Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"I Want My Ship Back." (OOC Thread, Heisting the Girth of Gluttony)

Hello all.

To a lot of you, I am probably not a familiar face.

To some of you, I am an older familiar face.

To few of you, I am older familiar face you've wanted to see back in action for quite a number of months now.

This is the return. I am flesh, I am large, I am in charge, and I want my ship back. It is currently parked in orbit around Mandalore due to shenanigans, but I am going to correct that. Once I get inside, I'm going to eat the rest of my soul that had been making an embarrassment to my reputation.

If you are interested in becoming opposition (Mandos, looking at you), or whatever, here is the place to do it! :p
[member="Kiran Vess"], When I get to that part (soon), sure!

[member="Smeg"], Oh no my friend, Glory is not my path. But by days end, I will have what is owed to me.

[member="Judas Foster"], Of course, I'll let you know when is most appropriate (soon) to appear before me.

[member="Darth Atrophia"], Indeed. Hide all of your dark side cookies.

I'm comin for 'em.

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