Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I'm Feeling Rand-y

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member=Sam Jhovna]

Jack loosened his collar as he left the Naval building on Onderon, he had finally earned a break from his hectic military life and he was going to use it. He decided to start his free week with a normal stroll down the street, simply taking in the fresh air. He loved the smell and taste of it instead of the artificial stuff he breathed every other day of his job. He wondered where he should head first, now normally he would head for the cantina, but for today he felt like talking a normal walk, maybe he would hit it later.


Disney's Princess
Sam Jhovna could be seen standing next to a perfectly good trash compactor at the edge of the Onderon cantina's back street. Her glittering golden robes were a stark contrast to the male spacer's tusseled trousers who stood just next to her. They exchanged only a few minor words in contest before Sam happily picked up the man by his jacket, and through him into the trash compacter. Thump! Ahhh. She brushed her hands off with a smile as murky gruntss of discomfort could be heard echoing from the now trash-filled cylinder.

Mm. That's better. Her strickly Jedi business was now concluded for the day. Mission complete. I wonder what she would find next to occupy her time?

[member="Jack Rand"]

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

Jack concluded his trip to the park after taking in some of the nature, always a lovely break from the cold lonely darkness of the star ships that he spent most of his life on. He decided to head to the local cantina, a place that he had visited many times before. As he was about to head into the cantina, he heard some commotion going on in the background behind the cantina. There he saw two figures as one ragdolled the other into trash. Jack drew his gun as the other turned to face him and he held it to the other figure. "Freeze, stay where you are."


Disney's Princess
Sam calmly smiled and dusted her hands together. You'd think she'd never seen a firearm before,

"Oh? Something I can help you with sir?"

*muffled annoyance and curses from the trash can*

"Ah. Don't mind him. I think he found exactly what he was looking for."

She tapped the compacter with her toes and beamed a smile worthy of a divine trickster.

"Samantha Jhovna. Of the Jedi Temple. At your service."

[member="Jack Rand"]

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
Jack was shocked to see a woman that looked like her, man she was one nice looking girl for a Jedi. He shook his head to try to regain focus. "Ah sorry about that ma'am, didn't see you in the dark." He took a quick peek at the man in the compactor and then looked back at her. "So what did he do to deserve that?" Jack said half-jokingly.

[member="Sam Jhovna"]


Disney's Princess
She cocked her head back at the trash compacter,

"Oh. Just pray you never find out."

A playful smirk and giggle escaped her. But, one can never be too sure.

"And who are you? Another daring explorer with an itchy trigger-finger come to loot Onderon's finest ale. Or perhaps...."

She squinted and returned to the street. Pondering. Musing. Rearranging her golden robes. Doing her best to ignore his choice of clothing.

"Ah ha! I have it! An exotic dancer yes? No. ...Pitty. Ah well. I guess I'm just not cut out for being a Jedi Sage after all."

Sam pouted playfully and looked about the street. Still deciding on what to do next.

[member="Jack Rand"]

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

Jack followed the girl out of the alley eagerly, into the bright lights of the city. He was sure the man had learned his lesson, Jack was on break anyway.

He smirked as she began teasing him.

"I wish, I hear exotic dancers get plenty of benefits."

He couldn't help but stare at her beauty, even though he was trying to keep his focus.

"I'm Jack Rand, and what is someone like you doing outside of the temple, shouldn't you be teaching pacifism instead of..." He nodded towards the alley with a smirk on his face. "doing that."

He hoped she wasn't one of those purist Jedi, they were the worst. Though he should probably keep that to himself.


Disney's Princess
Sam had bled at Coruscant. She'd bled at Teta and beyond. No. Pacifism was far, far from her. Revenge. Now that was something she struggled with the most. Against the Sith. Against their Empire. Ooo, how she hated them. Already it darkened her mood,

"Pacifism is for the Sanctum. The Republic knows only war."

She struggled not to frown and brood. The acid of his bullets returning so quickly. I suppose some wounds never heal. Some history never dies.

"Rand. Military. Mm. Yes. You'll learn quickly now. The Sith are able fighters. Their mercenaries, legion."

Sam spun on her heels to face him now. Perhaps a conversation was in order. She had time.

"Would you like to join me for a drink Mr. Rand? I know of a fine cantina just around the corner."

She playfully pointed to the door only a few meters away. Smiling already. Perhaps her mood was looking up after all.

[member="Jack Rand"]

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

She seemed pained by pacifism, and then stated that she the republic knew only war now. A fact that the smart knew and the others denied.

Then she invited him into the cantina, he never refused a drink.

"Why I'd love to, hopefully the have a pazaak den or two."

As he started walking towards the door, he offered the Jedi his arm, smiling at her warmly.

"I always win at pazaak."


Disney's Princess
[member="Jack Rand"]

She hesitated for only a moment. Perhaps is should be said.

"Mr. Rand. If you do not know, it is customary that a Jedi conduct herself alone at all times. A displeasure of course. But necessary."

Sam smiled and wandered over to the door. Almost to slip inside.

"So. Let us conduct ourselves according to pleasant company whilest abroad. I shall play the monk. And you shall play pazaak. Hehe. Naturally."

A small curtsy and she motioned for them to enter.

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

As Jack entered the cantina, he was enveloped by the lively aura that all cantina's have. A sense of being alive and there where you are right now.

The dancers were dancing and the drinkers were drinking and the atmosphere was electric.

Jack brought the Jedi over to a table and offered her a seat, then sat down himself.

"I hope you don't mind if we have some drinks before we get to the playing table."

He flashed her a confidant smile as he took his seat and ordered the drinks.

"So then Jedi, I don't believe I have gotten to know your name yet."


Disney's Princess
[member="Jack Rand"]

Sam sat down and nodded. She liked the place. It reminder her of home.

"I didn't come to play cards Mr. Rand. I came to ask you about your career."

Jhovna was more than just a Jedi. She was in charge. She was always, in charge. Like, a General's daughter or the Grandmaster's apprentice. Her tone of voice was respectable but always, always commanding. Always alpha. Probably because she always saw herself as being alone. One warrior against the world. And that hadn't changed in a very long time.

"You're military yes? Tell me. Why did you join up. Why fight when you could play?"

She relaxed into her chair like it was built for her. Crossing her knees and side-saddle. Maybe there was a little country cowgirl in this Jedi too.

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

Jack leaned back in his chair as the drinks came, he grabbed his and took a few sips.

"To me it's all the same."

He gave her a playful smile, took another sip and then answered in a more serious tone.

"My dad died when I was young and my uncle took care of me, since then I've wanted to be an admiral just like him."

Jack leaned onto the table and looked at the Jedi.

"How about you, were you taken or did you join up?"


Disney's Princess
[member="Jack Rand"]

She didn't really detect any personal passion in Jack. But it was an honest answer. Maybe he just needed a steady paycheck. Lot's of soldiers signed on just for that very reason. She could respect that.

"I joined later in life. Like a good deal of us do these days. It's the popular choice. Which is fine."

She nodded and lost interest quickly. Looking about the cantina for something familiar to say. Sam didn't want to take about the baby-snatching of older Orders. The Republic's Jedi were... Transistional, at best.

"So you must enjoy playing pazaak to playing the soldier. Admiral stars can take awhile to earn, hm?"

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

"Pazaak is more of a hobby, those stars are what I'm really after."

He finished off the rest of his drink, and placed it back on the table.

"What the navy doesn't want you to know is that every one of us has a deck of cards in our pockets, there's even a set based on the superiors."

He chuckled to himself thinking of the time that his friend John Broman had made a deck based off of the admirals.

"We spend alot of time just roaming in space, some people have books, most have pazaak."


Disney's Princess
[member="Jack Rand"]

Sam smiled at the card of Admirals. She could use one of those someday.

"Mm. I'm sure there is. Hehe."

Then there was books, cards, and time left behind in the travels of space. It wasn't too familiar to her. I mean, Sam traveled. But since Teta she'd done a great deal not to wander the space lanes anymore. Old habits, I suppose.

"Well. Thank you for the drink Officer Rand. It's been wonderful to have time to mingle again. Even breifly."

She wrapped herself up and made to stand. She didn't relax much anymore. Couldn't, mostly.

"Is there anything I could do for you before I take my leave? Well. ...You seem, well enough, as it were. I doubt you'll be needing the services of the Jedi for some time, yes?"

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
[member="Sam Jhovna"]

Jack smiled at her as she began to get ready to leave.

"No, but I'm on break and if you'd like to do something like this again, I wouldn't mind the company. Not every day I get to talk to a jedi."


Disney's Princess
[member="Jack Rand"]

Sam nodded began to speak,

"Indeed. Well, enjoy your break and good luck upon reaching Admiral. The Republic needs as many good men as she can get. May the Force be with you."

She gave a tiny bow and took her leave. Sam had enjoyed enough fun for one day. It was time to get back to the Temple and back to work.


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