Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hutt Cartel, The Druggening


Hello ladies and Hutts, today marks a couple of things with Lady Kay's celebration. We're launching an an all out war on everything Kay, but put down your guns everyone please have some tack. We'll be launching a thread in regards to replacing criminals in Commoner under ground with Hutt agents, ramping up the distribution of drugs at criminal low prices, flooding the market and tearing families apart, you know for the kids!

There will be rewards there will be adventure, and some of you may die but I'm willing to risk. So if interested post down below.
Major role 40,000 credits with a Kerberos class frigate, up for grabs and two items of your choice from the Cartel equipment.
Moderate role 20,000 credits with two items of your choice from the Cartel equipment.
Minor role 10,000 credits

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