Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I don't need a babysitter.... (PM to Join)

I'd recently won a good amount of creds in some of the street races in the lower levels. Met a nice girl, now though I was supposed to drive this nice girl around and be her transporter and security. Not sure I was going to enjoy this though I wasn't sure I wouldn't enjoy it either. The name of the young woman I was to transport and provide security for was a Lena Duchannes I'd been instructed to travel to her apartment and wait there. Now I was sitting in civvie clothes waiting for this young woman to come out. Checking over the current weaponry I had I double checked the knife in my right boot, ejected the blade on my left wrist and the hook blade as well before retracting them.

Ejecting the clips in both my pistols and tapped them together before sliding one into the hidden holster along my back. Then the other under the wheel well, swords wouldn't be prudent during the day in any case. Looking out the window on the passenger side I saw her walking towards the car.

Oh. Awesome this would be just...perfect. Opening the door for her I waited until she was in before asking "where to Ms. Duchannes?" "Lena is more than alright Nicholas and first will be a place I can get a jacket like yours. I feel a little exposed...." Her appearance certainly didn't leave anything to the imagination.... "Then ma'am I suggest buttoning up a few more of those buttons Coruscant is a rough place and if you're looking for clothes where I get mine? I'm going to insist as my job happens to be to protect you." Taking the speeder out of park I throttled away and merged back into the lanes headed towards the lower city. Hopefully I wouldn't have to deal with anything too extreme today....
As I began shifting down in lanes I glanced at Lena out of the corner of my eye.... "So Nicholas, tell me...what's up with the Al-Saher? That a nifty add on to your name or what?" Meeting her gaze I said "Clan name actually, part Corellian part Echani. Al-Saher is added to the first name, literally it means Nicholas The Magician. You saw me race the other night so tell me Lena what are your thoughts? Accurate or not?" I engaged the grav settings on the wheel to drop us down several stories and switch into a lane headed towards the lower city. "I think you've had a lot of practice racing and to a degree you enjoy insane risks...however my current question is about your comment of how did you say.... buttoning a few more buttons?" She glanced at me while gently biting her lower lip. Smirking I said "Aye Lena, the lower city? It's not like upper city and I'm sure you know that if you've spent any time down here."

"People go missing down here, they're mugged or worse. I have no problem with however you want to dress however the one rule I do have is that when we're down here you follow my instructions to the letter." Shifting down I started seeing neons and some of the shops that sold clothing and such. "That why the pistol is under the wheel well Nicholas?" Smirking I said "Well you noticed one weapon but yes that would be why. Also if we end up in a chase it means I can drive and shoot at the same time. We're almost there Lena so if you've anything else you wish to ask now would be a good time...."
I was still waiting for any questions from Lena when she spoke again. "So Nicholas I'd like to apologize in advance for anything you may end up dealing with from my mother....She can be....shall we say trying?" Chuckling I said "She was reasonable with me she simply wanted me to keep eyes on you and make sure you were safe. Although...." Lena narrowed her eyes at me and I continued my thought reaching under her collar I felt around the collar. Pausing I pulled a bug from under the collar and tossed it out the window. "She had one of the private security bug your collar, she paid me to protect you I'm perfectly capable of doing so without help. Also you may want to check your clothes and wardrobe over when you return later today."

She swore then. Fluently, in Mando no less.... Looking at her with one eye I was amused to say the least. Pulling my speeder over I said "We're here Lena lower city promenade where I get my clothes and various other things. Once we're done if you're hungry I have several food suggestions."

"Also Lena my rules still apply, down here especially. I need to know right now if there was any trouble you've been in before down here or anyone that might remember you." She looked uncertain and I said slowly "Feth....alright Lena if things start getting interesting then we'll need to adapt. Until then, you owe me a date if memory serves...." She smiled and nodded at me with a mischievous twinkle in those hazel eyes. Getting out of my speeder I opened the door for her and then closed it after she'd gotten out. Locking it back I figured she'd want to get some new clothes after finding out hers had been bugged....
HK was standing among people in a crowd by a building. As HK understood it, this was some sort of nightclub. One of the people in the crowd was the one who had "rented" HK, thinking he was a protocol droid. Although HK didn't feel obligations to a master anymore, he thought it would seem better to pretend to be a protocol droid in the service of someone. It would make less suspicion.

As he stood there, a speeder stopped nearby. A man stepped out a short while after it stopped, then he opened he other door and a Young woman came out. "Hm" HK said quietly to himself. He scanned the two individuals, and searched his databanks. On the man, he didn't get anything important, but he saw he was a fighter. But in the woman, he saw that she was a senators daughter. "Interesting"

He began to walk away from his "master", and follow the senators daughter. "Hey, where the kark do you think you're goin?" his master said, not even trying to be subtle. "Excuse: I'm sorry, master, but I've found more important work" he replied in his calm, neutral voice. "More important than me! I'm Your master" He sounded very angry now, and HK prepared his wrist blade incase things got ugly. "Ans...: Yes, but is has been a ple..ure working for you" his voice motivator acting up. "Stupid droid, can't even speak properly. Away With you, I'll just find one better."

With that, HK began his pursuit of his target: the senators daughter. Lena Duchannes.

One thing I was slightly concerned about was droids.... While you could generally sense ill intent from other beings droids were difficult to get a read on. Looking towards Lena I gestured towards the boulevard and pointed out a used clothing store. Most of the places I shopped were out of the way and I switched things up regularly just to avoid building habits where people could track me. Heading into the store with Lena I said "Jackets are towards the back. Stay in eyesight please Lena...." Keeping her in view wouldn't be too taxing there were mirrors in the corners of the store and I had shopping to do as well... I had a feeling there'd be trouble in a bit and most times you could find some....intriguing things in surplus shops.

While Lena tried on jackets I picked up a few cable launcher refills. Heading up to the counter I asked the owner in a low voice "Any news on bounties or private stock I should be aware of?" The shop keeper noticed the stamp on my gauntlet as I asked the question. An owl face carved into the phrik, for people who knew what the owl meant they were either very cooperative, fearful, or dead. He nodded slowly and said "Whatever y'need mister, there's....ummm there's talk about a bounty out on the young lass ye came in with sir. Ain't much about the bounty other than to keep her alive. Personally I wouldn't wanna cross you, 'specially with that on your wrist. I assume you're packing mister so if you've got blasters I've got some ion cartridges they can fire bolts or you can set 'em to mist into an ion chaff to mess with them fancy electronics." Meeting his gaze I said calmly "I'll take four of those cartridges and thank you for the information sir. The court thanks you as well..." The clerk accepted the credit chit I offered him and then he sagely said "Happy to help The Court mister."

Smiling at him I slipped the cartridges into slots on my belt and pocketed the line launcher cartridges. Heading towards the back I checked on Lena, seemed she'd found a jacket that worked for her a sort of caramel color. Heading up to the front she asked the shopkeeper how much for the jacket and he looked towards me. He knew I'd overpaid and covered everything from the jacket up to his month of rent for the store. "Missy, your friend here already covered anything you'd buy. He may be keen on you if I were to guess...." He shot Lena a wink and we walked out of the store I still felt like we were being watched or trailed though....

HK followed his target, keeping his distance so it wouldn't seem suspicious, observing her to find the best way to eliminate her. There were many ways he could have done it, without raising too much alarm. But there was one problem: her bodyguard. After having connected to a computer he found, HK managed to identify him. Apparantly, he called himself [member="Al-Saher"], but HK didn't bother to read anything else. It was Clear he was a fighter. But at the moment, the only thing he was was a neusance.

The two of them went into a store, where HK couldn't follow. It would seem too suspicious, so he waited nearby, checking his weapons systems and analysing him to eliminate them. The weapons he had on him were his retractable wristblades, mini granade-launcher, mini railgun, and a small holdout pistol he had hidden under one of his leg plates. That didn't leave many possibilities to do it unnoticed. The only way was to use his wristblades, pretending to bump into her, but then her bodyguard would attack.

After a short while, they came out of the store, Lena wearing a new jacket. She probably thought it would fool the other stupid meatbags living in this part of the city.

HK decided it was too early to conclude the right assassination Method, instead choosing to observe them closer. He walked over, and pretended to be pushed into Lena, secretly placing a tiny microphone on the neck of her jacket, hoping her hair would make it hard to spot. "Apol...: I am very sorry, revered lady. It was very clumsy of me, and I can assure you that it will ne... happen again", he said enthusiasticaly to her, before he walked away. Now he could hear what they were saying, making this a lot easier for him.
As we left the store a droid bumped into Lena it apologized to her although it had what appeared to be a mal-functioning vocabulator. Several words had been mispronounced, though there was about the droid too. Lena looked unflustered maybe slightly concerned about the droid but that's what bothered me.... It was an HK model. Hunter-Killer class.....most that were around anymore had.....quirks might be putting it lightly. The ones I worked with always seemed to express sadistic glee at informing me how the best way to kill "meatbags" were. I overall didn't trust when I saw HK units I'd never worked with.... activating my datapad on my right gauntlet I placed my arm around the back of Lena's neck. After a few moments there was a chime in my earpiece... pulling my hand away from her neck I saw the scan showed a bug under her collar. The shopkeeper wouldn't have dared to do so.....Feth the droid of course it was an HK unit after her.....

Tapping out a message on my datapad I showed it to Lena "The droid bugged you, under your jacket collar it's an HK unit." She looked at me and tapped out what now? Smirking I said "So Lena now for that date you promised me. What kind of food do you like?" Smiling she said "Greasy burgers obviously Nicholas." I tapped out a message to Lena as we chatted now we let it think it knows what's up. For now food. The bug was tuned to receive audio so feeding information would be key right now.

Standing a little way off, just outside of view, HK was listening on what his target was saying. In the start, it wasn't much talking, so he was unsure if the technology now was as reliable as it was when he had been made. But after a short while, he heard them. So Lena now for that date you promised me. HK didn't understand the meatbags attraction towards each other, to him they were just that: meatbags. But a date might prove a chance. From his experience, meatbags on dates let their guard down, making it so much easier to kill them.

Apparantly, they were going to eat someplace. His target, Lena, said she wanted greasy burgers. This, HK didn't understand eaither, cause to him the only good thing to get greasy was rusty bolts. But eating was an oportunity. He checked the lower side of his underarm, where he kept a secret poison veil. It was not his favourite way of killing, as he could stand over his target and look into their desperate eyes as he made he last shot. But it would have to do. The only problem now, although small, was to get the poison in their food. If this worked, his mission was Complete. If not, then he would at least have tested her bodyguard.

"Hmm, Nicholas you say" he said to himself when he heard his name. It didn't mean anything to him now, but he liked to know the name of the ones he killed. And it would be easier to mock him or talk directly, if it came to more direct encounter later. "Interesting"
''Credits won't be 'nough, Hudo...If you want the girl, I need something else.'' Ke'Cholo frankly stated to Hudo the Hutt, a senior member of The Hutt Cartel that operated in the Outer Rim. ''M' company brings in enough credits 'day alone for me to retire a happy man, I need something else.'' The Hutt growled and shifted around uncomfortably on his platform. He thought for a moment, exchanged some whispered words with his assistant, and responded. ''Googo no bomba, meese notoba. Choogo yi ado. Meeska astido eed...Ed. Reesee, reesee babunga.'' Ke'Cholo removed his hat and scratched his bald, green, head. ''I suppose that should work, I'll house them in a housing complex I'm a joint owner in. But, if they attract any...unwanted attention...'' Ke'Cholo formed a pistol with his hand and pointed it to his head. The Hutt laughed. ''Googatido.''


''Ed, you ready?'' Ke'Cholo whispered into his comms unit. ''Of course, sir. Awaiting your signal.'' his EDG nicknamed ''Ed'' responded back. Ke'Cholo and his mercenary company had tracked [member="Al-Saher"] and his client to this location by clever use of prolonged surveillance. The hired bodyguard frequented this clothing shop, and as such, a trip to this shop was expected during his on-duty hours. The two left the shop and bumped into [member="HK-51"] , an HK unit. Ke'Cholo did not spot the clever plant of the listening device, but his droid did. ''You see that?'' his droid commed in from on top of an adjacent building, behind the scope of a sniper rifle. ''No, what happened?'' Ke'Cholo asked. ''That droid planted some kind of device on her.'' The droid was on their case too...or someone who hired him was.

Ke'Cholo handed out his last ''Meat-n'-cheeze'' from his vending stand, located directly in front of the clothing store, and appeared to close up shop. He closed various drawers, cleaned and wiped surfaces, and placed a sign that said ''CLOSED'' on the umbrella. Ke'Cholo kept a watchful eye on the two as they passed his stand. As soon as the two were passed his faux-stand, he placed his right hand just beside his head with pinky and thumb extended and shook it, a signal to his posse. He threw off his dark cloak, exposing his combat ready apparel and two, custom made, Phrik Westar's. He stepped out from his stand and approached the two from behind. ''Keep that HK unit in your sights.'' he commend to Ed, just before reaching for his pistols.

Ke'Cholo's heavy footsteps must have been obvious to the man as he walked up behind him. Ke'Cholo thrust one of his Westar's into the man's side, near his kidney and attempted to grab the back of his neck. He left the girl alone, he perceived she was of little threat. ''Let's make this easy, she's worth twice as much alive as she is dead.''
Glancing at the man I said calmly "You reaaally aren't the brightest are you?" He failed to grab my neck though. "By the way you're gonna need something with way more stopping power than that blaster." Moving with him and Lena I saw a food cart and felt for a pause. Then I moved to the right quickly and stripped the blaster from him in one smooth movement. "Lena! Head down, now!" Tossing the blaster off into the street I kicked the food cart between us and the bounty hunter as I pulled my blaster from the rear holster on my waist. Putting one hand on Lena's neck I kept her down and raced off with her into the alleys. Stripping the bug off her jacket collar I tossed it back down the alleyway and followed it up with firing several stun bolts into the crowd to cause further panic. I'd been hoping for only having to deal with one hunter but now there was a HK unit and another hunter after Lena. Guess now I'd be alright to go weapons free in the lower city....

[member="HK-51"] ~ [member="KeCholo"]
''So what's the caveat?'' Ed asked Ke'Cholo as he reappeared from the Hutt's den. Ke'Cholo had been negotiating with Hudo for nearly on hour regarding the capture or death of a certain Senator's daughter. Ke'Cholo pulled his coat around himself and buttoned it. ''Hudo is paying me just in credits but-'' Ke'Cholo began.''Woah, you told me that you would need some add-on's.'' Ed interrupted. ''BUT-, he's supplying his own men. We just house them until the job begins. It's a fair trade...''


''BLAST!'' Ke'Cholo yelled as his Westar 34 was stripped from his hand and thrown into the street. Ke'Cholo pulled his other blaster from it's holster and shot several holes through the moving food cart towards [member="Al-Saher"] . The blaster was incredibly powerful, so Ke'Cholo was initially surprised at such a haughty comment. The bolts ripped through the food cart with ease as Ke'Cholo back up towards his other blaster. He reached down to pick it up and as he looked back up the two were off down an alley. He unloaded both pistols at the two, hoping they were within range. He activated his jet boots and thrust himself on top of the building adjacent to the alley they were running down. ''They're heading away from you Ed, see if you can cut them off up ahead!'' Ke'Cholo said, leaping from building to building and reloading his pistols in the process
HK stood and watched as a giant duro attacked his target's bodyguard, apparantly called Nicholas. Only for him to easly disarm the giant, and ordering Lena to run, following right after. The duro shot after them, while [member="Al-Saher"] shot back, before the duro jumping on top a roof. "Statemant: well, so much for a stealthy approach" he muttered to himself. He also saw his little gift had been lost in the fight.

He took up the chase after Lena, trying to locate her in the crowd. But now, he had another target as well: [member="KeCholo"] the giant duro. The duro had interfered with his job, and had to be punished for it. But it seemed he had dissapeared on the rooftops, so HK focused on locating his main target. He saw them running down an alley, and followed, trying to not seem too suspicious.

When he had walked in the alley, he stopped to a fast walk. His sensors had picked up another droid, unlike the normal astromechs and protocol droids, being nearby. " another hunter after my target, or the helper of the duro? At least it's not a meatbag." What HK-51 ha thought to be an easy elimination, had turned out a wld case in the lower city, wth an enormous duro as his opponent. "Mocking: he was not very subtle. But that is the pro...em With meatbags, always going drect and often wth big commot...n. This had been much easier my way.
The big Duro jetted up to the rooftops with rocket boots.... Well likely we'd still have to deal with the HK unit on street level... that'd be a plus though since I could deal with one group at a time. Street-level meant more obstacles and cover available. Since we were in an alley I had other ways to vex the HK unit. All of the garbage in the alleys would make a fine distraction for it. Setting a charge with an aerosol can of paste I tossed it into the alley and held several of the stun rounds in my right hand they'd been overcharged in my pistol so now if I shot the rounds there'd be some explosive results. The fact that I had likely two people up on the roof level meant I'd probably need to use another one of my tools to keep Lena safe.

For now though I hurried Lena to a corner of the alley that intersected with one other alleyway. There were thick durasteel doorframes that'd serve as passable combat defenses. Without any indication of where the two on the roof were I could only focus on one assailant anyways... " get us out of this and I'll owe you way more than dinner." Tossing her a spare blaster I'd picked up form the shop I said "Keep an eye on the rooftops Lena there's likely to be two up top." She nodded and engaged the charge on the blaster pistol. Now hopefully for a firefight I could control...

[member="HK-51"] ~ [member="KeCholo"]
The alley HK was walking down was littered with garbage. Another stupid thing about meatbags, they produce too much waste, he thought to himself. He was walking slowly, trying to look and listen for his target, and pick up the other droid on his sensor. And there was also [member="KeCholo"] the other hunter to watch out for. This hunt could have been much easier for HK, if only he hadn't left his rifle on the ship. With his rifle, he could have ended it already, just shot both Lena and [member="Al-Saher"], but it was nescessary for his cover as a protocol droid to not have visible weapons. The only ones he had now were ritractable wrist-blades, railgun and mini granade-launcher, all hidden in his wrists. He had also stolen a small blaster pistol, which he was now holding. Since the duro or the droid might attack him out of nowhere, he picked up a garbage-can lid, as a shield.

"Mocking: Nicholas … Nicholas … Where are you Nicholas?", he said in a slow, creepy and mocking tone, trying to scare out a reaction from either of his targets. "Statemant: if you hand over the senators daughter, Nicholas, I can her a quick Death"

He hadn't heard anymore of the duro also hunting his target. It would have been preferable if he hadn't interfered, but whis is the way it went. The dure wasn't a target, but if he got in the way of HK and eliminating Lena, he would be dead. Besides, he was just another meatbag.
''I've found them!'' Ke'Cholo said in an excited whisper to Ed via the commlink. ''I just saw them, they're hiding in an alley intersection now. Have the grunts move in from all sides, I'm sending you their coordinates!'' Ke'Cholo quickly shot over his location to Ed who promptly dispatched 2 dozen of the Hutt's grunts to the Alley. They all split up and covered the exits to the alley. Once they were in position, Ke'Cholo stepped out from behind a large central heater located on top of the building with his hands raised. He looked down at [member="Al-Saher"] and the girl.

''I don't want any trouble. I just want the girl. Give me her and you get half the bounty and my vow to keep you alive and bring you to the Hutt. It's your choice, I can't choose for you.'' He relaxed his hands down by his sides.

''I'll even help you kill that droid, I haven't heard him make-''

''Mocking: Nicholas ... Nicholas .. Where are you Nicholas? Statement: If you hand over the Senator's daughter, Nicholas, I can her a quick death.'' [member="HK-51"] said far away, from somewhere in the darkness.

''I'm at least giving you the option to keep her alive, this offer doesn't stand long.'' The green giant said, shrugging and leaning back against the heater he had just appeared from.
The Duro was overconfident. The goons were on their way as well.... Lena looked at me and quietly said "You should hand me over Nicholas, no sense in you getting hurt on my behalf....." Looking at her I smirked and stood up in full view. "I've a counteroffer and a warning for whoever you're working for. My offer is as follows you back off and I don't kill all of your backup, you help me take out or at least immobilize the droid I pay your fee and we all walk away with our lives." I'd already uncorked the container of of phrik sand and I felt three goons above me on a rooftop. To illustrate my point I hardened the Phrik sands into razor sharp needles with my will and simply threw them up through the goons' heads. The bodies tumbled off the roof and hit the pavement in front of me. "Well Hallelujah it's raining men. My counteroffer stands sir, plus I could still take the droid with or without you least this way you and your men have an option to change employers and live..."

I could sense the charge of a rifle and with the sands still airborne I hardened them again and shot another phrik needle through the thug who'd targeted Lena. "I'd suggest having your men take their scopes off the girl sir. Surely we can be reasonable men?" The body of the man who'd had a rifle on Lena dropped to the pavement after bouncing off some metallic sheeting. "I can simply eliminate your men while standing here." Pulling a knife I began twirling it while I waited for the Duro to respond. The sensor pinged on my gauntlet and I triggered the explosion of adhesive. Likely the HK droid would end up plastered with garbage. That'd be quite the comical sight at least...

[member="KeCholo"] ~ [member="HK-51"]

''I work for the highest bidder'' the Duro flashed a smile. placing his hand in the air to stop the goons. He placed a thick cigar in his mouth, lighting it with a shot from his pistol. '' 'so long as you pay me adequately, we won't have a problem.'' He leaned back against the heating unit and observed the confused and dead goons. Realizing that the goons wouldn't take too kindly to his sudden change of position, he shot two of them simultaneously and began to sweep through the lower alleys, eliminating them all with elite accuracy. He looked back towards the man and the senator's daughter.

''Well do'n jus' stand there, help me out!'' he yelled, dropping down to the lower alley to cover the pair from the waves of the incoming goons. He found a break in the action to contact Ed.

''Change of plan Ed, the man is paying us more and that means the goons are toast. Help me take them out-'' Ke'Cholo was cut off by a wave of sniper fire. Ed swept through the two visible alleys with his rifle while Ke'Cholo covered the other two.
There hadn't come an answer or sign from any ofhis targets, so they were not close. HK kept his normal walking speed, being aware of his suroundings. There hadn't been anymore on the droid either, and that wasn't good. He tried to scan the area he was in for machines, weapons or anything emiting an elecric pulse. Suddenly he threw himself away and hid behind the trashcan lid he had picked up, and a few seconds later came a small explosion. Garbage flew towards his cover, and over it, sticking to what it hit. When it was over, HK stood up and threw the lid away, now littered with sticky garbage. He himself was mostly "unharmed", but a small can had stuck to his foot, and some uncertain kind of metal garbage had stuck to his right shoulder. It wasn't worth the work to try and rip it of, as it would take too much time and honestly, it didn't bother him too much.

"Statement: Clever, Nicholas, very clever. But not enough to stop me." Now he was walking faster, having become slitghtly annoyed by the trick. He activated his grenade lanucher, so it was ready when he met his competition. He wouldn't let anyone make a fool of him again. But then, suddenly he heard small firing of pistols, so he was on the right track. He slowed his fast walk a little. Then came other shots, sniper shots. This was not good. There was no telling how his targets would fare against snipers. He began to walk faster again.

[member="Al-Saher"] | [member="KeCholo"]

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