Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hunting and the Hunted

Vulpesen gave the wookiee leader a small bow before turning around and heading down to the shadow lands. Of all the people that he had helped, the wookiees were under his care long enough to be considered good friends. In fact one of his first missions.... He shook the memory out of his head. It was a somewhat good time, but the events that followed it were to say the least, unpleasant.

His last hunt had ended in the death of a tarentatek, but now, the arboreal people had sent him after a craftier prey, a trandoshan that had been causing them trouble, and general unease. He was well aware of the inter-species feud, but this was so far his first time intervening in the conflict. Keeping his senses aware, force and otherwise, he kept an eye out for his nameless prey.

[member="Sareen Zar"]
Sareen laid prone in one of the bushes, his Reclaimer sniper rifle close to his one good eye. Right in his crosshairs was a lone Wookie hunter, probably hunting Sareen himself. He squeezed the trigger, taking the Wookies life, adding it to his Jagganath points to the immortal Scorekeeper. Now he needed to bring back the corpse to his ship for skinning, and leave the rest to either cook and eat or throw out for the local fauna to feast on. Sareen truly was reliving the traditions of his ancestors. Sareen stood up, revealing his camouflage clothing, a brown tunic with smears of green makeshift paint made out of churned grass and leaves.

Sareen slung the rifle over his shoulder, and walked over to the dead Wookie. With no respect for the furry beast Sareen carried the body over his other shoulder. As he stomped through the forest, Sareen pondered on how long he was to continue this hunting trip, he already had 6 Wookie skins, counting his most recent kill, but he at least wanted a solid ten, he hadn't hunted Wookies in over two years, Sareen needed to bring his kill count number back to speed, and spending a month here had really brought him back up.

As he opened the cargo bay door to his ship, and began skinning the dead Wookie hunter, Sareen decided it was final, four more skins and then off this vegetation covered rock.

Vulpesen growled softly as he felt a life wink out form the force. Larger than a talz, and more intelligent than your average beast. "Too late..." Despite the sobering realization, he still dashed after its location, Reaching it in time to find [member="Sareen Zar"]'s tracks. Turning around, he followed the footsteps and other signs, making his way towards the trandoshan's ship.

[member="Sareen Zar"]
As Sareen skinned the Wookie, he smelt something, something, not good. Sareen quickly stored the Wookie pelt back in the cargo bay of his ship. Sareen was being hunted, from where or with what, he did not know, but his infrared vision would soon reveal them. Sareen grabbed his reclaimer rifle, and his D-17 blaster pistol. Sareen not only adorned his camouflage, but he carried his gauntlet around his arm, but rather than having a shining metal surface, it was painted with the green paint he had acquired.

As Sareen left the cargo bay, he pressed one of the numerous buttons on the metal controller, cloaking the ship. Sareen began to survey the area, so far he caught no heats signatures abnormal to the forest. But he would find this hunter, and he would add them to his immortal Jaggnath-score for the scorekeeper to enjoy.


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