Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"I'm You're #1 Fangirl!"

Colonel Moran stood inside the command tent listening to the chatter through the universal communication links. Two of the three parties sent out today were reporting encountering enemies; while the third party that had begun the day early in the morning had fallen silent. He rubbed the stubble that was starting to invade his chin, thinking what he should do. He worked with the Lady Venefica once, and he knew she was capable of handling both herself and her troops in a skirmish.
It was the two creepy girls that he had growing concerns about. However, the one girl with the mask was in the middle of fighting off an enemy of a smaller size than what she commanded; it was though, the silence from the horned girl that bothered him.
"Lt. Hosol, bring up the sector where the first patrol was sent," he ordered.
When the map appeared in holoimage fashion, he began looking at it in greater detail. Several caves dotted the landscape in that sector, but the communication links they were using would be free of any interruptions from the cavern tunnel systems. He dared not think that tragedy had befallen them, but still, he needed to act fast.
"Lt. Hosol, send a squadron of the US to that location there," he said pointing to the caves. "Let the drivers know that they might encounter trouble, so be prepared."
Colonel Moran then instructed the com officer to try to get in contact with the first patrol at all costs. Even if they could somehow find a window of opportunity, at least they can get a message to this Agrona that a squadron of US were enroute to her location.
The man cackled, and following on the heels of his disturbing laugh emerged three of his soldiers; ready to kill the Sith Lady. Her eyes darted between the trio of soldiers, glimpsing the holder of the red bladed lightsaber fall back into the foliage. Coward, she thought. The man assumed that she would be easy prey, boasting that he killed the infamous Darth Venefica. However, he was not aware of her Robe of the Damned.
With the threat fully realized by the robe, three tendrils of black smoking wisps shot out quickly; each one gripping the throats of the trio of soldiers. The soldiers, as they began to be strangled, felt their flesh begin to burn hysterically. She, herself, began to feel the side effect of the robe as her Force energy began to drain while her mental concentration faltered; focusing on the soldiers and nothing else. As quickly as they attacked, the soldiers were killed and their bodies dropped to the soft forest floor.
"I sense you have grown weak, Darth Venefica," the man said reemerging from behind his cover.
"And you have been duped," she replied.
The trio of corpses began to stir and move, drawing the attention of the man. His eyes went wide with surprise when he witnessed the soldiers rise from the dead, their cold death gaze turning their attention to him. Saliva began to run down their maws, followed by a chorus of howls and screams.
"Kill him," Darth Venefica said while she began stalking toward the man.
Andarta, caught offguard when she continued to stare at her flickering blade, was hit in the chest by the armoured man's heavy booted foot; knocking her backwards with enough force to send her to the ground. Through her mask, she saw the man dropping the hammer of his massive sword toward her, forcing her to roll to her left just in time to stop from being split down the middle. The man swept his sword sideways to the left, lopping off a lock of her white hair as she sprang to her feet.
There was no way she could fight this monster directly, especially with the armour he was wearing. In order for her to be successful, she needed to out think and outsmart her opponent. A quick look upward she noticed her troops were in the process of routing this man's forces; leaving her to face him alone temporarily. Once her troops completed the rout, they would swarm this man and put the odds greatly against him. Until that could happen, she needed to keep him occupied.
Falling back on the use of the Force, she ripped a moss covered log from the ground and flung it at the man; who slammed his left forearm against it, shattering the log and barely staggering himself in the process. Then to her surprise, he charged toward her closing the small gap between them in three giant steps, where his sword came swinging down over his head. There was no way she could block that attack without either being knocked to the ground again by his strength or having her block cancelled out and the momentum of his sword carrying through to chop her down.
So she did the only thing she could do, she stepped backwards to allow the sword to crash into the forest floor. She noticed in an instant that the man's armour, for as powerful as it was, didn't cover his wrists; leaving a small gap between his hands and his arms. Andarta swung her blade down in an angle toward the exposed wrists, only to have her blade hit and flicker again when he turned his left shoulder into her attack; the armour countering her blade.
"You'll have to do better than that, hag!"
Agrona mentally spoke into the minds of the troops, ordering them to cease firing on the massive arachnid and turn their concentrated fire to the threats up above. The troops began firing into the ceiling, killing countless smaller arachnids; their charred bodies falling all around them. Agrona turned her attention to the alpha arachnid when it began to scream in horror as it witnessed the deaths of her children.
The Mother rose to her full height again, just as a transmission erupted through her com-link. The message was all muddled but she pieced enough of it together to understand that assistance was on its way. However, between the Mother and all her offspring who continued to filter into the cavern from up above, she was not sure that they would get here in time. Plus, there was no way those US could fit inside the cavern. They needed a way to get out of this tomb and back to the surface where the US could unleash hell on the Mother and her eight-legged children.
Using the Force, she ripped a flash-bang grenade from the side pouch of the closest troops, and mentally warned her troops to close their eyes. She counted to four and threw the cylinder weapon to the ground. The Mother halted her advance, looking at the metal object in confusion. Closing her own eyes, she felt the wave of the grenade explode followed by the painful screams from all the arachnids.
"Now! Make your way to the surface," she mentally ordered her troops.
The tiny man wearing torn rags that resembled the slag that shagged little Sith girls stood tight, eyes wagging, hopped up and down that he would be the champion that would claim the bounty on the defunct Sith lass; while grabbing himself looked scarred. The only Lady that understood the true nature of the Sith, cocked her head, eyes rolling in disgust laughed internally as she cocked her neck to the right, dispersing the weak tendons in preparation for war. " your self inbred belief is defunct," she mocked returning her eyes to her tasteful victim.
Anger of the misfortunate screamed madly drew his weapon, with granduer of succeeding where other's failed, charged helplessly toward Darth Venefica. Smiling, holding her hands behind her back only , reflected on the days when the Sith were feared; when she had fed Jedi the true meaning of disaster fell to her knees in prayer.
The tattered man paused, confused, mistook his victory for absolution had been duped. Death and those appreciated it found themselves dragged into a game of illusion; where the bearer of ruined clothes found a squeezed existence of organs a hopeful judgement.
Andarta smiled cheerfully through her mask, whilst her eyes saw the troops under her command break through the falling mercs toward the heavily enarmoured monster. The man cocked his head to the left, feeling at the last minute that his case for victory had been overruled. The moment he turned his head from her, to gaze up at the charging femnazi troops, she unleashed a wave of Force energy that knocked him backward; overriding his armour.
"My Mother once told me the quickest way to skin flesh to get to bone was the direct route," she said powering down her useless lightsaber.
"Concentrate your fire on his left knee. The foolish beast worships overconfidence!"
Agrona, an educated believer, that her life was the greater sum of those that served under her held more potency than those less fortunate than herself ran hard toward the surface. Behind her, not shedding a watering eye of shame in the process, cared nothing for the bellowing screams of the troops that were caught in the recovering revenge of the once blinded predators; those misfortunate souls to slow to outrun the eight-legged fiends. In the grand scheme, she would sleep the sleep of the dead even as those were entombed and encased in a death of being feasted upon alive felt pain that would one day become legendary.
The sunshine cascading into the opening of the cave was like a sign from the Gods her Mother preached about, and for the first time in her life she became a dedicated believer. Breaking through the cave's hole like a virgin's first time erotic encounter, she felt the erotic passion of survival. Never understanding how close she was to death herself, she threw her body to the right just as the US began firing at the hole she had just been birthed from; laying waste to those creatures that tried to end a legacy.
The tattered tailored man felt his organs begin to tighten, followed by the involunteer action of a closed throat; prompting fear to override his sense of well being.
Stepping closer to the man, whilst her undead took up a surrounding position around him, she stared into his fear induced eyes and said, "Your death can be painless.....or drawn out. However....fool.....I think there is some use for you yet."
Releasing him from the brink of death, she watched with amused eyes as the man fought to intake as much air as his lungs would allow, whilst trying to cull the pain his organs where suffering at her hands. Gathering himself, slightly, he fell to his knees looking up to his judge.
"What use can a broken old man have for something such as yourself?"
"A purposeful direction for a holocron."
"You mean...."
"I mean," she replied with a cold smile.
Tapping a attached bone finger upon her own finger to her lips, she thought about what was being proposed. She could rip the knowledge he held from the man, she could turn him into a a mind-spoiled thrall and force him to relax his tongue, or she could simply kill him based off potential lies. She had already conquered him, but even the conquered would spit lies in a vain attempt to resurrect a potential opportunity to exact their revenge. However, she felt nothing from this old man but honesty, which was a feeling she didn't wholly believe in.
Sadistically, she swiped her blade across his legs, removing his legs at the knee, leaving him shorter than he did when he foolishly challenged her. As his screams subsided, she asked, "Traya?" He nodded as he reached to recover his stumps. "Have you ever heard the tale of the mad doctor that stitched severed limbs to living bodies," Darth Venefica asked powering down her weapon. When the man nodded 'yes' she smiled and said, "Well...I'!" Crouching down to his new level, she gripped his throat, staring into his eyes calculating what she should do to him.
"I have an me find this holocron....and I will give you a beautiful death"
"Of course....witch," he said reaching at his lost legs as they turned into a bug buffet. "But what are you willing to sacrifice?"

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