Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Implementation of Order [Imperial Remnant]

Arcadia- West side. [member="Alexander Nester"][member="Mason Deschart"][member="Zamza Ra'Kira"]

The bombardment from above had stopped but the onslaught of the Imperial Marines continued. Tk grabbed and over head strap in a knuckle white grip, breathing heavily as the tank roared forwards. They smashed headfirst into a building and came out the other side, ripping through and open square. The main guns continued to blaze, lobbing explosive shells that shatterred building's remains and filled the area with an acrid smoke.

"Looks like the Rebels are routed Sarge!" Talson roared in between mind shattering vibrations and ear blowing explosions. The tank came to a halt about a hundred and fifty meters into the city.

A voice crackled over the comms. It was General Krouse, the Imperial Marines commadner.

"Alright men, dismount, clear the area and secure the city. For the Empire!"

"For the Empire!" They roared inside the tank.

"Talson, smoke launchers now, men prepare to dismount!"

The smoke launchers spewed forth a hundred smoke grenades from all the tanks combined and the area became clouded so heavily, not man could see his hand in front of his face. TK rose stacking on the ramp and pressing the but of his E-11 into his shoulder.

"Dismount!" He roared. The back ramp dropped open and a couple hundred fearsome armored warriors emerged in qucik unison. They moved to set up a perimeter. Firing posistions went up around the tanks and the overwatch chimed in.

"Clear on top, got you covered."

"Alright bravo company, take ground!" The CO shouted.

TK blinked switching to thermals and seeing the heat signatures of the enemy. The tidal wave of gray armored marines advanced, picking their way through the rubble and blasting downed rebels in their advance...


Cipher nine was monitoring the marine’s assault, from the command post he smiled this was the empire he membered crushing enemies underfoot, with bloody, brutal efficiency . He stared at screen relaying images and data, and com chatter from nearby probe droids, and various other surveillance and communication equipment.

[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="TK-4261 Strain"] [member="RC 212 "][member="Alexander Nester"]
Meanwhile, while the tank rolled through the city attracting the attention of everyone in the area, Lieutenant Awn'rell'reemma quietly slipped through the hole that the tank had made in the wall. Right now, her objective was to support the attacking squadron as they continued their advance into the city. She looked around from the shadows for a good sniper position to use. identifying the roof of a nearby undamaged building as the best place, she moved in, kicking down the door. As she moved into the main room, she saw a mother hiding in the room with a child. She wordlessly stared at Rell, her eyes begging her not to shoot. Rell just put a finger to her lips, and moved for the roof.

Once she had taken position on the roof and could see the area, she got on the local comm channel and transmitted to the Imperial forces.

"This is Lieutenant Rell, nice work down there." Prior experience had taught her that most people were incapable of properly pronouncing her name, so she had long since shortened it for non-chiss. "You have a friendly sniper at your 6'o clock who would greatly appreciate not being shot at by overeager forces. Feel free to mark me a target if you have one, over."

[member="TK-4261 Strain"]

Kara Runo

Callsign "Widow Maker"
Onboard the Victory II-Class Star Destroyer Requiem
This was my first taste of war under the Imperials. “Delta One to flight control, we are ready to go. Green lights across the board” My partner Delta Two and I had been drilling together for the last few weeks since I joined up with the Imperial Remnant. He was the only person I thus far agreed to work with me as a co pilot. This sentinel class shuttle was my own personal craft. When I joined I was sure to negotiate what my job would be. I displayed to the imperial recruiters my aptitude at piloting this particular craft and a few other that they had in order to show them what I offered. “Copy that Delta One, we have you green across the board, happy landings!”
This is Delta One launching” My shuttle was of a custom paint job. The cockpit and head was painted to resemble a mouth of a shark I had witnessed in my youth traveling the mid rim. “Alright ladies and gents we got ourselves an open range, we’ll be touching down in 45 seconds I want disembarkation to be quick and easy with dust off in no later than 15 seconds, do I make myself clear troopers!” I spoke over the 1MC. I could hear the replies of several dozen storm troopers bellow a response in unison. “Yes Ma’am
For the Emperor!” I bellowed as we disengaged from the belly of the Requiem. “Delta Two, weapons
"Weapons Aye"
Delta two made some adjustments and our weapons were out and readied. Missiles were online. Time to join the party!

[member="Mason Deschart"] [member="Alva Calvarona"]
[member="TK-4261 Strain"]
[member="Agatha Nestor"]
She was on board the imperial shuttle, as [member="Kara Runo"] gave her speech to her troops. She was still unsure about being part of the imperial remnant, but she saw no alternative as she had to leave the one sith after zeltros. They had changed from the early days, before dark jedis began entering the order. She wonder how [member="Avreet Zatarus"] was coping with their anti alien stance, one she could not actually agree with. Though atleast they did not massacre civilians, as far as she knew. She was dressed in her battle armour, waiting for shuttle to land and let them at her new enemy. She prove herself loyal to them by helping in this invasion, she also wanted to see how they conducted themselves in battle. As how people behave in heat of battle says more about them, than any amount of talking would ever do.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I was going to participate in the ground operations. Something I readily detested having been raised and trained the art of Void warfare and capital ship command. My family had just recently joined into the Imperial Remnant prior to this whole debacle of a military intervention on behalf of some back water planet’s monarchy. Still though I could understand their… my Emperor’s and Empress’s decision to aid these people. I only had a brief interaction with the two when my grand mother had made a very formal pledge of loyalty of our family’s company the Flavian Star Corporation. We were once a wealthy noble family from the core worlds. We held strong the Imperialist ideals and that led to republic extremists and terrorists violently murdering many of my kind in a well-coordinated attack that nearly purged my family line from history. Those few of us who had survived gathered together and rallied around our grand mother whom miraculously survived. She gave us hope and we set out to start a new.
Here was a new beginings. I along with a few other cousins had been granted commissioning into the Imperial military. I went into the Navy, but I volunteered to help the ground effort since the crinan rebel fleet had been smashed away quite easily. Here I was onboard a shuttle dropping down into the hell of war. The pilot had just shouted “For the Emperor” over the 1MC, I bellowed back the call. I was sitting in a crash harness chair with a blaster carbine strapped to my chest.

I took note that there was no uniformity amongst the storm troopers. Different armor sets were being worn all around. Primarily human troopers, but I observed that a few… xenos were among the platoon. Their armor specifically designed to accommodate them. I detested non humans, I could tolerate near humans, but for the most part I did my best to remain as distant from xenos as possible. ‘Still I can’t help but admire them for wanting to join such a fledgling cause’

I slowly turned my gaze looking through the helmet lenses at each individual. I knew full well I could die today. I was proud to be amongst fellow Imperialists, xenos included. My gaze rested on the woman in her own specially designed armor. I was perturbed by her presence and didn’t know if she was an Imperial Knight or something else entirely. It didn’t hurt to ask though “Excuse me, I’m Lt. Commander Flavian, I was curious what perhaps your role here is with us on this mission?”

((OOC: blarg I know this thread is pretty much considered wrapped up in terms of establishing the Imperial Remnant on Crina. However I’m one for tidy conclusions so I’ll get my crinan rebel character in on this too to help finish up this thread up, great to have you on board Sabrina and Awn'rell'reemma))

[member="Sabrina Kotass"]

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