Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting the Past

Felran Natri

Felran grinned "That depends on if I feel like it is nessacary" Felran wanted to join them, learn what Maul lived through as a child. "If I may, I would consider joining if I was allowed to come and leave as I please. My ancestor still has artifacts that need collecting." This is what it was all about, if Felran could still continue his quest as well as join the nightbrothers.

Mediha's face settled into a less than hospitable expression. Was he truly so dense? She understood why he would want to join the Nightbrothers; to serve the Sisters and have their protection and wisdom to guide him seemed the pinnacle of a productive life to her. However, he was not asking for that; his question was if he could join as if it were some sort of... guild, one where he had his own freedoms and desires above those of the Clan to rule him. That was not the Nightbrother way, and Mediha had serious doubts that Felran would be suited to the purpose. He showed hints of the arrogance of [member="Anderit Rinaren"] without the tempering influence of growing up as a Nightbrother. If it was not now, it would be later that the Sisters would need to put their foot down with him. No. Better to keep that door closed. There would be no Clan-adoption for this off-worlder.

"The Nightbrothers serve the Sisters as their only goal in life; if you join them, you fall into that same subservience. Perhaps another off-shoot of the original Nightsisters would agree to take you on, but I doubt it. All Nightbrothers are trained to do as they are bid for the good of the Clan and to protect the Sisters. If I take you to be one of them, you give up the outside world. You give up your own ambitions."

And you become another troublesome acolyte for me to try to train.

Mediha shook her head. "I do not believe that is the life you are looking for."

[member="Felran Natri"]

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