ground as it followed with it’s own awkward limp.
Kira turned and raised her blaster, the beast shying away momentarily as she did, recent memories reminding it of pain from the weapon. The effect was short lived however and with a snarl it moved towards her with pace.

A quickshot caught it in the head and dropped the hound, Kira turning to meet Camerlin’s eye who only gave her a quick nod before paying more attention to another hound that had approached him. Clearly his honour towards the allegiance was more than that of his payer and company. So much so that Kira thought nothing of his advance towards her, it was done with such casual grace and nil-attention that any thought of caution was thrown out of the window.


Next Kira could only experience the sudden pain and then the complete numbness of her body which had become pinned under the threads of Camerlin’s thrown stun net. Her consciousness was still complete however as she hit the ground, her blaster scattering off to the side.

“It’s just a job.” Camerlin said as he approached her, squatting down to look her in the eye. “You understand yeah?” A knife was withdrawn from his belt, sharp and long. He lowered it to where her neck was and rested against her flesh, the cold sharpness going straight into Kira’s soul. The cut however, it never came. Instead a warm wet sensation came about Kira as something heavy fell down atop of her and the knife moved away abruptly.

The net was thrown off Kira and she managed to gain some motion back to her legs and arms, enough to roll to her side where the body of Camerlin led on the floor a pool of blood surrounding it and the cleanly dismembered head that lay where she had been moments before.

She threw up.

There were no signs of her saviour, no other person nearby. There was a rumble however, and a roar from the far end of the room. It seemed the Hutt’s were not content with this fight.

“Raien…behind you.” Kira tried to scream, her words failing her in her dry mouth but she knew that somehow even mentally he had heard her. “They have a Rancor.”

[member="Raien Keth"]
Darkside Dragon (Dead PM Writers Account)
[member="Kira Vaal"]​

Head turning slowly to take in the new threat as it lumbered forward, a rancor, he’d killed most things, but not rancors before, at least that he remembered. All the lives he’d ended blurred together after the first decade at least, which was the natural way of a Sith’s life to form a solid foundation to build on.

The hounds as you might expect ran, at least those that could without being eaten, one of them becoming just that, rancor food. Grexoor and Raien charged, Thajax too scooping up the nearest fallen spear from an old corpse, leaving the wounded Aklay to try and get away licking its wounds, as well as many of the hounds retreating with it.

He indicated the Massassi should surround it, Shalo blinked out of view predictably to save his own skin, and the rodian and his droid friend started making sure everyone else was dead, staying well out of the way of that thing, looking for any advantage against it. As for the unseen killer, who knows what that was, but likely it was harassing the others, leaving the Rancor well alone.

It was a particularly gnarly looking Rancor, with some sort of metal strapped to its shoulders. Surtr didn’t care one way or the other, holding the others back till he was ready, it roared and he roared in his own way, a surging of energy around the Sith Knight. Summoning all the betrayals, the hurt, the pain and suffering of his many wounds throughout his life, all the children taken from him were poured into his hands, balling a pressure so great it extended out into ruby red lightening with a pop of energy, which should have scorched or badly charred the beast, but instead it connected with its personal shield, sparking as the energy discharged into it and bounced around the room.

Someone had fitted this beast with a shield generator! They really didn’t want them walking away. Grexoor was hit one way, and Thrajax kicked another, it tried to swipe back for Raien, but he brought his saber into the arm, and the energy discharged against the shield, his body moved through it but it was blocking energy…

Everyone hushed, this was going to be one tough fight, shame they’d used all their ion grenades before! Surtr couldn't use his saber through, disengaging it. Which meant he was killing this hand to hand, or rather spike to claw, and it was going to be brutal, jabbing a clawed arm into the back of its ankle, the Rancor stumbled, trying to crush him with its other foot....
What could she honestly do against a Rancor?
Kira was no warrior, not really. Yeah she could wave a blaster around like the best of them and be intimidating but in this world of god soldiers and brutes she was nothing but a little girl playing with dangerous toys.

She had pulled herself away from the charging form of the Rancor as it had passed her, it’s intent not on her but on the thicker group of combatants. The creature’s advance giving her time which she bravely needed to regroup herself, both body and mind.

A thump erupted across the room as Threjax was thrown with strength into a nearby wall, a crunch signifying the cracking of bones beneath his thick red hide.
“No.” Kira moved towards him, her moves more of a supported crawl than the intended run. His body was unmoving as she approached and came to a kneel beside the red warrior. “You’re good, you’re alright. Get up.”

There was still breath coming from his lungs, slow but steady yet through his abdomen a thick metal stick had found its way through his flesh, slicing him from behind and pinning him to the ground. It was a gruesome injury, one he’d probably struggle to live through.

Eyes fell upon the rancor, deep darkened eyes that held nothing of the Kira before. She hated it, she wanted the beast dead for what it had done to her friend. Her blaster was in her hand again, trained towards the beasts head, yet the aim continued to raise up, higher and higher until it reached the cold hard metal chain holding the ancient ceiling chandelier in place.

One shot was all it needed, the chain melting away allowing the great hunk of metal to initiate a free fall towards the top of the Rancor where it connected with a heart stopping sound. The great beast stumbling under the assault, and while not dead it was stunned, injured and vulnerable.

[member="Raien Keth"]

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