Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm in Danger

Tattered Jeedai robes trailed the steps of a very large individual. His hood was up, but from the pale purple skin and the tattoos on his hands, this specific individual was unmistakable. He had gone on live holovision and told the Galaxy he was a Yuuzhan Vong. He had single-handedly driven one of the largest conglomerates of the Galaxy into the ground. And before all of this, he had scoured planets of the Protectorate and the Republic with the forces of the One Sith in tow. Sliding his hood back, he approached gate security upon leaving his shuttle and stepping foot onto the space station, holding his hands in the air. Guns were on him immediately.

Tsavong smiled.

"Take me to your leader."

[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Southern Systems Business Bazaar Station
Tatooine Orbit
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

"Well I'll be knocked over with a feather."

Danger's soft surprised drawl would follow the widening of her eyes. An ebon brow would arch high, her face panning over to Aeri Vyn, her Zeltron assistant for nearly two decades and the current ATC Republic Representative. The two women stood side by side reviewing the holographic image of the Yuuzhan Vong.

Rarely did any come down this far into the Southern Systems. Willard managed to do what he could on some of the more social Yuuzhan Vong, but there was still a stigma to the species. There had been the attack on Bothuwai years back. Not to mention the ties to the One Sith the majority of the Vong would carry.

"Tsavong Kraal." Danger state plainly, an exhale of breath at the realization of just what kind of situation she was in. Well, this could certainly get interesting.

"Well he isn't armed, I'm sure security did the job I pay 'em to." Aeri didn't look so enthused about the matter. "Have him wait in one of the confernece rooms. The west wing observation deck is fine." They were in the midst of preparing for the Southern Systems Annual Expo and Auctions, and still there was much to be done.

"Reckon we'll see what Mistah Kraal desires then."

It wasn't long before Danger made her way to the west wing of the space station. Security would do their checks, and Darkwater guards would remain close. When the door finally slid open in the Observation Deck, Danger strolled in and lingered for a few moments as her eyes would adjust to the light, seemingly taking a casual look around. Most women have no sense of timing; they are either all stop or all go.

Danger, however, seemingly always hesitated when she entered a room, like a Guildhouse Companion taking a brief pause as she would slip off her glove -- as though she had not yet quite made up her mind to whether she would -- or if she wouldn't.

Finally, those feline green eyes would settle upon the Yuuzhan Vong in tattered Jeedai robes.

Tsavong Kraal.

Before long, that slow swaying gait would bring in the all too familiar tattoo of heels upon a polished steel floor. The sound would echo softly in the Observation conference room.

"Mistah Kraal..." Danger began with a pleasant tone, a cordial smile. "To what do I owe the honor?"
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

The beast stood with his back to Danger when she entered the room, a handful of guards at the entrances to the room. Bandages covered his massive frame, the highest quantity of which lay wrapped around his head.

"Mistah Kraal..." Danger began with a pleasant tone, a cordial smile. "To what do I owe the honor?"

Tsavong pivoted on his heel, throwing his robes to the ground, revealing his massive purple torso covered in black opaque tattooes

"YOUR LIFE," he roared.

Guards swarmed the room, weapons raised and at the ready.

Tsavong broke into a smile, offering his hands up once again in surrender and a hearty laugh to follow. "A joke, friends! So serious." He sat down at the table within the room, slapping the counter several times in excitement. Bandages that were wrapped around his face began to loosen with all the excitement the creature was beginning to exhibit.

"I mean Ms. Arceneau no harm, I assure you," he reiterated, looking over his shoulder without meeting the gaze of what appeared to be the Captain of the Guard. The guard wasn't leaving until Danger offered him assurances, however. Still, even seated at the table, there was plenty of distance between the beauty and the beast. The situation seemed under control despite the Yuuzhan Vong's outburst.

"I'm parched, Danger," Tsavong began. He slapped his knee. "Got any jawa juice?"
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

It would be a lie to say that the outburst didn't send a tingle of wariness down Danger's spine. Oh she was under no illusion about her own mortality, a handful attempts at her life and the scars that lay under AEL's corset had one learn those lessons the hard way. There likely ain't many that would be able to face the towering Yuuzhan Vong in the eye, much the less, remain focused after that sort of outburst.

Danger had to swallow back that flutter of uneasiness, calling in every bit of worth in maintaining a sabaac face when it came to Tsavong. It was just like any other business call. If she played her role, then this meeting would be no different.

"That I do, Mistah Kraal." Danger would state, a small gesture motioning 'at ease' for the present security. [member="Makai Dashiell"] was prone to visits whenever his daddy brought him along, or when Danger could take the youngling off to spend some quality time with him. So there was no shortage of juice boxes or Juma Juice.

"Care for a glass or would you prefer the juice box?" the corner of her mouth would quirk, offering him a seat while she would pause over the wide conference table to summon one of the girls to deliver drinks.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Glass, if you would please."

Tsavong's piercing gaze never lifted off of Danger, but he didn't make any moves to get up. He kept his hands folder and on his lap, crossing a leg over the other. He remained silent until the waiting staff brought him his glass, and then took a sip from it. An involuntary gasp of delight at the taste of the jawa juice escaped his lips, and then the Yuuzhan Vong leaned forward in his chair, shifting his gaze to the windows facing Tatooine.

"I've no misgivings that you know as much about me as I do about you, Arceneau," he began, standing from his chair and approaching the windows, swirling the jawa juice in his glass. "We come from two very opposite ends of the spectrum. As you've seen with Titan, I am no businessman." He chuckled. "I usually have others who are better, more interested, fill that role. Those with stronger minds and weaker bodies." A sleight at Alric? Not very much was known about Tsavong and his successor's relationship. "We come from two very opposite ends because you have brought order to your life of finance, you bring entertainment to those that seek it, and you bring vices to those who require them."

The ex-Warmaster of the Hrosha-Gul turned to Danger, meeting her gaze. "Whereas I give them reason for those vices. People like you, you need people like me. Order and chaos. Yin and yang. Life... and death."

"You could have easily poisoned me, you know. No one would even care. My subordinates would clamor over my body to claim their place as Dread Lord. Not one would pause to question how I had died," he said, looking back out the window and then down to his glass of jawa juice. "And I'm sure you could find something to fell even me," He smiled at the thought.

"...I need credits, Danger. And a favor."
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

For a second there, Danger wondered if she'd heard wrong and was a few starships short of a fleet.

However, considering that she had the Dread Lord here in her conference room, kindly drinking Juma juice with a smile made her realize that there ain't no way this could very well get any more weirder than it is.

Danger sank into her seat, right leg crossing over left. Well he had her alright. Her interest was piqued. Oh there ain't no denying what the ex-Warmaster did, and he was right. They were two peas in opposite pods when it came to how they dealt with things. Danger had little patience for the death of innocents or for fools.

Tsavong Kraal was no fool.

When Alric Kuhn disappeared all those years ago, she knew that there were folk responsible for it. She also knew that what manner of attack didn't take because the Tetan still hung onto his skin. And he was right, she did have plenty that could fell him. The modified and purified form of Alpha Red she and Alric created to reverse that which the Dread Lord's Yuuzhan Vong biots had created.

Just what is this favor?

Keeping her expression cordial, she gave a slow nod of affirmation.

"You've piqued my interest Mistah Kraal," heavy on the drawl and smothered with honey. "Reckon then you won't mind elaboratin' on that request for money and what that favor be?"
The stars cast a dim light on his tattooes through the window, making the beast seem even more otherworldly than the purple Yuuzhan Vong already did.

"I still own 5% of Titan Industries, this much is public record," he continued. "I want to sell you my remaining shares. This..." He gestured to everything around him. "I've moved beyond... this. Grander aspirations on the horizon, Danger. We've all got 'em, from the lowly peasant to the highest king. I want you to buy me out. All of Titan's remaining assets in my control."

He swished the liquid around in his cup and took another swig.

"I just want to return to my people... but there's a couple of things I need first." He glowered. "To truly satisfy all of my holdings in Titan Industries, I require a visa to Bothawui - and a meeting with the controlling interest groups of the Techno Union. I suspect I'll need your help in getting the meeting."

Tsavong walked back up to the table and took a seat.

"I left something there, Arceneau. I aim to go get it." It was possible he was referring to the abandoned Titan Headquarters building that the industry was constructing before it abandoned its plans to move to the Techno Union space.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

Now things were starting to get even more interesting.

For a moment, Danger would present her best sabaac face in light of that revelation. It was a strange place to be, one that make her carefully consider her following words. Why come to me? Why sell the shares to me? And on top of that, what exactly did he need an audience with the Techno Union in order to get it back?

Danger had spent a long while in the Techno Union Executive Council. She was there when Tsavong came to into Techno Union territory, the One Sith at his heels and the transfer of as much of Titan Industries assets out of the Dark Lord's reach. Her mind tried to recall what he could have possibly left behind, the only think of merit she could think of would be the half constructed Headquarters Titan had left.

Her eyes went narrowing slightly, not in suspicion but in appraisal. In the decades she had spent discussing transactions and business within the boardroom, she'd managed to get some kind of instinct when it came to men. Didn't matter the species. Tsavong had an air about him that gave indication he was right set on getting what he needed to get come the Nine Hells or high water.

One didn't argue with a man with his dial set to one hundred regardless of the species.

A finger would tap lightly in consideration of his offer. It was a tempting one, but not one she truly would need. She didn't need the rest of Titan's assets, that play with the Trade Federation had been to simply gain majority. She'd learned a long while ago that there wasn't any profit in itching to get more than one needed. Micro-transactions were how she made her living. However, the former Warmaster Kraal certainly had her interest piqued.

"If I may ask, Mistah Kraal." Danger began, leaning forward a bit to get a read on him. "Just what is it that you aim to get?"

Sometimes, it was all about the end game. She could respect honesty in that. One caught more flies with honey, and if anything could hold her sway more than the offer of Titan shares, it was that.
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"A priceless artifact that I left in the safekeeping of my vault within the building."

He promptly stood up from his chair, smiling, placing both hands on the table and meeting Danger's piercing gaze. His massive frame leaned in as well, dwarfing her own. It was quite the abstract comparison as the two of them put on their best poker faces and subjective reads of the other.

"You should know I've already procured the Scepter from the One Sith." He left it at that.

"My crown is on Bothawui. Such trinkets are... meaningless to me. But to my people... nothing more is held in higher regard. The Techno Union owns the building and its plot now. The vault is far beneath it. I believe that with your influence, you can get me to it. And this is the most peaceful path to take."

He stood fully erect, raising his hands.

"As I said, Danger. I mean you no harm."

Tsavong still wore that poodoo-eating grin.
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

There was just something particularly terrifying at the sight of a Yuuzhan Vong with such an ear-splitting grin. It made the tiny hairs at the nape of her neck stand on end. It was an odd sensation to have, one of the rare times Danger felt she was standing on a precipice, destination unknown.

A priceless artifact.

The redheaded matron would give another soft tap of her finger upon the polished wood of the desk. Finally, she gave a nod. Perhaps it was one of Danger's weaknesses that the former Warmaster had managed to exploit unknowingly. The desire to do right by those who were under one's protection, who depended on one's actions and choices.


She could only take Tsavong Kraal at his word, and if there was anything she knew of the Yuuzhan Vong that few could wrap their minds around of, is that it theirs was a culture of sacrifice.

"I can contact the Techno Union Foreman and ask for an appointment." Arceneau Trade wasn't a member of the Executive Council as a company, but Alisha'ven held a seat as part of Tatooine. A glance over to the Twi'lek server would gestures for a refill on the drinks.

"Much has changed since your last contact with the Council." green eyes would flick up to meet those of the Dread Lord, her tone conversational.

"There are several new faces taking those seats."
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"New faces?"

Tsavong looked intrigued. He had been out of the picture for so long... perhaps the Techno Union would be more welcoming of his return to Bothawui than they were the last time. Perhaps this mission to retrieve his artifact wouldn't be so hindered.

"Please indulge me, I'd like to know what sort of meeting I'd be walking into... unless your word is good enough to get me planetside. However, I doubt the Confederation has forgotten the... discrepancies of the Yuuzhan Vong."
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

The glass of whiskey would be set in front of Danger by the Rutian. Her fingers would stretch over to take the lowball in hand. Her revealing who was part of the Executive Council was of little consequence. It was public knowledge.

"My daddy always did say one shouldn't enter a boardroom without makin' sure you cover all your bases first." Danger would tell him, leaning forward to press a small button upon her desk. Granted, he had said it more along the lines of 'Always cover your ass', but that would have been crude. The wood had inlays with pressure sensitive switches that would control the holoarray as well as activate a small holographic keyboard for her to utilize.

A singular micro holoarray would hover over by her fingers, exposing that keyboard.

"I ain't the sort to send you in Mistah Kraal without knowin' who you'll be dealin' with." That was just how Danger was. If there could be one thing said about Danger, when it came to contracts, to dealing business, she was always on the up and up. She was clear, and she was fair. For men, business is war. For Danger, business was like lovemaking. At the end of negotiations, all parties should walk away satisfied.

A few more taps of the keys and a holographic screen would bloom in front of Tsavong, revealing the following information.

"The Techno Union has seen some changes... they've turned into a Technobility. Planets overseen and controlled by businesses, but more aptly, nobility."

The Executive Council
The Sub-Council
The Directorate
The Viceroyalty

"The new Foreman is the cee-ee-oh of ArmaTech Combat Systems." a small holograph of his image would bloom for Tsavong to make note of. "Followed by Isley Verd of Arakyd Industries, Token Waters of Brightstar Entertainment, and Tmoxin Temi of Morpho Pharmaceuticals."
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

"Ah, the Foreman. Yes."

Cold light pierced through the glass, the soft illuminating glow of space washing over Tsavong as he leaned forward to study the holographic like an old man would. "Never was a fan of politics, myself." He chuckled as an afterthought, his mind wandering over the names. A clawed hand approached his chin to scritch it.

"I suppose he could get me clearance without involving the others," The Yuuzhan Vong's massive forefinger tapped twice over Draco's name. "Expedience is key, given my reputation. They won't know what I'm after, so I don't suppose all of them would want to meet. No reason to draw too much attention. Given who I am and the artifact I seek, it's not at all difficult to piece together my intentions. And they - of all major players in the Galaxy - probably hate me the most. The last thing I want is to be... delayed."

"Is it possible to clear a... private visit with the Foreman? Or would I need the entirety of the Executive Council?"
[member="Tsavong Kraal"]

"Is it possible? Yes." Danger answered frankly. There was no need to tell him otherwise.

"All that depends on is the Foreman's schedule and time." she would elaborate. "I stepped down from my Executive Council seat a month ago, but with Tatooine under my jurisdiction and the new direction the Techno Union is going, I still maintain a bit of sway." well one would hope that at least to call the Foreman for an audience with a Dread Lord.

"I can contact him and inquire on his availability. Then we can take it from there on where to meet." a pause. "Unless a comm call works well?" Danger would peer up to the Yuuzhan Vong. "In which case, your conversation with the Foreman could happen sooner rather than later."

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