Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Huntception [All BHs Welcome]

[member="Julian Valentine"] [member="Maximo-925"]

Ellie was quick on her feet. That was how she had survived so long as a frontier explorer. The CA-87 shockblaster was caught with deft hands and she spun the weapon twice around her finger, feeling it's weight and quality. She personally preferred close work with shotguns. A quicker put down, less aiming and less variables.

The more variables the more problems.

"Blaster seem's Solid." She muttered as the ensuing chaos raged in the streets. The small spacer girl was quick behind Julian, blaster held out to her side a bit and arm cocked back.

Once h gave the order to incapacitate the Zeltron dude she was on it.

The blaster snapped up, and her elbow locked. Natural as the breeze she shifted her left foot back and turned forty five degrees presenting the weapon first, then her arm, and then her side. Brown eyes peered down the scope, lining up the shot and she let loose, squeezing the trigger a dozen times.

Blasts of bluish electrical stun bolts exploded from the barrel, racing towards the Zeltron, now hanging onto the outside of his ship in a triangular fire pattern.
In a flash of movement the man had used his grappling hook, latched onto his ship and hurled himself inside. "Kark the heavens!" Valentine swore, he slammed his blaster back down into its holster, his hand swiped across his bandoleer and a thermal detonator was in his hand. He deactivated the deadmans switch, set the primer, brought his arm back and sung aloud, "Hey, batter, batter!" he hurled the thermal with all his strength behind him. The grenade would arc through the air, adhering to the metal hull of the ship until it detonated.

A trigger within the grenade emitted a short burst of energy that forced the baradium into a state of fusion reaction. Light expanded, blindingly bright as an expanding particle field exploded outwards, atomizing anything within its six meter radius, before collapsing in on itself. "Coward starts a fight and refuses to finish it," Valentine said, spitting on the sandstone ground. The authorities would be here any moment. As the dust settled, Valentine peered through the cloud of grime to see the outcome of his grenade, whether it had done its job or not.

| [member="Eliza Raxis"] | [member="Maximo-925"] |


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo's ship exploded. In a burst of flames, it covered the sky. He flew out of the ship, landing on the cold ground, burnt, hurt. He landed with a klunk. Maximo was moments away from death. He lay in the sand, dying. It was over, this failed life he'd been living, a future musician turned criminal scum.

His grappling hook had impaled him in the leg, but Maximo didn't focus on any pain. His droid had survived. He felt it. One of those weird feelings where you can feel things. He heard a beep, it was his droid, burnt, scratched, but he was dragging a humanoid protocol droid.

"Take the humanoid droid away, to safety. No matter what, make sure he joins the First Order..."

The droid listened to his dying master, and rolled off in the distance with the protocol droid. Maximo felt his body collapsing, eyes closing, he was almost dead.
The ship exploded, sending a fireball of debris towards the ground. Within the cloud of smoke and the raging fires came a body, tumbling and falling, it hit the ground with a slap. It was the Zeltron. Damn. He didn't care about him, Valentine just knew that if he survived that he was bound to be in a world of pain. His droids came to the mangled body and the Zeltron spoke some parting words. Valentine was walking towards him now, reaching into to his belt for a pair of SC-401 stun cuffs. As the droids walked away, Valentine tried to handcuff Maximo. He said to him as he did so, "You sure annoyed a lot of powerful people, kid. This ain't personal."

| [member="Maximo-925"] |


Some Random Trandoshan
The Zeltron lay there, his body hot. He stopped breathing, and before his body shut down, he let out some painful last words:

"In my next life, I will destroy you for what you've done, traitor. Thanks to you, the Black Sun will be destroyed..."

And with that, he died. The infamous criminal, was dead, once and for all...
Valentine almost laughed. You became sanitized to death when you got into the Bounty Hunting business. The Black Suns would be destroyed because of him? That would make it twice. Unknowing to Maximo, Valentine was a Red Raven many years ago, he had conspired with the crime lords of the Dragon Palace Casino and they had brought the Black Sun Syndicate to their knees. A syndicate that had lasted thousands of years, brought to dust. But this time it wouldn't be so, he would take no part in their destruction, lest someone paid better. He was just a gun-for-hire. He didn't have loyalty beyond the next paycheck.

He sighed heavily, he attached the stun cuffs back to his belt and quickly took an video of the corpse with his datapad. He still needed proof, and he would take the body with him for verification if necessary. He searched his datapad as he knelt over the body, looking for the woman who had laid the million credit bounty. He sent her a message, [/>Maximo is dead. You owe me a million credits], [\>FILE ATTACHMENT.VIDEO.MAXIMO.BODY]. Then he remembered the girl, and he felt a pang in his heart. Seeing someone die wasn't as easy for everyone, but she seemed like a tough chick, perhaps she would handle it better than he thought.

| [member="Alyesa Organa"] | [member="Maximo-925"] | [member="Eliza Raxis"] |
It probably wasn't safe for a twelve-year-old boy to be traversing Mos Eisley. But that's exactly what Joshua was doing. So many diverse aliens here, and diverse starships. He was walking down a road when he passed a cantina. There was an attractive female ( [member="Eliza Raxis"] ) and a rough looking guy. ( [member="Julian Valentine"] )

People were giving him weird looks. They were probably wondering where his parents were. He had ran away from home to join the Jedi Order, which he had done. It was a dark galaxy out there, but his gut told him something about the cantina was safe in some way.
[member="Julian Valentine"]

That was quick. As soon as the fight began it was over. Ellie holstered the pistol in her waistband, and moved over to Julian, inspecting the dead corpse. Nothing came as much of a surprise to her any-more. Brutality was the name of the game among the criminal class these days. She'd seen bodies at Zorchla's palace, on abandoned space stations, just about anywhere that made sense for one to be. She still never got over the smell though, the shit smell of the flesh decomposing and the bowels voiding upon death.

"That was pretty savage." She admitted, brushing some hair back from her face.

"You mentioned pilots and modding ships? I have experience in both departments, what exactly are you looking for?"

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