Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I live to serve [Moridin]

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya had a great many things on her list of loves; enjoying another’s body, killing, loosing herself in a new toxin to name a few but above all of them she loved to dance. On coming to Byss it had unnerved a few people to come across the twi’lek dancing in the corridors of Moridin’s palace, but it hadn’t taken long for them to get used to it.

Today, she found herself under the feet of droids and workman as they repaired the damage to Moridin’s throne room, following a fight she was sad to have missed. A single earpiece in her ear played a small collection of music and she lost herself in it, spinning and twisting through the rubble and workmen, receiving several curses in the process. She ignored them and closed her eyes, allowing the force to guide her through the obstacles.

“Look out!” the cry came from above as did the warning through the force. Anaya dove forward rolling away from whatever was about to drop on her head. A great chunk of the new pillar crashed to the floor and sent shrapnel in all directions. Turning slowly, the music in her ear forgotten she jumped on top of it and looked up.

A man with a pale face was looking back at her, fear etched all over his face. Anaya merely glowered at him before walking back out of the throne room in search of her master. “You know something, master, I do believe your builders are trying to kill me.” She said with a sigh when she found him.
Moridin sat upon his throne, his eyes closed. He was in a trance like state between meditation and sleep, it was all he was ever in now. He no longer grew tired, no longer needed sleep. The massacred of billions had invoked power and energy beyond all belief in him. Of course that had been nearly four centuries ago. Still, the Dreadlord never seemed to tire, never seemed to actually sleep. Perhaps this was due to paranoia, or perhaps it was simply because he no longer needed it. None of the apprentice's could tell of course, and Moridin was hardly willing to divulge the information.

The Dreadlord slowly opened his eyes as his apprentice approached. He watched her lithe form for a few seconds, putting his face in his palm. She was attractive by anyone standards, although after four hundred years of life such things no longer interested him as much as they used to.

“Perhaps. Or perhaps im still testing you.” Moridin spoke quite calmly. He still had a sense of humor.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya let out a small laugh as she moved towards the throne, trailing her fingers over Moridin's arm as she moved to stand behind it. "I must still be passing, elsewise I wouldn't be here still." Leaning on the back of the throne she looked down at the top of her masters head, a small smile on her lips. She wondered why he sat here with the work going on around him, the noise would irritate her so much she would have to kill one of them daily, just to make it worthwhile. On the other hand, his presence made every slave somewhat nervous and eager to please.
"I must leave you for a few days, master." She said softly, realising she had not yet told him of Kaine's invitation to join his group of intelligence agents. Thoughts of Kaine always brought her back to that brief moment where he had caressed her lekku, it caused a pleasant shiver down her spine and ignited a fire of lust within her. A sensation she could not seem to quell quick enough for it to not be detected through the force.
Moridin looked up from his palm at his apprentice with an interest. This was perhaps the first time his apprentice had actually said something of note. She was going away? To where? She had no money, no power, no armies to go anywhere else. He perked an eyebrow at Anaya with an interested smirk crossing across his face. He smiled at her, and then finally spoke in question.

“Oh? And where might you be going my young apprentice?” Moridin's voice was relaxed, not angry or incredulous. He seemed genuinely curious as to who and what his Apprentice could be seeing. He actually had no problem with his apprentices going different places for their own purposes. As long as none of them deviated from the path he ordered and returned when called they could do whatever they liked. It made absolutely no difference to him what they did at any time.

So far however he had found Anaya quite...amusing to keep around. He would be slightly disappointed to see her go.

Nisha Decrilla

She was surprise at how relaxed Moridin sounded as he enquired further, but she was grateful too. She would hate to have to turn Kaine down after accepting. She was eager to learn not only about the trade but about him. Anaya did not often set herself a target of lust when not intoxicated but Kaine intrigued her and that was more than enough to keep her interested.

"To Thyferra" she said with a small smile as she moved from behind the throne to stand before Moridin. "The Lord Zambrabo has invited me to join his small group of intelligence agents." the excitement in her voice was evident "I will be his only sith agent." her lekku quivered.
Moridin raised an eyebrow, Kaine was it? Interesting. Moridin had met the man one or two times before, he had been on Coruscant when he and Apparatus had attacked the Republic. He had also been on the Naval Station. The Dreadlord had never personally interacted with the man, though he knew him to be competent. He thought for a few seconds and then smiled slightly. Intelligence agents? Well perhaps she would learn something from them, Anaya as of yet was not known for her subtlety...although neither was Moridin.

“Very well. Although tell Zambrano that if anything were to befall you I would be most...displeased.” He of course didn't mention that if Anaya died he would consider her useless anyway. If a Sith couldn't help themselves in a fight, well they didn't deserve life. Still a threat was always fun to pose, especially when it would make his apprentice swell with pride for her Master. Perhaps it would keep her more in line while she was there, as a representative of the Dreadlord.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya offered a mocking look of surprise at Moridin's words "My dear Master, I never knew you gave a shit." she said, knowing full well if something was to happen to her Moridin would simply replace her. She was not a fool, she was outspoken and cocky but she was not stupid. If she was such a fool she would not have made it as his apprentice.

"Rest assured master, nothing will happen to me its only training."

Anaya wasn't very good at standing still so she moved again, this time to sit at Moridin's feet, and resting her back against his legs, sitting there in silent for a moment, brooding over Kaine and what would happen while she was on Tyferra. Finally she spoke up again eager to distract herself from such thoughts "Have you ever been in love, Master?".
Moridin sat upon his throne for a few more seconds and looked at Anaya. What a strange question to ask him, especially at this point and time. Of course he would tell the truth, unlike most of the Sith Moridin wasn't all that secretive about his past. He didn't mind sharing who he was, and he most certainly didn't mind telling his apprentice. She was still quite young, though perhaps she thought herself wise beyond her years.

“Yes.” Moridin said quietly at first, then he looked down at Anaya. “Almost four centuries ago in fact. She was a Jedi.”

The Dreadlord of course was speaking of Anara Valnor, a person that due to his own actions was still alive today. He didn't mention this of course, he didn't need every single Sith coming after his lady love. It was also the reason he hadn't approached Anara within this new age, he was in a seat of power and didn't want anyone to come after her. “She is dead now.”

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"A Jedi?!" she sat sitting upright and looking up at him, puzzled and wondering if he was mocking her but nothing in his face said he was. A million questions rushed into her head and she opened and closed her mouth a few times as she tried to form them. Four centuries ago was a long time, did he not love again? What was it about this jedi that had made Moridin love her? Did she love him? She didn't know why it intrigued her so much, perhaps because she had never truly loved herself.
Oh she had lusted and she had believed that she loved the late Master Oman, but how could you kill someone you loved? She wanted to love, but she was terrified of it at the same time. "Did you kill her?" she asked her voice barely above a whisper.
Moridin sat above Anaya and looked down at her, he sighed slightly. Upon his ascent to Master hood he had killed billions of course, though not Anara. He had taken the force from her instead, granting her that gift. He smiled slightly at that thought, she had hated him for that but it had been a gift...though one that had not last all that long. He looked at Anaya and waited a few seconds more, as if deep in thoughts.

“Yes.” Moridin said calmly as he looked down at his apprentice and then into the ante-chamber of his throne room. It was here that he had done it all of course. He had killed every citizen of Byss here, absorbed them and used their souls to build himself a new body. The Dreadlord stood from his throne and walked down the dais. He took several careful steps through the throne room and then stepped into a small circular pattern upon the floor etched entirely into the ground.

For a few seconds he did nothing as his mind flashed with memory's. This was the exact spot where he had forged his new body, the lives of eighteen billion people gone in a single second. The thought made him smirk. “Upon my ascension to the rank of Master within the old Sith Empire I claimed the lives of every living soul upon Byss. Her's included.”

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya slid up onto Moridin's throne as he moved away and sat cross legged watching him carefully. She understood the smirk, anyone would smirk at being able to kill every living soul on a planet without lifting a finger, but she could not see any pain not sense any. "I don't understand." she said softly "If you loved her, why did you kill her? Jedi or no, surely she should have lived?"
Moridin mulled over the events of four hundred years ago, and then turned to face Anaya again. He looked at her, and then shook his head. There was no pain of course, he had steeled himself against such things for the longest of time, there was no place for hurt feelings among the Sith, especially when you were the one leading the Sith...or rather one of the more powerful examples. He stood for a few seconds more and then answered her.

“She was a weakness. A Sith Can have no weakness' especially when you're in a position such as myself.” He paused for a few more seconds, he had to explain why this was especially since Anaya probably knew nothing of the time before the four hundred years darkness that the gulag plague brought. “At the time the Sith were powerful. Perhaps the most powerful faction in the galaxy. I had my eyes on becoming Emperor. I couldn't have my well known affair with a Jedi used against me.”

Of course the truth was that Anara was very much alive. At the time he had let her go, without the force she had been unable to really interfere with the Sith, and thus most of his brothers had thought her dead. Of course he had kidnapped her and placed her in stasis before the plague, seeing the threat it posed. She was still alive. He had learned this a few months before, though she wasn't aware that he was and he planned to keep it that way. She needed to be kept away, at least until he solidified his power base.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya nodded slowly at his explanation, suddenly feeling sad. If love was a weakness when you were in power then you were destined to rule alone. She shook the misery away and cleared her throat. It was interesting to hear about times before the plague, when you asked people what life was like before they generally looked at you blankly and said there was little recorded about before the plague.
She wanted to hear more about Moridin's past, yet the mention of emperor made her think of the future. "Where do you have your eyes now, master?"
Moridin smirked slightly at her question and then turned away from her upon the throne. It was a good question of course, with his activity against the Mandalorians and the Republic and with his fights and domination’s against the other Masters he was quite popular among the lesser Sith and the regular troopers and navy officials. This had propelled him quite far into the upper reaches of the Sith, both in power and popularity. The Dreadlord knew this, since there had been little complaint against him since he had taken over the armed forces of the Sith and its Empire.

“My gaze has never shifted.” Moridin said with a smirk as he turned back towards his Apprentice. He was completely serious of course and he trusted him apprentice with this little tidbit of information.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya smiled and rose from the thorn and descended towards her master. "I didn't think it had." She called her lightsabers into her hands as she moved towards him signalling she wanted to train as she reached him.

"I imagine the skills I learn from Kaine will be useful for me when I become your Hand then." Anaya was not overly ambitious, unlike most sith, she was content to serve so long as the person she served was worthy of her devotion. Moridin's unwavering gaze and power placed him very nicely in that very small category.
Moridin stood within the circle unwavering. He supposed she was right, espionage training was handy and it wasn't exactly something that he could teach her. The Dreadlord wasn't much for stealth or espionage. He had always been very upfront with his fights, marching himself over to wherever he wanted and killing whatever was there. He was not a Master of subtlety, he had never actually needed it. He shrugged, and then tapped into the force.

The Sabrestaff attached to his back flew into the air and twirled itself about. The blades ignited and spun around within the air several times with the force holding onto it. He smiled, and then signaled for his apprentice to approach. The time was drawing near where Anaya would rise from apprentice...perhaps after her mission with Kaine.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya smirked at the fact that Moridin had not taken the staff in his hand, and was using the force alone to wield it. "See, now you're just showing off." she complained as she ignited her sabres. She watched the spinning staff for a moment before going or the obvious centre strike to sever the weapon. She kept herself aware however, she had come to learn that there the simple attack often had repercussions.
Moridin used the force to pull back his lightsaber, letting the handle skirt him by just an inch. Then he used the force pull Anaya herself towards him, hopefully overextending herself and moving his blade tot he side. This let the Dreadlord himself open, though he didn't seem to care.

Moridin twisted the Saber-staff again, and then twisted it to swing backwards towards Anaya. He sent the blade sailing towards her lekku in a path to slice both of them in half.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya cursed silently as the staff moved and she was pulled forward. She resisted the pull as best she could and staggered forward. She pointed one sabre at Moridin accusingly, and deactivated her second as she heard the hum of his staff. Ducking she let it sail just over her head before reaching up and gabbing the handle.

Anger flashed across her face when she realised he had been aiming for her lekku, the most sensitive part of a twi'lek. Sometimes she wondered if he just wanted to maim her rather than teach her. Keeping her grip on the staff she threw her blade at Moridin, sending it spinning through the air, aiming to open his chest.
The Dreadlord shifted his feet, the force imbuing his muscles ligaments and bones. He seemed to flash to the side, dodging the spinning blade and moving tot he side. The force gripped the flying lightsaber, and then sent it into his own palm. He deactivated the blade and then looked at his apprentice, calling back his own saber-staff and retracting it so it flew behind him as if prepared to strike like a viper. He spun the lightsaber hilt within his palm and between his fingers, then looked to his apprentice.

“My own Master was a complicated man.” Moridin said quietly to his apprentice as he threw her lightsaber back towards her. Sometimes he had to instruct in more than just combat, history was just as important. “In my age we had Pillars as well. Though instead of three there were five. My own Master was the Pillar of Stealth, the god of assassination and political subterfuge.”

Korran Halcyon had been a powerful master, though prone to disappearance. Moridin remembered the man somewhat fondly, though sadly he never got to kill him. All Sith should have opportunities to kill their masters, he himself would give Anaya the option later on though he knew she wouldn't succeed either. “He taught me that no fight was ever fair. Anything you can do to win, you should do.”

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