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Hunt for the Captain; Part I (Open to Mandos, PM to join)

Keldabe City,
The Oyu'baat
2005hrs standard Galactic time
Objective: Ascertain information on Captain Larraq

Lonestar was a ambitious man, not content with his current hold on life as just a low level bounty hunter. Agamar was his place of birth, the backwater planet was home, or so he was told yet it never truly felt home to the wanderlust adventurer. The endless abyss of space called out to him, egging him on to the nomadic life. His first stop was enlisting with the Red Legion for the Mandalorians were the overlords of that system back in the day. He was a young man then, fighting for the greatest warriors of the galaxy in their legion made up of foreigners and conscripts. Now here he was in Keldabe, much older with a different agenda.

Jed could hear rush of the kelita river in the distance from where he was perched, window seating in the Oyuu'baat. His glacier blue eye and the yellow bionic one, would scan past the bustling of the street and up to the beautiful night sky above, littered with stars that. The northern winds would sweep the stronghold's air through the open window, giving the starlust spacer an yearning for freedom.

He sat in his chair, slightly tilting it backwards while both his combat boots would rest upon the wooden table beside a empty ale mug. Lonestar's dark iron skin would cover his torso and legs, hugging tight to his chiseled form. His grey mane was tamed and well groomed though his scarred face and bionic eye gave him a menacing look. Though armed and armored he was no true spectacle in this cantina for most of the patrons here were beskar clad and all with their own plethora of arms.

Jed puffed on his shento cigar, his fingers holding the delicacy firm while the plumes of smoke would fog his roguish facial features before being taken by the mandalorian winds.

"Cyar'ika! Like another?" Said the young female human waitress that worked the cantina. She was a cute number and Jed hadn't resisted her voluptuous curves and vixen appetite the night before. She had been main course and dessert on his first arrival to keldabe. Jed was not enslaved to the bondage of marriage and the disgusting thought of monogamous entrapment.

"thank y'all sweetheart, ay would love anothuurr pint av ale!" His voice was enriched with a unique ruggedly seductive tone, deep and gravely as if each word spoken could bed intended target with ease of his charm.

Lonestar wasn't here for the waitress, he was loitering about in this pub, soaking in all the talk and rumors coming from the pub's patrons. Information was just as valuable as credits and in some cases worth much more. Especially when he was here hunting for one their own, a man known as Captain Larraq.

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