Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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 Idea for my character, tell me how it sounds.

Dex Jusior

So basically this guy was a member of a gang of outlaws, they were as brothers. Close like a family, until Dex joined. Dex saw the large bounty that the leader had put on him, dead or alive, and figured he could also make some extra money from the criminal activity that they were partaking in (Dex was already a criminal at this point.)

so one day, Dex saved the leader of the gang's life in a bar he was known to frequent during a brawl,
and he's accepted into the gang. During a bank robbery gone wrong on Denon, he and the leader were separated from the rest of the gang by [insert contrivance here] and Dex took the opportunity to blast him in the back of the head while he wasn't looking.
He escaped, and later turned in the leader's corpse to the authorities.

In terms of personality, Dex is a brash, arrogant criminal who will betray and backstab anyone or any group to get what he wants. He doesn't care about anyone else besides numero uno, because that is what he believes is most important in the galaxy, your own survival above anyone else's. He is not an honorable man, if you engaged him in a sword duel he would probably pull out a blaster and shoot you.
I think that sounds like a great concept for a character Dex Jusior, and I think you would feel welcome amongst our other Denon associates in the Darkwire faction (OOC)

We specialize in shady criminal type characters looking out for number one, we're chock full of them. If you're a fan of using Discord, feel free to drop by, we love welcoming people:

Let me know if you have questions, we've got a lot of story going on around these parts ;)

Dex Jusior

I think that sounds like a great concept for a character Dex Jusior, and I think you would feel welcome amongst our other Denon associates in the Darkwire faction (OOC)

We specialize in shady criminal type characters looking out for number one, we're chock full of them. If you're a fan of using Discord, feel free to drop by, we love welcoming people:

Let me know if you have questions, we've got a lot of story going on around these parts ;)

Sounds good. Be warned though, Dex ain't exactly going to stay Darkwire for long if his past is anything to go by...
Dex Jusior no problem at all, stay or leave as you like.

Out of Character, Darkwire is a home to all sorta writers, from Corporate Big Wigs, Corporate Cops (CorpSec), Shadowrunners (Darkwire agents), to gangers and pirates

If you want to write a tale on the run, we can cater to that. If you'd like to get your fingers sticky with cash, we can cater to that too

If you'll have us, we'll have you!

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