Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private I Can Buy Myself Flowers


Coruscant - Black Jack Gym
Work out
Tag: Caden Evesa Caden Evesa

The blood was already pulsing in her ear where the guy had hit her. Despite the protective headgear, boxing wasn't for the delicate. That suited Hotch fine of course. It was hard to be a flowery princess and be a cop. The guys gave her hell just for being a woman, but Force only knows what would happen if she was a delicate princess.

She ducked under another punch and was able to get her hook in. The guy hit the floor and laughed.

"Nice one."


She extended a hand and helped the guy up.

"Want to go again?"

"Can't. Wife has dinner ready. See ya tomorrow."

Hotch nodded and took out her mouth guard long enough to take a drink and search around the ring for her next victim. There was some poppy song playing on the radio and a lot of people were getting work outs in after their long days around the Coruscant streets. There was already a line at the smoothie bar and a yoga class seemed to be getting ready to start. If she couldn't find a sparring partner she might just hit the weight room.
Location: Courscant
With: Kaylee Hotchner
Equipment: Chase Edgewear T-Shirt | Dark Workout Bottoms | Black Shoes

The Jedi Knight had always tried to stay in shape.

It had started during his time with the Mandalorian's. He'd been required to be in good shape to keep up with the training he had done with them. Then it came in useful to stay in shape during the Bryn'adul wars. Following that it had just become a routine for the Jedi. Sure, he slipped up and broke the routine every so often but all in all he was pretty good at getting to the gym.

He was in the free weight section, carrying out an adaptation on a preacher curl. He'd only returned to Courscant from Corellia a few hours previous and hadn't napped like he'd intended upon his return. He figured the gym session would make him feel better and he was proving himself right. He'd already set a new personal best on a deadlift through a combination of grit, determination and caffeine.

It was a new gym, one he hadn't been to before. He had tried a few different ones on Courscant, trying to find a gym that was set up for what he wanted and what he needed. He was picky with what he liked, especially with layouts of things. He liked a gym to have a layout which made sense, that meant he could flow through exercises or carry out supersets without having to move stupid amounts of equipment.

He let go of the bar he was using, and took a sip from his water bottle. He had three more sets left out of five, each set clocking in at fifteen reps. Then he had to hit up the cardio area and carry out a ten kilometre run. It was brutal, but he'd been taught by the Mandalorian's that brutal training methods were a good way of ensuring that you either grew or remained at a good, solid level of fitness.

Caden took a look at the clock on the wall, grabbed his bar again, and began his next set.

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