Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting for Secrets


Professor of Alchemy
Korriban. The most popular Sith hangout of the last decade. Valik had been here before, in his od Sith Empire days, but otherwise hadn't visited the tomb-world in the last few years, and he was perfectly okay with that. Artifact were often trapped, and difficult to see coming. Artifacts at this point had been mostly taken from the planet, and all that remained on it's desolate sandy surface were traps, beasts, and the occasional treasure hunter. Valik was here for a few reasons. Number one, he had 'died' recently, or at least his body had. Finding a plot of land to serve as a possible burial site wasn't exacly necessary, but brought about a sort of nostalgic feeling. Number two, the planet had a variety of beasts, Sithspawn eager to be altered by his plans, whether they knew it or not. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, it was listed as a 'likely hangout' for a Sith Alchemist previously employed by Rave Merrill.

The Alchemist was Shi'ido, so identifying him would be difficult, though it was noted he seemed to prefer the form of Exar Kun. His penchant for both alchemy and magic was significant, and as Valik came into more and more knowledge about Rave's employees he found it prosperous to pay them visits. While none of them knew too terribly much about her operations due to windwiping Valik managed to overcome that and obtain what information he desired. It was times like this that often a corpse could tell Valik more than a man could. If this one was as talented as the late Rave implied however another execution might have not been the wisest course of action. He supposed only time would tell. Exploring around the Valley of the Dark Lords, the usual haunt for advenurous young Sith, he began to look for the shi'ido, or perhaps merely evidence he was here, clues to where he might have gone. Valik was confident he'd find the alchemist in time, the only question was how much time.

After the events of the 'field trip' on Korrigan, Ostanes had rather easily slipped the group by shifting into what looked like a mindless, ravening Sith-spawn and shambling off into the wastes until they eventually left the planet. Alone at last, he wandered the Valley, shape shifting at random. He finally settled on Exar Kun, probably his second most preferred form, and the form he had worn most often when working for Rave at AEI. Again his hands trailed the stones and sand, careful to not enter any tombs. The risk outweighed the reward for the current situation, at least at his greatly lessened abilities and capability.

As he shambled, he collected certain bits of sand in the various leather pouches, a few other trinkets tucked away in his robes. He would not use these unless it was a last resort of rather epic proportions. Well, one of them would be quite useless anyway in combat, and would really only be useful if he found a way off the planet. But it had been needed to take more time with the world than the Sith he were with seemed willing to take, something here called to him, beckoned him to stay and wander the treadless paths of the Valley. That something he recognized as the sibilant whisper of the Dark Side, a power calling out to him with the promise of even more knowledge.



Professor of Alchemy
The Valley of the Dark Lords. Filled with tombs, looted every few years for perhaps the last five millennia, yet still treasure hunters and Sith were drawn here to find the trinkets of Sith long dead to forward their careers. That was one of the things that Valik enjoyed about being an alchemist. When he wanted something he didn't have to chase after ancient holocrons or artifacts in order to gain the right ability or tool. He just went out and made it himself. But for a young and probably mindwiped alchemist? He supposed there was wisdom to be gained here, looking at the runes and obelisks and examining them for advice and procedures. Soon enough he saw [member="Ostanes"] in the distance, too far to make him out as Exar Kun, but close enough for his artificial Force Sight to spot the latent talent he possessed.

That might be my mark. Valik thought to himself as he made his way towards the man, coming at a slow though uncompromising pace. If he hadn't spotted Valik he would soon enough. He didn't bring out a lightsaber, nor any other of his inventions, merely continuing to walk towards the man. At this distance there was no point in displaying intention or power. Perhaps the alchemist would stand his ground, perhaps he'd seek Valik out, or perhaps he'd turn tail and run. Whatever were to happen next, it was the Shi'ido's move for now.
Ostanes sensed, rather than saw someone coming for him and stiffened, stopping in his tracks. The presence he felt was close enough and strong enough he knew that running was not much of an option at all. In fact, running was probably very unwise, and likely not the wisest action he could take. However, he was not about to go out without a fight. There were treasures from here yet to examine and fully understand. Gripping tightly the knife hidden up his sleeve, he sighed. There was just the faint hope that what he found wasn't the reason for this encounter about to happen. Because most Sith, himself included, tended to be zealous in the pursuit of knowledge and power.

Waiting was hard, but he was ready. If he were lucky, he could take out whoever it was if they intended him harm. It was highly unlikely anyone he met here was apt to just be seeking him out to invite him to tea.



Professor of Alchemy
Valik continued his walk, not drawing a weapon or summoning the Force. He could see that the man knew he was coming, and kept a steady position. He didn't draw a weapon either, but kept his movements small and his eyes wary. If he were smart he'd have something hidden ready to use, whether it be a weapon or attack in the Force. Though Valik had intended to attempt less hostile methods of dealing with the shi'ido he also preferred to always keep the upper hand, and the element of surprise. Thus he went to action, even before speaking with him. There would no great movement of hands, nor any sign of extraordinary concentration, but if [member="Ostanes"] attempted to move he would find that his boots were suddenly bound to the ground. Art of the Small could be used to make toxins, cures, alter DNA, or bind a man's shoes to the ground by the molecular adhesive gription onto his soles. Valik himself, provided Ostanes did not try to attack him first, would stop his movement a little over two meters away from the man. Notably outside of typical lightsaber range, though a shi'ido would probably have ways to extend their range.

"Ostanes I presume?" Valik asked, hands still at his sides, weapons not yet drawn. If this man had to die so be it, but if he could be useful? Valik had many plans that could use expediting.
Ostanes felt the tug at his boots, but instead of blinding into a frantic panic and flailing and jerking about at his legs, he merely looked down, looked up at the man approaching, and raised an eyebrow and stood still. Quietly he shifted the pack of teretatek hide at his back from one shoulder to the next and eyed the approaching man. There was a slight tug at his feet, a lingering presence. The man had done something to his boots, and for a moment, something in his mind flickered that almost told him what it was, and how. But it was gone, and he looked clearly confused as the man spoke his name. But none the less, if he were to have the time to grab the terentatek claw (the only weapon he was willing to use) he would need to play along for the current bit.

"Yes, I am often called that.... Who addresses me?"

The words, though arrogant in syntax, were said cooly, calmly, in a rich deep voice that, though likely no records existed, matched the form he wore almost perfectly. Sometimes shii'do shape shifting, after years of practice at the same form, could become uncanny.



Professor of Alchemy
Valik was more a craftsman than a fighter in truth, and thus did not see the gentle shifting of 'Exar Kun's terentatek hide from one shoulder to another, but he still maintained his distance, ever cautious. If the shi'ido wasn't worth his time he'd kill him, and if he was he'd have a trick or two up his sleeve for situations like this. There was confusion on his face at the mention of his name, but only for a moment as his tone shifted to one of arrogance, and an impressive calm. He either still believed he had the upper hand, or was smart enough not to let someone be confident they had the upper hand. A trait of pride or intelligence, perhaps both. Time would tell which, as always.

"My name will not be given, but earned." Valik replied, his voice ever cold and methodical. "What have you done since Rave Merrill left the galaxy Ostanes?" He continued, not giving his identity any further attention. "Taken up any hobbies more interesting than tomb raiding?"

The terentatek claw gripped firmly in one mildly sweaty palm, Ostanes blinked quickly as he observed the other in front of him. It was less a glance of analytics, and more one of mild anxiety. There was no chance he could rush the man and stab him with the claw, as his boots were quite firmly stuck to the ground and wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon. His usual tactic of imbuing his body with the Force and running in at a blurring speed before his opponent could react wouldn't work here..His only real chance would be to wait for an opening and see if he could throw the weapon in the same token, enhancing his arm with the Force to send it hurtling even faster.

For this, honesty would buy him the most time... If he knew, this man that is, that he once worked for Rave, he knew in all likelyhood what had happened, and could conclude what he would do in response.

"Trying to regain what was lost... The woman took most of what I knew of Alchemy and Sorcery with her when she left... There are holes in my head where there used to be real knowledge, real power. I study to fill in those gaps. There are still some few secrets in this valley useful to those who can read it."



Professor of Alchemy

The Shi'ido continued observing Valik, likely eyeing his opponent, the distance between them, what weapons he had on his person and what might be in the environment for him to use. The half-ruined obelisks around them might have served as a slamming motion for an especially strong telekinetic, while the rocks and sands might have been used as lighter attacks, or distractions. There might have even been some bones lying around that could have served as more powerful bludgeons or shivs than the rocks.

"Rave was a thorough woman." Valik replied, offering little comfort to the possible student. "Study is always good, though I'd still think there are better places to go than here. The 'secrets' left in this place aren't often the baubles and blades many come here to claim. If one cannot trust that each trapped tomb holds an amulet of power at the end, what is the best place to find knowledge?" Valik asked, testing the shi'ido's wit. Sometime in the alchemist's speech the howl of a tuk'ata could be heard, not too far off from where they were either. Could have been one coming, but chances were it was a pack, though whether they were coming to greet Valik and Ostanes would be unclear for now.

The shi'ido almost imperceptibly stiffened as he heard the howl, and as Valik mentioned trinkets and baubles in his speech his shoulders would shift uncomfortably, aware of what was in his pack. There would be no spoken word of it, and Ostanes would admirably say little as he shifted in his stuck on boots and sighed, twisting his feet a bit in testing before he finally let them remain stuck to the ground via whatever arcane trick Valik had imposed upon him to render him immobile.

"The best place to find knowledge depends on the knowledge. Knowledge can be found in most oft looked through places, in such ways and forms as others would never expect it. Even Rave, for all her subtly, can miss such things, a fact that many know. If one like her can, there is odds others have missed things here... And it seemed a likely place to start my journey back to true power and knowledge."


Professor of Alchemy

Valik could see the impatience in the shi'ido beginning to rise. His figure became more uncomfortable and the motion of his feet became more pronounced as the creature sought to escape his clutch. As he spoke more howls would begin to echo in the valley, replies to the original call. The intensity of the howls grew as the beasts came closer and closer, though not yet coming into vision quite yet.

"Many start their 'journeys' here. Many more end them in this valley, falling prey to the beasts and traps built here long ago. I'm sure you can hear the coming howls as they grow near. Despite the notions of many a hologame raised sentient the Tuk'ata are no small beasts to play with, especially in the face of a larger pack. Do you plan on escaping that spot before they get here or warding them off stuck in place?" It might have been a taunt, but at the same time it was a legitimate question. Rave's notes implied this man had potential, but Valik wasn't a man to operate solely on another's word. He needed to see the man's cunning for himself.
Smiling, Ostanes slid the claw back into the pack with a stealthy hand and slid it down off the tendon-rope he had made to sling it over his shoulders, and let it drop to the dust of Korriban. Reaching down, he undid his boots and stepped from them, as well as undoing his belt as his toes scratched and sprawled in the sand. Indeed, he stripped himself of most the outer layer of his clothes and stood for a moment, listening to the howls grow in intensity and suddenly crescendo as the beasts began to almost be within visual range as Ostanes prepared his answer to the Lord's question in a response of action.

The response was simple, almost textbook, and it became readily apparent why he had not left his outer robes on his presence. His form shifted, rapidly, expanding and twisting it's shape to resemble nothing so much as a large, even for the tuk'ata race, sith hound with an uncanny gleam to it's eyes. With nary a word, the large beast that was once Ostanes lifted it's head and howled, a long, drawn out note that wavered and clung to the air like the ripping sound of silken sheets in the wind. As the howl lifted it's notes, the first of the pack came into view, and immediately stopped, the creature and it's followers eyeing Ostanes and then Valik, as Ostanes circled Valik almost protectively, his bulk easily almost doubling the other beasts.

Something he did, or said, impacted the beasts, for they stayed in places, tails drooping as they growled almost plaintively at the acolyte in his shifted form, and a few in the back of the pack shifted and retreated, until only the leader and one other remained, pacing back and forth at an offshoot of the canyon, unsure of their course and unwilling to give up what should have been easy prey and a king sized lunch for the pack on this starved and barren tomb of a world. Ostanes watched the two remaining hounds with trepidation, not moving an inch as his mind tried to acquaint itself with the new form in case he had to fight in it.


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