Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Ialiv

Region: Outer Rim
System: Ialiv System

  • Number: 1

  • Name: Purus
Orbital Position:

  • Second Planet

  • Habitable

  • Number: 1

  • Names: Reolea
System Features:

  • Two other planets: Kultorix, Fianus

  • Two other moons: Iablov (belonging to Kultorix), and Jubra (belonging to Fianus)
Coordinates: 7, 28
Rotational Period: 30 Hours
Orbital Period: 400 days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 10,550 km
Atmosphere: Type 1
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain:

  • Ocean

  • Mountains

  • Archipelagos

  • Forests

  • Desert

Native Species: Iali; will make a species sub
Immigrated Species: N/A; will change in future roleplays
Primary Languages: Galactic Basic, Ialia
Government: Autocracy; minor degrees of democracy
Population: 500 million
Demonym: Rabrian
Major Imports: N/A; will change in future roleplays
Major Exports:

  • Production:


  • Minerals

Export: N/A; will change in future roleplays

Affiliation: Most likely The Kathol Outback

Major Locations:

  • The Royal City:

  • The Temple of Seers:

  • The First Fire:

  • The Tombs

  • The Dragons’ Lair:


  • Government: The government is an autocracy with an emperor having absolute power over his/her subjects and is viewed as a demi-god as well as the rest of his/her family; however, he/her doesn’t oversee the empire’s territory all by themselves since it gets very tedious and stressful. In each region within the Imperium is a Dragon handpicked by the Emperor because of their ability to keep order and peace throughout the cities of said region. These Dragons are typically high ranking officers within the Imperium’s military. The only signs of democracy within the Imperium is the people of towns/cities electing their governor. There is no senate or house of representatives, but there is a council of all the wardens that discuss domestic issues with the Emperor. The way an Emperor is chosen is by the Tofeng Seers.

  • Military: The Emperor is the Commander-in-Chief of the ground and naval forces; however, he rarely puts any attention to them as he puts his trust to his highest and esteemed officers which are given the rank of “Dragon”. One is in charge of ground units, another is in charge of the navy, the third in charge of a an elite unit of soldiers, and the last one for espionage. From there, it’s a regular military hierarchy with high generals/admirals, generals/admirals, etc. There is also an individual sect, called the Nova Guard, which do not take orders from anyone else besides the Emperor and the Royal Family which can be taken as bodyguards and assassins.

  • Religion: The people of Ialiv worship the sun as they believe it was Purus (their sun) that gave them the ability to live and intelligence which led them to creating marvels and wonders of their own. Not only do they worship the sun, but they worship the Royal Family as demi-gods, believing that they are direct descendants from Puros and were sent to lead them on a path of prosperity and goodwill. They also worship the dragons that inhabit on Rabrias as history tells it was the Dragons that taught them the ways of pyrokinesis and bending/shaping fire. They have no idea what the Force is and if they were told about it, then they would have no belief in it. While religion doesn’t have a daily role in the government there is a council of seers, known as the Tofeng Seers, that use the guidance of a sacred and religious firepit that gives them the conclusion of who will be the next reigning Emperor from the Royal Family. Daily duties of the Foco Seers are to control and guide religious ceremonies which are birthdays of members of the Royal Family, the time when the secrets of pyrokinises were taught to them, the time when they created the first fire known to them, etc. Another thing about their religion is that they absolutely hate the moon as they believe that the sun and the moon have a long feud with each other. Another reason why they despise the moon is because their power in pyrokinesis isn’t as powerful when the sun sets.

  • Daily Life: Everyone works every day. No exceptions. The Emperor despises to see any omens of poverty and if he does see any of it, then he will take immediate action. These actions aren’t punishable or harsh, but instead they are actions that can help improve the life of those in poverty. The Emperor will assign him/her to the military, a servant of the Royal family, a farmer, an assistant to the Seers, or a coal or a natural gas miner.

  • Society: There is a class system within the society of the planet which involves with the Royal Family at the top of the pyramid, nobles or businessmen, and the working class. There is no poverty at all since those in such situation will either be conscripted into the military, inducted as a servant for the Royal Family, a farmer, or a miner.

  • Art: There are tons of art being performed all the time. Firebenders/shapers perform awe and attractive displays with their talent and skill. Some perform combat dances which involves no harm or foul play at all. There are also many festivities which celebrates the birth of the Imperium and the birthday of members of the Royal Family.

  • Sport: All types of sport are related in combat, and are shown in an arena. Each champion must be proficient in unarmed, armed, and ranged combat in order to join these sports. It is completely legal for the champions to maim and attempt to kill each other, but if one yields then they must honor their surrender. Victors of these games are then given the opportunity to be a royal guard for the Royal Family.

Technology: The planet’s technology is primitive. No fancy tech or any sort. Think RL renaissance technology.

History: Soon™

Notable PCs: N/A for now; I do intend on making a character from this planet soon.

Intent: To make my first custom planet in the Kathol Sector and to make a planet for the Kathol Outback to play with. I’m also planning to play a custom species that belongs to this planet.

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