Aleksandyr Gaillard
Image is Everything!
Aleksandyr sat in his corporate office, overlooking old designs and some new ones.
"Mr. Gaillard, you have a visitor.", his assistant spoke over his deskmounted intercom.
Who could it be? That was the question, "Send them in.", he replied and sat up in his chair to face the doorway to whomever was here to see him. With all that's happened and all that's going on; it could be anything. Hopefully it wasn't Cryax again... The Chiss was still upset about Makeb.
The CEO's eyes were fixed on the door, and soon he drowned out all the thoughts; whoever it was, let's hope they're only here for business.
"Mr. Gaillard, you have a visitor.", his assistant spoke over his deskmounted intercom.
Who could it be? That was the question, "Send them in.", he replied and sat up in his chair to face the doorway to whomever was here to see him. With all that's happened and all that's going on; it could be anything. Hopefully it wasn't Cryax again... The Chiss was still upset about Makeb.
The CEO's eyes were fixed on the door, and soon he drowned out all the thoughts; whoever it was, let's hope they're only here for business.