Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I warned you [Tobias Wraith/Jedi Academy]

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya let out a low chuckle. "This isn't about money, Alec. This is about principle. About setting an example, and who better to set one with the the son of the famous Darron Wraith? Good day Alec, look after the old man, I imagine he's not got much fight left in him now."

She ended the call and sat back in the chair, a finger raising the Captain on the in ship comms. "Alastair, get us out of Mandalorian space."

"Is there a problem, my lady?"

She grinned. "Yes, I just pissed off the Rekali's. I'd like some distance between us, rather not face a head on collision when I'm not quite ready."


"Contruum. And put a call out to [member="Moira Skaldi"], I require her assistance."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
The comm call ended, and Ember Rekali straightened up in his chair like an acorn becoming an oak. His voice became what it used to be. "Well handled, Alec. You walked the line, and I came off as old and weak enough to let you run your mouth. Anaya Fen wouldn't take as much satisfaction in beating me now, which makes her less likely to actually come for us guns blazing. Less likely than if I'd been the one to tell her what we had to tell her. That," he admitted, running his hand through long graying hair, "and I'm not sure I could have trusted myself."

"So what comes next?"

"Draft a comm alert for the other aliit'buire, and the movers and shakers. I don't trust Anaya not to move immediately. Feth, she could already have made her move."

"On it, ba'buir."

TO: Mand'alor [member="Azrael"], Aliit'buir [member="Olivia Dem'adas"], Field Marshal [member="Arrbi Betna"], Field Marshal [member="Anija Ordo"], Field Marshal [member="Verz Horak"]
FROM: Office of Aliit'buir Ember Rekali, Yavin system
RE: Possible alert

Credible intel indicates that Apoleia, a.k.a. Sith Master [member="Anaya Fen"] , may attempt hostile action against a non-Mandalorian target who has been known to visit Mandalorian space, primarily Rekali territory. If she acts, which will likely be in twenty-four hours, there is a possibility of collateral damage, and a smaller possibility that non-Rekali Mandalorian territory or assets may be at risk. The clan anticipates that the situation will be resolved before she can act: this is not a request for aid, just a suggestion that increased security awareness may be appropriate for the next forty-eight to seventy-two hours. I'm requesting that no hostile action be taken against Fen or her corporation unless she makes a move that jeopardizes Mandalorian assets or interests. Escalating this situation before my people can resolve it would virtually guarantee a hazard to Mandalorian interests.

Basically, vode, keep your cool and watch your backs in case this turns into something real. For the moment, it ain't.


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