Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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In My Time of Need

ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
The Republic cruiser Undaunted soared on invisible wings through the starry void. Inside, Joryn Kaylem, ruler and senatorial representative of Ord Radama, stared at his hands, thinking about how powerless he felt right now. He had often spoken against the One Sith, and used his planet's repositories of lore on that blasted order to aid the Jedi against their ancient foes. Even now, he was helping to transport a useful prisoner to the nearest Jedi sanctum.

Still, when he had helped to capture an Acolyte in carbonite, he had crossed a line. Now, they were striking back.

He touched the button on his desk, replaying the message broadcasted over the Holonet. "Ord Radama, throughout history, has been a world that belongs to the Sith. The illegitimate, traitor government that the Republic holds over it now is an affront to that planet's proud heritage. A death warrant has been signed for all those colluding with this insurgent faction. We are coming for you. Hail to the Dark Lord, and to the One Sith."

"We are coming for you..." He whispered to himself. He had sworn that his home would never again fall to darkness, for as long as he lived. Now, it seems as though the shadowy order had taken him up on that offer. Relax, Joryn. the help that you called for is sure to arrive soon.
ʜᴄ sᴠɴᴛ ᴅʀᴀᴄᴏɴᴇs
Trystis Ray took in a sharp breath as air once more filled his lungs. He may have been suspended in a state of petrified stasis, but things were still proceeding as planned. Feel the pain, he thought as his limbs burned with aching soreness. Don't let any of it go to waste.

"Are you alright, sir?" The treacherous deck officer asked.

"I'm fine. Do you have my replacement?" The soldier gestured to the limp figure of his partner, a hole in the back of the corpse's chest the result of a silenced, unexpected blaster bolt. "Good." The silver-haired echani closed his eyes, concentrating, and the guard's body was lifted by unseen puppet strings into the freezing chamber. A few button presses later, and the body was sealed away where he once was.

"Some of us Radamans still remember who made us great, sir. I hope you won't forget that my family helped you out."

Trystis put on a smile. Disgusting sycophant. "Of course. Just keep up the act, and be ready to board the escape pods with me when the time comes."

The silver-haired near-human slipped on a Republic petty officer uniform, doing some stretches to limber up. He briefly wondered if anyone else would answer the death warrant, but his mind could wander later. He needed to remain focused. For now - there was killing to do.


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