Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ilia Linus

Ilia Linus, Fantastical Fighter
"Imagination makes the broken beautiful"

  • Name: Ilia Linus
  • Alias: Little Brother
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Race: Half Epicanthix
  • Planet of Birth: Nadiem
  • Age: 10
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Hair Colour: Auburn-Light Brown
  • Skin Pigmentation: Caucasian
  • Force Sensitive: No
  • Julius Linus; Brother
  • Eopi Master...Ish: Ilia was raised upon a cattle ranch, and was expected to help herd their livestock; naturally that wasn't something human legs could muster, especially with how fast their animals could move, so he was forced to befriend the mottled green Eopi of his home world which he rode to victory!
  • Vivid Imagination: Life on a farm is rough, and even the youngest members of the household were expected to chip in with chores from the moment they were able. Ilia and his brother Julius lament these responsibilities, and try to make them more fun by playing games and pretending that what they were doing was far more interesting than it really was. Sticks became lightsabers, Eopi were Starfighters, and the cattle were the enemy!
  • Great Instincts: Especially where his Eopi are concerned, Ilia is rather intuitive for his age - able to tell the general mood and needs of not just his beloved mounts but also the livestock they herd. More so than this, his reflexes are superb though whether this is a learned response to having so many charging animal incidents, or some other underlying reason, is yet to be seen.
  • Huge Heart: Ilia cares immensely about those around him; his brother is his favourite person in the entire Galaxy, the only person who seems to get him, but he also has a fierce connection with the animals he cares for. Some nights, when the worry about their safety gnaws at him too much, Ilia can be found pacing the ranch on the look out for predators.
  • Strong Arm: Byproduct of swinging a stick around most of the day, Ilia is more muscular than any child of his age ought to be; he's knocked the head of many a predator with his trusty stick, usually causing the creatures to flee rather than put up a fight. He's also noticeably strong, as anyone who lifts bales of feed and the like would be.
  • Pressed for Time: Every hour of every day is taken up by some chore or activity; feed the cattle, tend to the Eopi, fetch some milk, eat your supper, wash behind your ears... It's none stop. If not for he and his brother's overactive imagination, neither of the boys would have experienced much of a childhood up until this point.
  • Uneducated: Who has time to home school children when there's a huge farm to run? Ilia isn't well versed with most of the finer arts - he cannot read, save for a few crucial words, and his writing is more of an illegible scrawl. His world is mostly reduced to the size of his parent's farm, although travelers who pass through, and merchants seeking out their produce, have brought with them fascinating tales that the boys reenact.
  • Aida, a turquoise-skinned Eopi.
  • Eopi Riding
  • Cattle Herding
  • Play Fighting

Linus Farm had once been a sprawling mass of agricultural integrity, boasting several large domains across Nadiem each with its own caretaking branch of the lineage. But with time, and external pressures, these abodes had been rendered obsolete until just one ranch remained in the Northern Hemisphere. Brothers, Uncles, distant Cousins, all had left the world in search of better things, leaving Josiah Linus, his wife Ralien, and their two sons, the last remaining of the Linus Ranchers on the world.

Josiah was a firm believer in hard work, and was extremely proud of his profession. He sought to instill the same view into his sons, with the hopes that they would begin to build up their name once again. But even their home was sorely lacking these days; scattered across the ranch, which was a formidable size, were outhouses which had seen better days. Many were crumbled to the ground, some lacked roofs, and none would be suitable to house even the lowliest of critters. Nevermind the large herd of Eopi they wrangled.

There was even a small grain farm, though it was mostly used to create feed for the herd and provided their household with a little extra sustenance when the harder seasons blew in.

With times so tough, Josiah had been forced to hire farm hands. They were brooding looking men, with stern expressions and very little to say. Sometimes the younger of the boys, Ilia, wondered if they were simply too dumb to speak; he himself was very ill educated, but he still held a conversation. These farm hands though did little more than eat, work and sleep. Ilia could swear they never took a bath, and their clothes were always caked in mud and dust. Then again, so were his. Even his best clothes were feeling tight and had scraggly ends.

When a particularly hot summer rolled in, and fires began to sprout up across the agricultural world, laying waste to entire homesteads and the futures of those who kept them, the normalcy of life seemed almost a blessing... Something he had truly taken for granted. Their home was hit hard, and in all of the confusion of the wild bush fires Ilia was separated from his family and their herd. Upon nearing the township just beyond their homestead, he found himself quickly pushed onto a transporter, much to his dismay, and it seemed as though none heard his cries for help - to aid his family - in all the commotion.

Without any idea of where they were headed, Ilia was forced to hunker down and wait it out. Deep down he knew that he would not be seeing Nadiem again, or the family he adored.

  • N.A

1. After Ashfall

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