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Hutuun'Kyramud The Younger

The Younger
"For my father, the cowards of this realm shall fear the killer again..." - Hutuun'Kyramud The Younger

| Basic Information |

  • Given Name: Hutuun'Kyramud The Younger

  • Alias/Moniker(s): "Mud", "Kyr'ika" (Little Kyr)

  • Former Alias/Moniker(s): N/a

  • Former Titles: N/a

  • Title(s): The Second Prince of Sand

  • Rank: Soldier

  • Homeworld: Tatooine

  • Current Residence: N/a at this time

  • Sexuality: Heterosexual

  • Marital Status: N/a

  • Force Sensitive: No

  • Character Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
| Physical Information |

  • Species: Near-Human

  • Race: Tusken Raider

  • Gender: Male

  • Physical Age: 19

  • Height: 1.9

  • Weight: 92 Kilograms

  • Eye Color: Unknown

  • Hair Color: Unknown

  • Skin Color: Unknown

  • Markings: Unknown
| Affiliations |
  • The Primeval: Currently, no affiliation
    ​Mandalorian Crusaders: Currently, no affiliation

​​| Relationships |


Personality - Stoic like his father, Little Kyr is extremely impulsive... perhaps even more so than his father. Being very young and ambitious, he feels he must live up to the name of his father, who among his adopted tribe is considered like a living Deity. This can add some very complicated feelings to a young boy trying to become a man... when by heritage you are expected to be much more than a man. This has made him a Zealot of extreme proportions, always trying to be the most dedicated, the strongest, and most intelligent as he can be. Though he is more brash and brawn, than he is cool and tactical... which is to say that is who he is entirely. Hesitance, in the eyes of his father, was a literal sin. It was cowardice, and his namesake was the death of cowardice. Thus if he wanted to live up to the name, he had to eliminate hesitance from his body, to work and be fueled by what his instincts told him to do. If you rub Mud the wrong way in any fashion, you will likely see the bludgeon of his Gaffi stick flying at your head, or the end of a rifle.

However, despite this fact Little Kyr has a special consideration towards cowardice that his father never had: one's quality of character is judged solely by their cowardice, and thus if one is fueled by one's innate emotions, he then asks why should they be cowardly? Due to this, it may be found that Little Kyr can find sympathies within the Sith that Hutuun'Kyramud The Older never would be able to. His father hates the sith with a passion, while the son might possibly tolerate them, if not respect them for their strengths. However, like his father, he is going to doubt that the current Mandalorian regime that stands is of any significant legitimacy any more with its stagnant nature. Stagnance also, was within his criteria of what it meant to be a coward, as his Father had told him the legends of the pagan gods the Mandalorians once believed in: Kad Ha'rangir, Hod Ha'ran, and Arasuum. Being of a more Tusken culture, Little Kyr took these ancient stories to heart, and now believed as the Ancient Mandalorians believed, that these gods existed over the Manda. It was through this, that he decided, the current Mandalore was being manipulated by Arasuum, and was thus illegitimate in his eyes as a out right coward, opening up the way for a new Mandalore to rise in his stead.

Appearance - He appears as his father did, though with a much greater emphasis on his Tusken heritage, than his Mandalorian heritage. He wields the customary weapon of his Father, along with his helmet (A fusion between Mandalorian helmet, and Tusken Survival apparati), wrapped up in traditional Tusken Raider garb only with Durasteel armor plates both beneath and outside of his bandages. These are things that are never removed from his possession, thus describing his appearance beneath is futile, since no one truly knows within canon what a Tusken Raider should look like under his bandages.

| Powers and Abilities |

Melee Combat - Like his father before him, he is a combat specialist with the Gaderffii, a deadly melee weapon with a wide range of versatility. Though he is young, he had gone through the trials of any Tusken his age with this weapon. Being a native to the weapon, you could say that he has become a master at its application. His skill with a knife too, is on par with his father. However, his ability lies within his Gaffi stick, and being born with it on hand, he shall become an even greater master at the weapon than his Mandalorian raised father.

Technological Abilities - Being a Tusken Raider, he has an inherent fear of technological apparati, but being exposed to his slightly more liberal father on the use of technology, he has come to understand the usefulness of having stronger weapons than your enemy. Currently, he possess no higher technology than his Cycler Rifle... but this may change if his father is to die and pass down the Hands of Kyr to him, given that they are Crushgaunts, along with miniature flame projectors. He would require training to use these however.

Strengths -
  • Master of the Gaffi stick: Mud is a native Tusken Raider, and will very soon one day overshine his father in the art of the Gaderffii, given that since his birth he has been raised as a Tusken Raider of the highest caliber.
  • Orange Blue Morality: Mud defines people by their level of cowardice, and does not consider them worth living if they show hesitance, or stagnation. He will show no mercy or remorse to anyone that demonstrates these qualities, and makes him very effective at decision making.
  • Physically Capable: Being of a warrior culture, under the tutelage of the greatest warrior of his tribe (his father who is considered a living deity), he has faced creatures alone that many would be weary to even think about facing. Not to mention his physically imposing stature, being even bigger than his father by a marginal amount, and holding nothing by toughened muscle.

Weaknesses -
  • Technological Ineptitude: Mud almost literal fears hyper-advanced technology, coming from such a primitive background. Advanced machines that are not tools of warfare confound him, and thus brings him to a greater disadvantage in comparison to the other Mandalorians he will be joining in the future.
  • Orange Blue Morality: Mud defines people by their level of cowardice, and does not consider them worth living if they show hesitance, or stagnation. He will show no mercy or remorse to anyone that demonstrates these qualities, and makes him very ineffective at people skills.
  • Water: Mud cannot swim under any circumstances, and is deathly afraid of encountering large bodies of water due to having lived in the desert all his life with only sparse amounts of moisture being his entire experience with water.

| Possessions |

  • The Younger's Gaderffii: Made out of scrap metal like more traditional gaffi sticks, this is the weapon that Mud had crafted on his own under the guidance of his father and other tribe elders to use throughout his trials. This is the weapon he had used to master the art of the gaffi stick.

  • The Older's Gaderffii: Made out of Beskar, this is the heirloom to the Hutuun'Kyramud name. Significantly heavier than the Younger's Gaderffii, but far more powerful given that the weight can be used to one's advantage, as well as being immune to the most dangerous single combat weapon of all time: the lightsaber. Hutuun'Kyramud the older had made this on Mandalore, in his attempt to connect back to his origins prior to his adoption into the Mandalorian clans, on the encouragement of his adoptive mother. Much like his armor, this weapon made Kyr unique among his brethren, and a powerful adversary to the Sith. This shall be passed down to Mud when Kyr deems him worthy of taking it, and becoming the Coward Killer... or upon his death.
| Starships |

  • N/A

| Confirmed Kills |

  • N/A

| Captives Collected |

  • N/A

Hutuun'Kyramud the Younger was the name bestowed to the son of a living deity among a once powerful Tusken Raider tribe on Tatooine. This "deity" had been none other than Hutuun'Kyramud, the Mandalorian adopted Tusken Raider, who had grown up to be a formidable warrior in the Mandalorian-Imperial Wars. Doubt however, was sown into the Mandalorian however, causing him to flee to his homeworld to find spiritual solace within the ranks of his people, leading him to become a living legend among the Tusken Raiders as the Prince of Sand. This "Prince" created a massive warband, that ravaged Tatooine for some time, the worst raids it had seen in centuries lead by an incredible Tusken Warlord that could shrug off blaster bolts, or swat them away with his hands, and could crush bones simply by grasping you. Due to his incredible abilities (seeming supernatural to the primitive Tuskens), he was even able to convince a single band of five hundred warriors to follow him into the depths of space to defend Manda'yaim when it was under threat. He made frequent pilgrimages between the two worlds, but as he did this, the unity he had instilled in the Tusken Warbands diminished to a fraction of its former glory. Interfaction conflict resumed each time he returned to Mandalore, and upon each return he was questioned by critics.

Eventually, these pilgrimages would die down until they became nearly non-existent. However, at this point Kyr's age began to show, as his ferocity on the battlefield diminished in his boredom. The scum that resided on the surface of Tatooine was not worth his skills... yet he still aimed to rid them of this world. Some tribes still owed loyalty to the Warlord, and followed him into the raids, or accomplished raids without him in his stead. However, many claimed that the wrath of their god had diminished because he held no love in life... and so Hutuun'Kyramud the Younger was conceived.

He was to be his pride and glory, successor in all things that had been the original Hutuun'Kyramud. He was to be brave, devoid of hesitance or cowardice, dedicated and passionate, strong and powerful, and possessing every quality that the Mandalorian expected of his son to follow in order to fully inherit his name. He would wear armor, he would speak Mando'a, protect and fight for his family's honor, contribute to his clans welfare, and be set upon the path that would make him a Mandalorian father. However... there was one specific tenet that his father had struggled with himself over the years: rally to the call of Mandalore. His father never did give him a straight answer on who he considered to be Mandalore. Often he said that there was a Mandalore out there, fighting battles across the stars, but at a greater cost than had been there worth... yet he also often referred to himself as "a Mandalore". He considered the Tusken Tribes loyal to him in some capacity as the clans of his own empire, and he was their Mandalore... the Mandalore of Sand.

So was he to rally to the cry of his father? He told him this was sacrilege... that there was only one Mandalore, and he was the greatest warrior in the galaxy. His father was merely the greatest warrior on Tatooine... but not if he could help it. Rigorously, he raised his son under the tenets of a Mandalorian, yet also as a Tusken Raider.

[{(More to come later...)}]

| Role-play History |

Role-play Narrative:

A collection of RP threads:

| Notes |

This is kinda in a WIP stage, I still have to finish the bio, but I didn't feel like keeping this tab open any longer, so here's what I got :3 This will be the Mando I'll be using for the Primeval side :p

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