Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting the Hunters

Sounds of clicking was made as I adjusted my gear. Cleaning an Adventurer Slugthrower rifle that was resting in my lap, I had taken it apart as though I had for years on end. Looking not even a day over 18 years old. I looked to be someone who knew nothing of the Galaxy. Really I was a 50 year old Morellian that knew her way around guns and weapons so well that most standard soldiers would be like a thug compared to me. Putting away the cleaning supplies, I then put the rifle back together sliding piece over piece, putting pins into the rifle. I smiled as I used the sling to put it on my back. I placed the .48 Enforcer on my hip where it should belong on my right side.

I then picked up "Alexio-elpis" my shield that housed my blade "Dikiao" Picking up the shield, I felt good as I reached with my right hand for the tranq rifle that was sitting in the cabinet where the others were placed. Seeing as how were were just above the atmosphere of Dxun, I wanted to get ready for when we would have to capture the Night Hunters. Beasts that were known to be very dangerous. I had seen labels out for other things like Rancors or anything easier than this. But no, I had to go out and fight the ones that were known to be dangerous in packs, as well as force sensitive. Now that was maybe a stupid mistake.

Sitting down, I buckled myself in as the crew that I would be joining would also have to deal with what I would be doing. Hunting the Night hunters.

[member="Zarro Verres"],


CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro's eyes turned to the woman who continued to prepare her weapons. Warriors. Certainly not his preference, but she would do. Around him were four of his most trusted employees, the lead hunting crew of Verres Trading. Of course, there was still one more, a man who's voice spoke through his comlink. "And if you look outside the non-existent windows, you'll see the beautiful surface of Dxun right below us as we enter its atmosphere." Sorov, speaking with his everlasting lack of seriousness. Though before he could reprimand him the sharp voice of Serra, the only other Amaran, did it for him. "Sorov, concise and professional please, You're a pilot not a comedian. Besides, we have company."

After a few witty resonses among the crew, Zarro eventually clacked his cane on the ground. "Everyone, if you would please bring your attention to your datapads. Our target for today is the Dxun hunter known as the Maalraas. Surely you remember this from our hunt for the Corrallus. In any case, this expedition will require a bit more precision since we'll be going after a group at least double the size of the previous one. To help us, beast hunting guild has paired our services with the lovely [member="Athena Nikeos"]." He motioned to his current bussiness partner. "Your roles will remain unchanged. Faeris, watch from above. Sorov, keep the ship flying, Serra, keep things going smoothly, Maren stay on guard... and Neera... You might want a bigger net." Several nods later, the hunters prepared themselves with what they would need, including the a fore mentioned net that Neera had decided to give Maren for transport. "So miss Nikeos, we can set down when you're ready, and as soon as Sorov finds himself a clearing."
Looking at the men that were working together, I watched them as they were almost like a family. Working together for the same goal. I watched them all with a slight smile on my face. While I had weapons that could kill, I would only use them if I could not use the Tranq gun. ANd seeing as how we needed three of them and they ran in packs of a few dozen in some cases, it wouldn't matter to hurt some. And seeing as how their bones were lightsaber resistant, it wouldn't hurt to have a few of their bones, or even just one of them alive for me to have as a pet.

I nodded to the almost fox looking man, [member="Zarro Verres"], Indicating that I was ready, "This is your ship, I am just here because it is easier to carpool." I was a woman of the truth. And so I spoke it. There was no real reason to hide that.


CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro nodded at the confirmation and tapped into his comlink. "Set her down Sorov." A wisecrack later, the ship started to move downwards, past the jungle canopy and into a large clearing. "Weapons ready, and do try not to get yourselves eaten." With that, he walked towards the opening ramp of the cargo bay then out into the dangers of the jungle. Followed by his crew (all except for Sorov), Zarro stood at the entrance of the dense foliage and waited for [member="Athena Nikeos"], spending the time with a signal to the devaronian, Faeris, who then started to climb upwards..
The ship was setting down for those of use who would be going along the ground route. I nodded my head as I walked to the ramp and out into the forest. Well more so for the jungle. With the shield on my left arm, and the rifle carried in both hands as the shield was mounted on my arm, I looked to [member="Zarro Verres"]. Nodding my head once as the two that came with the both of us on the ground then moved forward.

Walking on with the group as the ship behind us rose into the air to be our eyes in the skies. I just had to look around as the jungle of the planet felt almost foreign. As though I was not really here. Turning to look at Zarro, I spoke, "How did you get into the business of capturing animals and creatures?"

[member="Zarro Verres"],


CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro watched as [member="Athena Nikeos"] walked over, then turned his gaze upward, following Faeri's directions as he leaped through the canopy. As for Athena's question, Zarro let out a small laugh. Such a question made it rather obvious, she had never met another Amaran. "I'm an Amaran. If there's two things we know, its haggling and animals. And even as a pup, I always knew I'd take over the family bussiness. So, here I am. What brings you to this sort of work?"
I looked to the man, looking down at him for his smaller size, and I watched as he almost laughed at me. I didn't know his kind. so I had not met one when he mentioned his race. And with it apparently be his job to do such, he was good at it. I nodded my head as I looked forward when he asked me how I got into it. I smiled and nodded my head once, "I capture creatures that can cause harm to people to protect them. Keep the numbers low so they can survive, but not thrive as we have."

Continuing to walk forwards, I looked around me just as an instinct in hunting to keep a visual of your surroundings. Even then, i was over thinking on what may happen and how we would trap one of these creatures.

[member="Zarro Verres"],


CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro nodded and looked up to see Faeris as the man continued to search. "A noble goal I suppose. As long as your defense doesn't resort to poaching, though that's quite unlikely." Of course such a thing would be on his mind. If there was one thing Amarans hated, it was poaching. As one of the leading traders, Zarro was off course, no exception. "Faeris, any signs?" he called up to the scout. "Nothing more than a few bones."

[member="Athena Nikeos"]
A noble goal? Sure I guess it was. But really this would be more of a side show as this could also allow me to get the needed items to ready myself to fight in the Galaxy. I paid no real attention as Zarro asked for any signs of the creatures. I shook my head and remembered my old skills of hunting. If you wanted to find something, sometimes it was better to wait. Continuing to walk, I decided to voice my idea.

"Zarro, if you don't mind me calling you as such, would it be better if we let the night hunters come to us where we could control the area in which for us to capture as many as possible?" looking to him I continued before he could start, "I don't want to seem rude, but from what I remember in simple hunting, Animals that have to face a fearful foe will not come, but if you lure them in with bait, then you can pick them off one by one when they come into your side of the Jungle."

[member="Zarro Verres"] ,


CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro shrugged continued to walk. "A good plan, but I prefer the efficiency of locating the target with a scout who's face is hidden to keep such fear from growing. Faeris will find them then fall back so that we can set the trap, which I assumed would catch them en masse. Though, I will admit that some bait would be a good idea. Have you anything in mind."

[member="Athena Nikeos"]
Listening to the man as he would rather prefer to find them then fall back for a few only to set a trap for the prey to fall into. I nodded my head a few times as he went over this. Continuing to move on, Zarro asked me if I had anything in mind to get the Night hunters with. Nodding my head I answered with almost a elementary sort of attitude, "Their food source." Spilling it out, "Move down wind from them. Set up the bait and wait for them to come."

[member="Zarro Verres"],


CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro gave a nod and looked at Serra who tapped into her datapad before speaking. "Our best bet would be a cannok or a young Boma. I believe the former would be the easiest to locate." After quickly relaying the words to Faeris, Zarro was quickly granted the satisfaction of some good news. "Well, I saw some of the creatures back aout two hundred meters. You got a plan boss?" With a nod, Zarro motioned for the rest of his team to follow as Faeris started to backtrack. "I hope this works to your liking Miss Nikeos."

[member="Athena Nikeos"]
(Sorry I didn't see the tag)

Seeing as how they just found one, I shut my mouth when the man Zarro asked if it was to my liking. I shrugged my shoulders. "This is your Hunting party, I am just here simply to get some credits and experience. If you want to do it a different way, I won't argue. I just was handing out suggestions" Seeing as how we would need to caputre one of the food source of the Night hunters, I check the chamber to see if it had one loaded. Seeing that it was, I moved it to be held in both hands as I walked.

[member="Zarro Verres"],


CEO of Verres Trading
Zarro nodded and turned to his net gunner, Neera. "You take Maren and catch yourselves a few cannoks. [member="Athena Nikeos"], Faerin, and I will continue on and look for the Maalraas." After a short nod from the target of his speech, the duo departed and Zarro continued following after Faeris' lead. "I think we're starting to get close, but if we find the pack, we'll hold off until the bait is ready. I'm hoping to find them first then lure them to the Cannoks where hopefully we can get there first and meet our hunting friends."

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