Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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HVT Senator Bonny

[SIZE=11pt]Location Unknown…[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Assigned Vectors… Phantom, Spectre, Revenant, Zeraph[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Objective Classified…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The day was cold and windy. Rain fell from the heavens in fat droplets. All was quiet aside from the hum of the hovercopter’s engines. Drop doors opened, Lucien’s legs hung limply over the side, gently swaying in the air. He looked over to his other comrades and gave them a curt nod then continued to scan the horizon. They were told the objective would remain under wraps until they got closer to the target. The mission was black ops. Top secret spook stuff. Lucien merely shrugged, he had been on similar missions. The only thing that bugged him was the mercenary accompanying them today. Lucien did not know the man and as far as he knew Zeraph had not been augmented like the rest of them. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He seemed more a liability then help. But, Lucien knew their was another reason the man was hired on. He fit the stringent specifications needed to survive the surgical process that would turn him into the ultimate soldier. This was a test. Should the mercenary and fugitive survive the encounter he would be offered a place under the Dominions full employ. Drops of rain splashed on Lucien’s visor and the armor’s shields cleared the liquid from his sight. A moment later a large hologram appeared in the center of the copter’s cabin. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]It was of a grizzled old man who wore an officer’s uniform with four stars on it. A large puckered scar ran down the length of the man’s face and his eyes seemed weathered with age. Despite this he still seemed a capable leader and when he spoke it was with authority. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Greetings soldiers, today will be a cakewalk for the likes of you. Your objective is to secure a senator that has been captured by Sith cultist,” The hologram of the man was replaced by one of a large pylon. “This is where she is located,” The disembodied voice of the General said. The hologram zoomed on the very top of the tower and illuminated a specific room. “This is where they keep the prisoners. We believe she should be within one of these cells. We are unawares as to the defensive layout of the structure other than that it is shielded,” The hologram of the tower faded and was eventually was replaced by the general again “You’ll be going in quietly. You have been given verpine rifles. Utterly silent and unstoppable by lightsabers. The Sith won’t know what hit ‘em,” The General gave them all a curt nod then began to dissipate “Good luck Ghost squadron, Kimball out,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]The General said one last time and he was once again replaced by the image of the strange pylon structure.[/SIZE]

[member="Zeraph"] , [member="Xandari Eriss"] , [member="Tyris Hayes"]
Xandari both loved and hated pre-launch duties. She abhorred the monotony, lifting cargo from one resting place to another only to go back and repeat the process. At the same time, it meant a sneak peak at the mission's toys. With that, also came the need to resist the temptation to stop and play with the new gear, see how it worked, what'd make it fall apart. And if the new guy ended up being a bust, knowing that stuff would be an asset.

"The ship's loaded," she said when her work was done, moving to sit next to Lucien. She'd long sense ditched her helmet, opting to let her hair down both literally and figuratively until she could get away with it no more. The equipment rested on the seat she'd claimed as her own for the mission. Really, she wouldn't mind getting rid of the armor in general, at least for when they weren't in combat. "Do you think this merc's going to work out?" She inquired, absentmindedly running an hand through her hair, the prosthetic's gears temporarily getting caught and leaving almost a nest of sorts upon her head. "Blast it.."

Listening to the briefing, a groan escaped the Falleen. "Don't the Sith have better things to do than capturing senators? And aren't we a little overqualified for this?" She wondered, leaning back on her arms for the rest of the briefing, perking up at the description of the guns. As soon as the transmission cut, she stood, ready to break out one of the guns. "Let's see what this thing is made of."

[member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Zeraph"] | [member="Tyris Hayes"]
Tyris slid a scope onto his verpine rifle, over the past few months he worked to learn to walk again. He had managed quite a bit since then. He was decked out with a jump pack and a grapple launcher in order to move across buildings, he was to provide overwatch for the ground team, and move in if needed. This would be a tough mission, but he was sure he could handle it, he always did. The verpine rifle was silent, long range, and highly deadly, it was the perfect weapon for what needed to be done, only problem was bullet drop and ammunition, he prefered his own sniper, but they insisted he take this.

Ghost squadron was one of the random squadron names they assigned this particular collection of people, particularly the dread guard, this was a routine mission as far as Tyris was concerned, snipe people, go home. There really was not much more to it. The mission breifing was about as simple as it could be, he was happy he was not one of the people heading into the building, that would be hell, but outside all he had to do was jump around buildings and snipe people, simple as far as Tyris was concerned.

Xandari made a few comments that Tyris hoped to correct

"Sith never have anything better to do, this is what they do for a living, they terrorize people to gain power, and once they gain said power they squander it in internal power struggles." He said "Its interesting to watch, that's all i can say."

"Overqualified? We follow orders, that is our only qualification."

[member="Xandari Eriss"]
[member="Lucien Galtier"]
A few days ago, a call had come in, some form of government called the Disorderly, Dominoes, well something with a D had got a hold of his handler. It was interesting, the call, so Zeraph took it upon himself to meet in person, and listen to what the people wanted from him. A simple job, simple enough at least. Get in, grab some VIP, and get out. Yeah, simple. Just from looking at these people, the merc already knew what was up, a military sting, and he was certain that these people were not...normal as far as a being went.

Suddenly, a hologram popped up, the dude who had hired him to pony up on this little mission spoke, or maybe it was his secretary that had been talking to Zeraph the whole time. Briefing of the mission was given, the need to knows now known, and the weapons obviously stated.

Thanks captain obvious, wont let you down.

The briefing was cut short of attention when the first one spoke, female, Falleen, he thought maybe something else. He had not known many other species, never really dealt with people that often, at least tried not to. Regardless, he was not really at all offended, he got it, Zeraph was just a merc, knew nothing about war, why should she care? Rumors had a lot to say about him, things not ture, but things still.

Somewhere in his helmet, his comm cut silent, he sighed only to realize his sigh still came out the helmet.

"Oh sorry, did you hear that? That was the sound of me wondering if a relationship between her and I would work out. Day dreaming, I'm allowed to have my fantasies." He spoke with a witty tone in his voice.

"Verpine, feels like crap to me, couldnt we just use Mandalorian steel instead? Or maybe...I don't know...maybe orbital bombardment? Not much survives that, but hey maybe we'll get lucky." He had to play the part of a murderer, his handler told him it was good for his image with the others to keep thinking he was just another merc.

Sure, okay, easier said than acted.

He leaned back more, letting his body relax has he placed the weapon to the side and went for sleep mode. "Wake me up when we get there."

[member="Tyris Hayes"]
[member="Xandari Eriss"]
[member="Lucien Galtier"]
[SIZE=11pt]Lucien watched as the last of the weapons were loaded into the copter. He smiled appreciatively as he opened one of the crates and withdrew a Verpine SMG. It would be perfect for the close quarters combat they’d be expecting. He turned his attention back to the hologram and couldn’t quite place it, but it seemed there was something familiar about the building. He was pondering about why it seemed so familiar when he heard the team speaking to each other. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Cut the chatter and load up. We don’t have all day and that Senator isn’t going to save herself,” Lucien stated matter of factly, but quietly he grinned beneath his helmet at the merc’s remark. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]As the rest of the team loaded onto the copter Lucien turned back to the holographic structure. He realized now why it looked so familiar. It was the Headquarters of a prominent super corporation. Somehow the business owner must’ve gotten tied up with Sith. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Might even be how he was able to expand so rapidly.. [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]Lucien thought to himself, but what baffled him was how did the senator fit into all this? It made more sense as to why an elite spec ops team was being sent in to deal with this problem now. If the Dominion went in with full force the company owner held enough sway in the planet’s politics that it might cause a problem. So, they would go in quietly and quickly secure the senator. This would give the Dominion deniability, but only so long as the team was never spotted. Lucien nodded as he finally began to understand. As the other two began to load up the copter took off. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Lucien shut the cabin doors and they flew upward with a shutter. The rain beat on the vehicle's window pane with a soft pitter patter noise and Lucien thought it quiet peaceful. Sometime passed and Lucien decided to take a slight respite. He tilted his head back and began to nap. He was awoken suddenly as the pilot rang over the intercomm. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Shields make it impossible to get any closer. We will be setting down in the ghetto surrounding the building. From there you'll be on your own Ghost Squadron,” With that the intercomm broke into static and Lucien sighed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]They’d have to find a way into the facility quietly. He studdied the hologram one last time and decided the best way to do that would be via the sewers. Only problem was they’d have no sniper support while below...[/SIZE]

[member="Tyris Hayes"]
[member="Xandari Eriss"]
"Interesting for the guy sniping off to the side, maybe." Xan replied nodding at Tyris' weapon. "Chances are, you won't be dealing with some freaky force action." She stood, stretching a bit as she prepared for the ride. She was ready to get going, ready to get this mission and whatever the Sith would throw at them over with. More importantly, she was almost interested almost solely in giving these verpine rifles a go. Not exactly her specialty but who didn't like trying out new toys?

The merc's comment threw her off her game entirely. What did he just say? She could feel her face heat up as she was suddenly missing the helmet within the copter. "I-it most likely wouldn't," she said, looking everywhere but at the merc, a hand rubbing the back of the neck. They were supposed to work with this guy?

Moving her helmet to the floor, she took her seat, one of the rifles in her lap. If the ride was going to be awhile, might as well poke around with the new gear. As the journey proceeded, she completely immersed herself in her work, not even aware of time's passage until the pilot spoke up. "On our own? Well, this mission's already off to a good start."

[member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Zeraph"] | [member="Tyris Hayes"]​
The woman sat quiet, near silent, in the back of the transport. Known only to the others by the callsign Wraith, the DSB agent listened with quiet attention as the others prepared for war. For her part, Natasha ran a check on the handgun she carried, the silenced slugthrower nearly as old as she was, but for all its age, it worked.The simple slugthrower slipped into the holster inside her jacket, and she touched the other weapons she carried. Stun baton, EMP grenade, blaster pistol. All in all, she didn't look like a soldier, or a merc.

She wore no visible armor, no signs she was anything but a civilian. A shaking hand touched the back of her neck, brushing aside the hair there to touch the cybernetic implant. The inserted datacore was warm. Even when he was silent, the AI was planning. "Anything?" she muttered.

"Those sewers should be unguarded, but the noise will echo. Speed will be essential, and try to not use the slugthrower down there. It'll be too loud." She nodded, her eyes flicking between the four others in the back. "You're worried about this, aren't you?" She saw him in the optical system. The four centimeter tall version of him she could see was almost comical to her. She nodded. "You'll be fine. We've got this."

Sighing, Nat stood, ticking off notes in her head as they landed. Verpine weapons. Quiet, but fragile. She picked up a pistol. She'd have to move quick and quiet. The Verpine would help with the latter. She looked to the commander. "Get me to a console and I'll get you a location and a map." Now, she just needed to make sure she could live up to her claims.

Well, she'd have some help.

[member="Lucien Galtier"] [member="Xandari Eriss"] [member="Tyris Hayes"] [member="Zeraph"]
Xiarr was sent on a mission to save a senator that was kidnapped by a Sith Lord. Typical damsel in distress scenario, well the whole Sith part wasn't that typical. Nonetheless, the most interesting part of the job was not the actual mission itself, but the people who Xiarr would be working with. Three soldiers. a merc, and a... civilian? The women were obviously more than just a civilian, he could just tell by the way she acted, but he would soon find out who she really was soon.

The merc almost reminded Xiarr of himself back when he was doing mercenary work nearly a decade ago. Although, the merc seemed to be flirting with one of the soldiers? He really couldn't tell, Xiarr hoped for the sake of mission that he was just being sarcastic.

Xiarr looked at the Verpine gear, he then walked over and picked up a pistol, he really wasn't much of a sniper. He then placed the firearm at his side and fiddled around with lightsaber until he dozed off completely, it was going to be a long day after all.

Xiarr awoke to the sound of the pilot speaking to the squadron about how they would be "on their own." Great. He could already tell this mission was going to be fantastic, even if it hadn't started yet.

[member="Natasha Darkstar"] [member="Xandari Eriss"] [member="Lucien Galtier"] [member="Zeraph"]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Lucien Galtier"] [member="Xandari Eriss"] [member="Tyris Hayes"] [member="Zeraph"] [member="Natasha Darkstar"] [member="Xiarr Sair"]

Objective: Robbery

The corporate spire stood taller than any nearby building by at least a dozen floors. Roof to roof wasn't doable without a jetpack, and nothing caught attention like a jetpack. Instead, Carra opted for a repulsor belt. Two of them, in fact, one set to emergency arrest and the other to constant burn. If the latter failed, the former would keep her off the pavement.

She'd jumped off skyscrapers before, during training mostly. Even so, she found herself waiting for her heart to stop hammering. It refused to comply. With a grimace, Carra took a running leap off the roof.

The repulsors flattened her parabola, and that was supposed to happen. A crossbreeze shoved her sideways, and that absolutely wasn't. Oh, she'd thought she'd compensated for the wind, but that kind of thing was always a gamble, the humbling sort. Carra arrested her pinwheel with trained but unpolished motions - effective, but a bit slow.

As evidenced by the force of her impact against the transparisteel face of the spire.

Nothing broke, but she was going to feel that in the morning. Mag-grapples latched onto the transparisteel and she slid to a halt. Blessedly, the window offered a view of an empty office. Against all reason and judgment, Carra looked down.
Tyris was loading rouds into the magazine before the ship took off. He lit a cigar, as he knew he probably would not have the opportunity to take a smoke until the mission was completed. He quietly watched the ending of the holorecording, it was really a rather simple mission, nothing too complicated, just a good old hostage extraction. These verpine rifles were a perfect counter for them, they were silent, fast, and unblockable. It would be near impossible to defend against, especially if they don't know its coming.

As the chopper took off, Tyris examined every part of his weapon, and continued inspecting the rest of his gear, before receding into the sort of zen that he had been trained to put himself into before combat missions. It helped him stay focused, and more importantly stay calm. Being calm lowered your heart rate, which lowered your breathing rate, which lowered aim sway and kept you on target. When he went into this state almost nothing could bring him out. The cybernetics the dread guard had augmented him with helped even more, his heart rate was extremely low, his blood carried more oxygen, so he needed to breathe less, and his heart pump less quickly, while his augmentations were not fully complete, this was hell of a start.

Eventually the pilot spoke over the intercom informing them of their arrival, he quickly sat up. The attached spy finally seemed to get themselves out of the transport bay, that was good, she would probably bee needed by the ground crew, meanwhile he got the relativley easy job of running around the roofs of the buildings, sniping any hostiles that were in his sight.

It was quite obvious why the jedi was attached, sith were involved, jedi hated sith. It was really a simple dichotomy, good vs. bad. Evil vs. Justice. Anything the sith liked, the jedi hated, and vice versa. It clearly was the reason the jedi had sent this guy. Whether he would be useful was yet to be determined.

The spire was taller than the rest of the buildings, but not tall enough where one floor would be out of range from the surrounding buildings, bar the roof that is. It should not bee to hard to do a bit of creative movement to get from one building to another. Sadly they had to go into the sewers, he could not support them while they were in there. Luckily he had a two scout drones, they are remote operated and are outfitted with strong sensors. They could guide them through the caves using them.

"I hope you guys can deal with the smell, ill guide you with these sensor drones, they will get you from one point til the next. I can't help any other way 'til you get to the building."

[member="Xiarr Sair"] | [member="Natasha Darkstar"] | [member="Xandari Eriss"] | [member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Zeraph"]
[member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="Tyris Hayes"] [member="Carradine Dukal"] [member="Natasha Darkstar"] [member="Xandari Eriss"]
[member="Lucien Galtier"]

Zeraph chuckled at the expression of the Falleen, her response tickling his more playful side. "That's too bad, you look good with that-". His words were broken off as more instructions and various other members of the squad began to prepare. Guess it was time to get ready. The Verpine weapon was nice for stealth but in all out honest....Zeraph knew this was more likely to shoot was of his team mates rather than save them. He would end up leaving it on board as they would get off, least this was his plan. A blade on his back, and two daggers attached to his hips gave him enough of a arsenal to kill more than hundred people if he planned his strikes right. Hell, he may have to split up with the group and find his own way in.

He was after all just a "Liability." The word gently slipped out from his lips without his realization.

Shaking his head, Zeraph stood up, and placed his weapon down, and checked his HUD, going over all he could find on the place he was about to enter, also he searched for maps of the surrounding area. Anything on personnel too was helpful. Anything could help get em in, or him, which ever happened first. Zeraph was certain he didn't have to be with the group to get paid, just help make sure the senator was save and in one piece...though again that didn't say he couldn't get hurt. Actually, Zeraph wasn't sure what the FULL conditions of this job was.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Lucien Galtier"] [member="Xandari Eriss"] [member="Tyris Hayes"] [member="Zeraph"] [member="Natasha Darkstar"] [member="Xiarr Sair"]

Objective: Robbery

Careful use of a Zana molecular stiletto carved her a gap in a window, more quietly and less visibly than a lightsaber. A gentle Force-grip lowered the free section onto office carpet. She slipped through and let the floor take her weight. Tension drained from her body.

Carra had picked a middle-managerial office, walled on three sides, no visibility from the surrounding corridors and rooms. Her stiletto's thread-fine blade retracted, and she pocketed the tool - but not before carving the latch off a locked drawer. Thin gloves kept her prints off the desk as she rummaged through. She'd familiarized herself with the company's internal classification system. Any documents with a sensitive degree of confidentiality found their way into her pocket cam’s memory.

A small module on her belt fuzzed nearby security cameras. She padded out of the office and made her way to a turbolift.
[SIZE=11pt]Lucien exited the hover copter and waited in the rain as the others hopped out of the craft. He landed atop a tin roof with an audible “Ting” and nearly slipped on the wet surface. When he regained his balance he surveyed the surrounding ghetto with cybernetic eyes, quickly taking in the landscape and searching for possible threats. They were in a shanty town, probably quarters for the company's factory workers. Tin huts and metal hostels made up the bulk of the area. The place was practically deserted due to the rain and Lucien thanked the force for small mercies.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He jumped down from atop the building and landed in a muddy puddle with a splash. He surveyed the brown milky streets in search of a manhole. It didn’t take long for his keen eyes and cybernetic HUD to mark the outline of the oval entrance that marked the beginning of the sewers. Lucien marched through the streets, mud caking his armored boots as he did so. He bent low and reached through the murky water till he had a firm grasp of the manhole cover. He lifted it high and tossed it to the side. He waited for the rest of his squad to catch up and when they did he addressed them [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Here’s how we’ll be getting in,” He said with a nod to the black pit “Send in the drones first, then Xandari take point.”[/SIZE]

[member="Carradine Dukal"]
[member="Tyris Hayes"]
[member="Xiarr Sair"]
[member="Natasha Darkstar"]
[member="Xandari Eriss"]
Weapon reassembled, helmet under arm, Xandari took to following their fearless leader, surveying the small town before them. It was a bit eerie, the lack of people combined with their mission. A tune coming to mind, jumping from building keeping her from vocalizing it, she continued observing the surroundings with a vacant stare, mind already drifting to other matters. How many enemies could they expect to encounter? How long would it take? What new holonet show should she start after the mission was said and done?

As they progressed, she lamented her poor boots and the horrors they endured walking through the muck. Appearance itself, she cared little for, but the idea of having to clean everything later was, well, a nightmare. She continued on with the squad, distaste creeping up on the corners of her mouth, rain drops pattering on both armor and top of head. Her hair clung to face in an annoying manner, making the mission already just dandy.

Snapping out of her internal lamenting as orders came, she had a brief moment of panic. Point? What was that and how does one take it? A moment later, the civilian brain clicked into soldier mode and she nodded. "Whatever you say, boss."

[member="Lucien Galtier"] | [member="Zeraph"] | [member="Carradine Dukal"] | [member="Tyris Hayes"] | [member="Natasha Darkstar"]​

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