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Approved NPC Imperial Praetorian Marines

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Tanomas Graf

Image Source: Here.
Name: Imperial Praetorian Marines
Intent: To serve as all-purpose security for Imperial Elite Shipyards, as well as readily-trained soldiers available for purchase by prospective buyers.
Affiliation: Imperial Elite Shipyards (May be acquired by others via contract/purchase thread)

Availability: Uncommon

Quality: B - Veteran

Type: Infantry

Strength: Around 4 Battalions worth currently trained, for a total of 2,296 troopers.
  • 574 troopers per Battalion = 4 Companies
  • 144 troopers per Company = 4 Platoons
  • 36 troopers per Platoon = 4 Squads
  • 9 troopers per Squad
Description: Due to the high-profile operations of IES, and the chance that attacks or espionage may be staged by rival corporations or greedy pirates, they required their own private military to defend their vessels, shipyards, and planetary operations. The Imperial Praetorian Marines were produced to be all-purpose soldiers ready to die for the corporation, much like the stormtroopers from the Galactic Empire. They are mainly used by IES but may also be purchased in bulk at a thousand credits a soldier.

The Imperial Paretorian Marines are equipped with plastoid armor that is mainly painted purple with highlights of white, underneath it being a black bodysuit, the plastoid shell can absorb low powered blaster bolts but when it comes in contact with military-grade weaponry it can be pierced easily. Their main weapon of choise is the DC-15AB Blaster Rifle, a recreation of the DC-15A from the Clone Wars. During battle they also carry a healthy amount of explosive thermal detonators.

Tanomas Graf said:
Affiliation: Open Market (Requires contract/purchase thread)
I would change the affiliation to your company, and simply list them as a contractual product. That way it's clear where their official loyalties lie.

Tanomas Graf said:
Strength: 2,000 troopers in total, numbers may fluctuate depending on purchase of soldiers.
You are free to include the total strength, but for this field we are looking for the per unit strength. How would they be broken down into say a company of troops?

Tanomas Graf said:
he Imperial Praetorian Marines were produced to be all-purpose soldiers trained for all scenarios including land, water, and even zero-g space combat. They are mainly used by IES but may also be purchased in bulk at a thousand credits a soldier.
I see you state this yet only link their weapon of choice. Could you please include--in the links--additional equipment that they would use in land, water, and space combat scenarios? Armour, and other noteworthy gear should be linked as well.

Finally, could you please include an artwork source?

Tanomas Graf


Edited, I removed the "Zero-G" part and the likes as I couldn't actually link the armor they were using that could withstand such environments. I added the unit counts and the image source, and changed the affiliation as you requested.
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

The strength breakdown is fine: Mind you that 'company level,' is the standard breakdown used. So keep that in mind when roleplaying your forces, but of course that all depends on the thread and who you're writing with.

I would still like you to link any other equipment they use, please. Assuming they bring more with them than just blasters. Mundane stuff like rations and jazz doesn't need to be listed; only anything that could be useful in battle or give them an edge.
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Do they not have armour, or do you just not have a link to it? We're not going to make you sub anything in order for this to have to be approved, but you'll need to at least describe their armour in the description if it's not linked.
[member="Tanomas Graf"]

Just remember that the standard strength is at company level; or in this case the 144 personnel as you listed. With basic equipment and armour, this is a pretty standard infantry fighting unit.

Pending secondary. [member="Silencia"]
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