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Approved Tech Iakchi's Ryyk Kerarthorr

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Babysitter, Bodyguard, Beverage Connoisseur


  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] To provide a unique spin on a traditional Wookiee weapon for Iakchi[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Source: Shadow Fight 2[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon Link: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Primary Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Ryyk Kerarthorr[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Manufacturer:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Iakchi[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Iakchi[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Model:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Iakchi’s Ryyk Kerarthorr[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Modularity: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Production[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]: Unique[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Material: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Songsteel blade, Echani Graphite handle and body[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt], Bronzium accents[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Classification: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Blades[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Size: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Large when blade is extended, Small when blade is retracted[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Weight: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Light[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Paired blades[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Blades retract into the body for safety and to cut down on size[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Comes with two leg holsters[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Echani Graphite Body and Handle: Cylindrical in nature the body and handle of the weapons are made of Echani graphite, an extremely durable yet light substance capable of resisting most types of weapons up to and including lightsabers. Due to the sturdiness of the material the body can also be used as a club when nonlethal attacks are necessary.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Songsteel Blade: Another extremely durable yet light material, the blade itself is made of songsteel, capable of going head-to-head with lightsabers while also providing excellent sharpness and both slashing and thrusting power.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Electrification: The blades are made of metal, regardless of the type, and conduct electricity as most do, meaning that a powerful jolt to the blades can be transferred to the user, delivering a powerful and potentially deadly shock depending on the voltage.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Short Range: While large, the grip is pushed perpendicularly up on the body, limiting the reach more than a standard lightsaber or saberstaff.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A lightsaber may be the quintessential weapon of the Jedi, but to the Wookiees, a Ryyk blade is almost as important, holding special significance outranked only by the bowcaster. The Ryyk Kerarthorr is another variant, but the paired blades carried by Iakchi have a much more modern design to them. Hand-crafted by his father and passed down upon his completion of the Test of Ascension, Iakchi’s Ryyk Kerarthorr eschew the traditional curved Wookiee design in favor of straight double-edged blades, with one blade on each body. They can retract into the body for safe storage, or to allow for nonlethal strikes against an opponent. What makes them special however are the materials used in their construction. The body and handle are made of Echani graphite, while the blade is songsteel, providing not only an exceptionally light design but also the ability to use them against lightsaber wielders while remaining capable of quick movements. Due to the design they’re intended to be utilized close to the body, and can offer several options for both attack and defense by the user. With leg holsters containing sidewards openings for the handles, they can be comfortably kept as a backup melee weapon and quickly accessed when an enemy is met using armor that lightsabers struggle against. [/SIZE]
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