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In A Very Nasty World.

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Location: Rhen Var

The world was cold, desolate and above all else cold.... Nico for a moment wondered what she was doing in while laying on the one table overlooking the vast expanse that was... snow and ice and more snow. Sometimes she she was looking she might see a a bird or something but not much and her padawan was late. Or early she hadn't grabbed her chrono instead opting for the taozin bracelet to match her circlets keeping the frigid cold back from the skinny muscled jedi knight. She was wearing the non traditional robes with her baggy jeans and t-shirt instead of the itchy robes that didn't let you move quickly. Her gauntlets were there and slowly she was working on modifying them into something more with small emitters along the sides and for now she could get two crystals for herself while training a padawan in the ways of the jedi. Compared to Lily she wasn't expecting the one to dance and gyrate to move around like a little kid. Okay she was going to dance a little and try to teach him how to move before she rolled over and stood up with a nod. Letting the earrings with the pontite crystals she had remain there in her ears and her belt buckle with the blue force crystal she could feel, her shield amulet around her neck with a chain showing the jedi symbol before she was dancing a little.
Rhen Var was a cold and desolate world, known for its plummeting temperatures and its dismal landscape. Hardly the place for Jedi to be, unless war or battle forced them there but yet, here John was. Dressed in the traditional Padawan robes, John moved through the snow and ice until he properly reached where his trainer was. He had been lightly briefed on his trainer and John was eager to meet her. She would train him in all she could hopefully, and John would soak it up like a sponge.

Once he reached the young woman, John made sure to smile at her. His short hair tussled in the wind as he bowed to her, happy that someone from the Order was actually here. She did not wear the usual garments for a Jedi, but John was more then happy to learn from her. "Master Nico, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to aid me." His voice was chipper, as he was glad to finally begin his training in the art of the Force.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Nico looked at him perking up and standing there as she smiled looking at him and she bowed her head in acknowledgement. "Welcome to the jedi now I hope you are ready and warmed up. I don't plan on stopping until we're up there." Nico looked at him and turned her head back with a grin at one of the mountains. "We have a platform for training in peace and tranquility." She said it with a grin though checking her gauntlets while moving. "So you have your stuff right? And you know how to use the basics of force body." She was curious and wondering about it with a grin as she popped her neck and shoulders moving a little bonelessly as she danced in place.
John nodded in agreement. He had studied Force Body at the temple, and was learning more of it day by day. Jedi had been using it for centuries, the ability giving you the endurance to push your body beyond its means. His eyes following hers towards the mountain, John took a deep breath. "After you, Master." His signature grin shown through yet again as he watched her get ready.

He would normally start limbering up himself, having trekked some serious mountains early on in his military career, but he couldn't possibly do so now. Ready to kick start his training, the young Padawan readied himself and would follow the young Knight anywhere.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Well it was good to see he was ready and willing while she motioned moving toward the stairs heading down towards the expanse between the temple and the mountain. They had been working on the temple and constructing it in some places while reconstructing it in several others until now it looked like something at least usable while she descended the stairs two at a time until her boots were crunching in the snow and she waited for him as she took off. A steady run as the wind picked up and she could feel out with the force energies to sense for creatures. her padawan was looking skilled and that would help in the long run for getting up and itno the mountains as she was feeling the force with him when the shine from the sun reflecting off the yellow gold crystals in the snow.
John hated mountains. It was a terrain full of danger and possible death. Every step had to be calculated perfectly, as one small misstep meant tumbling down the mountain to an uncertain doom. He had trekked mountains before, and even lost fellow soldiers in them, but nothing prepared him for this.

The young knight that would be training him was running ahead of him, her earrings and various jewelry glinting in the sunlight. John was attempting to keep up, focusing on her and emptying his thoughts as he ran. The Force was a powerful thing, and John had seen it firsthand during battles, so running up a mountain was simple for the Padawan. Still, he would be lying if he admitted he wasn't having an overall tough time moving with her.

Even with his immense hatred for mountains, John couldn't help but gawk at the view. Rhen Var was a desolate place, sure, but the view was explicitly beautiful, especially when the sun hit the snow just right. It was honestly relaxing, and this little jaunt up the mountain enabled John to clear his mind of distractions. Once that was done, running up the mountain with Master Nico was much easier.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Nico was moving as the view became them in the middle of the ice and snow with more of her accessories jingling with each step. Thankfully she had her belt while she was moving forward and the started of the mountain came into view. She could navigate up the rocks with frozen and ancient trees that were less alive and more... there because they never thawed while she moved under one and her feet were sinking into the snow. Nico adjusted herself so she was moving faster on the snow and not sinking in as she reached back motioning and started to move up a stone pathway with the snow coming down lightly.
Moving up, the landscape became more desolate as they did so. Trees became more barren and lessened in number as they hiked the trail. Taking in a deep breath, John noticed how the air slowly became thinner and thinner as they ascended the mountain itself. Careful to not fall into the snow itself, John made sure to step only on snow that could hold his weight. Focusing as he stepped, John would periodically look behind him towards the snow craven tundra behind him.

The young knight ahead of him moved quickly. Her accessories continued to jingle and twinkle in the sunlight. Curious as to why she had so many, John decided to ask later rather then now. For now, he had to concentrate on not falling on his butt as they climbed the trail.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Nico saw him coming now while she moved with more of her attention and going up the stairs when she finally arrived at the top, the first beads of sweat forming on her head as she wiped it breathing in and stretched herself out standing there for her padawan to jon her at the top. "Alright now that you are warmed up, I want you to show me what you have already been taught so I don't just review the same thing over and over that others have shown you." She offered a smile and rolled her shoulders to shake her hair and get ready for it hopping back and forth to stay limber and pumped up. "Lets keep that heart racing."
Of course she would get to the top before him. John had hoped he would eventually outrun the young Knight, but that was a foolish folly on his part. She was much more learned then he, and it showed in her ability to brave the harsh weather. The wind whipping about around both of them, John finally reached the top, flashing his smile at the vista around him. The mountains were certainly beautiful, even on a desolate world like Rhen Var.

Listening to her as he got into place, John narrowed his eyes. His teaching was slow at the moment, with Knights and Masters teaching him as much as possible during a war. "I haven't learned too much just yet. Basics, like using the Force to my advantage during dueling. This is my first time using it to shelter my body from the weather too." Peace was a required element when focusing on the Force, as Jedi pulled their strength from being tranquil, even in distress. This was difficult for John, as his military training conflicted with it.

Looking to his left, John smiled as he noticed a small amount of rocks. Waving his hand, the rocks lightly lifted from the ground and then fell. "I am getting a grip on that too." It was fantastic, even though John knew it was just moving small pebbles.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Nico watched him as she nodded her head in understanding with some thoughts on how to begin and start with him. "Well that is good that you have the basics, it will make things easier going forward." In truth is saved her a lot of trying to explain balance and patience or just knowing yourself..... That way you couldn't get angry. Though given her own past she didn't fully subscribe to that while running forward with a few of the things she could do while crouching down and picking up some of the crystals while she looked with a grin. "Solari crystals grow here, they can help calm the body and mind while also keeping you focused with the lightside of the force. It aids in many of the things the jedi stand for but more then that. Given a few things I have worked to fix within my life. It can aid you as well in keeping to the light cause once you go evil it will reject and almost refuse to function." She rose up again and set some in herpockets for later use but held up her gauntlets as the energy shield activated. "So we'll see how well you mastered your abilities with force body. Lets see how high you can use the force to jump."
John had seen Jedi leap far and wide during battles. The Force allowed them to leap across the battlefield in a flash, cutting down those in the process. Sith troopers and enemies alike had been defeated before by a leaping Jedi. Having only practiced the jumping a small amount, John readied himself by visualizing the Force in his mind. Finding peace through the swirling wind was difficult, but John managed to focus on the tranquility of the moment.

Kneeling down slowly, breathing with a relaxed tone, and then leaping up, John managed to jump a good extra 2-3 feet in the air. Nothing compared to the best jedi, but still pretty good for a once military recruit. Smiling when he landed, he knew he could do better but awaited the Knights response to it.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Nico was watching him and he did well, of all the things they could do as she put her lips together and gave a nod of approval. "Good, now be careful with it and keep the force flowing through your body. With each breath you take you inhale it, hold it in your lungs and feel it spread throughout your body and then exhale while you preform the action." She demonstrated, adding a little flare with inertia as Nico danced a little popping from foot to foot then rolling her hips and legs until she jumped kicking up with the burst in her feet to make her flip backwards in place and landed with her eyebrows raising up in fun for it while she kept dancing a little and repeated the movement. "I don't expect you to dance but you can get the idea. Use the force in a way that works for you to build yourself up and jump."
The Force flowing through your body? How was that even possible? John knew that many Jedi revered the Force as a deity almost, a cosmic power that brought happiness and strength to those that wielded it for good. Though he had just begun to tap into it, John was still having trouble fully understanding its abilities. Taking a deep breath, John turned to a small outcropping of rocks. Leading to a small ledge that led off the mountain, John narrowed his eyes and begun speaking to himself. "Now or never Cain..."

His chief officer had said that to him several times throughout military training. John hated the man honestly, as he constantly harassed fellow cadets and made life a living hell for them. When John finished his training, he was not happy to know that he had been transferred to the officer's ship for duty. Pestering him, the officer was never quite happy with John's speed or practical applications to things. Insisting him to be fast in every facet in life, the officer would pester John that it was 'now or never' and that life 'didnt wait for the slothful."

Sprinting forward, John knew that the outcropping would eventually run out and he would inevitably run off the ledge to the craggy bottom below. Taking a deep breath and letting the Force fully breach into him, John immediately leaped up and back, backflipping and landing right at the edge of the outcrop where he once stood.. The flip was less then graceful but ultimately did its purpose. Flourishing a little at the end, John smiled at Nico.

"How was that?" he asked happily.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Nico watched him and was cringing a little not because his form was bad but because she wouldn't have run at a cliff to practice or recommended it for beginners but the padawan showed luck while she crossed her arms over her chest and nodded in approval. "That was good but you should have tried it safely before rushing a cliff." She kept her attention on a few of the things though and some more ideas came to her while moving in place setting aside her with some movements as she was showing her attention around. "Now work on your movement and flips. I want you to be able to channel the force to increase how high you can leap and speed more then anything. Then it will get you warmed up for augmenting your body."
John nodded at her slight scolding. Even in the military, his days were filled with action and sometimes brash decisions. With his age and abilities, it was hard not to regress to that. He would attempt to not be brash in the future, especially if he one day wanted to become a master. The Order would look down on such brashness honestly.

Dipping himself fully into the Force, John continued to move and jump. Front flips, twists and jumps of all sorts filled him for a few minutes. Exertion began to take hold, but John was too immersed in the power of the Force to really notice honestly. His landings seemed to improve more and more with his acrobatic flips and kicks as well, as he launched himself across the precipice they stood on. It was a little dangerous to do this on top of a mountain, but John did not mind in the slightest.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

She was watching him more now as he moved around and preformed the lesson well. he was getting it and getting better at it while she moved around careful not to get in his way. She had a few thoughts to correct his form but wanted to see his endurance, this was all meaningless if he coughed up a lung ten minutes into a duel or battle because he was overexerting himself while she stepped back moving to the side more organically. "Good, now rest we want your endurance to be strong to better be able to handle fighting with the force for your movements and abilities." She crossed her arms while looking across the area they were in. "Lets see how much of the stone you can move from the old ruins here." Yeah moving rocks wasn't impressive but you do that after jumping and you can make a workout for your body and then your mind.
Resting was a fine idea. After his exhausting flips and kicks, John found a small stone to sit on, catching his breath as he lightly meditated on the Force itself. Enjoying the wonderful, barren view, John's head turned to Nico, a question being raised.

"How long have you been a Jedi Knight, Master Ike?" The question was ended with another one of John's smiles. He had been known in his previous career to make jokes during extreme pressure, and was no different as a Jedi. Usually content and happy, John was enjoying his training thus far.

While he rested, John concentrated on a small cropping of jagged rocks nearby. His hand raised limply, the rocks slowly rose from their resting spot and hovered for a few seconds until falling. It was admittedly annoying to John and as soon as his breath was caught up, he would try again.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

Nico Ike Qarmast

The Wayward of Clan Qarmast
[member="Johnathan Cain"]

Nico looked at him when he asked the question and thought about how best to answer that as she chewed the inside of her lower lip with some nervous energy for herself. "Two years not long compared to some but my master was very sporadic and put be forward without much. I've been doing what I could to learn and teach." Sometimes having an eidetic memory was best and with the force she was glad to remember the lessons she saw and the words. The force enhancing things was always better while going forward and looking at the rocks while she sat down in the small snow on the flat area while she laid back and was glad for the circlet to keep the chill away. It gave her plenty to work with. "What about you padawan?"
Concentrating on the small patches of rocks nearby, John made sure to lift them slowly and drop them, over and over again. Every time he lifted them, he broke his previous goal. Listening intently, John raised more and more rocks each time, soon having a large amount of pebbles and stones. He smiled as he watched them roll about lazily, stuck in mid-air before he released them again and again. The Force was a powerful thing, and John was loving it so far.

"I've only recently begun my training in being a Jedi. I was discovered to be Force Sensitive by a Jedi that was placed in my platoon during combat with the Sith." He smiled as he spoke until the words Sith fell out of his mouth. The foul, menacing creatures had wrecked the galaxy, and John was happy to put them back in the ground where they belonged. Slight tinges of anger bubbled to the surface as he thought of all his comrades that fell to red blades. Taking a deep breath, John continued.

"You seem more educated then only two years, Master Ike." He grinned like an idiot yet again, complimenting the young Knight. He was not flirting or anything, just being his usual optimistic self. Continuing the lesson, John made sure to lift bigger and stronger boulders this time, stretching his limits in the Force over and over again.

[member="Nico Minuro Ike"]

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