Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I, the Jury

Stepping down the marble stairs leading outside, the dusk approaching and closing over the planet, two Ranger ships flew overheard to circle before landing in the far hangar. Connor watched them, listening to [member="Keira Ticon"].

”Keira, just go and do what you need to do with your Padawan and contact me when you're free and we'll catch up and continue where we left of.”

He stretched his arms back, loosening the shoulder blades and then looked at [member=Lorraei].

”My friend, you'll learn when you grow up a little and find a place to call your home that you don't just allow anyone to wander inside and start drinking. There's a thing called respect. We have children here and I will not for one allow anyone to just walk in and act like they own the place ok.”

As he spoke, a picture was produced, causing him to flinch as he caught it from the throw. Turning to look at it, he felt nothing towards the girl or whatever the Padawan was saying. He obviously had no idea about what Connor had gone through and how he saw things.

He looked up, seeing that he was already walking away with that cocky, self-assured, I-don't-give-a-kark-about-anyone-or-anything attitude that he had seen so much with Keira. With a roll of his eyes, Connor flicked the picture out with two fingers, letting it flutter and fall where it needed before turning to head back to the Temple. Keira had enough to do now and this wasn't Connor's business to be involved in.

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