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Idonia Devreaux [Character Retcon]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
// Idonia Devreaux \\
== "The Galaxy is filled with artifacts and technology of our progenitors. There are those that would use it for power. There are those that would use it for fame. Then there are those few that would use them for good. At the end of day it doesn't matter and I don't ask questions. I'm merely the person that gets paid to dig around in the dirt." ==

..:::: Biographical Information ::::..

NAME: Idonia Devreaux
  • Satra Ka
  • Calla Ves
  • Iris Bastra
  • Kor Vel

ALLEGIANCE: Independent

  • 2nd Class Corellian Bloodstripe

SPECIES: Human Corellian

AGE: 30
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 159lbs
EYES: Green
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Pale

..:::: Strengths ::::..
  • Many Corellians are known as skilled engineers and innovators. It is likely though that many of those did not spend the majority of their childhood or adult life traveling across the galaxy to different worlds just to dig in the dirt to find artifacts left over by various civilizations and progenitors. Much of her life has been spent at dig sites such as these with her parents, where a generator was running one moment only to crash out the next. She gained a practical and hands on education when it came to mechanical operations, as well as engineering and innovation in the sense of keeping things running. Skilled in cobbling together items that should never work in synchronization, she is capable of great feats when it comes to engineering and mechanical problems.

  • Linguistics seems to come as natural to her as swimming does to an amphibian. After countless years pouring over research notes and deciphering dead languages, she has naturally picked up the use of multiple languages. While she is fluent in only a handful and semi-fluent in many others, she has no problem in reading a myriad of languages, provided she has enough time to remember her notes and the proper grammatical structure.

  • Calling her a brawler could be seen as either a compliment to some or an insult to others. It was tough when she was younger, as she was often the only female in the field with her father, whom in turn hired a tutor to have her trained how to protect herself. As she grew, she became better at it, and even learned how to take a few hits as well as how to hit back just as hard.

  • More than anything, it has been her practical training, and skills that she has picked up over the years that has kept her alive for so long. That and the head that rests upon her shoulders. Countless years of keeping her mind sharp and continuing to do so to this day has helped in keeping her alive. Intelligence is one of her greatest strengths and she clearly uses it, always sizing up a potential conflict or opponent first before taking action.

..:::: Weaknesses ::::..
  • All the intelligence and careful thinking in the universe can be for naught when it comes to the bull headed brashness that can and often does appear at times. While she makes it a habit of defaulting to a more practical approach that is often analytical, there are times when her stubbornness can get the better of her, forcing her to react or act on pure emotion alone rather than on thoughts. It has been this stubbornness that has lead to more than a few acquisitions of scars.

  • Subtlety and tactfulness are not her strongest of points when it comes to dealing with others. While there could be myriad of reasons for this, it is most likely due in part to her picking up many of the habits and mannerisms of her father. While understanding the underlying reasons for a tense situation or an emotional one at that, she often finds it hard to connect with people in those types of situations.

  • When it comes to her job, and the pursuing of the many artifacts she is after, she can become dangerously obsessive. She will often go to great lengths to ensure that she will come out on top when it comes to the acquisition of an item or items that she wants or desires. There have been times when she's even gone to the length of committing a crime when the legal recourse has run dry.

..:::: Appearance ::::..
Beautiful in her own, and comfortable with her image, with a slender body. Unlike many, her hair is often matted and disorganized, and while kept it is not 'well kept' in the sense that she never has it styled as it would be highly unlikely that she would even set foot within a salon. Cosmetics are seen more as a wasted leisure due to her normal activities and are thus forgone completely. What few portions of her skin that are visible are often coated with a thin sheet of dust, dirt or grime, showing her indifference when it comes to being dirty as she prefers to work than to be caked in cosmetics like a highborn clown.

For the most part clothing is more utilitarian, providing some form of practical function rather than being worn for style. This can be seen most in her well worn boots that are covered in scuff marks and scratches from many years of use. Likewise her clothing is often form fitting, as well as being crafted out of protective materials, with additional pieces of armor placed on the areas with the most likely impact point during a fight or other activity.

Accessories are likewise very limited in scope, as she believes them to be more of a liability than of any use. Though she has made an exception to the rule in terms of a set of small earrings that once belonged to her mother due to their sentimental value. Additionally the only other piece worth noting is the 2nd Class Corellian Bloodstripe that runs along the length of her pant leg, mainly visible on the left side, due to her right side being covered.

..:::: History ::::..
As per usual with many of these stories, Idonia was born to a loving mother and father on Corellia in the city Kor Valla. She was a happy child who was blessed, and got to spend much of her life with her parents who would both pass after a long and well lived life. There was no turmoil in the family, her mother was not an alcoholic or a prostitute, nor was her father a gambler in debt. Much of her childhood was spent with both of her parents going across the galaxy at various dig sites where she would learn to love history. Not much of a story in terms of a great hero or even a stand up citizen, nor was there much of a background to turn her to a life of crime or other avenue of illegal work.

During her teens things seemed to be on the cusp of changing when she accidentally came across a few grave robbers that other than pure intentions for her. Though this scene didn't play out as a few workers hired by her father arrived just in time. From that day on she was trained by a tutor in the ways to defend herself. She would even get in trouble for starting her fair share of fights, a trait that continued to grow for most of her life.

Of course all children want to get out of the shadow of their parents, which she did. When she came of age the first thing she did was enlist with the Corellian Security Force for a different view on life. That view though was mainly staring out the view port into the endless space with nothing to do except wait for something to happen. Even then it was often just an inspection or training mission of some sort.

With most of her time spent waiting around, her real introduction to action and live fire wouldn't happen until she was on leave of all things. While she was with a few other CorSec members, they came across a museum that was being robbed. While they began to formulate a plan, mainly due to the hostages, they still had the sense to wait for backup. Of course that sense lasted just as long as it took for the first body to be thrown out and the demands to be spewed. Already having noted the possibility of more hostages losing their lives, Idonia acted.

This event with her careful thinking lead to the freeing of the hostages and the eventual arrest of those few surviving criminals. While she did not openly acknowledge her real reason for action, letting it simply being marked up as protecting the hostages, she would of course never tell the truth that she was more worried about the museum exhibits than anything. This of course brought her back to the fond memories of her childhood spent on those dig sites.

When her time came and went, and she was discharged from CorSec, she tracked down her mother and father at their newest dig site. She would spend five long years with her mother and father, reconnecting with them and happily accepting her own love for artifacts. There was no tragic cave in or tunnel collapse, nor was there a disease that took them. Rather it was just the long ravaging of time that finally lead to her parents both quietly passing away together in their sleep.

From then on out Idonia saw herself as alone in the Galaxy, though she still held the love of finding artifacts that her parents did.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
..:::: PERSONAL EFFECTS ::::..

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
..:::: KILLS ::::..


Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
..:::: ACTIVE THREADS ::::..



Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
..:::: FRIENDS AND ALLIES ::::..

..:::: ACQUAINTANCES ::::..

..:::: RIVALS AND ENEMIES ::::..

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