Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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If You Want to Pay Less....That's My Business

With a word from his 'friend' Tion Dr'iol the foundation was set for his company to sign a contract with the Covenant of the Black Rose. Mr. Dr'iol had warned them that the Order followed the path of the Dark Side and most where women. The mention of women put a smile on his face until Mr. Dr'iol told them that they would sooner kill him than bed him. Naturally - his smile vanished. He brought his protectors - the Furry Seven - along for the meeting. Not that he had a option to leave them behind. They swore a life debt to him and where he walked - he had eight shadows.

J.P. never fancied himself a coward but the idea of meeting one of the Black Rose Council members on the swamp world of Dagobah sent chills up and down his spine. When he discovered that he would be meeting one Darth Venefica - he put feelers out to find any information on the woman. When he inquired of Mr. Dr'iol to give him some kind of idea of who he was dealing with - he simply smiled and walked away from the luncheon. The feelers brought back information on the Sith Lady that turned his stomach upside down.

"I already hate this place," he said to the Wookies once he stepped out of the transport. It was his habit to dress to the nines but he wasn't risking ruining perfectly good clothes to go walking through mud, stagnant water, or any other undesirable element swamps threw at him. "Remind me next time brothers that I agree to meet anyone in this," he said throwing his hands in the air, "Shake common sense into me!"

[member="Darth Venefica"]
There is no place like home, or rather no better place to be than sloshing through the swamps of Dagobah. This was more than just a home away from home for her, this was her birth place; a test of survival to earn her place among the monsters of the swamp. She had survived her rite of passage among those that crept, crawled, flew, swam, skittered, and slithered through the environment of Dagobah; and by the end she was not only the apex predator, but the Swamp Witch of Dagobah. The choosing of this planet for the meeting was not by accident.
"Hate is such a powerful word," she said appearing out of the mist.
The walking carpets arrayed all around the human male turned their weapons toward her, each one letting out a small throaty growl. It had been some time since she seen a Wookie, not since she was a Knight killing their lot back on Kashyyyk when she was a loyal servant to the One Sith. Darth Venefica wondered, truly wondered, if any of these current Wookies fought during that invasion. Then she wondered if she killed any of these walking carpet's friends or family members.
"Mr. Dr'iol tells me you like credits....and yet here you are standing in my swamp looking to have that greedy itch scratched preaching hate."
[member="Mr. J.P. Huntington"]​
The sight of this woman - whom he assumed was Darth Venefica - sent cold chills up and down his spine. Trying not to be obvious he looked the woman up and down - noticing her outfit held a fear factor to it. Even the bones in her hair, in her nose, and on her wrists and ankles held a large amount of spookiness to her. What caught him most by surprise was the lack of footwear. Walking anywhere in the galaxy barefoot - especially in a swamp filled with bacteria - could not be recommended to anyone.

"Ah, yes. Yes I am. And please forgive my displeasing remarks regarding your swamp," he said muffling the tremor in his voice. "According to our mutual friend, Mr. Dr'iol, your Order is looking to hire on more companies." Moving slowly not to give this woman a reason to act violently - he pulled from one of his pockets a hand-sized datapad.

"As you are aware, I'm sure, that my company has recently just opened it's doors. We do not have anything to sell currently. However, we do have several blueprints for you to look over. Please?" J.P. handed the woman the device giving her ample time to look through it. "You will notice that our two main products are droids and vehicles."

[member="Darth Venefica"]
Her black and red flecked eyes scanned through the contents, transferring what they saw to her memory. Lists of battle droids, security droids, protocol droids, astromech droids, and all manners of droids flashed before her. 'Twas the same with the vehicle's list; but it was the war vehicles that appealed to her. As for the droids, there were a lot of purposes for droids; and not just battle droids. When she concluded the reading, she handed the datapad back to the man.
"A very appealing list Mr. Huntington....very appealing indeed," she mused.
"What we are currently seeking are war vehicles....anti-ship guns....assault tanks and walkers...and of course artillery. Battle droids we can use...but we will not rule out the use of your other droid types."
Darth Veneifica sat down on a moss covered stump, placing her folded hands in her lap. Looking at designs and saying which designs you wanted or needed was one thing, coming to an agreement financially was something that could make or break potential deals. She didn't want for Mr. Huntington to break his bank accounts by building for them, whilst at the same time she didn't want to watch the coffers of the Black Rose dwindle from paying high prices.
"Indulge me, Mr. Huntington....being a businessman I'm sure you have already drawn up a proposal. So...let's here your initial offer."
[member="Mr. J.P. Huntington"]​

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