Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In Need of a Widow

Good Afternoon Everyone,

First I wanted to thank you for clicking the link and giving this a read. I very much appreciate it.

I wanted to know if there are any widows around. As odd as this may sound, I want Jake to interact with someone who has gone through the same thing he is going through now; heart wrenching, stomach churning, mind shattering grief. Just a couple specifics that I am hoping to find:

  • Force User - alignment does not matter. Dark or Light; whichever. I say Force User due to them being able to relate to Jake beyond just the loss of a spouse. He also struggles with his connection to the force currently. I'll explain all of this in more detail through a PM.
  • Player & Character I've never rp'd with before. I'd like to meet and interact with someone new so I can start making new friends.
What is my objective with this search?
  • A "non star warsy" interaction to occur. So what do I mean by that? Well I mean exactly that. Nothing to do with glow sticks or blue and red blaster shots. Just a one on one conversation; heart to heart; person to person about something far more important, far more real. How does one get over such an emotional trauma? Did the Widow ever accept it and move on or is she still dealing with it? Just a very blunt, very open, very honest conversation. Long thread or short; doesn't matter to me.
  • Non-romantic - duh. If this is a one off interaction, then so be it. If it starts a respectable acquaintanceship or begins the process of friendship then great but not setting anything in stone. Just no one night stand, no romance, nadda, zilch. Just a casual, fun thread.
  • No expectations Jake deals with his grief in a single thread. Again I'm going for a more realistic feel for this thread. There's more drama to this (again to be explained in pm).
  • We can work out how to start a thread through pm when I send you more info on Jake and what specifically he's going through.

You might be asking why a widow and not another widower? Well Jake hates other men. Yeah. I said it. I'm being honest. He won't open up to them. He's a sexist. #jakesasexist From a character i.c. perspective he has just never trusted other men; ever. It's just who he is.

Again thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a wonderful day :)

Who knows, Jake might take up drinking and could always use a drinking buddy (in which case would totally need a male character to rp with then) :lol: Based on how hes currently on a downward spiral it might not be that long until he has his first sip of the liquid courage.

Gavin XIII

Sour Candy Sithspawn
[member="Jake Daniels"]

You should talk to Gavin... He was killed by his ex-wife... twice. Also, he owns a bar, so that'd be a great place for that sort of fix.

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