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Imminence. . . .not so Imminent?[FACTION: Rebel Alliance]

[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Juliette Molière"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Leea Pandac"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kharen Promethien"] [member="Mirta Kar"]

It was truly an incredible sight to behold!

out in empty space where no one should bother traveling, a number of Rendili's famous Mobile Spacedocks were settled about. Within their gasps could be seen various frames, bits of construction that seemed rather odd in their holds. Yet perhaps when one spotted the monstrosity sitting in the midst of the swarm of small shipyards they could see what was going on. A large project could be seen, halfway completed in its construction. Something so large it couldn't be completed by just one of the mobile spacedocks, resulting in the many Rendili designed mobile yards working to build the entire project, piece by piece, as large as they could complete within each of the six docks frames.

This was the special carrier platform, the Rebel Alliance Command Center and soon to be their greatest treasure, a gift from Rendili Stardrive to them. The Imminence. A two thousand meter long, eighteen hundred thirty meters wide, and fifteen hundred forty five meter tall craft. A station in sheer power that would rival even the Noblesse Class Destroyer that Rendili was developing for the Republic Navy. A structure that Camellia Swift had worked out in extensive talks with the Rebel Alliance Leader [member="Geneviève Lasedri"], an agreement that also extended the use of Rendili's newly developed Honor Class Elite Starfighters (Pending actual submission otherwise you guys could use em here sorry).

The massive station platform could have been completed more quickly and easily within Rendili Stardrive's own original yards, however, considering the Rebel Alliance's many enemies, broadcasting the construction of the massive command center would likely attract those very same enemies to attack to destroy it. So instead it was being built in secret, with Rendili's well kept mobile shipyards in storage shipped out with their crews to put everything together piecemeal where an attack would cause less damage if it were to come. So far half the station was finished, the weak engines and hyperdrive with the rear of the future rebel headquarters along with the majority of its hangers being some of the last sections to complete.

The already built areas were already active and able to support staff even, to enable the Rebel Alliance to begin moving into their new home that would be later towed to its new home wherever the rebels needed it. Several of its defenses had been brought up as well, though it still lacked shields. Many of the Quad Laser Turrets and Long Range Turbolasers were online, and at least one of the hangers was operational and held a squadron of rebel fighters at the ready. After all, if the Rebels enemies did arrive it would be prudent for them to defend themselves.

But if their enemies did know where they were they would likely be crushed en mass. . . .so lucky thing its just pirates!!!

Or maybe they were hired mercenaries, regardless a ragtag force of ships would exist hyperspace a safe distance away from the partially finished Command Center and the mobile docks, likely to gauge the threat they would face. There were three Nebulon B Frigates among the hostile forces, backed by two DP-20 Corellian Frigates as well. THe number of starfighter squadrons that appeared alongside them, numbered at least five, all uglies, a cobbled mess or a mixed squadron unfit to be called a proper recognizable unit.

And they did not hesitate in their attack.

OOC: Right so here you Rebels go, a thread to get you guys a fancy ship, pending me and Gene work out the ooc requirements. Pilots, obviously you go shoot down these enemies yourselves however you can. Ground folk? Go be badasses and get on those guns! Shoot em down Pearl Harbor style! I will be your resident Dungeon Master every round of posting. The goal is 50 posts or more. Ready? GO!

Roth Tillian

The ragtag fleet wasn't the only thing to drop out of hyperspace. Not long after, a lone Tachyon class freighter dropped out of hyperspace. It hung there for several moments as its pilot stared blankly out at the assemblage before him. That was one monster starship out there in the docks. Specifically, it was one monster starship that had a ragtag fleet thrown together between the ship and himself.

His Tachyon, that had been his home for months while he cruised the galaxy dropping false leads and rumours that intelligence agents would spent days following only to go home and have to explain to their family members about locales they had been spotted in, suddenly felt very small. Granted, it was small. Clothes were shoved into storage. Food was stacked up around the walls. Holorecording equipment was scattered about.

M1-C3 beeped angrily at him, stirring from his confusion. He shrugged and leaned forward in his seat.
"That's what I'm trying to figure out! Don't get your servos overheated!" Roth buckled himself into his seat as the droid connected to the ship's computer and tightened itself down into the harness Roth rigged up.

More irritated beeping. Roth checked the translator.
Computer is detecting multiple sensor pings.

Great. Time to act. He stretched his fingers and let out a half-grin, reaching into the Force.
"Redirect all power to the shields while we figure out what's going on here." He keyed the comm, broadcasting it publically.

"I'm a little lost and confused here, mates. Anyone care to explain what's going on?"
Corruck was surprised when he entered the system, he had been told by his sources that a Rebel capital ship was being produced. He had not been told that there was a force within the system meant to protect the ship yard. That thought was accompanied with sensors screeching at him and a yell from Sheera the pilot. The Recalcitrant (See signature for info on it) had entered real space and was on course to head straight for the conflict. "We got trouble. Corru....Core, orders?"

Corruck thought quickly, his ship would not match those Nebulon B Frigates, but he could deal with the fighter screen.

"Nothy! Guns now! Sheera, move us towards their fighter screen. Put all power to engines. Once there, change power to Shields and Weapons."

He heard a chorus of "yes sir"s and he turned to the comm channel which blurted out a question. He activated it and said, "Gryphon here, of the Rebel Alliance. If you have weaponry systems on that ship use 'em. We need to give support to the shipyard."

He didn't know why he yelled, but the stress had worn him. Especially after missing a few night's sleep, he wasn't quite as calm as he would like to have been. He heard blaster fire from the Recalctrant's guns, followed by ion cannon fire. He knew that the uglies would make short work of his ship, if all of them turned on him.

@Roth Tillian
[member="Camellia Swift"]
Not long after the fight had been joined by the previous two pilots another ship, this one a decidedly more streamlined Yavin-class Fighter by the name the Blind Gambit, dropped out of hyperspace near the edge of the fray. The comms crackled to life not seconds after, and a small smile found the lips of the pilot, a Miraluka and Human hybrid by the name of Juwiela Melec. Without a moment of hesitation she keyed her own and responded, "Gambit, a Rebel as well. Let's bring it to them." If this had been another, more controlled, situation, she would have sounded off her squadron and designation as well, but as it were this was no time for formalities. Rogue Leader or no, they were all pilots, at least two of them belonging to the same Rebel Alliance she called home. That was good enough for her.

Although she'd only recently acquired her own personal fighter, and was still adjusting somewhat to the controls, the ship was akin to a second home to her. Its speed and maneuverability were something the young pilot enjoyed and often exploited whenever she had the chance. And this scenario was no better opportunity. After a moment of fidgeting she flicked the switch that would lock the wings in their vertical position, thereby allowing the fighter to move much more quickly and make tighter turns, something that was invaluable when it came to close-quarters dogfights, or any sort of engagement in the skies.

"Are we looking at any kind of plan here?" As she spoke she brought the ship forward so she was more or less even with the two who had arrived before her, redirecting power to the forward shields for the moment, bringing the guns into action at the same moment, firing to ward off at least a few of the pirates for the time being. She wouldn't make any drastic moves until some kind of strategy had been configured, not wanting to risk any of them, however new of acquaintances they may have been. Taking unnecessary risk was something she'd learned to despise early on, and it was never something she encouraged within her own squadron. But these two she couldn't direct herself.

[member="Corruck Kazen"], @Roth Tillian, [member="Camellia Swift"]

Roth Tillian

Roth staggered back in his chair as [member="Corruck Kazen"] yelled through the comm, causing some ringing in his ears. He was fairly certain C3's hooting was derisive in nature, aimed at organics and their puny weaknesses. Right, weapons. Oh, this had weapons all right. One light laser cannon and ten concussion missiles. Start shooting, the man said. Right. Like he wanted to go shooting a numerically superior number in this. It was his house, for pity's sake.

His first goal then was to get to the big ship where he saw what looked like an active hangar. Hopefully they'd have a ship there for him. One he could actually fight in. An Adril would be nice, but given the recent events he had heard about, it might be better to use a different one.

C3 chirped at him again, and he nodded absentmindedly, thinking through possible plans when the third arrival spoke of a plan. He gave a grin.

"I got a plan," He said over the comm, leaning back in his seat to stretch, "I unleash all ten of my missiles at the nearest Nebulon, make a quick microjump to get to the shipyard, pick up a new fighter, and then come back out in a proper fighter." He leaned over to C3, and spoke quickly off comm, "All power to engines for a burst to get us within range, then shields after missile launch. Calculate the microjump now." The droid spun its dome around quickly in a nod of agreement. Roth went back to the comm, "Then I use a fighter and come back for some proper tail kicking."
"Think you can aim for the bridge or the central connecting spar? I can deal with most of the fighters, but those larger ships are too much for this ship." He heard the screeching of fighters flying near the main viewport. Two of the uglies suddenly powered down as ion blasts struck them. Their forward momentum kept them moving in a straight line, which allowed Nothy to finish them with the laser batteries.

He looked forward to getting more weaponry for this ship, with only four ion cannons and two laser batteries it was not well equipped for combat. He turned to Sheera, "Get us closer to their fighter screen. I want us to finish these guys off and then hammer those larger ships."

"They'd be hammering us, sir." She said, with her usual joking manner.

Corruck knew it was true, but if they could get close enough he could board them. He was armed better than the ship, if one balanced out the size and type of weaponry. A Nebulon would be a nice prize, or an even better scavenge ship. He could get plenty of materials off of one of these.

@Roth Tillian
[member="Juwiela Melec"]
[member="Camellia Swift"]
Oh, this was just great. Get a ship built on a once-in-a-very-short-lifetime offer and what should happen but pirates attack? To say that Geneviève was perturbed was a vast understatement. She swore some rather descriptive oaths from the bridge of her blockade runner, Intangible, as the sleek corvette came about from behind the carrier platform.

Fortunately, Rogue Squadron was here. Sometimes you just cannot be too careful, as this current development highlighted. "Matchbox in," the Benefactor called over the comms to Rogue Leader. "Gambit, I'm trusting your vision. Fighters are your call." A flash of lights interrupted her, as the bridge overlays signaled to her captain that Intangible's hidden gun emplacements were now set in firing position. She held up two fingers and directed them forward to signal that she wanted comms switched to the fleetwide channel.

"Priority is the smaller craft before they hit the Imminence. But we'll need a harassment squad to concentrate on one of their command ships and get them playing defensive. We may need to play this just enough to get us out of here."

[member="Corruck Kazen"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Camellia Swift"], [member="Roth Tillian"]
Her first real combat mission as Rogue Leader, and it would be right in the middle of a pirate attack with no real debriefing as to exactly what fighters were at their disposal or how many other pilots there were. Well, there was no time like the present, Juwiela supposed. However much she would have liked things to be a bit more organized, she could understand when it wasn't in the cards. And this happened to be one of those scenarios. Learning on your feet was one way to go about things. And since she'd more or less been given control over anything regarding fighters, she supposed it was her turn to be more or less in charge, at least in that aspect.

"Go ahead with your plan. We can use all the fighters we can get." Now she switched the comms to any Rebel hangars and shipyards within close vicinity to the battle, knowing that the pilots there were most likely already gearing up and perhaps even in their ships, hopefully having their own flight hours already logged. "Rebels, this is Rogue Leader. We've run into a bit of a problem. I want four of you with me, the rest in squadrons of six." If the microjump went as planned, she would have a fifth addition to her own ragtag squadron soon enough. And if any of the other Rogues showed their faces, she'd be among her own again.

While she waited she continued to fire at any fighters that came close, even successfully bringing a few down. Without the aid of her maneuverability just yet taking potshots was the best she could do as she waited for the other fighters to form up. Just the novelty of being in command was new to her, if a bit strange. That was something the Rogue would have to get used to in the battles that were certain to come in the near future.

With a flick of the switch she flipped the comms back to the same frequency she'd been using before, remaining silent for the time being. All there was left to do was watch and wait, for both the fighters to show up and to see if @Roth Tillian's plan would be even marginally successful.

[member="Geneviève Lasedri"], [member="Corruck Kazen"], [member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Juliette Molière"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Leea Pandac"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kharen Promethien"] [member="Mirta Kar"] [member="Geneviève Lasedri"]

The pirates had no intention of playing fair, and they had no intention of allowing some fleeting rebel resistance stop them from claiming this prize in the middle of nowhere. Two Mobile Spacedocks and a soon to be completed heavy cruiser? It would be a fool's decision to let such an opportunity pass them. The only significant threat to the Nebulons appeared to be the defenses themselves on the project in construction, the heavy turbolaser weaponry lancing out past the spacedocks and striking the pirate craft's shields hard. The criminals would grit their teeth at this, angered that their prey would give them trouble. The spacedocks had little defenses of their own and were slow, they could take their time with those, but the rebel fighters and their friends. . . . .

Soon enough many of the Pirate Ugly squadrons would swarm about, looking to engage the newcomers to the region as well as the defensive squadrons already in the area. The Nebulon frigates would close towards the half completed rebel center, while the supporting DP-20 Corellrian Frigates, corvettes really, would disperse. One would move to engage the Intangible while the other joined the uglies, specifically those engaged with the Recalcitrant. At this point the missiles fired by the lone fighter passing the Nebulon frigates would strike, or rather, some of them would, as the defense guns of the three craft blew away several before they hit their mark, reducing the damage done.

Now it was the rebels turn once more to act.
Corruck felt the floor shake under his feet as the blasts from the Frigates struck the shields. While the shields did absorb the shots, it wouldn't do so for too long more. He called out "Three-quarter power to shields. Other quarter split between guns and engines. Nothy! Shoot forward with all the weapons that can. I want their shields brought as close down as possible. Sheera forward thrust, keep us in line with the Corellian Frigates, I want a head to head run."

Nothy seemed unsure as she obeyed, along with Rathur who was shifting power around. While Nothy was not visible from the bridge, Corruck was fairly certain that she to was more than a little uncertain of the command. Even so, the crew obeyed and the Recalcitrant moved for a head to head collision with the DP-20. He turned on the comm, tuning it to open frequency, "Corellian Frigate, this is Gryphon of the Rebel Alliance. We are in for a game, and I will not flinch."

Corruck was already calculating how long it will take for the two ships to reach collision impact. He was fairly certain that the pirates would care more for their lives than any prize. Corruck had a cause to fight for and his resolved had become one of durasteel. He would not turn until his enemy did. Whoever turned would be open to much more damage, because they showed their side, while the attacker only had a front view with much less area to hit.

Two ion cannons and the two laser turrets opened fire on the DP-20, the other two continued firing on uglies that swarmed over them. The power of the shots were considerably weaker as they were only using one eighth of the overall power.

[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Juwiela Melec"]
[member="Geneviève Lasedri"]
@Roth Tillian

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