Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm not drunk, I swear.


Heavy bass lines vibrated through the club, bodies pressed against each other on the dance floor, fuelled by the music, alcohol and pheramones. Dilated pupils were worn by at least half the consumers. Twi'lek and zeltron dancers alike draped themselves over poles, and some over the laps of wealthy patrons who'd slipped a few hundred credits into their hands. The darker corners of the club hid away those who were simply incapable of keeping their hands off each other, though it was a risk, for being caught was a swift ticket out the door.

Propped up by the bar, in a pink dress and heels Simone was trying desperately to reach the bottom of her glass and escape the male who was attempting to woo her. He was talking to her, put the words were drowned out by the music. His hand was suddenly on her waist and he had managed to put his face between her mouth and her glass. He was releasing a rather large amount of pheromones too. Simone reacted instinctively, her knee coming up sharply between his legs and stepping back as he doubled over.

She bent down to his ear, a hand resting on his shoulder to steady herself as the room swayed slightly "I'm sorry," she slurred. She straightened up, swaying slightly and finished her drink, wiping the little that had escaped down her chin away. It was time to leave. She pushed or rather rebounded her way through the throng of people and headed for the exit. A step came out of nowhere and she lost her footing a frown forming on her face as the ground seemed to be rushing up to greet her, a rough hand caught her under arm to prevent catastrophic face-meets duracrete-incident. She looked up to see the bouncer shaking his head at her.

She put a finger to her lips, to tell him to be quiet and let him help her out the club door. She swayed dangerously feet moving like Bambi on ice to compensate for the movement, then she found her momentum, made it five paces up the walkway before the pavement rushed up to greet her again. The clutch bag in her hand skittered across the street as her hands shot out to catch herself. Knees and palms stinging from grazes, she ignored the looks of other patrons and sat on her backside, determining that her heel were the cause of her imbalance and starting to remove them.

So, Simone Denning was drunk, and sat on the walkway that supported Zeltros' top end nightclubs. Tomorrow she would cringe at the image, but right her and now, as far as she was concerned, the rest of the planet could go frak itself.

Hira Mitsae

Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Walking on the surface of Zeltros, it almost seemed as if the planet emitted the drugs and booze though the air. Just strolling through the streets of the city made you feel all woozy in your head, which was exactly what Hoath needed now. A place to forget and.. well.. forget.

Druckenwell was still fresh on his mind, he had proven his innocence. But that didn’t mean he didn’t feel guilty himself, could’ve saved ‘em all. If only he had been a tad faster. Didn’t matter now though, they were all dust. Ashes to ashes and all that nonsense.

As Hoath crossed a street he almost got hit by a drunk driver, which.. wasn’t that surprising considering where he was. With practiced ease, he dodged out of the way, picked up a rock and threw it squarely at the guy’s head. Didn’t look if he hit home, but the sound of a crashing speeder, accompanied by a lot of yelling told ‘im all he needed to know.

Pulling out his flasket, the Caveman took a look at it. Wondering if salvation was really there, in the end he just chuckled. He had never been one for philosophical debates, wasn’t going to start now. With that he took a large gulp, and decided to enter one of the various clubs which marred the planet.

‘Course, that was when he almost tripped himself over this Zeltron chick, who was sitting on the curb. Barely escaped embarrassment by falling over ‘er, instead Hoath made a graceful ballerina pirouette around the woman.

“Eh.. my eh.. apologies.. ma’am.” his voice sounding like granite boulders grinding against each other.

Kail gave a dirty, if slightly in-coherent, look to the bouncer blocking his way back into the bar. The loud music and atmosphere leaked out into the street, and if wasn't for the fight Kail had least he THOUGHT he started...he would still be in there drowning his sorrows for the second time that night, just in a different place.

"What....that's annoying!" Kail shouted, pushing the bouncer on the chest, only to have it returned harder and sending him backwards.

Kail cursed and gained his balance glaring at the bouncer and the patrons giving him dirty looks as they went inside, the effects of the ale he had been drinking taking it's effect. He only wanted to escape for a while, to forget and amuse himself in his own company. It had been a tough mission he had been on, and he just wanted to forget it. As a mercenary he wasn't intimidating or physically imposing, but he was in a dark place at present.

He caught sight of another inebriated patron, a Zeltron, staggered past him and ended up on the floor him. A little chuckle escaping his boyish face, peppered with a days worth of stubble and a small cut on his forehead.

Moving to the girl, he came up behind her, swaying a little as she sat in the cold street. Kail patted the girl nonchalantly on the shoulder, not really paying attention, as a hulking figure nearly took her out.

"Watch it mate!"

He held out his hand.

"You alright love? HEY...could be could have REALLY hurt yourself! You gonna get up or what?"

Kail fingered the makeshift dark tan armour and survival gear and swayed a little more.

[member=Simone] [member="The Boulder"]


Simone was utterly oblivious to the foot traffic around her, even when one man almost fell over her. She looked up at him, bleary eyes and smiled not entirely sure what he was apologizing for. "S'alright." she said waving whatever he was apologising for aside. She'd successfully removed her shoes and was now scanning the ground for her clutch bag. "Feth." she muttered. Someone patted her shoulder and she looked up, her lack of centre of gravity making her tip back slightly. She gave the stubbly man a slow blink and pointed a finger at him.

"Yes, yes I am." I anyone has ever seen a drunk lady in a dress attempting to get off the floor, then you'll understand that there is nothing classy or elegant about it. Simone was pretty sure both men got a glimpse of lacy underwear before she'd found her feet. Heels clutched in one hand, she ran the other through her hair. "Where'd my bag go?" she asked. "Little black thing, gold trim. Cheap piece of shid, but it looks nice."

[member="Kail Ragnar"] [member="The Boulder"]
Nice bag.

Here on Zeltros of all places I could be for a pit stop. I came simply to drink my sorrows away. My life was a Lie. I was supposed to be dead many times over. But counting my lives as though I was a cat, So far, I used up 4 of em. Picking up a purse that was about to be stolen from some guy, I heard a voice break out about losing her bag. Listening I heard the woman's description of her bag. Perfect match. I wiped the bag off of dirt when I waked up to the group. Only to see that all three were rather drunk a- WHOA!

Almost getting ran over by a speeder was not good. I flipped the guy the birdy and continued to walk on to them. Reaching out with my left hand, I grabbed the woman on the shoulder and tried to help her up, and well, seeing a Zeltron drunk and clearly wasted was kind of reinvigorating that some people may have worse lives than myself.

"Here." Putting the bag around her arm I handed it to her. I then looked for the other guys there that were helping her or almost tripping over her, "Need a Ride?"

[member="Simone"], [member="Kail Ragnar"], [member="The Boulder"],
Clearly a little bewildered, Kail looked around in almost mock surprise.

"Sorry...were you WAITING for a lady to be on her own before moving in like some guardian angel...I mean, come on..."

He looked at the youthful new arrival.

"I don't need a ride, thanks - I don't DO rides."

Kail turned to the Zeltron.

"Be careful of dangerous gents...including me, but I'm NOT dangerous tonight. Shall we get off the streets?"

He half walked and half strode away from the club which was alive from the inside and turned to the group, holding his arms out.

"The night is YOUNG! Who needs to go for a ride when we have plenty more places right along the STREET!"

The neon illuminations of various clubs and seedy establishments brought the district to life, as the skylines ahead were busy with taxi cabs and other cruisers ferrying people around the area. Kail stumbled backwards, slumping against a cold wall of another building and wishing for a moment he could rewind the night and avoid another drinking session.

Weary eyes fell upon his own weary hands before he blacked out for another night erased by drink.

Uneventful, and embarrassing.

[member=CC-4277] [member=Simone] [member="The Boulder"]

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