Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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I do want to sell you some Death Sticks

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Antecedent was a pretty drug free zone these days, with the United Systems of Antecedent stepping into power and banning most narcotics it was almost impossible to find drugs on the streets. Well, unless you knew the right people of course. And it just so happened that the former Alderaanian royalty knew the right people to get her hands on a large supply of Death Sticks.

Waiting for [member="Elaine Thul"] at the Dragon Palace Casino, Miss Blonde was at the penthouse awaiting her arrival so they could do business and get the show on the road. And while normally Blonde didn't deal with low level drug trades, the Alderaanian was a returning customer who deserved personal attention.

Now it was just time to wait.
[member="Miss Blonde"]

Elaine had never stepped foot in a casino before, it was where the rich and foolish went to become poor. She was wearing a purple dress, so she looked the part. Though she was not here to gamble, she was here to help fight the one sith. She was not after a small scale drug transaction, she was after a large scale drug transaction. She wanted to nullify the one sith advantage even at the cost of her own use of the force. She planned to weaponize death sticks, but for that she need supplies. So she was here to see a criminal, and to break the law yet again, to help save the republic. She had a few idea in mind, but first she need access to write narcotics.

As she entered the place, she was flanked by couple of her housecarls. The rest were nearby, but out of sight. As she did not want to become hostage to a criminal, so it paid to have precautions.

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