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Approved Tech II-1ASR

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[SIZE=9pt]Image Source: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] A mainstream rifle for the Shadow Agents of the Shadow Dynasty
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Iscariot Industries
Model: II-1ASR
Affiliation: Shadow Dynasty/ Iscariot Industries
Modularity: Yes, things such as scopes can be changed, as well as mounts can be added
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Slugthrower
Size: [/SIZE]Handheld
Length: 1000 millimeters
Weight: 3.26 kilograms
Ammunition Type: Vixen Rounds
Ammunition Capacity: 30 rounds
Effective Range: 900 meters

[SIZE=9pt]Rate of Fire:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Semi-auto, and fully automatic[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Special Features:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Is able to switch between fully automatic and Semi-auto firing rate. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Description:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] The Shadow agents needed a Mainstream weapon that would allow them to maneuver and take targets out from a distance while not jeopardizing their combat ability at closer ranges which is where the II-1ASR comes in. This weapon takes the basic structure of a Verpine Shatter rifle the weapon was made to be have a lower recoil so it could be better used at shorter ranges, but this cost its power and range putting it on par with lower end sniper rifles. When switched to semi-auto the weapon is great for sniping enemies from a decent range. By no means will it be piercing high quality armor, but for the lower end ones it will tear through them even from a distance. Up close it is just as viable a weapon as anything else with its controlled recoil and extreme firing speed it can shred unarmored targets or ones with lesser armor with no problems. The II-1ASR Is near silent as well allowing the user to get the drop on their enemies. Due to the weapon not using conventional slugthrower rounds it is instead loaded with a Vixen Round that is better for piercing power allowing it to pierce some medium strength armors, but these rounds lack stopping power. [/SIZE]
Judas Zambrano said:
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Edited. If I need to I can create a submission for the needle ammunition?
I would prefer this to be the case, as the ammunition is designed for the barrel of the gun and vice-versa, simply loading a random round into a gun will cause issues. I'd also prefer if you chose one or the other for the ammunition type.
Going to approve this with the note that accuracy will literally be non-existent while using full-auto, and its effective range should not be reflected upon by what is listed above while using this rate of fire. Proceed with caution in that regard, pending secondary.
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