Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Huntception [All BHs Welcome]

His target was on Tatooine. Payment was 2,150 credits up front, and there will be 3,000 more once it's done. Hades scanned the environment, eventually spotting the Mos Eisley Spaceport in the distance.

"Should have guessed it was Mos Eisley... so many criminals here..."


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo had just arrived in his ship, The Razorhead. It had been a while since he had been on Tatooine, at least a year or two. This was because he'd been helping recreate the criminal organization, The Black Sun. The syndicate was fully operational now, and Maximo had decided to head over to Mos Eisley to relax. Hell, maybe he could find a bounty or two there.


Maximo landed his ship on port I-271. He slowly exited his ship, because you never know, there could be a Hutt awaiting your arrival with an army of a thousand Rodians. However, nobody was there, except the Mos Eisley guard that had allowed him to land. "Thanks for letting me land, haven't been on Tatooine in ages!" Maximo said.

The guard didn't reply, just nodded his head. Maximo approached the cantina with caution, but once again, no gang of Rodians awaiting him. He walked through the front doors of the cantina. There were some great performers. And recognizable scum. Maximo sat down at a table, watching the band.

"I'll have a sip of what she has." He pointed to a woman in the distance.

"Right away sir, said the bartender.

Maximo checked his Holonet. "2,150 credits? Plus 3.000 more? I knew there was a bounty here..." He whispered to himself.
Now Hades found himself inside the Mos Eisley Cantina. Riddled with slime not even fit to be underneath his feet. He simply walked up to the bartender, asking a simple question.

"We don't serve your kind. Beat it."

Hades shot him a death glare before he reached into his cloak.

"Will you serve me now?"

"Y-yes! Just don't kill me!"

[member="GH-94 " Hades""] [member=Maximo-925]

Eliza or Ellie for short never drew much attention. Having barely just struck out on her own she was down on her luck, and playing a few hands of Sabbac at the bar to win some cash. As luck would have it, she was a natural at counting the cards, and had come to win quite a bit. The patrons were getting quite furious with the young woman, but she grinning all the same.

"Sorry boys, nothing but blind luck."

"Let me see ya sleeves girl!"

She nodded, rolling them up and exposing her pasty white forearms.

"See nothing!"

"Damn you woman!"

Her face flushed, anger rising at the insult.

"Well damn you too! I'll take these," She said, sweeping the creds from the table.

"And you boys can play by yourselves!"

She rose, pocketing the stack and went to the bar, dropping two chips down.

"Ey little one, you even old enough to drink?"

Another chip slid onto the bar. She was hoping he would buy it and leave her be.

"Alright, I can work with that. What'll you be having?"

"Alderaan Whiskey, double shot please."


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo crept around for the specified bounty. Where was this scum? The bounty was nowhere in sight. Maximo wondered, Did this guy escape?

He walked up to the bartender, "Do you know this man?" Maximo showed him the bounty.

"Uh, no sorry, I don't know anybody by that name, But you could do me a favor by taking out the droid over there."

He pointed to some assassin droid.

"I might have a friend arrive, I'll see what I can do. As long as you pay me, either money or a couple free drinks."

"Yes, sir."

Maximo glanced at the droid, it looked dangerous, but Maximo decided he'd talk to it, and tell it the bartender wanted him out of there.
[member="Maximo-925"] @GH-94 "Hades"

The poster caught the girls attention. From behind her mug Ellie looked at the bartender, reading his face. He was distressed, and definitely something about the droid had ticked him off. Not one to be nosy she minded her own business and kept nursing the glass. But the question burned like fire on the young girls lips, and finally she had to ask.

"Excuse me."

"Yes girl?"

"Who's that man? I've seen him before, and what's the matter with the droid?"

"You're awfully inquisitive for a rambling runt."

"Don't call me a runt nerfherder. You mentioned payment? What else do you have for jobs? I'm badly in need of one."


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo approached the droid.

"Hello there, sir. I just came to tell you that the bartender wants you out of here. Your choice."

He put his hand on his right holster in case he needed to draw his DH-17 blaster pistol. Maximo was waiting for the droid's next move.

@GH-94 "Hades" [member="Eliza Raxis"]
Julian Valentine busted through the front door. His gloves were covered in a thick slime of grease, and a film of blood coated his bandoleer - but it wasn't his. Blasters and grenades galore were attached to his belt and twin bandoleers that draped over each shoulder, with a helm hooked to a ring on his belt. He leaned on the door, looking a tad out of breath, as he tore his gloves off and shoved them into a pocket. The intense heat was seeping in through the open doorway and someone loudly complained, "Settle down, mate," he grumbled and moved out of the doorway as to allow the hydraulic door to close.

Each footstep was heavy, he looked worse for wear and tired. His joints were aching and his tried to clench his hands but his right one locked in place. He had to physically close it with the other. Then he shook his hands, in the fashion one would to dry them. "Barkeep," he shouted without glancing up at the going-ons of the cantina this eve, "Water please." He looked up just as a cup of water was handed to him, and he saw what everyone else was watching. He snapped at Hades and Maximo, "Oh for karks sake, take it outside you good-for-nothing spanner-heads."

It felt like these days that was the only reason people came to Chalmun's - cantina brawls. Valentine wasn't here for the local bounty, a thousand creds was pocket change to him these days, he went after six-digit bounties. The better you got in the business, the more expensive the cost to hire you. Julian Valentine was without a doubt very expensive. His past two bounties had accumulated him a wealth of two-point-five million creds. He drew away from the bar, and the two looking ready to rumble, and slunk back into a booth, kicking his feet up onto the table and downing his cup of water. That's all you needed on a hot day on Tatooine.

@GH-94 "Hades" | [member="Maximo-925"] | [member="Eliza Raxis"]
@GH-94 "Hades" @Maximo-925 [member="Julian Valentine"]

Eliza's head cocked to the side as Julian entered. Blood on his gear, grime all over him. From the way he spoke the young spacer could tell her commanded a certain amount of power. No one just strode into a bar and told folks off like that.

The bartender went to speak but she held a hand up.

"Shut up. I've heard enough dude."

A ten credit chip hit the counter top with a clang and she moved seats, sitting down right beside Julian and turning to face him, mug of ale in hand. Yes she was a beer drinker, odd for a young girl, but all the same. Her brown eyes roved over his gear, identifying each piece. She was sure she managed to hide her approving facial expressions.

"Hey there. You look new around here. Names Raxis, Eliza Raxis, Captain of the Crop Duster."

She held her hand out, dirty grubby glove open for the handshake.


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo gave a quick death glance to Hades, but he walked away. But before he left, he went up to the bartender. "Could I have some Alderaan whiskey, please?"

"Yes, of course. 10 credits please."

Maximo gave him 15 credits, "Keep the change, you might need it to cover the waste."

With that, Maximo walked over to Hades, and dumped the whiskey onto him. "Enjoy the drink!"
He bolted out of the cantina, and over to his ship. There was a Mos Eisley guard there, but Maximo blasted him with his DH-17.


He ran into his ship, and quickly started it. "That droid is bantha fodder..."
As the girl sat down, Julian was nearly tempted to place his hand over her beer. She looked too young to be drinking, that stary-eyed gaze about her, green as grass. It's not like Chalmun's would be checking ages anyway, which got him thinking, does Tatooine even have an age restriction for alcoholic drinks. He chose not to interfere. If she hadn't yet had her face curb-stomped in the back alley, then she was tough enough that he didn't want to have to break her nose if she got feisty because he refused to let her drink.

"Yeah, I'm new," he said back with thinly veiled sarcasm, "Julian Valentine, Bounty Hunter." His jet black hair was blemished with grey, his once clean shaven face was growing back. His blue eyes were dulled, but they were no less piercing. His skin was leathered from sun and age, wrinkles lined around his lips, the signs of a man who once smiled a lot. Two tattoos, thick black lines, curved from his hairline and streaked down his forehead at its center. "What can I do for you?" he then frowned, "I don't come cheap, if that is what you came to ask of me."

| [member="Eliza Raxis"] |
Hades almost blew a gasket when the little meatbag dumped the drink on him. With great speed, he bolted after him, his twin flamethrowers appearing in place of his arms.

"You're going to die meatbag, one way or another."



Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo threw 2 thermal detonators out of the ship. He quickly took off. Maximo noticed the droid running after him. He fired the ship's blasters at the droid.

"You're nothing, you scum!"

@GH-94 "Hades"
[member="Maximo-925"] @GH-94 "Hades" [member="Julian Valentine"]

Ellie chuckled, brushing a stray strand aside and tucking it back behind her ear. One hand dipped to her belt, hanging there by a thumb as she swivelled her seat to face Julian.

"Oh no Mr. Valentine, I'm not looking to hunt someone. However I do have some unique abilities that maybe you'd be interested in?"

Ellie was a navigator, able to jump without a hyperdrive, able to feel her way through the stars on gut instinct alone. some might have called it the force, she called it luck and skill. The force was just a hokey religion for her.

"I can find the fastest way to just about anywhere. I can also tell you what's going on at your intended location."

Ellie paused, not wanting to spill too much. Her brows furrowed now, smile dimming quite a bit.

"I'm looking for work. Do you have any leads on jobs?"


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo quickly ran to the doorway of the ship. He flung out his grappling hook, and launched onto the top of Mos Eisley. As he reached the top, he pulled out his DH-17, and started firing at the droid.

"You're toast, pal!"
| [member="Eliza Raxis"] |

Julian Valentine chuckled a little, and then continued to laugh with small bursts. Was this girl serious? He wondered. It was Chalmuns, and she may look young but she was probably a bit older than she looked. And hey, she might be cheap. "Alright," he said, "I've got a job. I usually need a pilot, and someone good with modding ships - if you can help in that field, too." He hiked a thumb to the door, where the spaceport would be, "But it ain't easy. Like I said, I'm a Boun-"

Something beeped. He flipped his wrist over. The wrist-mounted datapad projected a holographic thread of the Shadownet Bounty Board. On it was the name of a Republic Senator. Just four months ago he had handed in Lady Kay, but he wasn't interested in this other woman. "Bloody thing has been alerting me to this useless bounty all day." He was just about to continue his conversation when it beeped again, again, and again. The board was flooding with messages. Then a photograph of an individual reared its head.

One million credits for some pink-skinned Zeltron, male, looked just like the kid who was starting trouble just a few minutes ago. He heard the splash of a drink, and the kid was making a bolt for the door. Valentine sat where he was, befuddled by the situation that was unfolding. He heard blaster fire, wait, was that an explosion? Chaos was ensuing on the streets outside. It was only a matter of time before the authorities arrived. If they arrested the Zeltron before he did, he wouldn't have a shot at that million. Kark it.

"You want a job? You got one. Hurry up and help me," he said as he rose from the table. He reached behind his back, hanging from a sling by the curve at the bottom of his back was a CA-87 shock blaster, he tossed it at her, and then one of his two JV-1 heavy blasters. He had more armaments waiting, he was a walkin', talkin' armory. He made a move for the exit, his cloak draped from his shoulder as he placed his iconic hammerhead helm over his head and latched it around his neck.

His HUD exploded to life with tiny lights and indicators. He moved into the streets, craned his neck and turned to the sound of blaster fire. With Tatooine being in Union space, and so close to the capital of Techno Union, they would be swift to react to this chaos. Valentine had to act fast. With the in-built targeting system of his helm, he placed a node on Maximo. The mans back was to him, he was firing at someone else. Valentine lined up the shot and fired, once, twice, thrice, he yelled over the sound of shooting to his new companion, "Disable that Zeltron!"

| [member=Maximo-925] |

  • Julian discovered Maximo is wanted for a bounty
  • He hires Eliza and gives her two of his guns, a shotgun blaster and a heavy blaster pistol
  • He exits the building and looks for Maximo
  • Using his helmets targeting systems, he places a node on Maximo to keep track of him
  • With Maximo's attention on Hades, in the other direction, Julian fires three shots at Maximo's back
  • (JV-1 heavy blaster is factory subbed. It has an explosive impact)
  • Julian orders Eliza to disable Maximo


Some Random Trandoshan
Maximo used his comlink to alert his droid to pilot his ship over to him, and he did so.

Quickly, Maximo used his grappling hook to jump into the side of his ship.

He laughed at his persuers.

"Never trust a guy like me!" he yelled.

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